Chereads / SUPERHERO GETS A GRANDPA SYSTEM / Chapter 7 - Is it Legit?

Chapter 7 - Is it Legit?

"How are you going to help my son?" Mrs. Kane asked.

Gramps pulled a phone out of his pocket and slid his fingers around for a moment before handing it to Mrs. Kane.

"Just hit the play button. It's an overview of our facility and mission. It should answer a lot of your questions."

It was awe-inspiring how Gramps somehow managed to create a video for a fake superhero camp where they "fixed" kids who couldn't control their powers.

Although the thoroughness of the lie impressed him, he was even more curious about the video playing.

Kids of all ages were happily playing together on a playground. Some were in jungle gyms, and others were playing basketball and football.

There was a video of kids playing board games together as they laughed and talked.

As they watched the video, he noticed the look in Samira's eyes. It was a look of longing. To her, this looked like utopia.

Unfortunately, this is a fairy tale concocted by Gramps. It was all to allow him to have some solo training. He felt bad for her.

What Samira really needed were friends. If his sister Mini became good friends with her maybe she wouldn't be so alone. Mini loved making new friends, no matter who they were. She was a much kinder and caring person than Kyle and he was glad she was his sister.

A voice-over began after a few seconds: "Here at the Stellar Support Center, it is our mission to help your child realize the full potential of their powers and their lives.

Unfortunately, some children have defective abilities in a world of miracles. Some are even considered by many a danger to those around them.

It was thanks to the tireless efforts and vision of Dr. Edward Edmington that a unique program for these children exists.

The video did a mid-shot of a handsome man in a light yellow button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled half-way up his arm. His hair was brown and perfect.

It had the right amount of poof on top, and his eyes were a deep-dreamy brown.

"My younger brother, Easton, had trouble with his powers. I remember growing up with him and seeing him constantly bullied. He did his best not to use his powers to avoid hurting people, but this only made the bullies more intent on harassing him.

One day, Easton couldn't take it anymore and stopped holding back. The result was horrendous." Dr. Edmington shook his head with a look of sadness.

The voice-over began once more, accompanied by images and video of Easton Edington and the destruction he caused.

"The day Easton lost control is an infamous moment in history called the Appleberry High Apocolypse (commonly referred to as AHA). After the AHA incident, Easton ran to the arms of a militant group of terrorist villains known as the Power Elite.

In the Power Elite, not only was Easton not asked to control his powers, he was encouraged to unleash his power any way he desired.

Known as the villain Dynamous, Easton never restricted his power again. Dynamous coming from the Greek word Dynamo, meaning power, was like a walking nuclear reactor."

The camera shifted back to Dr. Edington. "The Power Elite would bring Easton in a specially designed truck that could contain and use the power he naturally generated.

Once he arrived at his destination, he would get out of the truck and walk. People, things, whatever would explode or melt with every step he took.

Sometimes you would know he was there because the ground below his feet would bubble and melt. Sometimes we would find these long trails of glass.

He was one of the most feared villains in the world. He didn't care anymore. The result of not holding his power back was that he could never form real relationships with people.

Even the Power Elite treated him like a monster. They would take him, point him at a target and collect him after the job was done." Dr. Edington said sadly while wiping tears from his eyes.

The video switched to pictures of Easton captured and contained in a capsule that only allowed his head to stick out.

Easton looked like an animal; he would snarl and snap even at his brother.

The woman's voice started speaking once more over the videos and images. "Although not having any powers, Dr. Edington acquired Ph.Ds in Omega Biology, Quantum Biology, and Micro-Zoetenology.

He originally wanted to use his research to help his brother learn to control his power, but he was too slow. With the help of a special government agency Pukenga, a Maori word meaning superpower, Dr. Edington captured his brother.

Eventually, Easton's insanity leads to him self-destructing and killing thousands of people in the infamous Nova Massacre."

The camera switched once more to Dr. Edington. "After the Nova Massacre, I was trying to find some meaning in everything. We started Pukenga to capture these Danger Extreme targets, and then I would train them to control their power. That was the plan; it was all to help my brother, but now he was dead. What should I do now? I didn't want to spend my life hunting down people like my brother."

