Hey everyone. Our Lami made the Emperor cry, you know what she is so scared right now that she may cry along with the Emperor. She doesn't know why the Emperor was having tears in his eyes. What do you think will happen next? Haha I don't have any idea. So shall we read together. Come on.
Lami suddenly asked the Emperor why everyone calls him as a cold and rude person. She told that he was a very warm and kind person. It was the first the Emperor has heard from someone after his Empress Evera Ve Delon has passed away. She was a very kind person, she was the only person who have ever understood the Emperor. Everyone who has ever met him thinks that he is a rude person because he acts coldly. He is a warm person except for his behavior. He never used to have any friend stop speak with except for his servants who stand like a statue the whole day.
That is why his behavior appears to be cold. But he is a very warm person from his childhood. Till now no one has ever found what he is truly like except for his Empress. He was very happy to meet another person who could understand him. That is why his eyes were filled with tears. But Lami who didn't know what was happening was very scared. She didn't know what to do so she asked him what was wrong with him.
He didn't say a word and asked everyone to leave the room. She didn't understand what was going on. He got up from his chair and slowly walked towards the window and started to speak. Lami also got up from her chair and went towards the Emperor. He was like" MISS LAMINA WHY DO THINK THAT I AM NOT A COLD PERSON? I DON'T THINK I AM BEING SO NICE TO YOU THAT YOU CAN SAY THAT I AM A KIND PERSON". Then Lamina was surprised she understood how deep it hurts him when everyone says that he is a cold person.
She didn't know how to answer him because he was originally acting so cold but she was able to sense the warmness from how he was treating her every moment. She was unable to find any kind of dark feelings in the Emperor. All she find was he is a warm person but he is just bad at expressing his feelings in a normal way. Then Lami told that "Your majesty the Emperor yes you are so cold when speaking to me. But I can still see how warm you are when speaking to me. Your majesty any other person who is cold and rude with bad temper would not be satisfied with the way I just spoke to you in. You treated me as a little girl, you saw me with your warm heart that is why you have never felt like you are being offended. ALL YOU COULD SEE IN ME WAS A LITTLE GIRL, IF YOU WERE NOT A KIND PERSON YOU WOULD HAVE FELT LIKE YOU WERE OFFENDED. YOUR MAJESTY ALTHOUGH YOU SPEAK TO ME IN A COLD WAY I CAN SEE THAT YOU ARE A KIND PERSON. I DON'T JUDGE PEOPLE BY THEIR PERSONALITY OR STATUS I JUDGE PEOPLE BY THEIR HEART."
The Emperor thought she just spoke like that because she wanted him to give her a favor. But when he saw her eyes he could find how pure her words are and that they came from her heart. She was one of the best and most beautiful person by her heart he has ever met. She was as kind and warm as his Empress. He couldn't speak a word, he just patted her head with a bright smile. She understood how he felt because in her previous life although she was a pure and warm person she was always wronged just because she was poor.
She knows that feeling when someone understands what kind of person you truly are. The feeling of being misunderstood is the worst and most hurtful. So she just smiled at him. He asked her if she could stay in the palace till evening because he wanted to spend some more time with her. Well of course she knows that her father won't agree to that but when she saw the Emperor asking her like that she couldn't say no. So she accepted his request and went back to her father after she greeted him. As she was going back to her father's office. She saw a very beautiful garden where there were so many beautiful flowers.
It looked like it was cared a lot than other gardens in the palace. It was giving her some warm feeling, it was as if someone was singing a song that was reaching her heart. The feeling was so nostalgic that she could feel so much of love and warmth. The garden was filled with the remains of a very warm and kind person. Every flower and leaf welcomed her with a lot of joy as if they were waiting for her. She could sense a a sweet voice lingering among the trees. The voice was so beautiful that Lami stared to sing the same song as she was able to hear in that voice by closing her eyes. As she sang and started to dance the wind moved according to her dance and the plant started to wave after hearing her song.
I didn't expect her to speak like that. I want a friend like that who understands me. Haha What do you think? She is such a sweet person right? It would be so good if my friends were more like her. Haha just kidding. I think the Emperor must be very sad after his Empress passed away, because he must have treasured her as she was the only one who understood him. Poor soul. Then shall we meet in the next chapter. I will take my leave. Then Byee....