Chereads / SUPERHERO GETS A GRANDPA SYSTEM / Chapter 9 - Alter World

Chapter 9 - Alter World

Kyle did not like Gramps' laugh at all. He found it creepy and didn't get why his personality changed. During his family's visit, he seemed like an old scholar, a very nice person.

They entered one of the rooms in Gramps' building. The room had a peculiar cylindrical machine and a medical bed for someone to lay on.

"Go ahead and get on the bed," Gramps said.

Just as he was about to do as he was told, he felt a rumbling in his tummy. He suddenly needed to go number two.

"Uh, Gramps, do you have a bathroom here?" he asked as he impatiently shifted his weight from foot to foot.

Without saying anything, Gramps pointed to a door on the wall perpendicular to the wall the machine was attached to.

Without waiting, Kyle rushed over to the bathroom. Gramps smiled a toothy smile.

Kyle pulled his paths down before a disgusting explosion of squishy sounds came out of his hindquarters. It smelled terrible, but it felt so nice!

Oddly enough, after the initial release, Kyle's eyes became very heavy and he fell asleep sitting on the toilet.

As he was about to fall off his little throne, clamps came out of the wall and held his body in place.

Kyle opened his eyes and found he was in a dark forested area. As he looked around, the only colors he could identify were dark blue and black.

There were stars in the sky, but their light was too weak to help Kyle see his surroundings. It was like he was engulfed in a sea of black.

He couldn't see anything, he could barely make out the form of his arm.

His powers included super-strength, speed, and flight. Night-vision was not one of his powers. He was as helpless in the dark as any other person.

This was not a scenario he liked at all. If someone looked into his mind; pitch-black forest would rank near the top of creepest situations to find him in.

Just then, Kyle heard a howling noise. "Wolves?" he wondered.

At that moment he saw a dozen pairs of yellow eyes appear. He was surprised and scared, but he calmed himself down by remembering he was invulnerable.

The creatures rushed in to attack him. Kyle hit the animals, but when his fist hit their fur it felt like he was hitting cotton.

At first, the animals' bites felt dull. Just like he couldn't hurt them; they couldn't hurt him.

That was until the creature's yellow eyes became red. He felt the claws and teeth of the creatures become sharper as they tore into his flesh.

Kyle woke up with a start sitting on the toilet. He was confused at first; but then remembered the weird dream he just had. Finishing his business, Kyle exited the restroom and found Gramps waiting for him.

"Feel better," he asked. Kyle looked at the wall clock and only a few minutes went by since he entered the bathroom. It felt like he was in that dream for nearly thirty minutes.

"It must have been a dream," he thought.

Kyle climbed up on the table and laid down. "Take off your shirt and lay face down," Gramps said. Kyle did as he was told.

There was a space in the table for his face to fit through. It allowed him to breathe even though he was lying face down. He could see the floor and looked at it curiously.

Gramps started by examining Kyle's body. He moved his legs and held up his feet. At first, one leg was slightly longer than the other.

After manipulating his body he was able to even his feet out. Kyle occasionally felt something popping him in his neck and back. He also felt the pops happen with his knees and ankles.

After Gramps finished manipulating his body, it felt like he was being poked or something. Gramps was placing acupuncture needles all over his back.

After the acupuncture treatment, he felt Gramps' strong hands massaging his back, arms, and legs. Eventually, his eyes grew heavy and he fell asleep once more.

Gramps heard his heavy breathing. He was in a deep sleep. "I wonder how long it will take him to realize something weird is going on," Gramps laughed to himself.

Kyle's eyes opened once more, but they quickly shut. If the last dream was one of endless darkness; this one was one of endless light.

He felt hot, he gently opened his eyes and shielded his eyes. He was in the middle of a desert! Kyle stood up in surprise and looked around.

It was at that time he felt rumbling beneath his feet. Out of instinct, he flew up into the air just as mandibles came out of the earth where he was standing.

An eleven-foot tall creature with a humanoid body, four arms with three fingers on each hand came out of the sand and snapped its jaws at a fleeing Kyle.

The creature launched itself into the air as its mighty legs propelled it to where Kyle was.

Dodging the creature, Kyle flew back to the ground and started running. The creature followed him, but Kyle was much faster.

Kyle pulled away from the creature but after clearing a sand dune; he found a pack of desert wolves.

"Wolves again?!" Kyle came to a halt when he heard the first creature quickly running to him. Kyle lept into the middle of the pack.

The creature followed him into the pack. Kyle flew up into the sky again, and just like last time, the creature followed him into the air.

Kyle flew straight down toward the creature and punched it in the head knocking it in the middle of the angry wolf-pack.

Just as he started to celebrate, Kyle felt sharp talons tear through his back. The impact of the hit from some unknown atrial creature was so powerful that he was slammed back to the ground on top of the first creature.

Once more, he felt claws and teeth tearing through his skin.

Kyle woke up again with a start! He jumped up and off the table. Gramps looked amused as Kyle was completely disorientated.

Eventually, Kyle realized he was in Gramps' room. He was still confused but he relaxed his arms and fists.

"I had another weird dream," Kyle said.

"A weird dream?" Gramps asked.

"Yeah, I had two weird dreams where I was fighting wolves and some creature. It seemed so weird in the dream."

"Strange, you did fall asleep after the massage," Gramps said as he chuckled quietly to himself.

"It's weird, I wonder why I keep having these weird dreams," he said as he started fidgeting.

"I have an idea," gramps said.

"What, tell me," Kyle said.

You see that thing against the wall?" Gramps pointed at a strange cylindrical device with a metallic door.

"Yes,' Kyle said.

"I think, we should take a look at it," Gramps said as he walked over to Kyle. He opened the door of the cylinder. Kyle cautiously looked inside.

Gramps walked up next to Kyle and gently placed his hand on Kyle's shoulder. He looked down and smiled gently at Kyle, who looked up and gave a nice smile back.

"First mission," Gramps said.

"Wha..." before he could grasp what Gramps said he felt Gramps shove him into the cylinder suddenly.

"I hope you come back alive!" he yelled as he slammed the door closed and laughed.