Chereads / My Favorite Sin / Chapter 14 - 14 Nordic views

Chapter 14 - 14 Nordic views

We were just getting off the plane in Oslo for our honeymoon when jet lag started kicking in. We were so happy to get to the hotel room and fall asleep holding each other. The wedding wore us out and we left early the next morning to head to the airport.

Now we're on our honeymoon, my husband and I, my amazing, handsome, husband. I didn't imagine I could be this happy with him or anyone, I loved Nathaniel but it didn't feel like this for me. Maybe it's not supposed to feel the same. I'm pleased John and I didn't change who we are, we just changed our dedication, the promise of our lives to each other and it's amazing how perfect everything is. I really hope I'm not dreaming all of this, because if I am. ... Please do not ever wake me up.

I'm deep in slumber land and I feel the soft caress of a hand on my cheek. The gentle caress stirs me from sleep and my eyes flutter open.

"Good morning, my beautiful wife." John cradles me in his arms and still caresses my face.

I smile blushing, "Good morning, my handsome husband."

"Mary, I love you, but we need a shower and to brush our teeth." He leans back groaning. "You're going to knock me out with that death breath of yours."


*mood killer*

"Looks who's talking dragon breath, felt like hot flames of stench on my face." I sit up and playfully punch his side. "You can be such an ass." I laugh and go brush my teeth.

"Yeah, But you wouldn't love me any other way." He comes up behind me to hug me and grab his tooth brush as well.

We shower and get breakfast sent to the room as we start to decide what we want to see while we're in the area. Since we're in Oslo we wanted to start going west to the fjords, but we were tossing the idea of visiting Sweden too.

"Why don't we go to Sweden first? End the trip with the Fjords?" John suggests.

"I don't want to rush the Fjords though."

"We don't have to." He smiles knowingly.

"Why?" Why is he looking like he did something. "What did you do?"

"I would check your return ticket baby." He winks.

I get up and pull it out....


'Wait? What?'

"You got us an extra week off? We have the joint meeting we have to get back to. We'd miss it by 3 days. They're not exactly things we can control the time on." I'm floored how he was able to do this.

"Now, hold on, don't get your panties in a twist, Sin. Recent intel informed us the meeting was cancelled and is being rescheduled. The entire council gave the blessing to not inform you of it and let me extend our honeymoon so it would be a surprise. Look at it as a wedding present from the council." Grinning so proudly at the moment he gave me a wink.

I put the ticket back and strolled over to him on the bed. Smiling I leaned over and gave him a kiss.

"A thank you I believe will suffice in response to the council. Please don't go kissing them like that when you see them."


"You're something else sometimes." Chuckling at his absurd comment, I sit back down.

"So Sweden first it is."

We spent a few days in Sweden, taking the train there and then renting a car to go visit the area Lacko Castle by Lake Vanern. Orebro Castle and Stora Sundby Castle were next before returning the car and heading back to Norway. We spent a only 4 days in Sweden, but it was beautiful. We plan on returning to visit it again.

Back in Oslo, we rented a camper van to head north to enjoy the country more at our own pace since we had 3 extra days still. The business gave us a map of all the areas for camping with a shower available and gave us some areas to stop at and check out along the way.

We headed north east and stopped when we wanted bought local foods, took pictures of little things, of each other, of the countryside. Sharing lots of kisses, some sweet, some laced with promises of things to come. We went up to Trondheim and had a picnic at the park by the old city bridge with local bread, butter and smoked salmon. Then we went father north to Lofoten archipelago and saw the viking museum and the Trollfjord. Everything was breathtaking, the pictures we took looked impressive but still didn't give the area justice 5 days were not enough to truly enjoy what the area had to offer.

Then from there we went south to Aure starting the trek down to see more of the amazing fjords and drive along the Atlantic road that linked the archipelago of islands, down to Molde and visited the Romsdal museum and the The Chateau there. We did so much hiking and sadly realized Johns fantasy of seeing how my voice would carry out over the fjords from making me climax, was not going to happen. He didn't seem that bothered by it when I said something to him at one of the many waterfalls we got to see along the way.