The video transitions to images of Dr. Edington and Gramps!

The woman continued, "Dr. Edington eventually found his path with the help of Dr. Yu Wong, a Chinese ex-pat.

"I was always interested in and fascinated by superheroes and discovered there were many people in the world who were unable to contain their powers like Dr. Edington's brother Easton.

I saw the scientific specialization in Dr. Edington that I needed.

While I brought the wisdom of ancient Chinese medicine, I think we were destined to work together." Gramps said.

The video switched back to the happy children playing and laughing together.

"Five years ago, Drs. Edington and Yu started Stellar Support Center in Super Star City, near Dallas, Texas.

The Center has already had tremendous results, and many other organizations worldwide are studying its methods. They have raised nearly 500 million dollars to create branch centers in many of America's biggest cities.

The video showed Dr. Edington again. This time, Dr. Edington was smiling and excited.

"I am very excited about the progress we've made. I only wish the Center existed when my brother was alive. I know if we had helped him, he would be with me today. It's too late for my brother, but it's not too late for your loved one," Dr. Edington said as he looked at the camera with passion and sincerity. The video faded out.

Mrs. Kane and everyone in the living room were shocked.

"I, I didn't know a place like this existed." Mrs. Kane said with regret.

"We're only five years old, so don't be too surprised," Gramps said.

"Is this place real?" Kyle couldn't help but ask. Gramps glared at Kyle for a second before sending him a mental message.

"Of course it's real, it's totally legit. Like I told you, I'm a professional. What am I going to do? The power you up and unleash you in the world?

How could you explain your sudden control and increased powers? You would be hunted down and experimented on by people much more powerful than you.

This organization gives you a reasonable explanation for your future success heck;, we'll make you our poster child for the organization." Gramps said to Kyle. On the other hand, the puppet's body had a calm face and looked at Mrs. Kane, who was thinking.

"Can I take a look at the facility?" She asked.

"I was planning on taking Kyle to the facility tomorrow. Would you like to come with us?" Gramps asked.

"Yes," she said without pausing.

"Mom, I want to go too," Minnie said.

"Also me!" Kevin yelled.

"Also me!" Carter yelled.

"I don't think we can all go," Mrs. Kane said.

"It's fine; the whole family can come. After all, this is where Kyle will live for the next month. You're all welcome.

The family was very excited.

"May I come as well," a shy voice said. The video enchanted Samira. Did such a place really exist?

"Are you a family member?" Gramps asked.

"No, I want to see this place. Maybe your Center can help me too," she said as she shrank into the couch.

"Do you have trouble controlling your power, young lady?" Gramps asked.

"No, I'm just so weak, but they put me in a Super High School, and I'm bullied all the time. Maybe I could become stronger," she said.

Gramps looked from Samira to Kyle when something occurred to him.

"Give me your arm and let me feel your pulse," he said. Samira didn't hesitate and stuck her arm out. Gramps grabbed her arm and closed his eyes. A look of surprise ran across his face.

"Young lady, I think we might be able to help you. You don't have weak power. You have strong power, but it can't get out because your body is so weak. If your true power emerged, you would die. Come with us tomorrow. Let me talk with your parents. We need people like you." Gramps said kindly.

A big smile blossomed on Samira's face. She called her parents immediately, and it was agreed everyone would meet at Kane's house and make a caravan to the Center's facility.

Kyle was stunned by the whole thing, "I can't believe this is legit..." he kept saying.

Dr. Yu finally left, and Mrs. Kane left the house and returned with ice cream. Soon after, Samira's parents, the Sullivans, arrived to pick her up.

They came in and excitedly partook of the ice cream. They were just as relieved and excited as Mrs. Kane to learn there might be hope for their daughter.

Samira's little brother and sister, Corey and Jasmine, came along too. Both of them were in a Super Elementary and were very curious about this Center.

Eventually, the Sullivans left, and it was time to get to bed.

Kyle finally accepted the reality of the situation and got ready for bed. He laid down in bed but couldn't fall asleep because he was so excited. It wasn't until about 2 am that he finally fell asleep.

His last thought before falling asleep was, "there's some hope; I don't have to become like Dynamous."