Chereads / The Answer. / Chapter 14 - Eternal Transcendence

Chapter 14 - Eternal Transcendence

The establishment was flooded with people, humans entering from the entrance, asking for a table behind his ears. All the while he continued, as the waitress walked past his booth, he slowly shoved a piece of a syrup-covered pancake into his mouth. The moan he emitted from his mouth was all-natural, filled with happiness that his hunger had been satiated. Across from him, the platinum-haired Athena Prelle watched as her ally in this whole debacle ate like a maniac like this was the first meal he'd ever had. She couldn't help but chortle, however, very gently, under her breath.

"What?" Inquired Karlo, mouth filled with liquid-covered food, the man leaned over to grab hold of a napkin. Tapping it alongside his lips to wipe the syrup from around his mouth, which it did. And while this was happening, the new Leader of the Prelle Family Mob answered,

"Nothing, it's just... never saw you eat before, I guess. S'weird," That piece of pancake Ryder had just shoved into his mouth seconds prior had been the final piece of the three buttermilk ones he'd ordered. Along with the bacon and the eggs alongside it too having been demolished by his empty stomach, but his capacity to harvest food. Eyes darting around the table, he leaned on his left elbow, pushing his metal fist against his intact jaw.

"There's this... line that I remember. On August 23rd, 2012, I was with Ella and Madi for my birthday. I was turning- 17 if I remember correctly. On that day, we watched this movie that El had been wanting to watch for a while. But couldn't do it with her father because he'd been busy, and Madi's mother was trying to rest, same with her dumbass brothers, busy with schoolwork. Though, I doubt Jason was doing schoolwork as much as he was having sex and smoking weed-{Athena: Your point?} Oh, yes, sorry. We watched Fight Club, and there was this scene that stuck out to me. It's when Brad Pitt's character: Tyler Durden, is engraving a burn mark on the back of Edward Norton's character's hand. 'Our fathers were our models for God. If our fathers bailed, what does that tell you about God?' and at the end of the scene, Tyler says to the Narrator, 'It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.' Do you get what that means?" Prelle held a confused manner of expression over her face, What was he talking about? The woman wondered as she slowly leaned in to hear the remainder of what he had to tell her. Shaking her head at the question he asked at the end of his monologue, the Outcast continued,

"With nothing left, we're free. Nothing to hold us down by our roots, no family, no money, nothing. That is the ideology of freedom- I wish to be free. Free of everything that's happened to me, only to hover around in a perpetual state of ecstasy and happiness. For me to do that, I'd need to lose everything. However, I doubt that I, at this exact point in time, could become the person capable of doing that. Of losing everything, so I could be free, of all the chains that have been cast upon me. And you're probably asking yourself, 'But, Ryder, I thought you were free. After all, you've sure as fuck acted like it. Threatening scientists, orchestrating events,' Blah blah blah. I can do all of that shit, sure, but that doesn't change the fact that I need to hit the bottom. I need to become capable of doing something so fucked up, that even I would be disgusted by myself. I want to become free," Clink! The top of a lighter had been flicked open by his metal thumb, lighting the sudden cigarette that appeared in his mouth. Breath emerging as smoke in the air, his left emerald retina lit up, listening,

"So... so, wait, you want to become a different person?" From the way she asked that question, he could tell she was somewhat confused. Taking another inhalation of aerosol into his throat, he leaned forward, to explain further,

"Why not? People do it every day, wish they were someone else, better than who they truly are. More attractive, smarter, nicer, creative, blah blah. But, there are only a select few with the capability to act upon it. I am among those select few with the ability to become greater than themselves. I can change myself for the better for the World, myself, it doesn't matter. The point is- I need your help, okay?" Once more she was confused, why would he ever need her help with something? The way he phrased it, most likely, he was speaking of finding the approximation of an item. That was a simple guess- turned into truth as his opposite-to-right green pupil projected a holographic projection in the middle of the table.

"This is the Necronomicon. Originally named Kitab al-Azif, this holds unimaginable power beyond anything we've ever seen. The Key to Hell, Superhumans, even Cthulhu himself, this- holds the secrets to every demon and monster that had ever walked the Earth. I need you to use the access you have to Rivera's satellite and locate this book, then, I will head to that location. Only then, will I truly be free of these shackles that bind me, so, I ask you, may you help me?" The way that the Book was designed, even through the transparent hologram, she could sense the evil that originated from the ink pushed onto the pages. Whoever had written this disdainful creation, how could they have gone on for so long without going insane from the amount of destruction they wrote? Would this truly help her ally? Or would it lead to more death?

