Chereads / The Answer. / Chapter 11 - One Last Crusade

Chapter 11 - One Last Crusade

November 11th, 2019.

Autumn. Prelude to winter, the most aesthetically pleasing holiday by far. While the sun shined through the glass observer behind him, his mind went back to the snowy lands of that hellish landscape that'd been destroyed by his sister. The Kingdom. ~This is for you~ He told himself those same words, every individual date that passed, convincing himself that was the truth. That every single thing that had spewed forth from her murder at the hands of that monstrous Empress had been to protect his family. No matter the cost.

"What's your choice?" The line of inquiry directed toward the CEO came from none other than the abandoned Outcast from 2013, Ryder Karlo. The Moon. Head shaking from side to side, the man snapped himself out of his protection-filled daze.

"What did you ask again? Sorry, I was thinking of something more important," That response to the Karlo's interrogation, it had that sort of care-free attitude that Ben was notorious for. With his family, friends, the mass media, etc. As if anything else any mattered, why else should he care?

"But... this is important. Don't you get it? With H'xler still alive, you and your friends could be in major danger. Motherfucker, they killed your mother! There has to be some sort of humanity in that thick skull of yours that acknowledges the amount of power that the Kingdom has in EVERYTHING!" BAM! Palm hitting the wood of the desk the superhuman was seated in front of, a crack formed in the material. A splinter bouncing off of his limb, flicking near the artificial emerald pupil the Outcast had. Burnt to a tiny pile of ash, gravity pushed down on that pile, dirtying the smooth cleansed carpet the Moon's boots rested on.

"I recognize the fact that H'xler being alive could potentially lead to the revival of the Kingdom. I also experienced their power firsthand when I was nearly slaughtered by my future self. Shattered every single bone of my body, it still hurts when I blink. The fact of the matter is- you were the Kingdom's little fucking lapdog for a few days before you slithered away like the snake you are to wherever the fuck you went. So, unless you have some sort of irrefutable proof that you are feeding me lines with truth laced inside them- get the fuck out of my goddamn office," Fleshy fingers tightening, unclipped nails piercing his skin, human fluid leaking from his palms, he sighed. Defeated, untrusted. This is the reason he went to the Prelle Family Mob, because of people like Rivera.

Despite this unpleasant encounter, one thing was extremely clear- he wasn't an idiot. That much was obvious. Flick! A paper business label pushed its way out of in-between Karlo's thumb and middle finger. Momentarily whirling in the chilly air, landing on the front of before the Emperor's elbows, pressed against the bureau.

"Gimme a call if you change your mind, asshole. All my shit's on there. See you, Rivera," Collared wrists lifting the square object from the wooden item-holder- he could confirm: that was something Ryder wasn't lying about. The appearance of the paper reminded him of the movie 'American Psycho'. The name of the owner in a huge bond font, 'Ryder KARLO', beneath the pseudonym was his position, everything matched perfectly.

"Tch..." Grip loosening on the board, tanned extremities arising his cellular device, before he lifted the design, had been faced down. A missed call clear as day, grey banner with black font. 'Brother of Mine'. Time being about 5:03 P.M., EST, the Emperor decided that his time had come. Notification being forced by his thumb, the call began,

"Sup, dickhead?"

"Gotta tell you some shit, Lil bro,"

One hour ago... in the busy ara of Manhattan, New York City.

