Chereads / Ares Game: The God's General / Chapter 73 - Chapter 66: Penniless

Chapter 73 - Chapter 66: Penniless

Old man Xander had just made an offer of a huge sum even for an auction between nobles. And the worst part was that he was serious. With this gesture only the wealthiest could risk pursuing but how many would try. Mell immediately turned to her father.

-Do we really have that much?

-Actually, our finances have been in the red for a while now. Zell said. I didn't tell you, but officially the Cailums are on the verge of bankruptcy.

-Wha... How is that possible I never knew. Mell said shocked. I who believed that....

-That's what happens when you invest in everything without thinking, said Alysser.

-My investments in medicine...

-Enough, I'm not going to waste time debating your obscure investments here. His father replied. That said, as a good businessman myself, I managed to amass a substantial sum. Combined with the one you have on you right now, I'd say we're up to 3.2 million?

Zell stared at him but suddenly smiled.

-Ha, he thought of everything, the old man.

-It's huge.

-Melanie. Said her father. An auction is also a question of strategy.

-He's right. Zell supported. This is a battlefield where everyone advances their pawns with caution. Old Rolph opened the ball with a loud artillery salvo. He declared war on us.

-Eeeuh Zell said Mell worriedly. I think you're taking this story too seriously.

Alysser raised his hand.

-1 million and 200 thousand.

-Oh. Finally a move from the Cailum family. Said the MC. We now know the reason for their presence here.

-1million et 500 propose Harling.

-1million 600 Added Alysser.

The auction continued like this until 2 million. Alysser did not intend to give up. And gauged the situation while trying to watch for Xander's reaction. He then looked in the direction of the young Seabrook, he seemed hesitant to outbid. His butler whispered in his ear then he raised his hand to withdraw.

-It seems like the Cailum...

-2 million 150 thousand. Said a woman in the assembly.

Everyone looked in her direction. She was easy to spot because she had a black fur coat over her white evening dress. Her hair was an ash blonde and Zell looked oddly familiar.

-2 million 150 for Miss Garcia here.

Zell's eyes widened.

-Oh no.

Annabelle Garcia, is Ophelia Müller's real name. After becoming a member of the clan she became close to Zell and was appointed as his right hand woman much to Swan's protest. Rumor had it that she and Zell were having an affair which would explain their closeness. Also as his second in command she get access to a significant number of resources. If Ophelia was bidding with the clan's money then there was a good chance that the Cailums had not brought enough money for these auctions.

-2 million 200 said Alysser

-2 million 250 added Annabelle.

-2 million 300

-2 million 450

2 million 400 Alysser keep going.

He noticed that he had made a mistake and then corrected himself.

-500. I meant 500.

Ophelia turned in their direction with an amused smile.

-3 million.

Mister Xander's voice came from the back of the room.

His offer sent a chill through the room. No one said anything anymore; this old man had a knack for making people cold with his brutal interventions.

-Another devastating salvo from the old man. Zell said.

-3 million 100 proposed by Mademoiselle Garcia.

-3 million 200. Alysser added.

He was at his limit, he knew it well. Ophelia was still hesitant to overbid. As she thought about it, her gaze met Zell's, which surprised her a little, then she smiled at him. From his position, he nodded to her not to continue. She looked at him with a defiant air, then sighed. She signaled that she was leaving the race. The judge was about to grant the deal to the Cailums, but...

-3 million 500

Rolph Xander's powerful voice sent shivers through the room once again.

-3 million 800. Add Alysser.

-Father?! Mell said in surprise.

-4 million. Xander added.

-4 million 2. Alysser yelled as he stood up.

Alysser himself couldn't believe it, he was breathing heavily and seemed at the end of his strength, he then stared at old Rolph to show his determination. Even Zell was surprised to see him like this.

-Father.... This jewelry must really be important to him.

-No, said Mell. It's mom who's important.

-Damn. That's not like me. Alysser thought. Here I am betting money I don't have. I think if I pull the rope hard enough I could get to 4 million. But this is serious. How rich is this old man?

