Chereads / Ares Game: The God's General / Chapter 60 - Chapter 54: Spearhead

Chapter 60 - Chapter 54: Spearhead

February 1021, a few weeks after I left Cage 1 to pursue my study. We are in the Heimdall Alps on the border between Esmeralda and the Yukon. Yes, it seems that the empire has decided to nibble away at entire part of the Yukon until only barely edible crumbs remain. But why such a relentlessness, you ask? Well, the same reason as 70% of the wars in this world. Resources. all because of the Olypium the empire new heart. The Yukon used to be a large country and I'm talking about very big area. Today it is reduced to 1/8 of that size and it's not about to stop. That said, the situation in the Alps and its surroundings was really precarious for us. This vast mountain network allowed our enemies to naturally entrench themselves, the fortifications based here dated back 200 years but were still operational. And although it is not my place to pass judgement on the (disastrous) strategy of the Inglesian general staff, it goes without saying that the fate of our troops on this front greatly concerns me.

-Get up everyone, it's morning. Said the staff Sergeant.

-Huh, we barely slept 3 hours. Retorted a soldier.

-Congratulations then, it's a new record.

You are wondering where we are? Far behind enemy lines. I am with another Beowulf cage, a very singular unit in its way of doing things and which translates well the spirit of its commander. That said I was happy to be with them because its leader was Enrico Quincy. The right hand Man of Count Cailum.

-Did your majesty sleep well? One of the soldiers asked me.

-I had seen worse. Where's Second Lieutenant Quincy?

-Already Oscar Mike on our next target.

-What again? I said surprised.

This guy doesn't know when to stop. I wonder if he even sleeps.

-I guess from his point of view, the sooner the mission is over the sooner we can go home. I said.

-Oh if it were that simple. This cage will only return at the end of the campaign or when our army has a significant advantage. That's how the Lieutenant works.

-And that's why we're following him. Another added.

-Well. At least we're not bored with you, Foss.

Nicolas Foss, a well-seasoned seasonal soldier, his beard was unkempt because of the cheap razor he used, he wore a red cap on his head instead of his beret and held a machine gun at his side. He looked old but he was barely approaching thirty.

-Looks like it's time. He said, looking at the flare in the distance. It's hunting time.

This unit is different from the others, Spearhead as the name suggest is Beowulf's tip of the spear. A reconnaissance unit that is responsible for spotting and indicating enemy positions to the main body of forces so that they can organize themselves accordingly. Roughly summarized, they are scouts. However Second Lieutenant Quincy sees things differently.

-This is Spear 2-7. In position at the ambush site.

-This is Spear Leader. He said with a deep voice. Be ready to beging the assult at my signal.

I spent a good two weeks with Spearhead before they went to the Alps and I admit I was pleasantly surprised. Unlike Black Fang, they infiltrate deep behind enemy lines, and when I say far I mean so far that there is no longer any contact with their own HQ. From there they change clothes, mingle with the locals and scout out the area, then the carnage can begin. Sabotage of supply lines, destruction of entire convoys, destruction of fuel and ammunition depots. In 2 weeks Spearhead has caused more damage to the enemy than any unit in this campaign, whether allied or enemy, on the front. Where did they find so much ammunition and explosives? It's simple, they loot their enemies by stealing from their depot and disguising themselves as enemy soldiers and wearing their uniform, sometime speaking their language. Do you think Quincy is crazy? Know that he also steals from his allies. 

-Target in sight. Said a guy looking through his binoculars, it's Colonel Claudius.

-Okay, here we go.

Neutralizing high-value strategic targets. It consists of either capturing or killing high-value targets such as officers, merchant or other politicians. And Quincy had made it his specialty. The target in front of us was in a convoy, a car in the front, several trucks in the back loaded with weapons, ammunition. In short, reinforcements for the Alps. Unfortunately for them, Spearhead was there.

-Open fire.

A deluge of lead immediately fell on the convoy. 3 heavy machine guns one on each side of the road and one on high ground. In a few seconds the Yukonite soldiers were living hell. Grenades blew up the trucks. It wasn't long before the soldiers got out and started running in all directions. But Quincy was merciless.

-Kill them all. He ordered coldly.

I had no interest in killing retreating soldiers so I lowered my weapon, but Jorgen the machine gun guy lying next to me was firing at them with Zel without missing a single one. Some of them were getting cut up, others had their skulls blown apart. It was bloody and brutal, but spearhead loved it.

-The Wolf loves to fight, huh.