BANG! Shell bouncing out of the chamber, tinking on the ground upon impact, a mob member's brains were destroyed by the simple discharge of a Desert Eagle. Its signature ring of fire manifesting in a sphere around the barrel of the firearm. Crimson aura representing his true nature, the Justice smirked witnessing the sinner's anatomy sink against the brick lower level. Rivera's eyes widening, vibrations of ammunition came stabbing his eardrums. Not from the rifle that sat idly on his person, but from three other individuals. Angered by the shots that sunk their way into his back, he couldn't help but holster his pistol, and call for a far more severe weapon,

"Ketsueki!" The vampiric superhuman's movements were quick, difficult to predict thanks to his transfer into super speed. The trio of mob henchmen hadn't the time to react, except for the remaining male at the far left of the guards. Although he was far more important than any other one else the Hunter had slaughtered. His name was Sebastian Nilson- a Norwegian last name, it was clear that he was a capo in the ranks of the Prelle Family Mob. A bounty of $5,000 placed on his head by the NYPD after the daughter of the leader, Athena, tipped off the officers. She was examined, time and time again, no trace of the Mob was clear to them. Even Jason, who the Commissioner was friends with at the time, found no clear motive- she was clean. This was for her.

Nilson managed to enter the room placed opposite his right, the door had already been opened from the Hunter's massacre minutes prior. Remnants of the mirror-like skylight in the formation of shards pointed, edge glistening in the sunlight scattered the flooring. So razor-sharp that if pushed into the flesh of whatever normal human without hardened superhuman skin, it'd cause them to bleed rapidly. Possibly lead to their death if the tip enters the right area.

"Shi--" Slammed by his throat into the nearest wooden wall, writhing in pain, blood slowly exiting his veins, arteries, organs, into himself. Fingers having slid through the skin that covered the fleshy layer underneath, he could grasp it completely, every single drop of human fluid that laid bare beneath the hide.

"If you were anyone else, I'd probably get in trouble for killing all of you assholes. Thankfully, the reward is so fuckin' high, I doubt they care- dead OR alive. So, any last words, ya piece of shit?" Though weak from the draining of his gore, Nilson... had suddenly changed. Entirely. He felt larger than he should've, and the weight? It was better for some kind of fat person. 200 more pounds had been added to this person's body. ~What the fuck-?~ Raising his face to meet the eyes of his captor, they were different..! The left and right had been changed, previously, Nilson's eyes held a dark blue sort of pallette. Instead, they were a color he immediately recognized. Left: green, and the right: grey.

"How's your mother...?" The comment immediately left the Justice to rip the head off of the member of the Mob, but- that was the problem. That person was the opposite of who he believed it to be, that being Ryder. His intention before Karlo's appearance manifested before he was to ensure the slow and torturous demise of the Sebastian Nilson.

"Wrrrryyyy..." The vampiric Bounty Hunter whispered mournfully, stepping back to take that all in, voice filled with dread. Could that... have been Ryder, truly? Or was that a personification of his guilt over his mother's death that he believed to have been eradicated? He needed to talk with his brother.

Meanwhile, the co-founder of Rivera Manufacturing, along with the CFO of the company tapped the ink of her pen against the pad of paper beneath her chin. Earbuds embedded into the crevices her listeners held, still, the woman with the vivid coffee-tinted hair was at a loss. This task was given to her by her younger relative: The CEO of this whole company she worked for. It wasn't an easy task, considering that her strong suite wasn't at all writing. The writer of this 'family' was none other than Ella, considering she's already published two fantasy books. Normally, she went to the Priestess for help when tasked with difficult scenarios such as these.

"Prove to me the real reason I chose you for my CFO. I don't mean that rudely, of course. The previous advertisers have no clue about your turning to Ellie for aid, but I do. I'd just rather you do it your way. I'll see you," Her brother's words echoed in her head, ~Hypocrite~ she thought. Considering he was the one that stole the Superior's inventions from the Future, claiming them as his own, boasting his so-called advanced genius to gain myriad praises from the media.