Old Rolph stared at him. Still with his stoic expression. The determination this man showed to acquire this object was unwavering. Unfortunately for him, the old man still had some left in him. He was about to hit the ground with his cane, a sign that he was going to bid higher. Cailum's gaze twisted in despair.

-5 million. Said an icy voice.

WHAT? Both Alysser and Rolph yelled.

The voice came from above, the main balcony. It wasn't old Rolph or the others in the building. The voice came directly from the king himself. Everyone gaped at this gesture.

-Your... Your Majesty... You.... Are you sure? I mean. Of course you are sure.

The organizer, taken aback, started looking for someone who might want to outbid, but everyone had suddenly become shy. No one said anything anymore. Young Mell had resigned herself somewhat and even breathed a sigh of relief.

-Well. In the end we will have tried everything. It's a shame, I would have really liked to study this stone before offering it to mom.

-Study it? Zell asked.

-Yes, it looks like one we had in the university lab a few months ago. Only we lost it since then and the research is stagnating.

-Oh I see. This stone seems to intrigue you a lot.

-Oh not so much, just scientific curiosity.

-So you want it? Zell asked.

-Huh... Ahem... Uh... It's not like you can offer it to me anyway haha.

Zell looked straight into his sister's eyes with intensity.

-Mell. Do you want this stone?

The girl almost jumped when she saw her big brother's insistent gaze.

-Well 5 million is a hard sum to beat but I'm not going to complain about it said the MC. Especially when it's our good king who's participating. The Sapphire of Aphrodite therefore goes to...

-5 million. Said Zell, standing up.

All eyes immediately turned in his direction.

-He's crazy. Ophelia said.

-Even coming from you commander, it is a very bold move, let alone impetuous. Betting against the king is like defying the king. Harling said. He might see it as an offense.

-Zell... What are you doing? His father asked him. The king has already made his offer, you can't openly defy him like that. And where are you going to take 5 million from our funds, we're going to end up ruined for a simple stone.

-Oooh, I thought you were making it for mom. Zell said, glaring at him. I see, now it makes me want it even more.

-Lord Cailum. Said the presenter. The king has already offered 5 million.

-Oh but I'll offer more. He said. 5 million he took a coin out of his pocket. And a Penny.

Everyone looked at him in shock. Alysser didn't understand what her son was trying to do, Mell was afraid that it would be beyond them, on the balcony the princess was holding herself back from bursting out laughing while Driscoll was having a hard time not exploding in anger. He saw this gesture as an insult to his majesty himself.

-Lord Cailum you... Are you serious?

-Why wouldn't I be? He said. Don't tell me you refuse the coins.

-N... No, that's not it, it's just that... Oh shit...

-5 million and a penny once..... Twice....

The master looked into the crowd hoping someone would do something but no one said anything.

-And then shit. The Sapphire of Aphrodite is attributed to Count Cailum and his family.

Everyone let out a huge Woaaaaah of surprise. It was so amazing that the whole room started applauding.

-I can't believe he actually did it. Ophelia said.

-He hid his game well. Said old Rolph, smiling.

-The other executives won't believe their ears when I tell them. Harling thought. Your are truly incredible Commander.

Zell threw the penny towards the MC who caught it in mid-air.

-Here is my advance. Then he turned towards the royal balcony. If your majesty still wishes to acquire the Sapphire I am willing to sell it to him. I set the price at the same as I bought it. Let's go for 5 million and a penny.

-What. But how dare he? Driscoll said, getting up from his chair.

-Ooooh. Said the princess. He's becoming impertinent.

-See it as a token of good faith.

-You impertinent fellow, I should cut off your head right now for your insolence. The knight shouted indignantly.

He was about to draw his sword when the king stopped him with a sign of his hand. The king of the world got up from his chair and walked to the edge of the balcony, plunged his hand into his pocket and took out 2 coins.

-5 million and 2 pennies.

-Zeeeeell. Mell said. You're not supposed to sell it. She whispered.

-Alas your majesty the house does not take the coins.

-Oooh I'm gonna kill him. Driscoll said.

The king stopped the young blond once more. He stared at Zell and gave a sly smile.

-What a shame. The king said simply.

