Chereads / Ovala / Chapter 6 - Peaceful Days

Chapter 6 - Peaceful Days

A little while after eating breakfast and splitting up with Ashley, Junko and Riley made it to their first period, Ovala Tactics. Riley was completely zoned out with drool escaping from his mouth onto his desk.

Junko nudged Riley with his elbow and whispered, "Come on, Riley. If you sleep in class you're gonna get in trouble.

"Mhm, not now sissy," Riley muttered in his sleep.

Junko cocked an eyebrow, "Sissy...?"

"Okay, next we'll be going over each advantage one of the elements has over one another," The teacher said smacking his ruler against the chalkboard. "Water has an advantage over Fire, Fire over Ice, Ice over Nature, Nature over Light, Light over Shadow, Shadow over Psychic, Psychic over Wind, Wind over Earth, Earth over Lightning, Lightning over Water, and Water over Fire. Normal has no advantage."

"Got it!" Junko cheered as he jumped from his seat holding his completed notes in front of his face.

"Junko! Please take your seat," The teacher commanded with a stern voice.

"Oh right! I'm sorry Mr. Abel!" Junko clapped his hands together and bowed his head, "Please, forgive me! I'll do anything you ask!"

"Calm down and just take your seat," Mr. Abel said. "You interrupted my class, not violate morality..."

"Right, sorry," Junko nodded and sat down.

The bell rung signaling the end of class. "All right, that's it for today everyone," The teacher announced. "And Riley," He said as he walked up to the front of the sleeping boy's desk. "Please make sure you're awake for my next class. Here's your homework," Mr. Abel handed Riley a huge packet of papers and walked out of the classroom.

"H-Hey! What the heck is this supposed to be?! You never said we would have homework!" Riley protested violently swinging his packet around.

"He said it while you were sleeping last week," Junko informed his friend.

"After Junko split with Riley to go to their next classes, he met up with Ashley again. "Hey Ashley!" Junko happily waved over to the blonde girl.

"Don't talk to me and just carry my stuff" She said swiftly throwing her book bag into Junko's arms.

"So are you excited for Ovala History?" Junko asked trying his best to keep up with Ashley's ever increasing fast pace.

"I'm not excited for any classes at all," Ashley said.

"Aw, not even our Hands On class?"

The cold girl simply shook her head, "Not even that."

"How come?" Junko asked with his head lowered. "Don't you wanna become a strong Ovala. Isn't that why everyone comes here."

Ashley didn't respond and simply sped up her walking even further. She was silent for the rest of the walk to class.

As the teacher was lecturing Ashley handed Junko her pen, "Here, take my notes for me."

"Sure," Junko said with a grin.

"Now," The teacher started. "Let's talk about a very special Kingdom in the Water Realm. Guarano Kingdom. It used to be one of the most important Kingdoms in not just the Water Realm but in the Ovala World in general. However after they lost a war to the Nendia Kingdom they fell into obscurity. It's been hundreds of years since then, so now anyone who's a part of that Royal family is practically unknown."

Ashley's hand quickly jolted up into the air, "May I use the restroom, Ms. Roman?"

Mr. Roman pushed up the bridge of her glasses, "Yes, but please do hurry back."

Ashley was already up and out of her seat by the time the teacher said yes.

Junko turned his head around as Ashley exited the classroom, "Ashley..."

Junko tried taking notes for the rest of class but he just couldn't take his mind off Ashley who never came back from the restroom.

After Ovala History was over, Junko met up with Riley again. "You didn't sleep in your Ovala History class, did you?" Junko asked with worry.

"You bet I did!" Riley crossed his arms with pride.

"Riley," Junko sighed. "How are you gonna past if if keep sleeping in class?"

"With luck," Riley said with a grin as if he completely believed this was possible. "So what's our next class again?"

"It's Hands On," Junko answered.

"So who's your teacher? Mine is...Cody Romano," Riley said looking at his crumpled schedule covered in stains.

"Cody Romano?!" Junko shouted in surprise. "Riley, don't you remember who that is?!"