"You okay?" A woman's sweet call of worry, better yet, her woman's sweet call of worry, destroyed the rhythmic beat the music enrolling into her ears created. Sammy Smith, the well-loved soon-to-be spouse of Madisyn Rivera and all around best girl. Born May 4th, 1995, she, too, was affected by the Spread that gifted most of humanity's superhumans their signature abilities on October 16th, 2012. Gifted the main ability: Telekinesis. Devices that transferred audio slipping out of their hide inside of her stirrups, the Empress of the Stars' violet orbs gawking at the face of her charming lover.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm good. Uh, could you order some sushi? Kinda... hungry," Occasionally, the spectacles gifted to her from her now-deceased mother stood over her lavender orbs, but it had changed. Thanks to the projection of her power, the Empress' lover lifted her beloved's gifts from over her retinas. Layered skull buried in her tanned palms, forelimbs of the Rivera's girlfriend slipping around the nape of the Empress. Violet darkened spheres under her eyelids, she needed something to comfort her,

"How about tonight, uh, we go out? I'm sure Ben wouldn't mind if we take some time off. You are his sister, after all, babe," Didn't sound like such a bad idea, she could feel the hunger swelling in her stomach. All she could think about, now that she'd mentioned going out, was what they were gonna eat for dinner. ~Hopefully we can get some pizza- wait, shit. No couple goes out together to eat pizza, they order in. Goddammit~

"I'm cravin' pizza," That comment had been the cause for Madisyn's arise, her cranium lifting and seeing the shadow in the right corner of the Study. Reflecting their reversed masses onto their eyes, something was off. Normally, like any other human who hadn't lost a limb, there was a panel of skin, concealing the second hide of just flesh. The problem with one of the arms that Sammy had... there was no skin. Instead, straight metal, the shape of said mineral reflecting radiation from the illumination above that swung in the chandelier, replaced the complexion. That wasn't all that was replaced. The feminine figure that Sammy usually held was replaced, her hair didn't cover the left and right sides of her front. A cowl shadowing every feature except for the singular sinister smirk the Outcast held with pride. And of course, his shining artificial emerald pupil.

"Could you ever be better than her...?" Throwing herself from the wheeled chair, she pinned the man against the wooden bookcase she sat in front of. Clattering against the carpet, one of the strays tumbled repeatedly to create a large thunk! Her vision clear, the woman she'd been with ever since 2012 had now retaken her place in Madisyn's vision. Risen left palm burning with plasma, signature dark purple aura circulating through her soul, ever so slowly evaporating as she recognized her lover.

"Is this some... new... kink... you wanna try out?" What was she doing-! Catching her woman in her arms, the Empress of the Stars' two fingers; index and middle, pushed healing vitality into the damage she'd caused on Abigail's windpipe. A soft sigh of approval came as a confirmation that her fiancee would be okay. For the time being, though, there was something else she needed to discuss.

"I need to call Ben and Jason,"

New York City, Manhattan. Arriving back at his humble abode, the knob pushed into the side of the door twisted to the left. Jingling keys pulled out of their intended location, the entrance became the exit as his boot was thrown off of his foot. The Emperor elevated his limbs to the sky, the breeze of the air conditioning entering his veins, lessening his temperature. Bowl to the left of the door, that had already been covered with one pair of keys, had gained a friend. His pair.

"Mmmmh," Grumbled the elder Rivera, relieving himself of his suit jacket, tearing the tie off of his collar. Though still not as comforted as he should be by now. Not because he was slow at shedding himself of his work attire, it was quite the opposite. To put it simply, when you have a daily routine, and something changes, don't you start to get confused or wary about what had caused the change?


"Cominggg- merda, merda!" The woman cried out to her fiance, hovering on a collective piece of multiple minerals, she came gliding down the stairs with ease. Gawking at her handsome man, it didn't take long for her arm to snake around his figure. The couple shared a passionate kiss- which had the tiniest slight of tongue, gifted by him. But that exchange of spit was cut short by that thought in the rear of his brain, coming into fruition with the robbery of the tiny baby girl fidgeting in Cecilia's left limb.

"Hey, baby girlll," Cooed the Emperor to the 1-year-old infant. To give you some information on this small baby girl, hands rising to try and take hold on the mustache that covered the top lip of Ben's mouth- her name was Emma Rivera. Born December 18th, 2018 to Ben Rivera and Cecilia Marie Lane at 11:38 A.M., EST. Half Puerto-Rican, half-Brazillian.

