Chereads / Ares Game: The God's General / Chapter 8 - Chapter 7: Classes

Chapter 8 - Chapter 7: Classes

*Several years have passed since my intervention at the Peace Meeting. After reclaiming our lands the Duke ordered the invasion of Sunthuner, but the royal family took the lead and automatically signed the Armistice. I was regularly called as a strategic advisor to give my point of view on certain battles, despite my age. Of course, to prevent it from appearing suspicious, I always managed to make my choices seem logical to them. A 12 year old kid giving strategy advice to an adult was not normal. Apparently the battles where they would have listened to my advice would have been won with high success rate. Today Sunthunder is divided by a civil war between those who want peace and those who want to go to war against us *.

-What a bunch of idiots sometimes. In the end, it is they who do not die us. * Fried told me *.

* It all started a few years ago with the double assassination attempt on our two princes. Luckily 4 Elysians foiled the attempt and succeeded in putting the princes in place at the Duchy embassy. Seeing the situation spiraling out of control, the king authorized Elysion's forces to quell the revolts. Most shocking is that the Republic of Yukon south of Sun does not intend to intervene and is entrenched in anticipation of an attack on the duchy. The kingdom of Inglesia prefers to stay holed up on its island and that's good. One problem after another *.

-But all this is far behind us. Isn't it Zell?

Are you going to be late on the day of the military academy admission ceremony? * He asked *. And what are these sunglasses?

-Oh it's just for show off.

* The ceremony had already started. The ceremonial uniform of the soldiers of the Duchy was a dark green shirt and pants with black collars. As I entered the room I saw a gigantic amphitheater filled with future cadets of my class *.

-The Duke has already started his speech, it seems. * Said Fried *.

* We went down the steps one after the other and right in the middle were our respective seats with our names at the back. Strangely, my arrival hadn't caught anyone's attention, but that was good. As I sat down my neighbor on the left nodded to me. A young man of the same age with red hair with the sides of the head shaved *.

-You're stupid to be late on a day like this. *He told me*. It looks like you.

-You have to know how to be desired in life. * I answered him with Sarcasm *.

* Troy Der Decken. His father is a baron and he owns an estate on our land. He spent most of his childhood abroad so he ignores our customs and customs but what attracted me to him was his passion for firearms. Since then he became my sure guy and we spent hours on his father's shooting range *.

-By the way Where Swan? * I asked *.

- Downstairs with the other VIPs. * Said Troy pointing at him *.

- Stop it is not done. * Fried told him *. You should watch your manner.

* The Duke's speech was slowly coming to an end. I saw him scrutinize the assembly as if he was looking for a particular face. Mine. His gaze fell on me but I remained calm *.

-Now the national anthem performed by a young man whom I esteem very much.

*Again ? The rumor that I was singing it very well had reached his ears too. But now he was going to have to wait for the grandpa. So I got up and folded my hands behind my back, making sure I stood up straight *.

-Far from me the idea of ​​offending his majesty but I think that there is more competent than me to sing the hymn at the Elysee.

* Whispers arose in the crowd that I was going to refuse *.

-I am referring here to our promotion delegate Prince Lancell Van Elysée.

* For information Lancell is a year younger than me, so he has nothing to do here but he insisted on being able to do his classes the same year as me. From what I heard he admires me deeply and seeing his eyes shine when I proposed that he do it for me I understood that it was true. Without waiting Lancell joined his father on the platform and stood in front of the microphone before starting to sing *.

-Bravo you skillfully turn the situation around. * Troy tells me *.

-You must also know how to be ignored.

* However, two reasons motivated my choice. The first was that as Prince it gave him a little more motivation. The second is that Lancell was, how shall I put it * ....

-He looks like a girl. * Said Troy *.

-Androgyne it's called. * Fried recalled *.

-Keep it to yourself eh * tell them I *. but apparently his sisters often disguised him as a girl when he was younger, his effeminate manners.

-That's why he cried all the time when it shooted in all directions. * Said Troy *.

-No that's a normal reaction. We are the deviant. * Resumed I *. Anyway I shouldn't say that because it sounds weird .... But Lancell has a goddess voice.

* When he had finished singing everyone got up in the room and started to applaud, me included. Lancell was of average height, around three feet tall. His hair was long and silky in the extreme it was unsettling. I heard that he received love letters from a man but I prefer to keep that as a rumor. Despite these details he was greatly appreciated by the people but his feminine personality did not stick to the soldier he want to become. For his good I had to take advantage of our military classes to toughen him up and make him a real man *.

