Chereads / Ares Game: The God's General / Chapter 13 - Chapter 11: Guerrilla

Chapter 13 - Chapter 11: Guerrilla

It is said that a house divided against itself cannot stand. Hence the expression divide for better reign.

-They are approaching ...

A convoy of military vehicles was crossing the mountain along the path they had taken. It featured a motorcycle at the front, a vehicle armed with a machine gun and two trucks. Another vehicle brought up the rear.

- What do they transport in your opinion .... *Asked a young man below*

-We will know when we stop them. Return to your poistion Tribe.

This convoy was unaware that a group would soon ambush them. Lying in the perfect bush camouflaged by the trees I held my rifle in aim while the target moved to 400 meters.

-Too far .... *Lars said*.

-I know.

I blinked one last time just to stay focused. As soon as the convoy arrived at the meeting point I opened fire. At this distance the rifle bullet would take a few seconds to shoot down my opponent so I opened fire early. The driver of the motorcycle went to join the bullet which squirted his head liquids on the road. The motorbike fell and the truck in the back braked to avoid rolling over it. Immediately our guys came out of the brush and opened fire. Within seconds the drivers were dead and the panicked guards barely had time to respond. From where I was I had to liquidate the machine gunners with two shots in a row.

-Shoot, bullet in the head. Tribe said.

-Shut up and shoot.

The panicked duchy soldiers opened fire through the brush, the thing is, they couldn't even see where the shots were coming from. We alternated between sniper fire and machine gun burst at several points not to mention grenade launchers. Panic quickly rose to their brain and most tried to flee into the forest but fell into traps as old as the world. Wooden pikes camouflaged on the ground, tree trunks covered with thorns, some homemade claymore, poisoned crossbow and so on.

- Looks like we did a perfect score again.

The rest of the soldiers were quickly captured by the other group and they were all gathered near the vehicles. There were 8 in total.

-What do we do with it Seb? Tribe asked.

I approached them, examining the logbook of this group. One of them was staring at me with a little too much hatred for my taste.

- So you are the famous Seb. He said. You are as scary as they say.

I continued to look at the map without listening to what he was saying, at least I was trying.

-A demon among demons, it's true. It seems you never leave a survivor behind.

-Save your spit you bastard. * Said Tribe giving him a butt *.

-Leave the T anyway, it won't be long.

Tribe was a year younger than me, I'd let him go out for a year, but he was way too excited at times.

-I can not believe it. Said the soldier. Simple rebels like you manage to stand up to our army. Your little guerrilla war won't last long. One day we will find your landmark and we will ...

I nailed the beak with a bullet in his mouth. He would be dead but the revolver I used had the annoying constraint of lacking power. His bullets would have even bounced off a pig's snout to say. So he struggled on the ground, writhing in pain.

-We have finished recovering the weapons and the vehicles are intact. Lars told me.

-Perfect. Tribe ...

I raised my hand and pointed my fingers to my temple, mimicking a gun.


He gave me a smile and turned to the others

-You heard ? Line them up. *He said*.

-What? Again ? *Yelled Lars*.

-If you're not happy, don't come. *I say heading towards one of the trucks*

-This is the 3rd group that we are performing this week, does that pose any problem to you?

-Ah no no you're not going to play that with me. *I tell him frankly*. We can't afford to take prisoners to the camp.

-We can at least let them go. They do not know anything. They don't even have a vague idea of ​​where our camp is.

-I don't give a shit, these guys are potential threats. I am not a good samaritin. Go there Tribe.

-You don't touch a single one of their hair. *Lars said threateningly*.

- Are you going to stop your circus Lars? Since I tell you that ...

Taking advantage of our argument one of these bastards jostled Tribe too busy watching us bicker. He walked towards a bike which he quickly straddled before heading off at full speed.

-Holy of shit. Who forgot to tie them up? *I screamed*.

- We don't care there he leaves. *Lars said*.

-He'll go nowhere.

I took my rifle in hand and activated my gift. Then I started to climb the mountain, taking great care to avoid the traps we had set. 5 years ago I personally mapped the whole "lower zone" of the North. This word refers to the part covered with road. And I had in mind all the nooks and crannies of each forest as well as the position of all the traps. And it was because I had all of that in mind that I knew this guy was just going to follow the road and go around the mountain. Once at the top I saw it turned to the left exactly as I thought it would be. Elysion had mapped out his routes according to the practicability of the vehicles. This guy was probably unaware that his bike could go into the middle of the quiet forest. I hurtled down the slope and landed quickly in the middle of the road. I ejected the cartridge and aimed at the guy who was rushing towards me. When he saw me in the middle of the road his surprise was surely great but that did not prevent him from pulling out a gun and aiming at me with it. At first I had a brief moment of hesitation but finally opened fire.

