The wedding bells begin to hammer
Breaking my train of thoughts
And adding fuel to my anxiety
There she is in all the glamour and glory
As if I had not seen her in a thousand years
She is soft and beautiful
My thoughts are unsettled
As if something is not right
My hands are sweaty
Even though its cold outside
The church is packed to capacity
Everyone has a smile
That adds more colour
To the already decorated chruch
She is getting closer to the alter
And I cant stop but freak out
What if she grows out of love
Before we even settle down
And have our own family
What if she leaves me one day
Without telling me anything
And she never returns
What if she abandons me
With our kids when life becomes hard
Like its bound to be one day
What if she never gives me children
Because of unknown philisophies
And the society laughs at me
For being a tingling symbol
What if I hurt her
Without even knowing it
And she takes it to heart
Without telling me about it
What if I die
And leave her alone
In this world where no one cares
Unless they have something to benefit
What if I met someone else
When she is already my wife
And I fell in love with her
She is finaly here
Her dad is handing her over to me
Damn, she is beautiful
For a moment I even forget how to breath
She looks delicate like a flower
And I vow to protect her with my life
Because she is finaly my wife
My name on her sounds lovely
She is mine to love and protect
Her eyes begin to water
She is happy I know
But deep in thoughts
Something tells me she is afraid
So am I, and that makes me happy
Because we will make it work
The ring on her finger is beautiful
Just like her
And everyone is happy for us
I am happy for us
Something tells me I should burry the thoughts
She looks back at me and smiles
And my heart melts with love
And I know I have done something right
With a prayer on my lips
I hope I make her happy
That she never regrets marrying me
And when the future meets us
We will smile together
For making it this far together
The crowds cheer
In jubilation
And then we descend down the flight of stairs
Her fingers laced with mine
And I feel complete
Because she complete me