-Thank you, thank you. * He said bowing several times *.

* The military classes of Elysion. Our army has 3 branches, the Army, the Air Force and the Navy. But when you join military school, you first undergo general training. After that those who wish to specialize will choose a branch. Elysion was almost blessed by the gods, indeed this country has all climates. Thus the training of the plains took place in the West, the training in snow took place in the East in cooperation with the army of Tarkovia, the south for the training in tropical environment and the North for the training in Mountain. This training program worthy of the Israeli Army I had proposed to my uncle General Bald Lineberg with supporting documents. Arianne helped me write and our army has been following this program for 5 years. But the North having become an unstable zone, our friends from Sun kindly lent us their mountain range for our maneuvers *.

-I can't believe that we can't even use our own land for our training maneuvers. * Said a cadet in front of me *.

-You are in a hurry to go to the pipe breaker. *I said*.

* That day my platoon made a forced march through the mountain. We had to follow the course laid out by our instructors. Friedich was the group leader and stood in the front. After all, he was the one who had the best sense of direction. However, what I said earlier seemed to have offended the cadet *.

-Pardon you can repeat?

-Don't waste your saliva. * I tell him, patting him on the shoulder *. There is still a way to continue.

-Do you mind that our lands are occupied by rebels? Because of them we can no longer train in our own mountains.

-Of course i do but our army is already in charge. * I tell him in a dry tone *.

* Our little interlude made the whole group stop. I saw Lancell come out of the ranks and stand between us. Since joining the army he has tied his hair with an elastic band to make it look better *.

- Calm down guys don't fight.

-But Master Lancell I can't let go of what he said.

-Do not be in a hurry. * He yelled which almost shocked me *. Our turn will come or we will each have the opportunity to prove our worth in battle. But we must not skip the steps and follow the training without flinching. That's what you meant to say Zell.


*Well then. The least I can say is that it has changed a lot over time. At least what I thought. As soon as the other turned around he fell squarely into my arms. He was shaking and his wavelength was unstable. At least he had gained confidence. At that moment I saw Friedich go back *.

-What is happening ? * He asked *.

-Lancell is giving us a fit of fatigue. I think he's been gaining strength since we passed the pass. * I replied *.

* He took a quick look at the situation and took off his sunglasses *.

-Okay 15 minute break everyone. Swan?


* A young man with dark hair arrived. He was as tall as Fried who was already three feet tall at his age. He had smooth brown hair while his eyes were ash gray *.

-Distributes rations equitably. Make sure you don't run out of water too.

-You sure about that ? * Swan asked *. If we hang around again we risk arriving late.

-The most important thing is to arrive all together. * He said *.

-No do not stop for me ...

* Fried approached Lancell, fixing him with a dark gaze which made him shudder. He forced him to sit down and took off his boots *.

- I suspected it. Light bulbs. You're not used to long distances, eh.

-Well no...

- Everyone takes off their boots. I'll give you a massage on the soles of your feet.

* I had a feeling of deja vu. Fried was behaving like the friendly squad leader I had seen in a movie a long time ago. Would miss more than the overexcited chef shows up *.

-Go Go go.

* Just down the hill I saw a guy running his peloton at full speed through the forest. Go find out why I wasn't even surprised. After Fried's massage I sat down right next to Lancell *.

-So you feel better? * I asked giving him my gourd *.

-I would have preferred not to be the cause of our halt. * He said taking it *.

- Tell yourself that you saved the day. Look around, the guys are exhausted but forcing themselves forward. It is clearly not fit for a human being. A good leader must also know when to give his men a rest.

* I saw his sad gaze grow more confident *.

- By the way, Zell, why did you get involved? With your abilities you should easily get hooked up with strategic officers. By coming here you risk being sent to the front knowing the fire of combat.

* He was decidedly too sentimental. But that's precisely what I liked about him. He had the merit of being honest *.

-And you why are you here? You are a prince there are lots of things you can do.

-The tradition of our family requires that we have military experience so I got ...

-Really ? * Tell him I'm smiling *

-I I ....

* Seeing him embarrass like that made me laugh *.

-Don't be ashamed. My reasons are quite simple. * Tell him I'm smiling *. I love my country.

-At ... By the way I wanted to tell you. Thanks for saving me in Prada.

-Prada? I don't know what you're talking about. * I say getting up *.

