Chereads / Ares Game: The God's General / Chapter 61 - Chapter 55: The Doberman

Chapter 61 - Chapter 55: The Doberman

After our little evening holidays back in town, everyone on leave or duty returned to camp. We were a mix of civilian and military uniforms. I looked around for Quincy and caught him talking on the radio.

-What.... Yes.... Are you sure?

I heard a phrase like "the information is reliable and comes from the Lod commander himself". I think he meant army commander. Anyway, Quincy hung up and seemed preoccupied. So he got up and started walking towards his group.

-Is there a problem, Lieutenant?

Enrico Quincy was always calm, but I felt that his calm hid a kind of anger mixed with bitterness.

-Inglesia general staff wants to cannibalize me. He answered simply.

I then saw on the wolves' gaze a facial expression that I rarely saw in them. Anger, more so hatred.

-Cannibalize? I asked confused.

-It won't let that happen. He yelled so loudly that I was shocked. Oh no. And I swear to God, Mars and the entire FUCKING Pantheon. Pack your fucking gear, we're on our way.


Cannibalize. That word had the effect of galvanizing the entire platoon into a frenzy that I only saw in the soldiers ready to fight to death. As they prepared their business I approached Juliet with a curious look.

-Somebody care to tell me what cannibalism mean here?

-Its Beowulf Jarrgon for "another unit gonna take your job". HQ must have witnessed Spearhead's exploits and successes so in their great foresight they probably decided to send another cage as reinforcements.

-So where is the problem?

-The problem is that there is a tacit agreement that says that each party must respect each other's AO (area of ​​operation).

-A bit like a wolf protecting its hunting territory.


I see, for Quincy it was unthinkable that anyone would help him in his mission, much less another cage. Too bad I would have liked to see Hartkins again. Or the leader of cage 3. After having fully equipped ourselves we raised the camm towards the enemy HQ in the Alps. Yes the large mountain serving as their fortress was the target. We arrived on site at dusk, overlooking the heights.

-What do we do, boss? Foss asked.

-HQ is going to launch a massive assault on the mountain forts with cage 3 as support. They were careful not to tell me that these bastards had already arrived. He explained. Anyway, I'm going to show them that no one does my job for me. No one. Are you with me?


From my point of view it was reinforcements, a well-considered tactical decision. From his point of view it was a humiliation. And his ego is probably luring us into a suicide mission.

-We're not going to leave them anything. He said as he regained his usual composure. We blew up this mountain and all the enemy with it.

-Yes Sir.

I always thought Quincy was the reasonable type, but now he look completely crazy.

-How do you plan to sneak into this fortress dug into the mountain that has managed to hold our army in check for a year and a half now?

Quincy pointed to the void below and I understood why he had brought so many ropes.

-Oooof course.

We were going to go down and split into different teams that would storm different cannons at the same time. The goal was to go through the holes where the cannon muzzle came out. Assuming they were big enough for a human to pass through.

Once above the entrance of the cannon we pulled the pins on our grenades. 10 seconds before our insertion we dropped them inside. And 5 seconds after the explosion they all entered the mountain simultaneously. I couldn't believe I was there, it was by far the most daring raid I have ever seen. But no time to daydream. 45 soldiers from the Beowulf commando (+ myself) invested this mountain and the enemy now on alert was coming on our position.

-Lord protect us.

It had to be dealt with quickly, in my group there was Peck, Mandy, Norman and Juliet. Armed with shotguns and submachine guns we easily cleared the rooms of the bunkers taking our enemies by surprise. Worse, we had the same uniform as them adding confusion in their ranks, only recognizable by our armband. We set charges not on the cannons but on the ammunition depots. For the cannons we made do with a grenade inside the muzzle. Each of us advanced by covering the other's backs but going around the rooms I had the impression that Juliet and Peck were looking for something else. I saw the lockers and chests turning over. I would like to believe that he is looking for secret documents but with a leader who knows everything like Quincy I have serious doubts. According to Quincy the goal of the assault was to render inoperable the artillery batteries targeting the West side. No need to blow everything up, we didn't have enough explosives for that. The timer indicated 15 minutes so we had to get moving. Despite their training the wolves were not safe. A shot to the throat pinned Mandy to the ground, Norman who wanted to help her was blasted by a machine gun and collapsed right next to her. Juliet wanted to go but Peck held her by the arm. With a small mirror Peck saw the enemy, we exchanged hand signals and agreed, while they were machine-gunning the enemy I flanked them on the left. In this maneuver I shot down 2 of them who tried to do the same then arriving on their group I eliminated them by emptying my magazine. I made a check with Peck and Julie then we stared at our dead comrades.

