Hello everyone. Welcome back. I have been thinking why didn't prepare a pair of gloves for training even after she was wounded like that once. May be she has forgotten because she was so busy in hiding her wounds from everyone. I think Henon will prepare a pair of gloves for Lami by the next day. So what do you think will happen in this chapter? Well if you have guessed let me know. So shall we enter. Let's go. Readers first.
Doctor was shocked by seeing the medicine Lami has used and asked her where she has found that medicine. Lami didn't want to get into trouble so told that her maid brought it from the ware house of the Vernest mansion. After that she asked him why he was so surprised by seeing that medicine. Doctor told how special that medicine is. Henon and Lami were in deep about how Lami made that medicine in the first try. After that Lami got ready to go to training but Henon was still in a deep thought until Lami called him to get ready. Henon refused to allow her to go for training. Then Lami showed him how she can handle the sword by swinging it in different ways.
Henon couldn't say anything when he say her being so good at handling the sword. They went to training ground together and the knight asked them to warm up exercises. After they have have finished the warm up exercises he asked them to do swings with the wooden sword. Then Henon saw that she was wearing some normal gloves to cover her bandages. So he asked her to wear some gloves. The knight thought that they were over doing it. But when he saw her bandages he was shocked because she came to training with such wounds. So he gave his gloves to her for the time being to practice swings. Lami was very grateful because it was the first time she received help from someone other than her family. So she thanked him with a bright smile.
Then the knight told that it was his honor to help a great Lady like Lamina. Then Lami told that it was her honor to meet such a honorable knight with kindness. The knight was surprised by the way she was talking because the noble who have status never give respect to anyone. So he thought that Lamina was a special Lady with a great heart. The thing is although Lami has a very high status compared to other nobles because she is a daughter of a marquess she never show that coldness. Because Lami is someone who has gone so may hardships in a very young age because of her families poor condition.
She knows the value of friendship and hard work. So she never criticize people who work hard. The knight told that she was the kindest Lady he has ever met. While the conversation was going on Henon was very happy because Lami is no longer suffering from those ill criticisms. After listening to knight's word Lami thanked him with kind eyes. And wind flowed between them making Lami's hair swing along it. She looked so beautiful and everyone went silent. She asked the knight if they can start swings. And the silence broke Henon asked how long they are going to converse because he felt like he was left out. Like that they have trained for a long time.
Today Lami completed her training early because she has some works that she has to carry out. After completing her training she didn't change into her formal outfit because she has to do some adventures now and started to head back after meeting Danzy. She didn't stay long with Danzy because she was in a hurry. In the way back she asked Vinny to stop at the forest where she found those leaves that are used to make the tea. Actually the ingredients are already present in the mansion but she decided to bring them by herself. They went into the forest slowly there were even some animals roaming around but they they didn't seem much harmful.
So Lami asked Vinny to stay at a place so she can find her when she returns after getting the ingredients. But Vinny refused her request because there is no guarantee that Lami would be safe because it is a forest and Lami doesn't have any magic to protect herself if she face some danger. Then Lami told that she will be alright and went forward without Vinny. She searched for a long time and found most of the ingredients. But the last ingredient was a flower that glows on the top of a tree. Lami is very good at climbing trees in her past life. So she started climbing just like that and went to the top. She didn't face any problems till she reached the top of the tree.
The flower was so beautiful that Lami was mesmerized by seeing it. She tried to take a glimpse at the forest from there. Maybe it is because she did a adventure just now it looked more beautiful than ever before. The air flowing so high up seemed so cool but pleasant. She remembered the times when she wanted to get on a plane because everyone in her class were boasting that they got into a plane. She smiled remembering some of those memories of her past life. Just like she was so happy that she forgot that she was on top of a tree. As you are expecting she lost her grip and started to fall.
Oh my goodness what is this twist? I was expecting that it would end up like a great adventure. But why did this end up like this? Will anything bad happen to her? I can't say anything T-T. If you have any idea what will happen to her. Let me know. So let's meet in next chapter. Byeee....T-T.