Chereads / My Favorite Sin / Chapter 12 - 12 Fun and Advice

Chapter 12 - 12 Fun and Advice

The days were starting to rush by and we felt like we were not going to get everything done. We hired someone to take care of painting and cleaning his house instead of us doing it. We made sure to get to our wedding coordinator meetings and answered the phone calls about finalizing all the little things.

It was two days before the wedding and we were starting to look forward to the honeymoon just to get away from phones and people.

John finally had enough and told our wedding coordinator, "doesn't matter what the problem is or what you need permission on, you have the permission, and as long as the venue is still there, that's all that matters. Please we need to be able to relax for this, so we can enjoy our day. We trust you one hundred percent."

"Wow, honey you were not joking." I laugh a little surprised when he told our coordinator to kindly stop bothering us. He came and laid his head in my lap on the couch.

"I wasn't joking. I can't stand the phones constantly going off lately. It's driving me bonkers." he huffed.

I laughed at his frustration and gave him a pat on the head. Sinatra his cat jumps up on the couch with us and rubs at my hand wanting the attention for him self.

"Meow." =^.^= 'puuurrr'

We give him love and cuddle up watching a movie together.

Caspian came over earlier and was helping out learning how to take care of Sinatra and letting the cat get used to him for when we were on our honeymoon. He walked out the spare room and saw us cuddled up and grimaced.

"My virgin eyes!" He groans covering his eyes in mock horror at our display of affection.

I roll my eyes and throw a pillow at him from the couch.

"Hey!" He laughs grabbing the pillow up and tosses it back for John to catch and also toss at him.

"What the..! Man, no fair when you guys gang up on me." He scoffs, "This is abuse!" John pulls him down play wrestling with him.

"Help! Abuse! Murder!" Cass squeals in the squeaky changing voice of a teenager as he continues to wrestle with John but is no match regardless of his determination.

I'm laughing and decide to get in on the action.... he he *devious smile*

I jump on John and take him down. "Picking on Cass, you're such a bully!" I laugh.

"That's right Sin! Help me out." Cass struggles out Johns arms as he needs them to handle me.

Now we have a cheer coach on the side as we wrestle with each other playfully but still challenging each other with our strength.

"Pinned You, Agent." I say on top of him with an arm and leg twisted behind him.

He chuckles and I feel him tense using his free arm and leg he pushes him self up, catching me off guard. I'm thrown off balance and I fall backwards and he took the the advantage. He hops on top of me pinning my arms and wrapping his legs around around me catching my knees with his feet.

"Who's in top position now?" he chuckles.

"Ref? What happened to the count or you going to let him sit on me all day?" I ask Cass who's taken Sinatra into his lap petting him.

"Depends. How long do you want to be in that position?" He snickers at my expression and John frees me. "Oh SNAP." He shouts dropping the cat and taking off down the hall as I chase after him.

"It was only a joke!"He yells narrowly escaping my grasp and darts past me back out to the living room with me close on his heels. "John a little help here!" He screams heading up the stairs.

Laughing, "You're on your own now kid."

"I see how it is!" He screams again as I come up and I chase him around the house before he shoots back to the stairs and slides down the banister and crashes into the floor and breaking the side table.

"OH MY! CASS ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?" I yell getting to him just as John is too.

He groans, "No, I broke something."

Me and John are looking him over and don't see any swelling and Cass continues, "I broke your table." He groans looking at the cracked and splinters of wood around him.

We shake our heads standing up. John gives him a hand up and Cass winces as he moves and we see a piece of wood sticking out of his arm and some splinters.

"Well that's not good." He looks at his arm and I motion him to follow and sit at the kitchen table.

"Don't worry Cass, I got you. John, can you grab me some clean towels and the first aid chest out of the closet?" I start grabbing a bowl of warm water and washing my hands.

I get gloves on and get the towels and stuff I need from the first aid chest I need. I remove the largest piece first with my hand. Cass yells in pain, but I quickly stick the gauze to the wound to soak up the blood. It was an inch long shard about half an inch thick.