-That's bad for them. Peck said. I hope they're in the Pantheon.

-Amen my brother. Julie supported.

-Come on, we can't hang around, I tell them. Watch your skin.

We wre done setting charges and headed towards what appeared to be the enemy command post.

-Are you ready? I said looking at them. Peck go UP front...

-If I catch a high-ranking officer, I'll ask for a promotion.

-What do you care about promotions? Juliet told him. It's not like you're going to enjoy the salary that goes with it.

-Ohey, let's stay focused. One... Two... 3.

I blew the door open with a charge and Peck came in with us following suit. The first thing we saw was a soldier getting shot and falling to the ground. But he wasn't dead. The boy was still alive and was wriggling to get up but another shot tore his face off. It was so violent that we looked away momentarily. Then we saw 2 others running away. That's when Quincy appeared before us. He was shooting at them with his shotgun, and when he fell dry he pulled out his pistol and emptied the magazine into the poor unfortunates. To see him you would have thought he was in a trance. Running out of bullets he changed magazines.


Wearing an iron breastplate and holding a heavy machine gun in his hand, Jorgen acted like a battering ram, slaughtering enemies who got in his way while Quincy turned his back to protect himself from enemy fire and reload his weapons.


Jorgen stepped aside and Quincy got back into position, slaughtering all the enemies in the command post. It was a massacre that would have made you vomit. Enrico Quincy fought like a rabid dog. As he advanced down the hallway, he narrowly avoided a bayonet blow from his right and shot his opponent in the stomach, then used him as a shield to enter the next room, eliminating the occupants with a machine pistol. He then let go of the young soldier, whom Jorgen finished off with a bullet to the head. He knocked on the next door and shouted:

-(HELP. It's a butchery, they're going to kill us all).

-(Who is it?)

He quickly read the name of the soldier on the ground. Rather than pretending to be him, he improvised.

-(Please! They got Klein) he shouted.

There's no denying he's a good actor. The other opened the door and stuck his head in, it rolled on the floor as Quincy decapitated him with a machete and collapsed. With the door half open, Quincy threw a grenade into the room. Once it exploded, Jorgen came in and did his work. When we entered, there were only dead people.

-A fucking butchery.

-Stay focused. Juliet told me.

I was shocked by her coldness. The corpse trail led us to an armored door. I saw Quincy Howler in Yukonite visibly seemed to want to negotiate.

-5 minutes left boss. Peck reminded.

Foss arrived at the same time with the others or what was left of them.

-Did you find it?

-Yeah, 5 minutes from here if I hurry.

-I see. He said quietly. Any ideas before the mountain falls on us?

-Me, sir. Peck said. There must be air ducts leading to this room. We block the way and let them out.

-I saw an air vent much further away. I can run there. Julie said.

-I'm coming with you, it's on my way. Foss said.

-I'm coming too...

-Mr. advisor, you stay here with me.

I looked at him coldly.

-We don't have time, the mountain is going...

-All the more reason for you to stay with me.

-Okay, I'll go with him. Nick said. We'll be back soon.

I couldn't insist any further so we stayed there waiting for 3 long minutes without anything. i get impatient.

-Still nothing. I'm going to get her.

-Stay seated, Major. He ordered bluntly. This is starting to get annoying.


The radio interrupted me.

-It's good Spear 1 we are in position. Said Foss. And we have the package

- Swing the gas.

I figured it would take a while for it to take effect but I was surprised when the door opened and the soldiers came rushing out. Those who were armed were coldly executed the others captured. They had thrown phosphorus into the room.

-Now we can go.

Suddenly gunshotsecho through the radio. What I had feared had just happened.

-Foss what's going on? I asked.

-Small Yukonite reception. The garrison fell on us. Shit, I took a hit in the leg.

-We're coming to get you.

-No way. Juliet yelled. The mission is a priority.

The ground began to vibrate, or rather the mountain. The charges had started to explode.