"Da-da!" Cried the baby, ecstatic to meet her father after about a week, at least it was consistent. Brunet beard scruffy, the 23-year-old couldn't help but lean so she could move her smooth tiny palms across his stubble. Click!

"Hey!!" Rivera lightly yelped to his woman, the woman attempting to flee the scene before she could get caught by her fiancee, giggling like the same schoolgirl she was years ago. Fortunately, for her, the Lovers' phone dropped onto the floor, anatomy transporting instantaneously so his lips could press against her left cheek.

Daughter and fiancee laughing together, the Emperor had everything he'd ever wanted. A wonderful beautiful child, with two more on the way, and especially a gorgeous wife. Successful business with his sister as the CFO... he was home.

5:24 P.M., EST. The small Rivera child's head on her chest, eardrums engulfing every word he spewed from his throat. Attire this time was the same as it was in 2013. Hoodie, sweatpants, socks over his feet, he informed his woman of the meeting that would occur at exactly 7:30 P.M., EST.

"Won't be too long, babe. We'll be talking about some shit, then I'll be right back. 30 minutes, tops," On one hand, she believed her fiance. He provided for them, has been for over 3 years now, but at the same time, if he's not around all the time- what would their daughter think? The Lovers' smooth extremities gliding through her baby girl's short brunette locks,

"I trust you, bebê. What restaurant are you heading to with everyone else?"

7:37 P.M., EST. Located in Times Square, the Emperor contracted Miller Construction to replace the McDonald's with a fancy sort of restaurant. Rented out for the 'date' today, the establishment's name at this time and place was, 'Leo's Grandiosita.' The table that resided within this restaurant was as follows. Six people at a spherical table. If you were to enter their dining area where all of these superhumans were dining together, you'd see the Emperor the furthest away. With his brother to the right

Tink! Glass containers tapped against one another in unison, the arms that held each miniature cup retracting towards their lips. Fluid sliding down their throats, most of them visibly reeled back thanks to the taste. The Emperor softly let out an audible groan, whispering,

"Fucking hate tequila," Followed by the Empress, howling with a relieved chortle at the flavor the liquor held. Burning or not, it helped get her mind off of the whole business work she had to do when she'd get home later. The Justice did not react, in fact, after pouring the alcohol down his throat, he quickly poured another shot. But what about the other three?

"Ughhhhh- that tastes like literal dogshit on a broom mixed with the Rock's sweaty pubic hairs," That comment had come from none other than the Chariot's mouth, burning pupils lighting up with that signature fiery orange aura as he swallowed the drink. It tasted like shit, but for some reason, because of that burning feeling the liquor caused upon accelerating downward in his throat... it powered him up.

"Very specific," Commented the oldest Rivera, fork swirling, rising the spaghetti around the prongs. Before only the smallest tips were visible, and he was able to push the sharpness into a lone meatball on the plate. Munching on the food as it entered the crevice in his mouth, he couldn't help but slam his right fist onto the wooden surface. No one paid him any mind, the food was good, that was Jason's way of conveying that amazing emotion. And when you've been friends with the Riveras for almost a decade, you get used to their craziness. Especially the oldest sibling's kind of it.

"Yo, let's do it together," Suggested the Priestess, cloud-like earrings swinging back and forth, AC blasting at the rear of her skull. Which had been turned to face her Magician friend, an understanding nod of approval given toward Ella's direction. Without anyone else to do so, Henry interjected, holding out a flat palm signaling to his best friend, Madi, that he would count down for them instead.

"3, 2, 1!" The downing of the liquor didn't take too long, specifically, less than 2 seconds before the containers let out an audible thunk! that slightly bounced off the walls of the establishment.