After which he returned to his chair in the greatest silence. No one said another word and the auction continued in the greatest calm. Several sales were made and of course Rolph Xander made several acquisitions, but Zell also bought a pair of pirate pistols and the Cutlass of a famous privateer. Likewise Harlin and Miss Garcias made their own happiness in this salon of wonders.

After the sale a reception was held in the hotel's ballroom while the customers waited to receive their prizes. The royal family left the premises in silence as they had arrived. That said Zell went backstage to look for the master of ceremonies, the man seemed suspicious to him so he wanted to clear up this story, alas he was nowhere to be seen.

-I'm sorry, I didn't know. Said a voice from the back.

Zell walked through a curtain wall and landed backstage where he found Hypnos lifting the Master of Ceremonies by the throat with one hand.

-He lost his powers but he's still a monster. Zell thought.

-Oh Zell. He said. One second, I'm yours. What do you mean you don't have it anymore?

-Ohey what's going on? Zell asked excitedly.

-Zell I present to you Efron Ceryx. One of the many bastards of Hermes but he is as weak as an ordinary human. That said he has many talents such as the illicit acquisition of valuable objects.

-Should I deduce that he is your thief?

-Indeed, the mask he wears prevents you from probing him.

-I see. But then what's happening?

-It turns out that this smart guy sold the Lullaby to a private individual, which is against all rules of decency.

He increased the pressure around his neck, making him suffocate. Zell stepped in and ordered him to let go. Hypnos objected at first but agreed.

-Thank my friend, you little bastard. Otherwise you would be in Helheim* with the rest of your family.

Ndt: the hell of Norse mythology.

-I thought you had secured the Lullaby that's why we didn't see it on the item list.

-What? It was up to you to buy the Lullaby. I only took care of the fragments of the helmet of terror. Besides, I was scared when you played who can pee the furthest with young Frostbane.

-He calls the king young? Zell thought. Sometimes I forget that he is a thousand-year-old god.

So who did you sell the flute to? He asked Efron.

-A woman. He confessed immediately. She is famous among thieves. I am surprised she did not try to steal it, in fact she could have done it easily. But she seemed to have instructions to buy it. It is strange, who hires a thief to buy an object?

-How much did you sell it for? Hypnos asked.

-We don't care about that, just say who this woman was.

Zell grabbed him by the collar and glared at him.

-she had brown hair, and runs with a pair of glasses. Oh and I sold it for 3.5 million.

-I'll come visit you later to collect this money. Hypnos said with a menacing smile. Any clues to the lady's identity?

-No. He replied sweating. But I managed to steal the client's identity. I found it on a piece of paper she kept on her.

Zell released the young man and patted him on the shoulder.

-Efron. He said calmly. You just extended your life expectancy.

Back at the party room Zell joined his father and sister. They were talking with Rolph Xander which surprised him greatly. When he arrived the old man shook hands with his father. He smiled and left. As he passed Zell he whispered to him:

-That was brave, young man. But you should draw the line between audacity and stupidity.

And he walked away. Zell understood that what he had just done was as risky as it was extraordinary. The fact that the king had closed the case made things much easier for him. At the same time, outside the hotel, Harling Seabrook had just gotten into his car with Ophelia and a strange man. He was holding a strange box in his hand, which he was clutching with doubt as to his strength.

-I hope you don't mind if I borrow your car Sir Harling.

-Of course not Lady Garcia. He replied timidly. The Lord Commander's right handwoman could not disturb me in the least. Besides, I was surprised to see him here in person.

-Oh don't worry about it. The commander is just enjoying some relaxing time with his family. By the way, do you mind if I bring my friend with me?

-Oh not at all. To the hotel please. He said to the driver.

Back with the Cailums, the 3 individuals had just recovered the necklace and were heading towards their sedan.

-Thank you kids you don't know how much it means to me that you came. And Zell, don't worry I'll pay my share of the necklace as agreed.

-No need, father, I won't give you the necklace anyway, he announced.

His father and sister stared at him in surprise.

-Zell what are you playing?

-Yes, what are you playing at? We had such a hard time getting this necklace.