-What are you talking about? I'm not leaving without you behind. 

-Oooh will. Quincy Declare.

I wasn't surprised by such coldness from a man who had lost more than half his men. But the gunshots on the radio had made up my mind.

-Fuck. Tidman. Foss shouted. Fuck, she took two shell in her vest.

-The time is ticking.

-It's out of the question.

I heard her get up and return fire with the machine gun.

-You know Lieutenant at first I didn't like your face. You're noble. Arrogant, pretentious and you keep bossing everyone around. She said.

-Hey that's harsh on your superior. Foss mocked.

-We'll be dead soon so we might as well get it all out there. Anyway I admire the fact that you know what you want, your dedication and loyalty command respect. And I have to tell you sir, for nothing in the world would I trade a minute of my time spent with your unit. Not even for all the gold in the world.

I saw Quincy clench his fists as she and Foss continued to fight.

-Are you sure? Not even for 1 million Dalks. Foss laughed.

-Ok I'd say 1 million 5. Haha. One last favor Lieutenant, the Major can be stubborn sometimes so take him by force if you have to. First Class Tidman out.

I saw Quincy approaching me, despite his 1m68 he was damn intimidating that said I wasn't going to let him do it. But I barely noticed when he knocked me out with a spinning kick to the back of the neck. After that I remember being carried on someone's shoulder, probably Jorgen, I remember the explosions and the screams of those who were being buried right behind us. Then nothing. I think we did more damage to the ecosystem in 15 minutes than humanity did in 2000 years. I don't know how we got out of it alive but when I woke up, our unit had joined up with the main army. I was devastated, we had just lost 23 people in a single mission. 23 people including Juliet. I was sitting on one of the crates thinking about that daring but crazy raid that had cost the lives of so many of our people when I overheard a conversation between Quincy and Peck. He was probably talking about logistics or something.

-Well done, you did it. I said with barely veiled sarcasm.

-I beg your pardon.

-You just prove to HQ that you're the best, I added. No one's going to take your fucking place.

-If it's an insult I find it misplaced major I did what had to be done. And the assault was a success our troops took the mountain.

-And to take that fucking mountain you lost 23 elite soldiers. 23 of your closest friends.

-Sacrificing one life to save another is the very basis of command, and don't talk to me as if I was directly responsible for it, they knew the risks, like all of us.

I grabbed him by the collar and yelled at him.

-Whose fault is it if they were forced to take such risks, eh?

-You are furious about the mission I can understand, but don't let your feelings for Tidmann come into play here.

I raised an eyebrow a little surprised but after all it was Quincy, he knew everything.

-You're right Rico. This is a military matter here. I said, letting go of his collar. But this is personal. After all, you launched this raid purely out of ego.

I gave him a sharp blow, but small as he is he just ducked and grabbed me with a Judo hold before pinning me to the ground then he put me in an armlock. I tried to get away but damn this asshole he's strong.

-Unfortunately for you, Major, this matter is beyond you and the military. I received an order and I used all the means at my disposal to achieve my objective. All the means including you. Now, Major, I consider that I have been patient enough to tolerate your insults.

I thought he was going to dislocate my shoulder but Quincy let go of me as some Inglesian soldiers came to separate us. I stood up and all the wolfs were at attention in front of what I could only describe as a beautiful young woman, long beautiful brown hair tied in a ponytail. She was wearing Beowulf's uniform and judging by her stripes, she was even higher ranked than me.

-At ease Wolf. She said calmly and in a soft voice. You must be Major Creed of the MIO right?


-Nice to see you again, Major. It's been a while since the battle in the North.

The North? Does she know me?

-Alas your Study with Spearhead will come to an end as this unit is sidelined.

-Colonel... Yelled Quincy.

-With immediate effect. She insisted.

He didn't say anything more. He who didn't respect my rank, it seemed that he listened to her without flinching.

-From now on, you're going to follow me. And that's good, Cage 3 has a lot to do and I intend to put you to work. Are you?

I don't know what made me say yes but it was like I couldn't refuse him anything. As for Quincy, his ferocity in combat earned him the nickname Doberman. Later he would be summoned by Beowulf's supreme command to justify the fact that his unit had the most casuatlies compared to the rest of the battalion combined. Ironically, he had the highest success rate. As if there was some truth in what he said.

End of chapter