Pov Lecter.

The north was so vast that Elysion himself did not know how far our army could only move through the network of roads that had to be created. Beyond it is emptiness, a total mystery for us. At least we knew that it was the border with the sea because our navy had already been there. But the area was too rugged for our ships to dock there. Our geographers estimate, however, that half of this area has been discovered.

- Stand up fool. We finally arrived. *Said a voice*

When I opened my eyes I was in the back of a truck. The white kid from earlier was yelling at me. I think his name was Tribe. A very unusual name.

- Stand up princess we pay you a guided tour of your kingdom. *Said another voice*.

I felt hands pulling me forcibly before throwing me wildly out of the vehicle. My hands were tied so they forced me to stand up. When I fully regained my senses I could finally see where I was.

-Fucking hell .....

If I swore at that time it's because there was something. The ones we called rebels were downright different from what I expected. There were a lot of guys who moved weapons boxes, ammunition, weapons and so on. The activity was damn military. Even more than on my base. These guys had enough vehicles and weapons to arm a battalion, no a division.

-It amazes you eh? *Said the young*. 29 egocentric tribes all superimposed on each other. All united around one man. Elias and his son.

-That makes two people. *I thought*

No need to say we totally underestimate the rebels. As I was being made to walk through the camp I could feel a mass of hateful gazes on me. Our group was quickly surrounded. The guy opposite was a middle-aged white man with a mustache and a soot-stained tank top.

-Who is that ? He asked.

-It can not be seen ? A rot of the duchy. Said another.

-A prisoner of Seb. Said the young one called Tribe.

-Seb never takes a prisoner. Give it to us.

- Are you deaf or what Oslo I said he was a prisoner.

-Be careful what you say kid. He said threateningly.

He grabbed an axe squarely and beat me down. As I sensed these guys were going to chop me down a shot rang out. They all turned to a guy. A black man wearing an orange jacket.

-Is there a problem Oslo ? He asked.

-Uh no Dimitri ... he said intimidated.

-The kid said he was a guest of Seb so you treat him with respect.

The group dispersed as quickly as it had formed. The guy across the way was screwing up, especially his beard.

-Come on.

I was thus led to the chef's tent where I found two young men arguing near a table while the guy in the center seemed to be fed up with it.

-It's your fault you idiot you should have made sure they were tied.

- My job to me was to recover the weapons and the useful vehicles it is rather Tribe that screwed up. He yelled.

-If you hadn't protested, I would have ....

-It's enough you two shut up. Yelled the old man.

He must have been getting closer to fifty though. The other nigga had silver hair I recognized him instantly. The guy on the right had curly hair and his complexion was yellow.

-Excuse me.....

- Get out of here Tribe. Said the old man.

He did so without making a fuss.

-Nahel? "He said, staring at silver guy". Can you tell me why you changed your mind at the last minute?

Nahel? "Isn't that the guy everyone calls Seb"?

- Seeing that he was trying to run away I thought at first that he was afraid that he would be tortured but when I met his gaze on the highway I was sure he had something to hide.

-Do you intend to torture him? Asked the curly.

-It will depend on his cooperation.

-But damn it, look at it. He's probably not over 18, he's just a poor guy.

-We are the same age and that I know the bullets make us no distinction. Argued the other.

-That's enough. I don't know what kind of information you plan to get from him, but do it while respecting our values.

-Father I ....

-I tolerated your methods so far because you are my son, but this time you be no exception. NO TORTURE.

Praise be to God that man there had a heart. It was followed by a "yes father" before glaring at me with his dark eyes. He made me leave the tent with his pissed off look, pulling me by the rope that tied my hands. Looks like they weren't a united front at home.

-So ? Tribe asked.

-Start the car. He said in a cold tone.

The young did so without asking a question. The car was the same model as ours, these bastards had clearly recycled our weapons for their use.

-By the way ? I said

They stared at me fearfully before the other one told me.

-Ah you can actually talk. Said the young ironic.

-What have you done with my other companions.

-Bang. Tribe said, mimicking a gun to his temple.

No mercy, these people were worse than barbarians but that could be understood.

-Where are we going ?

-At the refuge. I'm going to see my mother. Nahel said.

His mother ? Did this monster also have a mother? Tch but what am I saying, everyone has a mother. Tribe drove off and we slowly moved away from the camp. These guys weren't even trying to hide the ride from me. After a 15-minute drive we finally arrived at the refuge. The air was totally different from their HQ. Here there were kids playing and running around. Women and young men with a much less hostile air. As we had just arrived I saw a pack of kids charging us.

-Nahel, Nahel is back.

