Hello everyone. Welcome back. Lami was very excited when she was speaking about the garden. Maybe she really is connected to the garden. And those little beings I really feel sad about them. So did you guess whose voice it might be that Lami has heard. I think you have already guessed. Haaa in last chapter I told that one of those little beings suddenly came forward. I will tell you a story about that little one. So shall we go into the chapter. Readers first.
Lami told the whole story about what she has done after having the meal. The Emperor was so quite and just smiling while listening to Lami but he was very happy. After having a long chat with the Emperor Lami was heading back to her father's office. Then she came across the garden which she saw in the morning. The garden was more beautiful during night time than morning. Then she suddenly heard the same voice as she heard when she entered the garden for the first time. It was as if it was resembling the beauty of that unknown person who sang that song in the garden long time ago.
The little beings whom she saw in the morning came to her crying. They were asking her to stay with them. They told that they were so lonely because no one takes care of them. She was surprised because she thought that they would have been cared very well because they were living in the palace. But everything was different. She was sad but she can't do anything because she can't stay with them. She didn't speak a word because she didn't want to hurt them. Then suddenly one of them came forward.
It hugged her and started to cry saying that it doesn't want to leave her. Lami was surprised because of it's love towards Lami. Actually it was a little boy. He was so cute with rosy cheeks. His hair was in blue colour. It was looking almost similar to Henon. By seeing him she remembered the times when Henon cried because she was going to school leaving him in their previous life. So she just smiled at him and said that she won't abandon him. She told that she would come to see them every time she enters the palace and bring a lot of presents too.
Everyone were sad but at last they agreed to allow her to go back to her house. But that little being who resembled Henon didn't agree to leave her. He told that he would go to her house along with her. He told that he loves her so much so he doesn't want to be apart from her. She felt as if she was seeing little version of Henon who also behaves in the same way. She couldn't say no to him but she can't take him back to her mansion too. So she told that she can't stay there because she has to go back to her home because her family would be waiting for her.
Then that little being told that he would go to her house along with her. Lami was shocked because he wants to go along with Lami by leaving all of his friends. She knows how it feels to leave their family because no she misses her real family very much. So she told him that she can't take him with her because he won't be able to be with her leaving all his friends. Then he told that he still wants to go along with her. He told that he would be fine leaving his friends but he wants to go along with Lami.
Then Lami couldn't say anything and thought that when he misses his friends he would eventually come back. So she agreed to take him back along with her. But she asked him to hide in front of her family because if her father and brother sees him they would kill him. That little being didn't understand what she was speaking ( Because no one can see them except for some people. Lami doesn't know that). But because it was the only condition to go along with her he agreed to it with out saying anything.
They finally started to to her father's office after a long talk with everyone. Everyone were crying when Lami started to go but Lami couldn't do anything but tell them that she would come back to meet them. Just like that she reached her father's office and they finally went back to their home. It was already so dark when Lami and the little one reached her father's office so everyone were worried about them at Vernest mansion.
I told you that there is a story about the little one right. Actually he was the one who was following Lami when she was going to meet the Emperor for an evening tea. It seems that he liked her so much because she was so kind and sweet that he wanted her to be along with them. He didn't believe Lami when she told them that she will come again to meet them. He was watching her even when she was having tea with Emperor. When she told that she met them( little beings) and she was very happy because she played with them for a long time.
He got the courage to ask her to stay. Actually when she was playing with his friends he was hiding because he was afraid of new people. But when he found that she a very sweet person he started following her. So he followed her to see if she was going away. But when he finally found that she was going back to her house he came to her crying saying that he would go along with her. Haha such a cute little thing. Hope he would be happy when he stays with Lami and doesn't miss his friends.
He is such a cute guy right? Let's see what will happen in the next chapter. Then Byee....