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Ovala Academies are prestigious schools that dedicate themselves to training Ovalas into powerful and hardened warriors. It's no stretch to say that its the place where every Ovala wants to be. However, when a young boy named Junko is saved from certain death by another Ovala, he decides he wants something more. To be the next Ovala King! Though, for some reason, he seems to have forgotten all about his past! Join Junko on his epic quest to regain his missing memories and become the number one Ovala!

Chapter 1 - An Ovala is Born!

Broken down houses were scattered about an otherwise barren city. Neither stars nor moonlight were shining in that pitch-black wasteland. A small boy ran followed behind a young girl. He stared at her fuchsia pink hair. Junko ducked just before a shuriken came his way slicing off a strand of his shaggy caramel hair.

Junko's heart began racing even faster than it already was as he turned back noticing the pursuer was gaining up on them." Juuna, I'm scared!"

Junna slightly turned back and saw the intense fear in Junko's eyes. "Don't worry, just keep running and we'll both be out of here in no time. "Here, have a Shadow Fruit." Junna handed Junko a round tangerine fruit that had a strange white glow framing its shape. Junko nodded a thanks as he ate the fruit. Only right after the young boy bit into it did he realize taking time for a snack wasn't a smart move.

The enemy appeared right behind Junko as he turned around. They kicked the boy hard in his rib cage and his back collided with one of the broken houses. Junko's body exploded with pain.

"Junko!" Junna cried out in worry. She wanted to help but she was just as afraid as Junko was. "Junko, hurry up and run! Let's go!" She pulled out a clear white strangely shaped key and turned it in the air, opening up a matching portal. She looked at Junko one last time before jumping into the portal. Juuna had left behind teardrops that damped the dirt.

It was too dark for anyone to make out the person's face but once he spoke it was easy to tell he was a male. "Do you have what I seek, little one?" The man spoke in a clear hostile voice that sent chills down Junko's spine.

Junko was unable to answer the man's question for he was still far too terrified and was still suffering from the pain the man had induced upon him.

"No reply, huh?" The man said in a slightly irritated fashion. "Well then, you leave me no choice." The strange man pressed his palm against Junko's head as a pure white block dissolved out, now in the man's possession. "I'll be taking this and seeing if you truly do have what I desire."

And at those words, the man kicked Junko into the portal Junna had opened and walked away satisfied in the opposite direction.

Junko rubbed his head as he woke up in the middle of a bustling city. There were tons of businessmen and businesswomen everywhere. "Where am I?" The child wondered before feeling extreme pain from his back and rib cage. "And why am I hurting so much?" He wrapped his arm over his stomach in a futile attempt to ease the pain.

Junko struggled to rise to his feet before falling back down again. He wondered why no one noticed and stopped to help him up. Maybe they couldn't see him? Or maybe they just didn't care? Either way, Junko decided to call out for help, "Hey! Help me up, please!"

A girl who looked to be about Junko's age was about to walk over and help him up but an older man grabbed her arm and stopped her. He shook his head disapprovingly. "Look at that necklace he's wearing. It's the symbol of these evil mythical beings called Ovalas. "He either believes in those vile creatures or thinks he's one of them. Either way, he's crazy."

The man looked down at Junko with disdain. "I've learned everything I need to know about Ovalas and their wicked ways from old myths and legends. I don't believe in them of course. So help him me if I did. But those who do believe in them are freaks of nature. And even more so the ones who admire them. "Just let him rot to death here."

Just let him rot to death here.

Those cold words pierced Junko's innocent heart. Did that man really feel such hatred towards him? His memory was a little hazy so maybe he did something mean to him? But then why? Why was everyone passing him by with that same look of disgust in their eyes? He couldn't have possibly angered them all.

"Hey help me! Anyone! Someone, please help me!" Junko cried out to the countless people who passed him by with a glare. "Please help me! I can't get up on my own."

Junko's eyes would light up every time he would see someone walking towards him. But that same light was burnt out the moment an older person would yank away his only chance of hope. Would anyone come? Was anyone ever going to save him?

Days passed and with each passing day, Junko's wounds worsened.

It hurts!

His mind and body screamed in unison as the infected blood dripped onto the ground. Drip drop. Drip drop. The sound of blood dripping fluently imitated the rain. Junko continued patiently waiting for someone's arrival. But he couldn't call out to them anymore for he had lost his voice. It would be a while before he could get his voice back. He would probably need to drink some water first. But for that to happen he would need someone to help him up for he was unable to move on his own.

It hurts.

