Chereads / animal love class / Chapter 11 - Its okay

Chapter 11 - Its okay

"Stop pulling my ear Oscar" said oliver "And stop pulling my tail its uncomfortable" said Lawrence as soon as I saw oscae dragging them to the room I grabbed the nearest blanket off the bed and covered myself with it to hide my tears "Rachelle take off the blanket show them what they did" said oscar kinda mad I was afraid to not listen to him since I dont know him or how he controls his temper so I slowly took it off revealing my face. As soon as Lawrence and Oliver saw I was crying they stopped complaining and came to me "what happened, why are you crying Rachelle "its nothing dont worry" i said trying to hide the tears. I closed my eyes scared their were still tears until suddenly felt a warm embrace in front of me i opened my eyes wondering who it was it was Oscar he stood up and told Lawrence and Oliver who were just standing still in front of the bedroom door "You made Rachelle cry by fighting infront of her you should really think about how she might react instead of making a stupid move" Lawrence and Oscar's face were in shock "Im sorry rachelle for making you cry i really didn't mean it" said Lawrence " I agree with the snake im so sorry i shouldn't have acted childish back their" said Oliver they were both looked sad for what they've done and Oscar was pissed i felt bad so I grabbed Oscars hand and i put him next to Oliver and Lawrence and gave them a group hug "Its okay i shouldn't have cried for a dumb reason now stop with those negative emotions and hug me back my arms are starting to hurt" I said laughing they all huged me back and we all began to laugh changing the emotion in the atmosphere from negative energy to positive instead.