Monday May 16/94
Today is by far, the worst day of my life. I just feel like total, complete shit. I feel fat, stupid, depressed and full of hate.
Fat because this morning I was so full after eating breakfast it looked like I was pregnant and that feeling hung out with me all day.
Stupid, because my Math teacher told the class we were all incompetent if we couldn't get over 80% on our test. So he threw all the ones below 80 in the garbage. I didn't get my test.
Depressed because I'm going to start my period and I just feel so sensitive, everything is upsetting me.
And full of hate because my dad made me clean the whole basement by myself just because I pinched my little brother. So of course since my little brother is his favourite, he wouldn't listen to my side of the story; that the twerp was being a total suck and bugging the shit outta me. Fuck, I just want to die.
Then Chris called just now around 10:30pm and told me he was still at work. He wants me to call his beeper if I'm going to bed and push my numbers, which he has designated me to a whole bunch of nines. And if not, keep calling his house every half an hour. Man, I think he likes me in some sort of way or he just really values our friendship.
Well I gotta go.
P.s. I'm glad Chris called.