"That's going to need stitches." I tell him and he looks up at me.

"So I got to go to the ER?" He asks me

"No, Cass. I can do it." I let him know as his eyes dilate in fear. "Don't worry, I have stuff to numb the area." I pull out a syringe from the package and grab a bottle of Lidocaine and get the dose ready.

He takes it like a champ for his age as I inject a little all around the area. I take care of the syringe and start washing his wound and checking for smaller splinters and removing those as I wait for the numbing to go into effect.

"Were you a doctor before, Sin?" Cass asks as he watches me carefully removing splinters and cleansing the area after they're removed.

"No, I was a nurse, in the war." I said working on a splinter lodged deep under the skin.

"So this is probably nothing compared to what you've seen. Wait which war are you talking about?"

I sigh a little, "World War II is when I joined the army as a nurse, before the war I was a nurse in my local clinic since my first plan didn't work out." I set the splinter to the side on some gauze and dip a clean piece of gauze in the warm water and wipe the area.

"What was your first plan?" He asks curiously.

"Get married. Back then, as a woman, you married and took care of your home. If you didn't marry it was limited to work like sewing, secretary work, typing, teaching, or being a nurse. Since I caught my boyfriend back then billing and cooing with a different girl, I went to college to be a nurse."

"Billing and Cooing?" Cass stares at me, "What the heck does that mean?"

"It means I saw him hugging and kissing another girl. Once the war started I joined the army, I thought, 'what better way to serve my country but to go nurse our brave soldiers'. I thought I'd meet some young, good looking, officer, nurse his wounds back to full health and fall in love." I got the last splinter out and used an alcohol wipe to disinfect the smaller wounds, When he didn't flinch I knew he was numb enough.

I set the curved needle in the alcohol and got me a good length of suture string to tie thread it.

"So it was the during the war that you met the fairy?" he asked as he gulped seeing me thread the curved needle.

"Yes, it was." I poked him with the sharp end of the needle, "Did you feel that?"


"Okay, then stop staring at me like I'm going to hurt you." I chuckle.

"What happened after Gran told your commanding officer you died? Mum wouldn't tell me other then how much Gran hated the man for sending you on missions for the army."

I grimaced a bad taste in my mouth. I looked up at him, "Yeah, he sent me on missions to get information from the Nazi's. It wasn't for the army though it was to further that pigs military career. It helped him get recognition and win medals. I was sent on the missions with no training, no experience, just a gun and a elementary understanding and knowledge of the German."

"What?! You didn't know how to do anything and he just sent you like that?" John popped up to the table at this, he's never heard about this before.

"Yes, I was a virgin in every way," I gave John a look that meant more than I said, "and no longer when I came back. Of course I was captured, tortured, and ...violated. When they realized I knew nothing and was useless the Nazi officer drowned me in a barrel of water. He then tossed my body in the ditch with the other corpses. I laid there after coming to for a few hours and crawled over the bodies and tucked up into a truck. The truck was transporting the corpses to outside what was left of the town. Once we were a certain distance I hopped off the truck and ran like the devil till I found allied forces and was sent to a colonel who listened to me and had my C.O. court-martialed for war crimes against allied forces."

I tied the suture up and cut the string. Wiping it down again with an alcohol wipe. I applied some petroleum jelly to the area and covered it with gauze, taping it down.

"There all done. See wasn't so bad was it." I say gathering up the things to tossed and cleaned.

John and Cass just looked at each other and looked at me. "Then you became a spy?" Cass asked.

"First I went and got trained to be one, then I was made a spy." I corrected.

"You're such a bad ass, Sin." Cass said in awe.

"Language young man." I said wagging a finger as he looked abashed. "Alright you two, out of the kitchen. I'm going to get started on something for dinner. Go clean up the mess in the living room." I said waving them off.

I'm cutting and prepping stuff when I over hear Cass asking John questions that caught my attention.

"Hey John, how do you get a girl to like you?"

