|JuHee's POV|
I wake up in NaHee's bed. I roll onto my side in search of her, but come up empty. Did she already get up? Did she even go back to bed? I crawl toward the edge of the bed and stand up.
"When is Sun coming home?" Aera sighs as I tug the door open.
"When she's feeling better. She'll be back in no time, just be patient." NaHee insists as she dusts off the furniture.
"Morning, Hee!" JiSu comes up from behind me and wraps her arms around me.
"Have you talked to Sun yet today?" I ask softly as I glance back at JiSu.
"Yeah, she called about two hours ago. She said she was going to take a shower and stuff then call you guys one on one." NaHee explains as she spins around to face us.
"Who's first? Me? Please tell me it's me." Aera spins around in SunMi's gaming chair.
"You break that and she will murder you. SeongHwa bought her that chair. She cherishes it with everything she has—have you seen her wipe it down after she's done playing? And no, it's not you. She wants to talk to JuHee first. You're last because you complain way too much about her being gone, so she knows you'll talk her ear off." NaHee chuckles softly as she places her hand on the back of the chair to stop Aera's spinning.
"Me? Why me?" I mumble as I try to decipher Sun's reasoning as to why she wants to talk to me first.
"Because you're like her little puppy dog. You two are always attached at the hip." JiSu explains as she releases me and heads toward the kitchen.
"That's not true—she's just really cuddly." I try to shift the blame from me to her.
"Go grab your phone. She was talking about going to the doctor when she hung up, so she's probably finished by now. She should be calling you any minute." NaHee instructs as she forces Aera out of SunMi's chair. She delicately wipes it down before pushing it back in.
I nod and hurry toward my room. I tug my phone off the charger and plop down in the center of my bed. I wonder what she's going to want to talk about. Is it something big—like a secret? Is it just chitchat?
I jump as my phone starts ringing in my hands. I quickly hit answer and hold it up to my ear.
"Sun?" I chirp as I place my rabbit in my lap.
"Hey, JuJu. How'd you sleep?" SunMi asks softly.
"I slept in NaHee's bed again. When I went to her room, you were gone. I was worried, but not as worried as Aera was. Aera was going insane." I explain as I play with my bunny's ears.
"I'm okay. You shouldn't have worried, you know I can handle myself. I'm just not feeling too good. I'll be fine." SunMi reassures me.
"NaHee said you went to the doctor. Are you okay? Did they give you medicine or something? Did they prescribe cuddles—cuz I can help you with that when you get home?" I smile to myself as she chuckles.
"No medicine or anything. I just need some time to rest, that's all. I'm probably just going to see some friends today then come back home to sleep. I'll see you guys later today, I promise." SunMi mumbles casually.
"Good! I miss you! It's not the same without you here, it's quiet—with the exception of Aera going off about how you aren't here. Even JiSu is quiet today. I mean—I did just get up a little bit ago, so I haven't been awake long, but still. It feels weird without you. The balance is gone." I jump as Dubu hops up beside me. She runs her head against my leg before crawling in my lap. She lays down and begins purring softly.
"I miss you, too. I'll probably go shopping, I'll pick you up a present. I'll get Dubu something, too, even though she makes me sick." SunMi states calmly as someone says something on the background.
"Are you with JongHo?" I ask as I delicately run my fingers over Dubu's belly.
"Yes, I am. You're really good at identifying his voice. Should I be worried? Are you gonna go after my JongHo?" SunMi teases as I smile.
"No—I would never—he's too old for me. Wouldn't it make more sense for me to go after someone I know?" I question, truly not aware as to how relationships work. I've always been so hesitant around other people so I don't get sick again.
"You want to go after WoongGi? Go for it. He's a cutie and he seems really sweet." SunMi laughs as I shake my head.
"No—Nope. I'm not going after WoongGi. That's just weird he's like a brother to me. I grew up with him. Wouldn't that make things way too awkward for a relationship?" I ask as I slowly begin to play with idea of me and WoongGi being something more. I quickly shake it out of my head, not interested in something so abstract and outrageous.
"Then who do you want to go after? You're getting to that age—you'll want a man sooner or later." SunMi continues to pry now that she's sensed my fascination with the idea.
"I don't know. Does that mean you have a man? Who is it? Do I know him? SeongHwa buys you a lot of presents—is it him? Are you dating SeongHwa? Oh my god—if you are I might have a heart attack." I jump to my feet, disturbing Dubu's peaceful state.
"Oh god no. I'm not dating SeongHwa. It'd be like you dating WoongGi! I've known SeongHwa since I was little, he's way too brotherly to be my boyfriend." SunMi quickly shuts the idea down, not even giving it a chance to sink in.
"Then who? Who are you dating? I won't tell anyone I promise!" I chirp as I make my way toward the desk in the corner of our room. I sit down in the chair and prepare myself.