Chereads / Level One Isn't Weak! / Chapter 181 - Gearing Up!

Chapter 181 - Gearing Up!

Opening the door, Sin revealed a room full of wooden crates full of miscellaneous objects.

"Adam, can you watch the door for me?" [Sin]

"Sure, but what are you looking for?" [Adam]

"My equipment. It should be in here, so just wait outside." [Sin]

Adam nodded.

"Kay. Make it quick." [Adam]

"Of course." [Sin]

Adam loitered about, pacing back and forth within the halls. Minutes later, Sin came out fully equipped.

"Woah, that's pretty cool." [Adam]

Sin donned himself with a chestplate that seemed to be more compact than what the guards wore. Over that, he had a red cloak that covered the many daggers hidden within the garment. His feet were wrapped by black greaves with layered joints for flexibility.

"You think that's cool? Check this out." [Sin]

Extending his hand, he began to chant.

"Requesting access to the celestial archive. Grant me the strength to aid my allies. Enforce my will, so I can stand. Reveal yourself, Excalibur!" [Sin]

A golden light flashed before him, leaving behind a radiating sword levitating before him.

"A… soul weapon?" [Adam]

The sword's blade was pure silver, clear as a lake's surface. Its guard was pure gold, just like the bottom of its handle. The guard may not have had much of a design,but the bottom was made like a large gold coin with a dragon breathing flames engraved on it. Unlike the gaudy bottom, the handle was simply something similar to leather.

"Soul weapon? What's that?" [Sin]

"That's… what you summoned." [Adam]

Sin tilted his head with a puzzled look.

"No? This is an ethereal blade." [Sin]

("Ethereal blade?") [Adam]

It was then that Adam recalled his experience with Askyros.

("Askyros received an ethereal blade from the Sovereign of Faith, right?") [Adam]

This would usually be the time Krino would chime in, but Adam couldn't even hear a peep.

"So… what can it do?" [Adam]

"Not much. It empowers me in dangerous life threatening situations. Other than that, it's just a dull blade." [Sin]

"Seriously? Let me see." [Adam]

He reached out for the sword, but retracted his hand after feeling a burning sensation on his hand.

"Ow!" [Adam]

"No touching." [Sin]

"What did you do?" [Adam]

"Nothing. Only the true owners of an ethereal blade can wield it." [Sin]

Adam stared at him with a blank face.

"...Before we go, I have one question." [Adam]

"What is it?" [Sin]

"You literally just summoned your… ethereal blade. Couldn't you have used it sooner against the guards?" [Adam]

Sin shook his head.

"There was a magic seal on me. The key was in the storage room." [Sin]

"...Why would it be in the storage room?" [Adam]

"Well, there was this incident long ago… The warden who held it lost it, and one of the prisoners found it. Then we hid it in the storage room." [Sin]

"How…?" [Adam]

There were so many details that didn't make sense.

"Whatever, I think we should go now.

"Sure…" [Adam]

Though Adam was still curious, he followed Sin back to their cells.

"...Why are we here?" [Adam]

"We had to take the opposite direction of the exit for my uh… things." [Sin]

Adam gave him a weird look.

"Bruh." [Adam]

"What does… "Bruh" mean?" [Sin]

"Nothing. Just lead the way." [Adam]

Following Sin, they went down another long hallway. Many times there were twists and turns, along with guards they had to knock out.

"How much further?" [Adam]

"Not too long. Just one problem." [Sin]

The two arrived at a staircase. The staircase extended upwards, which indicated they were underground.

"...Who the hell designed this? I can't even see the top." [Adam]

"I know." [Sin]

The staircase was excessively long. So much so that Adam almost thought of giving up right then and there.

"It takes an average man to ascend for three hours. Judging by our strength, we can probably reach the top in an hour." [Sin]

"Okay, but hear me out." [Adam]

"You've got another idea?" [Sin]

"Not really. Just a concern. Have you considered that rushing would cause us to trip?" [Adam]

"...Heh." [Sin]

Sin chuckled to himself.

"Then be prepared for a world of hurt. Either way, we need to get out of here." [Sin]

Without another word, Sin sprinted up the stairway.

"Are you kidding me?!" [Adam]