* We know the truth. Obviously I want to go to the front, experience the battles live, see blood flow in both camps and the soldiers fighting with all their might. The prospect made me unconsciously smile sadistically.*

- End of the break. * announced Friedich *.

* As we were getting ready to move on, Swan sat down and took out the map *.

-We have already passed the last checkpoint. * He said *. And to see the distances to be covered, we still have 1.2 km left before the arrival point. If we follow the path traced by the officers of course.

-How can you know all that? * Asked a cadet *. Distances do not appear on this map.

-Swan has a good idea of ​​distances and perspectives. In addition he has already drawn maps at the archeology office and he can hit a stationary target 300 meters away. * Tell the younger *

* In my old life he could have been an exceptional 3 point shooter at NBA or even a cartographer *.

-It's fine Zell, don't overdo it. * He said calmly *. That he questions my judgment is quite normal I'm only human.

-Nobody is perfect. * Says Decken *.

-Well, we just have to do the remaining 1200 meters. * Said Fried *.

-1200 meters? I only see 600.

* I began to smile slyly where the others looked at me worried *.

-Zell you don't count ...

-You understood everything Lancell. We're going to cut a big piece of cake.

* Half an hour later our group, still fresh, caught up with the 1st platoon. This excited group could no longer move forward 500 meters from the finish. Their leader might shout to motivate them they did not move forward, too exhausted to put one foot in front of the other. It is well known that an army incapable of advancing is also incapable of fighting. Those there didn't even have the strength to hold their rifles*

-Oh lala it wouldn't be the first bunch. * Said Troy sarcastically *. But it is that they have no morale.

-The strongest and the fastest they said. * I told *.

* The others indulged in our delirium and we could tell that the guys on the side of the road were on edge. Still if it went into a fight we would have smashed them given the strength they have left. As we continued to laugh, I saw our beloved prince coming down the side of the road and joining them *.

-Can we help you ? *He Asked*.

* Our laughter disappeared immediately. The leader of the first platoon looked at him in utter bewilderment *.

-Hey princess. * Said Decken *. They are our adversaries, I remind you.

-He is right. We don't want your pity. * Said their leader *.

- Even though we are from a different group, we all remain soldiers of Elysion. And one day we will have to support each other on the battlefield. On the pretext that you are from a different unit, we should abandon you in this hole?

* So he amazes me. No one could say anything to him anymore, and going against his will would be a sign of bad faith. However*...

-I said we didn't want your pity. * He yelled *.

* As he raised his fist I sensed Decken was going to throw a dagger at him but I motioned to do nothing. It happened in seconds but the other moron was sitting on the floor with his fingers in compotes. Lancell was bleeding from the forehead. Seeing this, I rushed towards him *.

-What a fool you are.

-Soldier what's your name? * He asked *.

-Bryce, Hartkins.

-Very good, tell your men to be ready.

-Y... Yes.

* At the end of the day our instructors were shocked to see us arrive carrying the first guys at arm's length. Obviously it asked questions about how Lancell ended up with a bandage on his head. I served them a well-concocted lie and everyone stopped there. In the evening, Fried and I were playing cards while the others slept *.

-Hard day eh. * He said *.

- Don't tell me about it. Did you notice? He used one of the fighting skills you taught him.

-He waited for the right moment and gave a head butt just when the fist was going to hit him. The difference in force on impact broke Bryce's bones, but it still took a toll.

-And how. Still I did not know it so daredevil. * I say lining up a card *.

-In fact, I always wanted to tell you, when we saved the prince, we shouldn't have put the girls in danger like that.

-Oh that. Don't worry, I had everything planned.

* He rested his elbow on the board and stared straight at me *.

-I don't give a shit you're not god you can't predict everything.

-Fried ?!

- I want you to promise me that you 'll never again endanger the girls like you did.

-Fried I ...

-Swear it. I speak mostly for Mell who saw me kill men in cold blood. This is not the vision I want her to have of me or all of us.

* I let out an exasperated sigh *.

-You can't. You only tell me about it 2 years later. * I say, scratching my head *. It's okay I Swear to you. * I said, lining up my cards *. By the way, you've won 5 times in a row, Are you mentalist or something else ?

-It's because I have My eyes behind your head. * He said with a smirk *.

* Behind me lying in a bed, a dark haired guy with locks on his side. He waved at me and I understood the subterfuge *.

-Finch eh. Ok you got me this time. * I say smiling *. Don't worry about Lancell, I'll make him a worthy man, and who knows maybe the next Duke of Elysion.

* End of chapter *.