Chereads / Level One Isn't Weak! / Chapter 313 - The Temple's Face

Chapter 313 - The Temple's Face

Standing outside the fort, Adam attempted to copy Asil's skills. From just theory alone, it should be very compatible with Adam's ability.

("First, I need to make a sheath to compress air into.") [Adam]

He created a sheath fitting Krino using the earth. Unfortunately, it would crumble every time Adam tried to compress air into it.

("That's annoying. How am I supposed to make something that can withstand that much pressure?") [Adam]

Seeing as he's been at it for hours, Adam decided to turn in for the day. He walked past the broken gates of the fort and greeted the guards as he entered.

"Ah, Sir Astos. Sir Fable has been looking for you." [Guard]

"Really? For how long?" [Adam]

"About an hour ago. He said that it can wait until you've finished training." [Guard]

"Understood. Is he in his quarters?" [Adam]

"He should be in his office in the second tower." [Guard]

"Thank you. Good work." [Adam]

With that, Adam headed towards the second tower.

("Huh? New faces.") [Adam]

 As Adam approached the second tower, he saw several unfamiliar soldiers. Assumingly, reinforcements had arrived without his knowledge.

("Things must be going well.") [Adam]

Is what he thought until the sound of yelling was heard within the second tower.

("The hell's going on?") [Adam]

Adam stopped at the door, placing his ear against it to eavesdrop.

"That is ridiculous. A final will does not give you command over an entire battalion." [???]

An unfamiliar voice came through the door.

"It is what it is. I'm confident I can run this place efficiently, not to mention normally." [Felix]

That was Felix's familiar voice. He appeared to be arguing with someone that wasn't the power hungry Bilt.

"I am a Supreme Hero sent by the temple based in Ruitaria. The orders are for me to take command. You will relinquish your position immediately." [???]

"We've been over this for like the past thirty minutes. I don't have to listen to you. I'm not actually a part of your little temple or whatever. I'm not contractually obligated to do anything you say." [Felix]

"...Little? You best hold your tongue lest I cut it for you." [???]

Felix scoffed.

"Wow, so you're just not going to listen to a word I say. You skimmed over everything and just heard the insult." [Felix]

The unfamiliar voice let out an annoyed grunt.

"You talk about efficiency. How about we talk about taking demons prisoner?" [???]

"That's for diplomatic negotiation. We could use them to-" [Felix]

"Enough!" [???]

It seemed like the unfamiliar voice refused to listen.

"You hold those… those detestable creatures in our cells! Waste our food supplies on them! They lack the intellect to be reasoned with! All you're doing is wasting our resources and manpower. "Efficiency" my foot." [???]

"That's incorrect. To begin with, demons have their own culture, language, and specialized traits. Other than that, they have emotions just like the rest of us. My friend personally gathered this information first hand." [Felix]

("He must mean me.") [Adam]

"Then your friend is a fool and a heretic." [???]

("Oh…") [Adam]

He didn't expect to get insulted without being there.

"A heretic? He managed to prove that demons are practically human." [Felix]

Adam heard a loud bang as the walls rattled. His best guess was that someone punched it.

"To compare the likes of them to humans?! This is blasphemy!" [???]

"Blasphemy? Your narrow view is blasphemous." [Felix]

"You dare accuse me of blasphemy?!" [???]

Suddenly, Adam felt a surge of mana from the room.

("Ah, they're about to fight.") [Adam]

Feeling like he should intervene, Adam creaked the door open and stepped in.

("Oh my.") [Adam]

He was met with a metal wall. Or rather, it was the back of someone of a staggeringly large build. He was big, but not demon captain level big. The man was donning a full set of armor gilded with gold. There were signs of chainmail underneath, and perhaps padded leather below that as well.

("How much protection does this guy want?") [Adam]

Peering over the side, he could see the three high ranking officers standing meekly by the side.

("What were they called again? Bilt, Erise, and Pilton?") [Adam]

They appeared to be having trouble withstanding the pressure emitted by the man in front of Adam. They kept their mouths shut as their bodies trembled in the act of simply standing.

"You should stop now. I don't want my men getting mana poisoning." [Felix]

"These men aren't "Yours". They are "mine". I will do with them as I see fit. Know your place stand-in." [???]

He stepped towards Felix, resulting in a shadow being cast over him.

"As I said at the beginning of our conversation, I am currently in command over them. They are under MY protection." [Felix]

The large man increased the pressure, causing the three high ranking officers to become pale in complexion.