What was the point of even questioning it? She chose this path, ending it abruptly, asking yourself the meaning behind such pitiful thinking when you've already gone so far. What choice did she have, rather than to say,

"I'll help,"

Samuel was thrown several meters away, tumbling onto the road, struggling to stand back up, a spike of ice pushed into the flesh of his shoulder. A softened groan of pain exited his mouth, watching as Miller slowly reached closer, his hair starting to become as frosty as his eyes. Though he felt he had no chance, it didn't matter... as long as he could land one hit on this guy- HE WOULD WIN! For the people who believed in him enough to free him from the cell, HE WOULD DEFEAT THIS ASSHOLE!

Matt's pupils increased at this sight, ~He's charging straight at me!~ Those lines quickly ran through his head, as Samuel's palms pushed against the road the Magician was previously standing on. Watching the platform he previously stood on slowly melt away from the enemy superhuman's abilities, Miller shook out of his daze. Throwing his arms up from the sides they were holstered at, miniature icebergs, ready to encave Sam was thrown his way. Using his heated powers to his advantage, the Heated Superhuman put his palms behind him, utilizing his propulsion to fly over the attacks. Ready to grab onto his adversary's cranium, Matt dodged out of the way in time, hovering into the air, before slamming his hand into his opponent's throat.

Now having incapacitated his foe, a pathway of ice manifested behind the Icy Magician's soles, sending him forward as he dragged Sam in the road below. Debris flying to the sides, as he reached the end of the block, he manifested a wall of ice behind him, throwing Sam into it for his back to hit full force. A painful CRACKKKK! emerging from his spine, it seemed that at this point in the battle, he was already incapacitated. But...! To Matthew Miller, that didn't matter. That wouldn't stop him, this was a Government-engineered metahuman, there would be no way this guy wouldn't heal quickly with the powers they'd given this guy!

Through hazy vision, skull shaking side to side, ready to stand up and fight once more, he witnessed the sight of the Magician of Ice heading straight toward him. In his eyes, although visible for a split second, he saw something. Some sort of 'Dark Determination' that Miller utilized, as he kneed his opponent right in the jaw. Sending him flying into the air, Matt launched himself after Samuel.

Flashes of the past, memories that he'd believed to have been long forgotten, came back to Matt's mind. His sister, his mother. Their existence had ended so early- that was something they didn't deserve. This was his chance, to save someone, not to murder or kill them, letting his emotions cloud his judgment. He learned that seven years ago when he placed those sunflowers on the Smoldering Warrior's grave, THAT IS WHY...!!

"Sis... Mom... this is for you!!! I'll make you proud, here and now, to prove to you... I AM WORTHY!" Reaching closer and closer, the fist of the Magician grew colder and colder, exceeding the limit that he was shown to have. His allies from the ground watched, Jason, whose limb had been reattached, the same arm that had been sliced off by a beam of heat had been wrapped around his sister's neck. As they both watched, with Henry ready to protect his friends should the need arise, radiating wings with burning intent flapping, he smirked. How could he not? Artemis watched emotionlessly, from behind her cold eyes, her vision had zoomed in, examining the temperature Miller had been decreasing the air too.

"Matthew Miller is decreasing the air temperature as well as his body's, if he doesn't stop- he will die," Informed the A.I., before she let out a long disconnecting sound from her mouth before it ceased. Upon turning back to their friend, just about to defeat the enemy in the clouds, Henry caught a glimpse at Ben. Who hadn't turned away from the sight in the air? Huh, of course, he didn't.

Samuel was powerless, with the air getting chillier and chillier, he was unable to use his powers. Frostbite crawling along with his fingers, slowly losing control, his pupils darted around, before his eyelids shut over his retinas. Matthew's fist charged right into the gut of the enemy, for a split second, his glaciers for eyes closed, he opened them again. He'd done it,

"GO BEYOND!!!!!!!!!!!" BOOOMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A sonic boom emitted itself from the sky above the suburban neighborhood, destroying the sound barrier, glass shattering on the skylights beneath his feet. His comrades turned away for a moment, all except one. Henry, despite the frost crawling along with the shaded cement down the road, he stared. That smirk had stretched into a wide smile, Matt hunched over, back covered with light azure frost. His opponent had been pushed into a frosty iceberg, only Samuel's face visible with remnants of his feet, and arms too.