"It's fine, I'm just happy being normal tourists too, not just hot and bothered honeymooners."

This man. ...

"What if I said you're hot and bothered honeymooner of a wife was wanting to hear it too?" I said coyly looking up at the waterfall. I could feel the grin that spread across his face as he started to hum.... (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

"Put your ring in my pocket, discretely." he muttered to me as he gave me a kiss on the cheek.

He spoke to some of the locals that were around in the towns while I was 'busy taking pictures' or 'looking at souvenirs'. He would ask about a more 'private area to hike to propose preferably over looking the fjords' since I was 'such a shy, private person' and he wouldn't want to 'put me on the spot.' Most of them would send us to the lesser traveled but still tourist areas.

Finally, we stopped at a shop that sold camping and hiking gear. "If anyone would know where to go, it's the campers and hikers right?" He said give me a wink as he pocketed my ring again and went inside. After a few minutes he came out and waved me in.

It was a decent size local store offering all the gear and equipment for camping in the extreme temperatures changes that happened here. They also had groceries, mainly stuff campers would purchase, but they also had clothes and boots.

"So this gentleman was telling me about the perfect place to hike, we have to camp overnight though since its a bit steep and slow going. You up for it?" John asked me.

"Sure, what do we need then for overnight camping?" I smiled looking at the gentleman.

He was very happy to help us pick out a decent tent, lantern, and other camping gear for the night to rent. We purchased a beautiful handmade blanket that was made by his family to help keep us warm. We also purchased some heavier jackets, food and hiking poles as suggested. He gave us a map of the area with English on it and carefully marked the location on it with where to park the van, and where we should find the trail markers and gave us the GPS coordinates to help us find the location. We loaded the van up with our purchases and thanked him. We would have to start the hike early the next morning to get to it, so we found a place to stay overnight in the van.

"How in the world are you that smooth to get someone to give you a 'secret location' to 'propose'." I laughed later as we laid in the makeshift bed in the back of the van.

He laughed," I told him I wanted to propose in a private location, because if a man could get lucky enough to get some, it was after that."


My face dropped in shock. "You did NOT."

He nodded that he did and smugly shrugged like 'oh well'.

¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯

"He told me a place didn't he?"

"Yeah and he made some sales to boot off it but still I can't believe you told him you were trying to get laid, like you're a 'deprived man'." I look at him playfully, "Are you feeling deprived my dear?"

"I won't be later." He chuckles with that impish grin. (◠u◠)—☆


"Whew! Oh my! That was definitely a hike, sure glad we got the poles like he suggested." I huffed out coming to rest and wipe the sweat off of my forehead and take a drink.

We took a breather before finishing the last bit of the walk to the top. The grassy, rocky slope was starting to ease on the steep incline as we neared the top. There had been trees up till the halfway point but now it was just grass and rocks that we had to look at. The trail path was mostly switchbacks with plenty of room to have a few people walk side by side and not worry about the edge being to close.

As we neared the top it got narrower from the large pieces of stone boulders on either side and now John was in front of me to get up the last 100 yards. He had got a little ahead of me and disappeared from my sight. "John?!" I called out.

"Sin get up here! This is amazing!" I heard him call out far away.

I picked up my pace a little bit and came around a large boulder where the I had to stop in awe.

We had reached one of the sloped meadows of the lower elevated mountains that overlooked the deep blue fjord tinged with aquamarine on the outer edges.

Boats dotted the larger Fjord we could see from here while only small kayaks and other watercraft could be seen in the one below us. Snow capped the higher surrounding mountains. There were green fields and hills with small evergreen forests dotting the landscape below.

I took off my pack and went to stand closer to John. Wrapping my arms around his waist he just pulled me closer under his arm.

"This view is amazing! I think it was well worth the trek." I said smiling looking across the amazing landscape carved by nature.

"Yes, the view is breathtaking."

His voice was full of warmth and affection which pulled my attention back to him.

His intense gaze told me he wasn't talking about the landscape. I blushed and felt my hair and toes were curling from his words and the way he appraised me with that look.

He scanned my lips and I bit my bottom lip, his breath caught before he swooped down to kiss me.

We pulled apart breathless and a little lightheaded.