"What will you do then? Do you have the power to protect them? Against a Supreme Hero? Against ME?" [???]

Felix sighed.

"I don't even have to lift a finger." [Felix]

Making eye contact with his friend, Adam knew what to do.

"Compression." [Adam]

Using his ability, Adam captured the surrounding mana and forced it all onto the Supreme Hero.

"Hm?!" [Supreme Hero]

He immediately noticed something amiss.

("I can't release any more mana?! What is interfering?!") [Supreme Hero]

As he turned to the source of the ability, Adam increased the pressure before pushing it down.

"Ngh!" [Supreme Hero]

The man bent the knee, forcing him to remain eye level with Adam.

"Hi." [Adam]

"You…!" [Supreme Hero]

Felix patted the man on the shoulder.

"See? Not even a finger." [Felix]

The Supreme Hero's face went red with anger.

"You're only relying on cheap tricks!" [Supreme Hero]

"Cheap tricks? Weren't you the one doing that a moment ago? Simply releasing your mana for all to see?" [Felix]

With growing frustration, the Supreme Hero turned his eyes towards the officers.

"What are you all doing?! Apprehend these men!" [Supreme Hero]

The officers looked away and remained silent.

"You damn…! Do you think the temple will let this transgression go?!" [Supreme Hero]

"Don't threaten them." [Felix]

He moved to face the Supreme Hero.

"What do you think the qualities of a leader are?" [Felix]

"Is this a ruse? Are you trying to mock me?" [Supreme Hero]

"No no. I'm asking a genuine question." [Felix]

"The qualities of a leader is to achieve expected results." [Supreme Hero]

Felix nodded.

"Did I not achieve expected results? We took the fort and lowered casualties by capturing demons." [Felix]

"Capturing demons is a demerit." [Supreme Hero]

"But I brought the expected results." [Felix]

The Supreme Hero went silent.

"That is what makes a leader. Not a "great" leader." [Supreme Hero]

"Oh? Then what makes a "great" leader?" [Felix]

"Strength, charisma, status, and achievements to your name. You may only have one achievement, but it does not belong to you alone." [Supreme Hero]

Felix scratched his chin.

"Do you not think I have strength?" [Felix]

"Of course not." [Supreme Hero]

"I assisted in slaying a demon captain." [Felix]

The Supreme Hero snickered.

"Assisted. As I've said before, it is not your achievement alone." [Supreme Hero]

("Holy guacamole, this guy just likes to pull things out of his ass.") [Felix]

"What about charisma?" [Felix]

"Your men listen to you due to Sir Roderick's will. Do not use his memory as a tool." [Supreme Hero]

Seeing as even the Supreme Hero was respectful to Roderick's name, he must've been of high status.

"If you are going to go down the list, don't even try. I can already tell you are someone of lowly origin." [Supreme Hero]

"Ah, but what if we had a hero here?" [Felix]

"Hero? Where? You possess no divinity." [Supreme Hero]

("So heroes possess divinity? Now I can't pretend to be a hero anymore. That makes things troublesome. I should try to find how he can detect it.") [Felix]

"What makes you so sure?" [Felix]

The Supreme Hero smirked.

"I'm a Supreme Hero. If I merely reach out with my own divinity, it should react on its own. Other than myself, there is no one in this room that possesses divi-" [Supreme Hero]

He froze as his eyes met Adam's.

"I-Impossible." [Supreme Hero]

Now reaching out with his divinity, the Supreme Hero saw a dense energy unlike any other surrounding Adam. It was pure black, unlike any he has ever seen. However, the feeling he was getting was undeniably Divine Energy.

"Oho… This mortal can sense me. Disgusting." [Astos]

The energy lashed out, snapping the connection of divinity.

"What?! What kind of… You… Who are you?!" [Supreme Hero]

"Me? I'm Astos." [Adam]

"I didn't ask your name! Who are you to possess such divinity?!" [Supreme Hero]

Realizing the situation, Felix immediately jumped in.

"He's the hero who permitted my command over this fort! Astos, the Hero of Metus!" [Felix]

("What?!") [Adam]

The Supreme Hero was in a state of awe.

"Hero of Metus… I have never heard of someone from such a rural village… No, this is a trick! It must be! Such divinity is unheard of!" [Supreme Hero]

"How can he prove it to you?" [Felix]

"T-Trials! I will test him with trials ordained by the temple itself!" [Supreme Hero]

Felix stole a confident glance at Adam.

("Ah… That look…") [Adam]

"Understood. Let's give him those trials." [Felix]