Chereads / animal love class / Chapter 15 - The Siblings background

Chapter 15 - The Siblings background

"Oh okay wanna say it Oscar" said Oliver "Nope" said Oscar smiling awkwardly to Oliver "Fine then ill say it...When we were small cubs our father put us in Boot camp he said the weak are no match for the strong and he will not have weak sons in his family.He would make us sleep outside in the rain and carry tree logs by feet all by ourselves will no help he was a cruel man he would often fight with our mom because my mom would often think the punishments were too hard on us but my father did not like that and lost his temper he hit our mom. After that we knew it was the last straw so when he was asleep me, Oscar and our mom escaped my father and found a new place to live and now we are happy that we escaped our father and we never saw him since" said Oliver.