Chereads / My Favorite Sin / Chapter 32 - 32 Grace

Chapter 32 - 32 Grace

....Johns POV...

That was the weirdest sensation I've ever felt. It was like floating and moving, completely weightless but to heavy to move a muscle and then blink we're outside a an old Ice cream factory and immediately were hearing shouts and we have to scramble for cover from the bullets already flying.

Alex takes a grenade off his vest I catch his attention before he throws it and motion eyes or hand opening up, hoping he'll understand what I'm asking. He points to eyes and pulls pin and throws it up into the nearby open window. We cover our ears and eyes as it goes off and work our way in quickly taking down men as they come at us.

It's more than just INL Officers, it's a whole collage of criminals and other men in there with guns ready to fight us. There was 10 -15 people right when we walked in and took the first area which was like an office. Our military and officer friends that came with us went to get the flank and rear of the building as they're more experienced with this type of attack.

Alex tosses another flash bang real quick through the door to the factory floor and as soon as it goes off, we're up and taking down any guys we see. Apparently this was one of the drug shipping areas where they'd store it to sell or to ship out. We got to find where that room is. It wouldn't be upstairs, so I scan the floor there's a few possibilities. Shots come at us and we have to take cover.

All of the sudden redcaps start disappearing and we here shots ring out and most reappear. Feral grabs the giant spiked mace he has strapped to his back.

"Cover me." he runs out swinging the mace against a barrel sending it flying, we take out guys who pop out and Farel ducks and shoots the barrel.


...Sins POV ...


I smile at Ortiz and blow him a kiss.

"Looks like you were wrong about them not finding this place."

Ortiz is shocked and dazed he puts his hands on his head and starts to pull his hair.

"What the fuck? That's impossible, I stabbed that little shit. "

"Plus he said he wasn't going to let anyone come with authorization."

"That hijo de puta! He lied to ME!"

'DO WHAT?' My ears perk up.

"Who was that Ortiz? Who would send death to your door after telling you not to worry?"

I see if he'll slip up.

Looks like the corruption went farther than I thought.

"Fuck you!"

He backhands me then smiles.

"It's okay you know why? Because I've got a dirty bomb here and when it goes off and oh.... it will, all your friends will be dead. Including your husband..... and your little lover boy Alex.....


"Actually Lar is more of the lover boy dip shit."

He stops and his lips curl in astonishment and disgust.

"You're one sick fucking bitch, but I see with all that progress we made you've regressed and become arrogant again."

"Let's fix that."

He grabs a one of the long spikes and stabs me through the stomach and he looks me dead in the eye.

"Let's really see what you're like after that puta." He kisses my lips softly, but I can't fight back as my visions going black....

.....John's POV.....

We've got the ground floor level of guys either dead or running off and the the rest of our group has been making head way too as we see them taking out guys up top we couldn't see. We make way down the hall and find some freezers. Nothing.

We head down into the basement looking still nothing.

"Lar!" I call for him and he appears beside me.

"Yes?" Can you go to her and see if you can figure out where she is in here?"

He snaps his fingers and disappears. After five minutes one of the redcaps comes hollering at us.

"Over here! It's too heavy to move on our own!"

We take off running and sure enough there's a heavy wood and concrete shelf blocking an well concealed door. Working together we get it moved and Lar comes out.

"There's a whole network of tunnels down here. I heard someone running down one but knew I needed to get back here to you. Come on hurry."

"You didn't see Ortiz?" I ask chasing after him with Farel and Alex and director Lewis closed behind.

"No, it was probably him I heard, bastard killed her before he took off. I removed the weapon though."

We get to the room and Lewis and Farel stay outside the door to keep guard. Lar, ALex and I go in the room. I'm paralyzed for a few seconds as I realize she's really here.

There she is hanging suspended on some sort of metal wire contraption, spread eagle. I started to tear up and gasped.

"Mary!" I cry out and run to her and start trying to get her out of the contraption. It's not wanting to come off. I grab the clippers off the table and clip the wires holding her and roll her into my arms with the last one clipped.

Alex pops his head out and comes back with the shirt Lewis was wearing earlier.

"Here" He hands it to me and get her covered best I can as she starts coming to.