"Shit..." Uttered the Frosty Magician, turning to his friends, all of which had been shocked, except for Henry and Ben. The latter of which couldn't help but smirk at his best friend's growth since their meeting, discussing their abilities seven years ago in June of 2013.

"Show off," With the remaining strength he had, Matt spun, glaring into the strained eyes of the opponent he'd beaten so viciously. With the Emperor and Chariot heading toward him, the Magician only had a few minutes before Samuel would be knocked out for good. With that short amount of time, he gave some advice to his rival,

"I have an idea for who freed you, so I'm going to make this quick and tell you what you should do rather than obey his will. Find your little spitfire to motivate you to keep going, that way, no one has control of you anymore. You have nothing to prove to anyone, just, ya know- FYI," That being said, Matthew converted his position from facing his beaten foe, Henry landing on the street in front of his best friend. As the Chariot and Magician spoke together, with the remainder of Protectors slowly heading to Colon and Miler.

"No offense," Uttered the Emperor, his fist meeting the side of the skull of Samuel, rendering Miller's former enemy unconscious. With his superhuman capabilities returned, his fingers excited, crackling with lightning. A long sigh of relief exiting Ben's lips, Artemis stepped up to her creator, air flowing through her artificial brown locks,

"Information gathered. I have just finished investigating the Karlo Family Abode, including the secret Basement. There is nothing I located that can give us anything about Ryder Karlo's approximation, a suggestion is we should return home. Access the Rivera Manufacturing Satellite, and search for areas with unauthorized Konpeki usage," Then it hit him- Ryder had a replacement for his arm, that being his left arm, being comprised entirely of the metal he 'discovered' seven years ago. The metal has a sort of program engraved in it, given by the trapped Superior in the parallel universe. The Emperor had taken it for keeping when he stole that bag from underneath his doppelganger's home.

"She's right. Let's cool down at my place for a bit, then we head back out to search," Everyone agreed, starting with the Emperor as he sliced his brother's arm off, which had been reattached via Henry and Madisyn's cauterization. However, since it was weakened due to being cut off, he used his new life-giving ability to create a perfect replica. Inaudible praises were given to his younger sibling, from the camera of the drone, it was seen that the Justice gave his relative a tight embrace. It had seen everything, from way above the clouds, the propulsion system sending it across the World.

While Matthew Miller had been fighting the freed Superhuman Samuel, the Outcast, with his companion, Athena, arrived in an abandoned forest in Saudi Arabia. Using the access codes downloaded by the new Leader of the Prelle Family Mob from the CEO's laptop, they were able to locate it.

In the early 1900s, a man by the name of H.P. Lovecraft wrote of series of books that would later be dubbed the Cthulhu Mythos. For example, the most popular of which being, 'The Call of Cthulhu.' Though believed to be a fiction created by Lovecraft, who was reportedly a racist individual, they were in fact, real. Maybe seeing one of these creatures in the flesh was what sent him into a psychotic episode, forcing him to write the book. Perhaps the reason it became so popular is that people who had the same experience- seeing this monstrous abomination, finally had some proof.

"This is all about some books that some racist white guy made in 1940-something, how do you know any of this is true--?" How could he forget? The sights he'd seen at his time in the other Universe of the Kingdom, the reality that he witnessed there. The towering demon with wings on its back, tentacles on its face, most of its body shadowed by the hellish night.

"Cuz I saw it. Lucky for me, I didn't look into its eyes, meaning I didn't turn psychotic. But I already got enough screws loose as it is, so it doesn't matter-" The Outcast had pushed forward, slicing the leaves that concealed his vision, before the rustling that belonged to those trees that would echo behind him from Athena's feet swiftly vanished. Concerned for his partner in crime, Karlo spun around, element-infused arm transmogrifying into a cannon. Ready to disintegrate off the face of anyone who dared to threaten him. Suddenly-

BOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A warping almost bass-boosted sound entered his sensitive ears, although hard to fight through, placing his palms, real and fake, over them, helped him through the sting. In the air, hovering above the clouds, thanks to his advanced sight, he could see it. However, his ability to stop time was canceled out for some reason, and the poor superhuman had no choice but to watch as she was thrown into the ground. The shockwave originating from the throw was powerful, enough to send him flying back at least 20 meters, his back cracking against the structure he'd been searching for.