"We should make camp before we get carried away, give our bodies time to adjust to the elevation." I suggested when we both seemed a little out of breath.

We set up camp and John got the little camp stove set up next to the little fire pit that was already there with wood.

"The shop owner said that there would be wood here and sure enough there is. He did say though if we didn't need to use it all overnight to leave some behind for the next possible campers. He also said something about a little spring with a pond around here." John started looking around.

"Honey, I think I see it." I called him over to me and pointed to the south of us.

Sure enough as we walked over there there was a small waterfall pooling into a pond and to the side of the pond coming out of the rock was a metal tube and a marker in Scandinavian. We got closer and under the marker someone had written in English 'Spring water taste it!', underlined with a smile face.

We shrugged and tasted it with our cupped hands.

"Oh my, WOW." It was delicious! "Who knew water could taste so good!"

I went in with my mouth to the side of it and took a nice long drink. It was like the air we were breathing around us and the mountain landscape combined in a good way. It was also ice cold.

"I wish we could get this back home right out of the faucet. Man, we'd hardly ever want to drink anything else." John took a nice long drink as well before going back and grabbing our canteens and filling them up.

"I'm taking these back to the campsite real quick." He waved the canteens at me and I nodded.

I eyed the waterfall for a quick second and decided, why not? I stripped down naked really quick and went under the edge of the waterfall spray.




*Not the sharpest knife on the cutting block are we?*

I come gasping and shrieking out from the assault of the glacial deluge, dripping wet and shivering as I grab my undershirt to dry off quickly. John is laughing so hard at me that he can't stand up. Just sidesplitting laughter that's making him start to tear up.

I quickly get dressed and still using the undershirt wring my hair out as John attempts to get up still laughing.

*light bulb on*

...I see my opportunity....

I'm taking it.

I swirl the wet undershirt up and snap it hard against his ass. "HA! Now who's laughin.....?"

...the waterfall is the only sound you can hear.....

John looks back at me and gives me a look like, 'OH REALLY?'


I take off running like a bat out of hell as he's laughing like a psychopath chasing me.

He tackles me to the ground and I'm scrambling like mad to get out of his grasp, but he has me. I stop struggling as it's futile.

He smacks my cheeks making me squeak. I was anticipating much worse. Now we're both laughing and gasping for breath. After a minute we get up and head back to the tent.

I put the the blanket out and relax as he makes the sausage, veggies, and bread for a meal. He also brings over the hot chocolate we got in Sweden that had liquor in the package with it. It was so good. After the meal he goes to the pond with a washcloth to go freshen up, but he refuses to go into the water like I did.

"Your nipples can still cut through diamonds right now, I am not going in there. If I do it, I'll be coming out a woman singing soprano for a week." I chuckle at his analogy and watch him head over there. I start taking pictures of the campsite and then of John's priceless reaction to the water while using just the washcloth.

"How's my soprano doing? Ready for your big debut?" I shout while taking a video.

He flips me off and doing his best high pitched, female voice impression, "This diva is ready!"

He then proceeds to shake his ass for the camera as I get attacked by a fit of giggles at his response.

I'm laying back on the blanket still laughing when his shadow blocks the sun.


"Hey honey, what's up..."

He's still naked.



"So let's hear how loud I can get you to sing. See if you can get that voice to echo across the fjords." He winks devilishly at me as I look him up and down.

I grin.

"Challenge accepted!" I reach up and pull him down as you hear a little 'whoa' come out before he's underneath me and I'm warming him right up.




"I'm not sure who was louder, you or me with that last one." I whispered sheepishly against his chest.

"Shhh, I was still slightly soprano from those ice cold nipples of yours rubbing against me."

He grinned happily with his eyes closed holding me close.

"Well then, maybe you should do something about that and warm them up." I pull on his hand as I get up and grab my clothes and stroll naked into the tent looking at him over my shoulder.


"Woman, you are going to kill me,"

I look at him quickly 'really?'

"But best believe I will die a happy man."

He grabs the blanket and his clothes and swoops in to the tent growling like beast making me squeal slightly as he playfully attacks me to feast on the taste of my skin, warming us both up.