Chereads / Level One Isn't Weak! / Chapter 180 - Tell Me!

Chapter 180 - Tell Me!

Sitting atop the guard, Sin pressed a metal shard up against their neck.

"Now, I'd like you to tell me where the storage is. Also, I'd like the prison cell keys." [Sin]

The guard clenched his fists, but didn't retaliate.

"The keys are at my side." [Alert Guard]

Glancing at the guard's side, Sin confirmed it was true.

"Adam. Can you get it for me? As you can see, I only have one arm." [Sin]

"Sure." [Adam]

Seeing the actions Sin took made the guard make an unhappy expression.

"What? Did you expect me to put down my weapon for your keys? That's funny." [Sin]

Sin playfully twirled the metal shard between his fingers, a sly smile coming across his face.

"Now, the storage?" [Sin]

"Just keep going down the hall. You'll reach another crossroad. Take a right and you'll find it." [Alert Guard]

Sin smiled.

"Thanks." [Sin]

Without another word, Sin knocked the guard out via punch to the neck.

"...I thought you were going to kill him." [Adam]

Sin shook his head.

"Not in front of a kid. …Wait a minute. How old are you?" [Sin]

"Uh… Fifteen?" [Adam]

"Why was that a question?" [Sin]

"...I'm fifteen." [Adam]

"I'm not convinced." [Sin]

Adam shrugged.

"There's nothing else I can say. I'm just the type to answer in a questionable manner." [Adam]

"...You need to work on that then." [Sin]

Standing up, Sin put out a hand.

"...Are you asking for a paw? Do you think I'm a dog?" [Adam]

"Keys! Give me." [Sin]

"Oh." [Adam]

Slightly embarrassed, Adam placed the key in Sin's hand.

"Nice. Let's go." [Sin]

The two hurried down the long hallway. Soon, they met another pair of guards.

"Adam, you take right. I'll take left." [Sin]

Nodding to his commands, Adam did as told. The two snuck up on the guards, quickly dispatching them without a sound.

"This feels like we're in a spy movie." [Adam]

"A spy what?" [Sin]

"Movie." [Adam]

"I don't know what that is." [Sin]

"...I'll explain another time." [Adam]

Sin pulled the guards to the side and started to search them.

"What are you doing? Looting?" [Adam]

"Yeah. Come help me. It'll be faster with three hands." [Sin]

"Ah, a one handed joke. Got it." [Adam]

Adam was unsure of what to look for, but he took whatever seemed useful.

"I got a purse." [Adam]

"Good find. I'm almost done, how about you?" [Sin]

Adam glanced over to Sin, eyes widening by what Sin had done.

"Why are you stripping him?" [Adam]

"I'm taking his clothes." [Sin]

"..." [Adam]

"What? I'm not going to walk around in rags." [Sin]

"You could have done that to the other guards." [Adam]

Sin scoffed.

"Those guards are lower ranking. Therefore, their clothes stink worse than a rat's ass." [Sin]

Adam was baffled.

"That… is actually a valid reason." [Adam]

After looting the unconscious guards, the two continued down the hall.

"Oh. We're almost there." [Adam]

Just like the guard had said, they arrived at a crossroad.

"Hm… No guards. Right it is then." [Sin]

Taking a right, Sin was found with disappointment.

"A dead end?" [Sin]

"I guess the guard did his job." [Adam]

"...I'm going to kill him." [Sin]

Taking a step back, Sin froze.

"Wait a minute." [Sin]

Turning back towards the dead end, Sin held up the keys.

"O wisps of fate, lend me thy strength and pierce the starry fogs above. Dispel." [Sin]

A magic circle appeared around the keys, which then turned the stone wall before them into a door.

"...You really need to teach me some magic sometime." [Adam]

"Maybe if you have an aptitude for it." [Sin]

"Wait, are you telling me I don't?" [Adam]

"..." [Sin]

"Sin? Sin?!" [Adam]