"Matt cheated, I saw his breath on it and make it cooler," Informed the CEO, to which the Magician threw the glass at his best friend, who caught it easily. That cheeky smirk visible over his pale lips, pouring another shot for himself to wake up properly,

"You gotta do it again, not allowed to cheat, it's against the rules of life and--"

"Yeah, yeah, shut the fuck up and get me another glass. Your idiot brother took mine," To respond to Matt's interruption, Jason stuck out his right middle finger, stealing one of the fries Miller wasn't eating feeling it crunch in his mouth.

"UGH!" Cried out the Bounty Hunter, spitting out the usually salty treat, disgusted by the frozen taste that the piece of food now held. Remants of the food turned glacier clattered to his plate, covering most of his spaghetti, Jason growling.

"Wonder who could've done that," Raising his glass to his icy frosted mouth, once more about to breathe and cool the liquid below the normal temperature. Shink! A dagger spun around from the intended direction it would've gone, curving through the air and piercing the glass that Matt had intended to put against his lips.

"You deserve that," Garcia uttered, the fiery-eyed Chariot agreeing as he shoved the cheeseburger into his throat, ingredients entering his mouth. Fingers shoving into the bread of the bun, a special heat coursing through the sandwich, just right so he could chew on it.

7:51 P.M. - 10 minutes exactly after the end of their meal together, the table had been cleaned. Plates flat on the palms of the worker, Madi situated herself back in her designated chair. Red fluid entering her throat, feet propped up against the table, eyes examining the confident figure her younger sibling held,

"I'm not gonna sugarcoat anything, or prolong the inevitable conversation we are destined to have about the scorpion out of its cage. Ryder fucking Karlo. He's appeared to all of us in some way or another, considering everything all of you have told me. Whether it was him or not is a question for another time, but I believe my encounter with Ryder to be the most important,"

"Why's that?" Questioned Henry, the clinking of a lighter repeatedly entering the ears of his friends coming from the equipment in his fingers. Matt chewing on a frozen lollipop, the Justice's Desert Eagle spinning in his palm, and the Priestess flicking her hands together, lightning flickering from in between her fingers.

"He told me about the Kingdom. Said that the remants resided within Palestine, whether he was telling the truth or not is up for debate. It's not a coincidence that he appeared to all of you an hour exactly before he came to me, at the same time, nonetheless," None of them trusted Ryder, that was obvious from the way he betrayed them by heading into the arms of the Kingdom for whatever reason. But that didn't change the fact that because of his failure at murdering the rest of the Protectors, he must've rejected whatever memories he created with them,

"I think he's tellin' the truth,"

"Yeah, same. I doubt that asshole wants to keep them alive, but even with the power to stop time for however long, he needs the rest of our help. He must've known you'd come to us for help," The Icy Magician agreed with the Justice Hunter, nails scratching at the scruff beneath his lips, a dejected sigh exiting the mouth of the Priestess. Reluctantly injecting a breath into her lungs, inhaling the oxygen wandering in the air,

"Much as I hate to admit it, I agree with Matty and Jay. Ry's the type of guy to try and eradicate anything he doesn't have fond memories of. Because of that, I believe we should prepare for the worst, in case of a disastrous occurrence between us and... Ryder," So, it decided between the Protectors. Whether they'd all agree on the same thing was up for debate, the final voice of the Chariot coming into play,

"Seems like we need to have a vote. Due to the relations that some of us have had with Ryder, we may be doubtful about any decision we'll come to. That being said, all those in favor of accepting Ryder's offer?"

"Aye," The Emperor, the Empress, the Justice, the Chariot, and the Magician all rose their hands in sync. Agreeing together that they should accept the offer their once good friend proposed to them, all that was left... was Ella's choice on the matter. Although having dated the Outcast at one point in her life, Madi's decision was clear-

"Aye..." The Priestess' hand rose with the others, descending finally, the Emperor chortled in delight. Now that they had together decided to take Ryder up on the offer, they needed to figure out a way to confirm if Karlo was indeed informing them of the truth. And Ben had the best idea how,

"This is gonna be fun,"