I don't care about anything anymore, she's safe. My Mary, my favorite Sin. She's free of that sick twisted creature.

Her eyes flutter open confused but then smile seeing my face.

"Hey John." She whispers before opening her eyes up wide.

.....Sin's POV...

I'm waking up feeling weird like someones holding me, my eyes open and its John.

"Hey John." I smile at him ..... It all comes rushing back. My eyes open wide.



"He got away, don't worry he will never touch you again, Mary" John cuts me off and caresses my face.


Every ones eyes go big.

"Lar go warn the others get everyone out NOW!" I yell at Lar and he disappears.

Alex calls in Farel and lewis and as they're walking in something gets tossed right outside the door.

Lewis yells, "IED!" and attempts to get the door shut with him outside in the hall with it.

Farel jumps in front of Alex to get him out of the way while me and John hit the floor, that's when the thing goes off.


Time always seem to slow down in these moments, but at the same time it's over in a second.

The look on Lewis's face set in a firm line of bravery to get the door closed to try and prevent less carnage.

Farel's train of thought focused on keeping Alex safe by standing in front of him and moving him quickly.

John and me falling to the ground gazing into each others eyes.

So much going on that can be seen but if you had blinked it would've been like it all never had happened.


Our ears are ringing and Lar reappears and looks around wide eyed and stops seeing Alex cradling Farel in his arms.

"Primo, Primo, FAREL!" Alex holds him close.

"You're alright hijo?" Farel deep gruff voice is a whisper, full of pain and concern.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Farel, stay with me." Alex says seeing the blood starting to pool around him.

"I wish I could hijo, guess you got to keep yourself out of trouble now." He gives a lopsided grin.

"You can't leave me, how the hell am I going to get by with out you? ¿Cómo vivo sin mi papá? (How do I live with out my dad?)" Alex tears start to fall down.

Farel raised his hand to Alex's shoulder and said, "You'll make me proud no matter what you do."

Farel doesn't say anything else, his arm slides off Alex's shoulder and we know he's gone.


Lar snaps his fingers and were all back at Alex's with everyone else. I slowly get up and John still lays on the floor.

"John?" I ask looking at him.


I get back down on my knees and start checking him.

"It's in my right side under the rib cage, Sin." John gets out weakly.

I look at the area and see the blood starting to flow out.

"NO. NO. NO. NO." I moan.


I immediately put pressure around the wound and see him grimace in pain.

"Stay with me John, please." The tears are silently streaming down my face.

"I'm sorry Mary. I didn't know you were drugged. I still love you. I still love my wife."

He coughs and groans in pain.

"Mary, hold my hand until the pain subsides." He holds up his hand to me and I use one hand to grab it and kiss it, pressing it to my face.

"I feel like we've done this before." he mutters his lips twitching up in the corners.

"John, I love you. I don't know what to say, you saved me in more ways then one." I can't hold back the tears that continue to fall.

"My saving grace can't leave me, you're not allowed to go where I can't follow John." My heart breaks saying the words out loud knowing the amount of blood forming of what is to come.

I desperately grasped onto his hand leaning down and kissing his lips trying to convey everything I could never say before, the words we don't have time to say now.

I lean back up and see the tired look in his eyes.

"No John, Please, DON'T LEAVE ME."


"Will you forgive me Mary? I'm not sure I can keep my promise and stay." he whispers.

"Only if you stay." The tears stream and I shaking my head so I can see his beautiful eyes.

My soul was begging for him to stay, "I don't want to live with out you, John."

"PLEASE just stay with me. please. please." I rocked with his hand in mine.

"I love you..... Mary." he whispers caressing my face with his hand.

"I love you John." his hand falls and his eyes .... his eyes.....

" ..... no... NO! "

"NO! NO! NO! "

"JOHN STAY!" " STAY!" I scream.




"JOHN! JOHN john? John..." My screams weaken and voice cracks as I hold his lifeless body in my arms.

All I see is blood it's on my hands, my clothes, on the floor around me my head falls back as the agony comes out in a paralyzing silent scream. My soul being ripped from me through the hollow of my heart.

Only this time .....

No one is there to wake me up.