Their lightning war side and their mental state sometimes leaves me perplexed. Moreover, Quincy's mentality is very simple. For him, it is necessary to clear all the obstacles on the road so that the main assault force can advance without slowing down once. If with BlackFang the goal was to support the allied assaults by giving maximum tactical support, with Spearhead the goal was that the allies did not even have to lift a finger. So after the carnage I witnessed I was surprised to see that the target vehicle had not been hit. In fact, the target vehicle was not there. Logical at the same time it was in front. The guy had just pressed the accelerator and bolted. At least that's what I thought. A hundred meters further I found Quincy alone who had neutralized 4 hostiles and was dragging the target by the collar before throwing him in front of us.

-(Torture me as much as you want, I won't say anything) he growled in Yukonite.

-(They all say that at first). Quincy says.

Capturing an enemy Colonel is a goldmine of information, Quincy did not skimp on the means to make them talk. Being cut off from all contact with the HQ he could indulge in extra-legal activities such as torture, pillage and perhaps rape. This last prospect did not enchant me but from the little I saw he was not the type to deliberately attack civilians.

-I'm coming with Peck. I suggested. We'll cook him together.

-Avoid eating him. Foss laughed.

The group looted the vehicles then destroyed the convoy, no prisoners except the target that was how they operated. In the evening they celebrated their success in one of their many caches. One of their team had come back with 4 less guys during a raid. And yes the Wolfs are not immortal but even more, Spearhead had the highest casualty rate of all the cages of Beowulf and they were currently at 15 deaths in 2 months of operations. Not wanting to join the festivities I scribbled in my notebook to relax that's when she approached me.

-What are you doing alone in your corner?

-Juliet? I didn't hear you coming.

-That's because you're slacking off. She said, handing me a glass.

The dead of this unit were not repatriated. They were buried on site, a small ceremony took place as well as a prayer to Ares the God of War. After which a small party followed. It was like a Viking funeral.

-So how do you find it?

-Sock juice. It's seriously disgusting. I answered frankly. Seriously, you're going to destroy my palate with your stuff.

-Oh Sorry to offend your delicate palate. She said sarcastically.

Juliet Tidman, a classy girl with a tanned complexion, a radio operator, first class rank. She and I had a little affair behind the backs of the rest of the group. Julie sat next to me with a rifle on her lap and we looked over the landscape that stretched as far as the eye could see. I can't explain it but I enjoyed these moments of calm and the serenity that this part of the world offered us.

-The Alps are really beautiful, Heimdall i mean. Too bad they turned the area into a river of blood. She said with a little bitterness.

-According to legend, the entrance to the Bifrost is somewhere in these mountains.

-The legend? I thought you believed in God. She told me again.

-I'm also very interested in Myths, you know. Go ahead and take notes.

-No need, I know what Bifrost is.

I let out a surprised "Ah."

-Count Cailum regularly gives mythology lessons at Fort W&G. His lessons are really captivating, he should have been a teacher not a soldier.

The infamous Count Cailum. Here is my chance to broach the subject.

-Can you tell me more about him?

-Well according to him the key to the Bifrost would be Heimdall's Staff which would have been lost during the battle of Ragnarok. And this Staff would have been hidden somewhere in these mountains. 

Tch I want to say "bullshit" but I'm curious to hear the rest of the story. 

-He also said that it is a powerful artifact that allows you to create portals. With it you can go anywhere you want on Earth.

I was about to laugh out loud but I saw the serious look on her face.

-Anywhere on earth. She insisted.

Is she nuts ? But it is true that such an artifact would be invaluable from a military point of view.

-Come on, I'll stand guard. Don't forget our date tomorrow. She told me.

-A date?

The next day, dressed in our civilian clothes, we came down from our mountain and went to a coffee. I had light pants, a sweater for the cold and a jacket as well as a kepi on my head, Juliet had the same outfit as well as a pair of glasses.

-Dress Like that people will take us for brothers and sisters.

-I have no problem with that, she said, and I like those glasses.

We were so deep in their lines that we had ended up even frequenting the local villagers. That said, these small incursions in civilian clothes were the best way to relax, to take the temperature of the local population and sometimes the soldiers. Many spoke of demons lurking in the mountains and were afraid to go there. The war quickly brings its share of myth and legend. With Julie we quickly went around the shops and pastry shops, we were not in Inglesia so shopping was out of the question. But I was far from being focused. My old spy reflexes resurfaced in spite of myself and I saw through the window of a bakery Quincy chatting with a man. Who was it? His contact with the outside world? A spy? He was wearing a 3-piece suit brown like the earth and I may have been far away but I am certain that this man was oriental. An Aizu perhaps.