One thousand needles pierced through his flesh. That was only half of the pain he was feeling. As Junko moved his eyes towards his feet he saw the skin was starting to peel. Maggots climbed into his wounds.

I can't take this pain. Please stop. Please stop. Please stop now!

He cannot stand the awful sensation of insects crawling inside of his feet. But he is unable to prevent it. He might as well have been tied up to a chair with his mouth taped shut. Since his pain immobilized him and no one was listening to his pleas for help.

As fall ended and winter began, Junko still lied in the same spot. He had given up on calling for help and was now unconscious as snowflakes and ants littered his face. He patiently awaited his death. After all, what else was there to do? He could not move. His cries were not heard. And his death approached nearer and nearer.

He did not care about anything entering his body thorough his wounds anymore. For one, his pain had evolved into numbness. Another thing was that he would die soon anyway, so if they want to go ahead and make a nest in his body, who cares at this point? And lastly, at least they acknowledged his existence...

A teenage boy with silky black chest-length hair walked over to where Junko was lying. The teen wore a maroon t-shirt with a black leather jacket over top. He also sported pitch-black sunglasses. Why he was wearing them in winter is a mystery.

The teenager sighed at the sight. "I'm not surprised. Both humans and Ovalas in the Normal Realm are assholes." His voice came off slightly deep and raspy as he said that. He examined Junko more closely but paused when he came across Junko's necklace that had a red spiral circle hanging down from the white chains. "That necklace. How does this boy have it?"

The teenager bent down to pick Junko up. "I really shouldn't be doing this. But I can't just let this kid die in the snow." He took out an orange key from his pocket and turned it in the air as if there was a lock there. Suddenly a portal matching the key opened up in place of the imaginary lock.

Once he made it to his simply decorated house, the dark-haired teen set Junko down on his brown leather couch. After a couple of hours, Junko opened his eyes to find that he was in a complete stranger's house. Forgetting about his previous injuries, he tried to move before they reminded him, sending him right back down on his back.

"You might not want to move yet. You were pretty beat up, so I put some medicine on all of your injuries and bandaged you up. But it still would be a good idea to not move too much until tomorrow evening. Also, I cleaned out all the insects in your wounds."

"Who are you?" Junko asked the first question that came to his mind.

"First, what do you say when someone does something nice for you?" The teenager tested the boy.

Junko puts his finger to his lips. "I…don't know."

"Really?" The teenager was surprised to hear this. He could tell Junko was still pretty young, but he seemed old enough to know some basic manners.

"Yeah," Junko said with complete honesty.

"Okay, well what you say is thank you. And then I'd say your welcome."

Junko nodded. "Thank you, Mister."

"You're welcome. My name is Ninju Gersko. And what's yours?"

Junko shook his head. "I can't remember."

Ninju was very shocked to hear this. "You don't remember your own name? What happened to you?"

"I don't know that either." Junko was starting to become upset that he knew so little about himself.

"Do you at least know what you are?"

Junko once again shook his head. No longer wanting to speak.

"You are an Ovala," Ninju said. "A race that is divided into eleven Realms and can access that Realms powers as their own. And once you're all healed up, we'll find out which one you come from."

Junko was now interested in the discussion and decided to speak again. "Which realm are you from Ninju?"

"You're in it right now. The Fire Realm," Ninju answered before walking over to Junko and handing him his clothes; a white undershirt and bright red overalls. "Here you can put these back on now." Before he handed them to him though, Ninju noticed something scribbled on the inside. "Junko Yuki," Ninju said, reading the scribble. "Is that your name?"

Junko's chocolate brown eyes lit up. " I think so! It sounds really familiar!"

"By the way, kid. Do you at least know how old you are?"

Junko put a finger to his lips as he pondered the thought. "Um...I'm not sure...Maybe, like twelve?"

"Twelve, huh?" Ninju nodded before walking away from Junko. "Okay then, go get some rest, Junko. I'll make soup for dinner. You're probably cold as hell after lying in that snow for two months."

Junko nodded. "Okay. Hey Ninju, do you think I'll be a strong Ovala?" He asked the man with the light he previously had in his eyes returning. Even though he just met him, Junko looked up to the man in front of him. Because when he was at the edge of despair, at the edge of death, this man came to save him. He didn't know what his dream was before he lost his memory. But that was of little importance anymore. All he wanted now was to gain Ninju's approval.

"First, what do you say when someone does something nice for you?" Ninju tested the twelve-year-old once more.

Junko thought for a bit but then it came to him. "Oh yeah! Thank you, Ninju!"

Ninju turned around, giving the young boy a warm smile. "You're welcome. And yes you'll be a really strong Ovala indeed."