Hey everyone, how are you doing. Welcome back, after a long time Lami is going to meet her father again to talk to him. What will happen now? Will he be happy to see Lami bring him medicinal tea? or Will be worried again because Lami is trying to help him cheer up even after she was suffering from severe wounds? In the first place Reivor is so depressed because she is all worked up. So we have to see what will happen. Haha I think he will be sad again. Poor Reivor he thinks that he is the reason why Lami is all worked up. May be it is because was so delicate and fragile that he is thinking like that. So lets enter into the chapter. Shall we.
Well, Lami was so scared while she was falling down like everyone. She prayed so hard to be saved by someone. She knew that if she falls down from that high up she will be disabled or even lose her life if worse. So she continued praying to be saved. Suddenly a miracle happened, a branch came out of no where and Lami held it tightly so that she won't fall. The branch was extended from the tree. The whole situation was one big mess, she didn't understand what was going on. It was a mystery but she started to wonder how she should get down. That is when Vinny showed up with a very angry face. Vinny was very scared because she watching Lami from the very beginning by following her. When Lami started to fall down she immediately started to fly towards her but she was hit by a branch and collapsed there but she got up and started to go towards Lami.
But she won't make it even if she goes as fast as she can. Because she was so far from Lami but she was so shocked when she saw that branch extending out like that. Now she is relieved that Lami was alright. They went back to Vernest after a while, they went directly into Lami's room. Because she was in her training outfit. She got changed and came back outside and went into mansion as usual. She wished everyone and went into her room. She prepared all the ingredients for the tea and started to read some books. After a while she had dinner with everyone, when she got back she prepared the tea for her father and went to meet him.
She was very happy because she made a medicinal tea for her father, we will also be happy if we do something for someone right. But she was a little scared too you know what if he won't be happy with what she has done. So with lots of thoughts in her head she went into her father's study slowly. Well although she was so anxious to see how her father will react there was no one in there. So she went in silently and sat there simply waiting for her father to came. Her father didn't come for a long time. Lami started to feel a little odd because he seamed a little off from before she started to worry about him. She was about to go and see what her father was doing and when she was at the door. Reivor suddenly appeared at the door.
She was shocked for his sudden appearance and Reivor was also shocked because she seamed to have been waiting there for a while. He wondered why she was waiting for him. Then Lami greeted him and they went in together. He asked her why she was waiting for him in his study. Then Lami told him that she was there because she was worried about him. The tea that she has prepared for her father became so cold because she was waiting for him for so long. So she immediately told her father that she has something to do and went back to her study and prepared a new cup of tea. After that she went back to meet her father again.
She entered the room and gave her father the tea that she has prepared just now. Reivor didn't understand why Lami was giving him tea because it is unusual for a lady to prepare tea for others. He just silently drank the tea because she already told she was worried about him. After taking a sip he was shocked because the tea was so refreshing. He felt as if all his worries were gone somewhere. The tea seems to have a special ability to relieve a person from anxieties, worries and pain. Well although he felt very refreshed he was still surprised because the tea was brought by Lami who doesn't know anything because she has never been outside.
It was his first time drinking such a tea it was refreshing and has that fabulous taste which makes one want to drink it as many times as they can. So he asked her from where did she get the ingredients for the tea because he already know that Lami is the one who prepared the tea. Then Lami told that it was a secret, you all know the reason, it is because of that great adventure. The thing is her father will be worried even if she says that she is the one who gathered the ingredients. He will be even more worried if she says that she has gathered the ingredients by herself from a forest. So we should leave her adventure alone because she can't tell that to her father even in her dreams.
So what do you think will happen if she tell her father about her adventure? Will he stop her from going out again? I think he will definitely restrict her from going out. So what do you think will happen? Are you interested about the tea I mean about the ingredients that are used in the tea. If so I will tell you the story in next chapter. So shall we meet in the next chapter. I will miss you in the mean while. Byee...