He crouched down to be at their level because you mustn't lie to yourself, this monster was at least 1m90. However, his face became less hard and cold. He was smiling outright and it made me feel weird.

-Seb when I grow up I will marry you Said one of the kids.

-Gets big and maybe I'll think about it.

He whispered something quickly to her and she nodded with a smile. He knows how to do it with kids.

-Who is the ugly sir? The kid asked.

Ugly ? I may be a head shorter than Seb, but I still had an acceptable guy, brown hair and black eyes.

-A guest pay no attention.

-So why is he tied up? Insisted a kid.

-Oh that.

He approached me with a smile and cut my ties with a knife.

-You see ? Go play now I have to do.

As soon as they walked away. His smile suddenly faded.

-Don't even think about running away. If you grab a sharp object without authorization I will shoot you. If you take a gun without authorization, I'll shoot you. If you piss outside the camp, I'll shoot you down.


-If you piss in the camp, but your piss has the misfortune to run outside ...

-You shoot me?

-No you'll go clean your shit. Be careful with your arm injury anyway.

It was there that I noticed the bandage on my arm. He was surprisingly well done. Worthy of a country doctor. But who is this man in the end? Like what my life was worth a minimum of something. Seb walked away and entered a tent. For a moment I noticed a black woman sitting on her bed, coughing.

-lets visit then.

This camp was really something, people lived certainly in sort of tents but did not seem particularly unhappy, on the contrary this rustic environment of fishing and gathering reminded our villages in the countryside. Having said that, I had solved the mystery of our vehicles which disappeared in the North. Assuming that I managed to escape I could inform my superiors. But then I just wanted to take advantage of the present moment. To be far from any civilization rests the spirit as they say.

-No No Amira it's not like that. Hold your bow better than that.

- I can't do it dad.

I ran into a black man teaching his 10 year old archery. He kept yelling at her to bend his bow, but his posture itself was bad.

-Excuse ... Excuse me ...

The man turned to me but as soon as he saw me he panicked.

-Fucking man in green ... *he said taking out his bow*

I literally fell to my knees putting my hands up.

-No that's not what you think. I....

You might as well try everything for everything.

-I am a guest of Seb.

-Are you sure you're not more of a prisoner? The man asked.

-Seb never takes a prisoner no why I would lie ....

He stared at me for a moment, then lowered his gun. So I got up, heading towards the girl still with my hands up.

-Can I ?

She nodded like i can gon on.

-Well, already spread your legs, stand up straight, put yourself on the side, leave room for your arrow. Are you left-handed or right-handed?

-Left ...

-Then put the back of the arrow in your left hand and firmly hold the bow of the right.

Her posture was still poor but when she fired her arrow she was able to reach the lower end of the circle.

-In ... Incredible. How did you do it sir?

- I did nothing, you are the expert. *I say modest*. Train seriously and you will get stronger.

What am I doing? The man walked over and held out his bow to me.

-A demonstration please?

-He no no I don't have the right to ....

-Go for it. *The little one insisted*.

Well, he won't be able to blame me if someone suggests that I touch a weapon. I grabbed the bow and took a Kyudo worthy position. I fired the arrow which went straight. She lands a little above the central circle.

-Wow you are good ....

-Not that much. But why don't you learn to hunt with a gun? It is much more convenient.

-Bullets are much too impure, the Komians prefer a clean slaughter for their cattle.

He's right, but even I prefer my gun to his old bow. As I returned his weapon, I received a heavy blow to the head. Lying on the floor partially saw who it was.

-You are dead. *Said Seb*. And you Komian don't let Amira get close to anyone.

-He said he was your guest.

- A guest who is not allowed to leave the camp or touch a weapon.


Swelling. He definitely didn't like me. A well-placed kick in the head and I lost consciousness. When I woke up Seb was sitting on a chair while I was tied to the main trunk of the tent. He had removed his jacket and was holding his combat knife which he used to make stakes.

-Hi. *He said in a surprisingly friendly voice*. You're fine ?

-Attached to the bottom of a tent, eat nothing for twelve hours, yes I'm freaking fine.

His canife was planted just above my head and he glared at me.

-Don't play that with me.

-G ... Got it. *I answered promptly*.

-Tch sorry. I'm on edge these days. Lars is probably right, I'm getting too hard.

Could this be a sign of weakness? However, I must not lose my calm. Exactly like this guy with his show off glasses. I'm sure that right now the 51st Brigade should be kidding me but I don't care I will survive at all costs. An opportunity to sympathize has been created I will not miss it.

-This ... Lars is your friend?

-A bit like he's my friend, he's even more than that, he's my brother. But we are often at odds these days.