John smiles, "Depends on the girl. What is she like?"

"She's smart, beautiful, really nice, but not afraid to fight a guy either." Cass sighs, "She's funny too and fun to be around, but I know she likes someone else."

"Wow, seems like you know her pretty well then."

"Yeah." He says looking down.

"Well Cass, You gotta be yourself, first of all. If she doesn't like you as you are, don't change for them, it never makes you happy in the end. If she likes someone else, well give it time, you might meet someone better or she might notice how great you are since you seem to hang around each other so much. She from your school?"

"Uh, yeah." He kind of looks uncomfortable as he notices my focus on them.

I get back to cutting a little agitated over it. ....'Wait why is it bothering me?' 'If he doesn't want to talk to me about girls and crushes so what.'

"How do I get her to notice me? How did you get Sin to notice you?" He asks after a few minutes when I'm busy frying and cooking things.

John laughs, "I have no idea what I did to get Sins attention, I was in awe and a little frightened of her from working with her. I was crushing on her big time but she never showed me a sign until she did 8 years ago."

"What did she do or say?" John starts to look slightly embarrassed and is getting red in the face.

I set the table and tell them, "Dinners ready!"

"Let's eat." John quickly says and they come sit at the table.

"So Cass, you want to hear how I made it clear, I liked him too?" I grin devilishly at John more then Cass.

"YES!" Cass says as he fills his plate.

"Well, it was obvious he was crushing on me, the mother hen, clucking over me after every mission. I have to admit 22 year old you fresh out of the academy was cute, but 29 year old you still clucking over me? " I moved my leg under the table subtly up Johns leg, rubbing him gently making him turn brick red. He suddenly became extremely hungry and occupied with his food.

"I just had to let him know, I adored his concern and dedication to my well being. So one night after a job well done, I invited everyone out for drinks. Eventually, we were the only left at the lounge we went to. I had drank too much, so did he, but much less then I. He got us an Uber and at my place, I needed help inside. So Uber was told to go a head and leave and he walked me to my door."

"I had planned to tell you good night and nothing more, I hope you know." John interjected, acting as if he needed to defend his own honor.

"Yes, but I grabbed him by the tie and pulled him inside."

"Dragged, Sin. You nearly choked me to death and dragged me inside with you." He said pointing his fork at me while he talked.

"Semantics." waving him off I continued.

"Anyways, once inside I make us some more drinks and he sits in the living room. I hand him the drink and tell him, 'I'll be back, I need to use the rest room,." Chuckling to myself at the memory of once out of sight, I was racing to my bed room. There I did some changing quickly into the black silk robe with chemise lace nightie with matching shorts, checked my hair and makeup, spray some perfume on and went back downstairs.

"I had changed into my pajamas to get comfortable and sat near him on the couch." John nearly choked on his food and looked at me knowing I was stretching the truth. I came down in my sexy pajamas and sat in his lap, shocking the poor darling, he was stuttering slightly in response. I'm not going to tell Cass that though.

"I told him, 'I know you like me,.... I like you too' and kissed him." and here we are today." I end it just like that. To Johns evident relief.

"Wait what? You just kissed him and that was that? You guys did the naked rodeo and are just trying to hide it from me." Cass crosses his arms not buying it.

"No, kid we did not. I will not take advantage of a woman when she is under the influence of alcohol. As willing as I would have been to do that, I was not going to allow alcohol to influence that decision. I picked her up and took her to bed and came down here and slept in that very same guest room that you sleep in." John told him.

"Sin, is he for real?" Cass looks at me.

"Yes, that's what made me like him even more." I said leaning over kissing Johns cheek. "A gentleman through and through. That's what you need to remember Cass, be a gentleman, be your self." I get up and gather the plates stopping next to Cass. "If she likes you, she'll let you know. If she can not see the handsome, intelligent, and decent young man you're becoming like I do, she's blind and stupid." I give him a peck on the head, "Now, who wants Ice cream and a movie! "