-Ohey. Juliet said, cupping my cheeks. Are you listening to me?

-Y... Yes ma'am.

-I was asking if you wanted us to buy one of those cakes. The guys at camp must be mad that they stayed on guard.

-Ah good idea, it will cheer them up.

She let go of me and smiled then went to order the cake. I looked back at Quincy but there was no one left in the bakery.

-Ah one last thing. She said as she came back. Stop staring everywhere from left to right, it's not discreet.

-Uh... Huh. Sorry old reflexes.

-I mean it. if I didn't know you were a spy I would find you seriously suspicious. Besides, you didn't catch Jorgen and Peck on the terrace over there.

I turned my head while observing the terrace, indeed these two were there totally incognito. Surprised I stared at her again.

-Impressive. You also have spies in your ranks?

-Speciality of our cage. Rico trained us in counter-espionage and intelligence. We are even the only cage whose members all speak more than 3 languages.

Listening to her I even more fascinated by this cage. Quincy left no detail to chance.

-You need to be more relaxed. She said, fixing my collar. And look at me.

Which I did immediately. She smiled and we started walking again.

-You see, here I am facing you and sweeping the surroundings for you. I can watch your back while giving you a Hug so can you.

-An interesting technique. I said, taking her by the hips. We could talk about it a little more in privacy at camp.

-As part of the job Major Creed? She asked in a sensual voice.

-Hey you there, what are you doing?

A group of men showed up, locals obviously. The Yukon wasn't very welcoming to foreigners, and people with my skin tone weren't well regarded either. So they quickly surrounded us.

-Look at me. Juliet whispered to me. So what do you see!

-2 guys. I whispered. One of them has a razor blade in his beret. Brown vest, hairy arms.

-3 at 6 o'clock, one of them is armed, I saw a wrist in his back before he surrounded us. Brown kepi.

-And the other one with the ring on his finger has a bat, is that it?

-Mister is focus, that's good.

-Hey, I'm talking to you bunch of monkeys...

We suddenly turned around and I grabbed his wrist before giving him a palm strike in the throat. As he fell to his knees choking, the second wanted to grab his weapon but I threw him against the wall with a powerful kick and dodged the other one before putting him in an armlock and smashing him against the ground. I followed up with a kick to his temple. When I turned around I saw that Juliet was doing better than me. She had dodged the first blow and knocked the other one down with a broom then she followed up with a kick to the throat of the other who collapsed clean. She turned towards me and threw a knife in the direction. It stuck in the wrist of my opponent who was holding an old pistol in his hand. She approached him and smashed his skull with her knee.

-It's not over until they're dead or unconscious.

She took out her knife and cleaned the blood off it. I admit when she fights she's scary.

-Come on, let's get out of here.

I think this little fight won't blow up but we leave the city just in case. When night fell Juliet and I made love in one of the abandoned houses in the area. Luckily the war scared the neighborhood away otherwise our moans would have annoyed the Unit and Quincy by extension. After our little "sport" session It was the first moment in a long time that I felt that relaxed. As we lay down in bed against each other enjoying the silence of the night. But I ended up saying what was going through my mind.

-Say... what do you think of Quincy?

-What do you mean?

-I was just thinking he was hard to figure out especially since he's only 20. Doesn't it bother you to take orders from a kid?

-We're all kids, Lionel. She replied. I admit I was perplexed at first. He didn't want us and we didn't want him.

-Oh really.

-But after Count Cailum said a few words to him, he quickly changed his attitude. Besides, he obeys him to the letter, which is strange.

-Like a doggie, I laughed.

She gave me a stern look and I stopped.

-Sorry I shouldn't have said that. But I mean by that that the way he bends over backwards for his master... He looks like a dog.

-We are Loyal to Quincy and Quincy is Loyal to Cailum. What does that make us in your eyes? A dog's dogs.

She stood up and picked up her things but I grabbed her wrist.

-I'm sorry I didn't mean to...

-Cailum is loyal to Elysion. And so are we.

-What if I suggested you come with me to Lunden.

She turned and stared straight at me as I grabbed her wrist. I was serious in my proposition but her reaction didn't disapoint me.

-Haha, stop this kind of joke is not funny. She said while removing my hand.

She got dressed and left the room. She had every right to be shocked. Plus, what she had told me the other night was still running through my head.

-Cailum would be looking for an ancient artifact. That would explain the presence of his right arm here.

It is true that at first glance one might believe in isolated and repetitive actions but each mission led by Quincy outside resulted from the inexorable advance of our troops. But what if all these raids actually hid a deeper motive.

To be continued