Zell removed his glasses, revealing his face disfigured by the scars of his donation to his family.

-Oh my God. Zell. Said his sister.

-I don't know why you decided to participate in this auction, or why you needed Mell and me to be here.

-Zell don't be like that. Dad just wants to patch things up with...

-In that case he just had to offer her any jewelry he shouted. Mom is not difficult, even less materialistic nothing stopped him from going directly to see her to ask her opinion.

-Zell stop you're crazy. Said his father.

-I don't know why you wanted this necklace specifically, maybe you wanted to sell it to finance your campaign, or make contacts, or whatever It doesn't matter. But what does it matter in the end you just used us.

-Zell that's enough. Mell screamed on the verge of tears. Why do you always have to ruin everything huh? First Thomas, and now dad. When are you going to stop antagonizing everything around you?

-Mell is....

-No, don't say more. For you, everyone has ulterior motives. After all, Dad is a politician. What am I saying, you're one too, it's normal that you think like that.

She turned her back on him and got into the car before closing the door behind her.


-Thanks. It was a great night. She said after wiping her face. Driver let's go. My father and brother want to be left alone.

The car drove off leaving the father and son alone in front of the hotel. Alysser sighed and looked up at the starry sky above them.

-When I met your mother I was just a small business owner with no interest. She came into my shop with a full escort of Marines and she placed an order for shoes. She wanted boots for orphaned children in the Galathea region.

-Ha, that's all her.

-Indeed, especially since my store was in the suburbs of Glouchester. It was winter, it was cold and the children did not have the right shoes. She just aimed at the first shoe store she saw, it turned out that this store was mine. She ordered all my winter stock and she put on the table enough Dalks to offer me 10 lives of salary. What do you think I did with these Dalks?

-You built a cottage? Like the one we have in Suntherland?

-I bought food. Food, groceries and medicine. Your mother bought them for me at an exorbitant price and I used the money to charter boats and trains and delivered everything to Galathea.

-I know this story. We study the shortage of 989 at school. On the other hand, I did not know that....

-That your parents took part in a humanitarian mission? He said smiling.

-I mostly feel like I'm hearing about another man.

-Anyway, your mother and I have been inseparable ever since. I promised myself that one day I would give her a gift of similar value to what she did for me. Because by entering that store, she had saved me as much as she had saved those children.

-It's mostly that you had a talent for business. Zell told him.

-There is that too. For me the jewel of Aphrodite should go to the most beautiful woman and for me there is no other after your mother. I am sure that if you had this jewel in hand you would offer it directly to Arianne.

Zell said nothing and nodded. Alysser smirked.

-But you're right. Your mother doesn't need this jewel to shine. And you're right, I used this sale to make contacts, there were quite a few famous faces, I must say.

Zell frowned.

-But who are you to judge me? After all, you too had your own agenda this evening, didn't you?

Zell looked surprised and regained his composure, after all this man was gifted at reading the atmosphere.

-But I want you to know that it's okay. On the other hand, Mell is right about one thing. If you continue to antagonize your world like this, you will inevitably end up alone when you find yourself at the top, and believe me, son, I don't want that to happen to you.

3 Days Later, Lunden University "Agatha Kristelle", a package had just arrived in the science building. Young Mell was immersed in her research, observing a piece of rock under a microscope.

-Meeeell it's for you. Said one of his aid who put the package on the lab table. It comes from a certain "Af... Afla..."

-Alfar Cailum.

-Yes, that's it.

-Thanks Hernan, put it there. She said, pointing to a table.

The teen put the box down as instructed and Mell joined him before opening it.

-There is a box... It seems to contain a jewel.

Mell immediately snatched it from him. The girl lifted the case slightly and confirmed that it was indeed the Sapphire.

-At least he keeps his promises. She thought.

-A book. It says "the second Titanomachy". What is it?

-I don't know, but I'm very curious to know. She said smiling.

-Ah and you also received a letter from the army. He added.

-The army?

-Yeah. It says "Inglesia special warfare research center".

She put the jewel down and turned to her friend with a bewildered look.

-Say that again ?

End of chapter