Chereads / The Honeymoon Suite / Chapter 2 - I Threw My Shoe To Fall In Love

Chapter 2 - I Threw My Shoe To Fall In Love


"Dammit!" I crumpled up the paper into a tight ball and threw it at the wall, missing the trash can by nearly 3 feet. I scowled down at the paper, which had rolled its way back to me.

I've been trying to create an outline for a novel I've been wanting to work on for the past week, but everything I come up with just... never feels good enough. I nudged the wad of shriveled paper away with my foot and flop down on my bed, giving up.

Maybe it's the genre? My dating life is non-existent at this point and I'm trying to write a love story. No, any good writer should be able to write whatever genre or plot gets thrown at them, right? Maybe I'm just not good enough...

I sigh and curl up next to my pillow, my eye catches the picture of my mom and I on my nightstand. She has her arm around me as I beam, holding up my award I'd won in my 6th grade writing competition. I don't know if I'd ever seen her so proud of me. My memories start flowing back to that day, remembering her words,"One day, when you're on the best-sellers list, and winning all kinds of awards, remember your momma! You'll get there, baby! I know you will."

I didn't know it then, but my mother was battling cancer, and trying her hardest to function after undergoing chemotherapy treatments.

The picture became an unfocused blur of colors as tears began to well up in my eyes. I squeezed them shut, gripping my pillow tightly.

"I'm trying, Mom..."

After tossing and turning for what felt like forever, I finally fell asleep.

...Until I was woken up a couple hours later from the blaring sound of my ringtone.

I glanced at the caller ID: Claire.

Tired as hell, I answered.

"Hello?" I yawned.

"Reid! We have to go shopping!" She nearly yelled into the phone


"I don't have a bathing suit for the beach trip, I really need your help picking one out."

"Claire, you have like, 30..."

"I am going to ignore the judgment I hear in your voice because I know how grouchy you are in the morning."

I groaned.

"I'll buy you a coffee?"

I perked up at the coffee offer, tempted.

"Pleaseee, Reid? I want to look my best...I really like him."

I hate to admit it, but I was a little jealous of Claire. To have feelings for someone, and know they felt the same about you - I never had that kind of luck. But, she's my best friend, my only friend, and if he makes her happy, then I'll do anything to support it.

"Okay, okay," I caved. "Just give me 20 minutes."

"No can do, bud-o. I'm already almost there."

"What? But I-"

"Pulling onto your street!"

"Claire, I still have to brush my teeth and-"

"Annnnd I'm in your driveway." I could tell from her voice that she was smiling. Dork.

"I don't even have a shirt on!" I protested, peeking through the blinds to see Claire parked in my driveway, waving at me through her windshield.

Then she hung up.



Blue trunks? Red trucks?


Wait no, red.

"Why do I have to love every color?" I mumbled under my breath.

I could get both?

I work at a bar. I'm practically broke.

I raked my hand through my hair, trying to make a decision.

I hear laughing from behind me and see two girls. One of them gently nudging the other towards my direction.

The girl getting shoved saw that I noticed them and shyly walked over, I smiled. She was cute.

"Hi..." She spoke, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Hey, I'm Nolan," I put the swim trunks back on the rack.

"Um..." she took out a slip of paper and handed it to me, "maybe message me sometime?"

I looked at the paper, and was utterly disappointed. It was her handle to one of her social media accounts.

I deleted all of my socials awhile ago. People don't ever seem to want to make plans, or have an actual conversation face-to-face and connect.


I glanced up from the paper, but she was already walking out of the store.

That's when I heard a voice.

It was smooth, deep, yet soft.

Something so simple as talking yet I was turning my head in all directions trying to find who it was that was speaking.

The fact that I was attracted to a strangers voice felt crazy, but I embraced it.

...Then I found him.

A couple isles over by the women's swimwear.

My God, he was beautiful.

He was tall, definitely over 6 foot, I'd normally consider myself tall but this guy could look down on me. He was dressed in all black with ripped jeans. His skin was a warm fawn color, and his hair a dark brown falling in short spiral curls.

I was praying for him to turn just a little more to the side so I could see his full face.

I took my shoe and threw it in the opposite direction of me.

My shoe! Why did- I can't believe I just did that.

But I'm glad I did, because he turned to look at it and I was able to get a glimpse of his whole face.

Normally I'd be too far to tell, but those bright green eyes are a color you can't miss.

I nearly drooled when I spotted that he had a lip ring. Did he have a slit in his eyebrow?


I'm a damn stalker.

What the hell am I doing? I should just go up to him, maybe he likes guys too? What if that girl he's with is his girlfriend? I could-

"Holy shit!" I whispered under my breath as I dropped to the floor, hiding behind the clothing rack.

He turned a little bit farther than I'd hoped, and nearly saw me.

I took a deep breath. What is wrong with me? Since when am I this shy?

"Is that... someone's shoe?" I heard him ask.

Oh no.

Him and the girl he was with walked over to my lonely shoe which I had perviously thrown because I, quite frankly, am an idiot.

"Ooh, size 12! You know what that means!" The girl playfully nudged him.

I buried my burning red face in my hands, mortified.


She laughed.

"Oh come on, Reid. Don't you ever laugh?"

Reid. His name is Reid.