-Given your level of development you could destroy all the bases in the north in the blink of an eye. Why don't you do it?

-We would do well if we knew where they were all. But no matter how hard I look, I can't find Elysion's headquarter. Tell me my friend ....

-Karl ... Lecter.

-Lecter ... You wouldn't know where I can find this HQ if?

-Sorry, I can't say anything about it.

He got up from his seat and took an apple which he peeled after removing his knife. He sat down across from me and smiled at me.

-Listen Karl, I would like us to be friends, from the bottom of my heart I swear it to you but if you mess with me I will send you in the woods and I will make you spit out everything you have eaten since you were born.

-Stop playing tough it doesn't work with me. *I say firmly*

-But I don't play "tough". I have a family to protect as well as 20 thousand inbred morons who believe themselves to be superior. You saw it yourself here at the shelter people live in peace and I would do anything to protect this peace including taking your bowels out of your eyes.

-I was taught at the academy that people of your kind were a generation of demons, that you were inferior beings that had to be exterminated. And I almost believed it when I saw your HQ. But after seeing the shelter I start to believe it was just propaganda.

-The truth is that you will never win this conflict in the North your motives are poor. Do you have a family, for example?

-I have brothers and sisters.

-So what are you doing here?

-I serve my country.

-By slaughtering the brothers and sisters of others people what a beautiful mentality.

He stood up and walked towards the exit.

-Elysion will not win. I will never let them win.

I'm sure at that moment I saw his eyes shine for a short time. Or else I go crazy.

-W .... Wait. Your mother...

I touched a sensitive point because even before understanding his canife was under my throat.

-Speak but at the end of your monologue you're dead.

-She is in bad shape I saw how badly she felt. It won't last long in a place like this.

-It's not for you to decide that.

-Help me get through this and I will make sure that your mother is treated in a hospital worthy of the name.

I have to try everything for everything.

-I know a guy, his name is Al ...

-I don't care about his name, an Elysian who helps a woman of bad color, are you kidding me ?

-No no this guy is different. Suddenly he will help you, he has nothing to do with the government centrist ideologies for him no life is to be thrown away.

He stared at me for a moment, then left the tent without saying a word. I felt I had hit a sore spot. This kind of guy would do anything for his mother including betraying his own. After that I did not see him the rest of the day, the guards followed one another at regular intervals. Until the night finally falls. It must have been around 11pm when I woke up.

-Hey ... standing upright white beak.

-He eh .... *I said a little stunned*. Are you ... Lars?

- Hurry up, you don't have much time.

He quickly untied me and helped me up.

-Keith is planning to drive you into the woods to get rid of you.


-Nahel, Seb, i mean you know who. *He said pushing me outside*.

-Why would he do that? I thought that...

-He came home and began to mumble some weird stuff. After much thought he went to find Oslo and his gang. It smells bad for you so get out.

-Oh oh wait why will I believe you already?

He stopped and looked me straight in the eye. I could feel his sadness when what he was about to do.

- Go down the hill, you will find a motorbike with a full tank of gasoline. You will just have to go straight ahead and you will find the bitûme.

-And you aren't coming?

-I must stay and take responsibility for my act. You Go.


- Don't worry, I'm his brother after all.

I did not know what to do with this golden opportunity before me. That said I started running like crazy but at less than 100 meters I turned around. I saw Seb and Lars get confused.

-I'm disappointed Lars, really ....

-It's you who disappoint me. Keith.

I saw seb raise his gun and stick a bullet in his head. The gunshot made a tear to my heart. This guy was sick but I started running down the hill as the others came after me. I saw the bike as expected with a full tank of gas, a barrel, a gun and something to eat.

-Lars was a good soul that motherfucker Nahel didn't deserve him as a friend.

I started and put full throttle to the outside. It couldn't go on anymore, we had to inform HQ.

End of the PoV

Do you know the story of the good cop and the bad cop? The bad cop comes to terrorize the suspect and makes him see all the colors. The good cop, sympathizes with the target to draw the worms out of him by promising to protect him from the bad cop.

-It's good Lars, he's far away.

That asshole wasn't moving so I gave him a good kick in the stomach.

-But eh ... You could at least feel guilty for having killed me a minimum.

-With a New Year's firecracker? Don't make me laugh.

-Do you think he realized that we were acting?

-Even if, now that he is free he will want to report everything to HQ by himself. Let's just hope the other branches don't go down it.

-More than counting on Blanka's team for the spinning. I would eat a steak myself.

War is not just traps, guns and bloody battles, it is also all a mind game. I kept saying this to Zell. Knowing how to infiltrate a spy when necessary and sometimes a simple soldier can be the traitor without knowing it.

-Good luck first class Lecter.

End of chapter