"No," Riley said with a blank face. "Should I?"

"Yes! Oh were probably sleeping," Junko realized.

"Guilty as charged," Riley said, once again grinning with pride.

"Well, he's the Ninth Ovala King," Junko informed him remembering the lesson in Ovala History. "And he's also the Principal of this school."

"Ovala King? What's that?" Riley asked with a perplexed look.

Junko was too stunned too respond at first. He was incredibly surprised Riley didn't know what an Ovala King was. Of course Junko himself didn't know either before he enrolled in the school. But considering how Riley was, he thought for sure he came there solely for the sake of becoming an Ovala King.

"Come on, I'll tell you about it on the way," Junko said taking Riley by the arm. "We don't wanna be late."

"Wait, why are you taking me with you...?" Riley asked as he was being pulled along by Junko. And then a light flickered in his eyes, "Wait...don't tell me..."

Junko beamed at the Fire User, "That's right. I have Cody Romano too!"

Once the two made it to the classroom, who they saw surprised both of the the exact opposite way.

"Ashley!" Junko shouted with glee whilst Riley shouted with rage.

"Geez, could you two losers keep it down?" Ashley asked in exasperation as she rested her chin on her hand.

"You're not the boss of me!" Riley protested swinging his fist to his chest.

"Yes Ma'am," Junko obeyed as he went to take his seat next to Ashley.

"Junko!" Riley yelled at his polite friend.

"What? I'm just-"

"-Being a gentlemen," Riley interrupted him knowing Junko all too well at this point. "I know..."

"Well," A heavy man with short sleek black hair walked over to Riley and placed his hand on his shoulder. ""Are you going to sit down?"

Riley sighed, "Fine." He went to go take his seat next to Junko. "So why are we sitting down in a classroom in a Hands On class anyway?"

"We're not. Let's go outside everyone!" Cody clapped his hand and began marching out of the classroom.

"Then what was the point of sitting down?!" Riley shouted in frustration.

"I wanted to see if you kids were foolish enough to actually do it, haha!"

"I hate you," Riley muttered under his breath.

"Disrespecting someone of the Ovala King's stature. Typical of you," Ashley scoffed at Riley. "If you did that where I come from, you would be executed without a second thought."

"I see your mouth moving but all I hear is blah, blah, blah," The dark haired boy mocked the Water User.

"Where you come from...?" Junko asked raising his eyebrow.

Ashley's mouth suddenly dropped, "Um, it's nothing! Honestly, why must you two idiots always be pestering me!" She complained as she walked ahead of the two boys.

"Okay, here we are," Cody said as the group reached a wide open green field. "This is where your Hands on Class will be taking place. Sometimes..."

"What do you mean by sometimes?" Junko asked.

"Sometimes, meaning we will often be going on quests to get know...actual hands on experience."

"Whoa, that's amazing," Junko's brown eyes sparkled with joy.

"Yeah, now you're talking!" Riley cheered pumping his fists.

Cody took note of Ashley's lack of excitement, "And what about you?"

"Whatever," She simply said with her head turned away.

Cody studied the girl for a short while but then eventually said, "Very well. Okay then let me explain how this will work since I'm sure your other teachers left it up for us Mentors to do. "First off you will only be going to your other classes two times out of the week.

However you will spend the majority of your time with me. And while we're on Quests, I will take over those classes for you as well. Can't have you not doing your homework, now can we? Haha."

"Boo!" Riley shouted through cupped hands.

"What?" The Ovala King cocked an eyebrow. "No tomatoes?"

Ashley groaned, "Kill me now."

"Anyway," Cody continued. "From this point on, you must refer to me as Mentor Cody. And we'll be going on a first Quest tomorrow evening."

"What is it?" Junko asked with excitement.

"We are going to deliver a package to some Kingdom in the Water Realm," Cody said before pulling out a paper from his pocket. "Ah, it's Guarano Kingdom.

"Hey Ashley, where are you going?" Junko asked noticing the blonde girl was already up and walking away.

"I'm going back to the dorm. I refuse to participate in this quest," She said in a harsh tone without turning around.