"Nnngh... babe..." Whispered the Moon, tears appearing in the edge of his eyelids. Out of the range of whatever canceled out his Time Stop, he was able to appear beside her corpse, eyes open, mouth wide, blood slowly streaming out of the edge of her lips. She hadn't a moment to contemplate her death. His arms wrapped around her decaying carcass, lifting her from the emerald-tinted grass below his knees, gazing up at the perpetrator.

"No..." ~It couldn't be...!~ That figure that thing that hovered in the sky held, he recognized it. A tall, lean black man of dead black coloration but without the slightest sign of negroid features: wholly devoid of either hair or beard, and wearing as his only garment a shapeless robe of some heavy black fabric. His feet bore the same shade as his would-be skin. The man did not speak and bore no trace of expression on his small, regular features. This was none other than-

"{From those who dwell beyond this feeble Planet, I was birthed. Given the will to test humanity's limitations by my Master, though He shall remain unnamed. I am the Author's messenger, given different distinct cadences through time. As the fabric of history changed, as the World altered the way it worked, the Crawling Chaos remained the same. The God of a Thousand Forms remained the same. The Black Pharaoh remained the same. The Master of Evil remained the same. I am... Nyarlathotep!}" The language that emerged from this thing's mouth, wherever it may be, was not the language most Americans use daily. Most people in the world don't even use it. Translated from Latin, the Outcast understood everything about this thunderous figure, as his ginormous shadow covered the Moon.

"What you seek, the Temple created by those who dwelled here millennia ago is a fake. Created by worshippers who believed their will to be the truth, believed to be chosen. Unfortunately, the truth they'd been fighting for so long to avoid caught up with them. They met their inevitable demise, at the hands of Nyarlathotep. Inside of you, however, young metahuman is something my Father would name a 'Dark Determination'. You must've known this was no place for mortal humans such as Athena Prelle, though she represented potential, she was only human. And you must've come with the knowledge that; to shed yourself of these 'shackles' that bind you, you would be tested. Harder, with more pain than you could ever imagine. Now, what is your answer to my proposal?" Had he believed the path to freedom would hold such death, and demise, maybe he wouldn't have chosen it. However, he had already made his choice, if he doesn't go through with it at this point, he'd disappoint Athena. Wherever she was. Wiping the dirt off of his military leggings, the air flowed through his brunet locks, curly strands levitating in the chilly wind. That same glare was visible in the Outcast's pupils, glistening with his... 'Dark Determination.'

"Come what may, I refuse to give up my dream!" From Karlo's point of view, he could muster out what seemed like a mischievous smirk manifesting across the Chaos' lips. Or rather, where they were supposed to be. Letting a demonic raspy sound emerge from his throat,

"Good..." The Messenger snarled, that rasp the cause of the goosebumps slowly crawling onto the right arm that belonged to Karlo. Was this the right choice? If you were able to ask him, the Moon, if his decision was the correct one, then, surely, he'd answer, "Yes."

After the battle between the Fiery Samuel and the Magician of Frost, as proposed by Artemis and furtherly supported by her newer creator, they all regrouped at the Emperor's penthouse in Manhattan. His frostbite-covered fingers bandaged by his fiancee's expertise, her soft scoldings audible, soft happy chuckles croaking from the abyss of Miller's throat. His fiancee, if you'd been living under a rock for the entirety of Book 1, was none other than the Secretary for Rivera Manufacturing: Veronica 'Ronnie' Johnson.

"What the hell did I tell you about pushing yourself like that...? You worry me so much sometimes, one day you're gonna give me a heart attack, for Christ's sake," As stated previously, Matt couldn't help but chuckle at the scolding, for some reason, it reminded him of his mother. Or his older sister, how they'd always scold him for swearing too much or being too rash in school.

"It was sooo worth it though, Ronnie! You should've fuckin' seen it, turned that asshole in a goddamn iceberg, froze up half the neighborhood," From her reaction to Jason's spout of information, he could tell Matt hadn't told her about that part in the battle. Henry put his fist over his mouth to cover the incoming laughter, as Ben turned around to do the same, but to find his soon-to-be wife in the kitchen. Ella, meanwhile, turned from her friends, playing with baby Emma. One of the classics. Peek-a-boo.

"Sorry about being so busy, babe. It's not like I want to deal with all this bullshit, ya know. I love that little thing we made," That was the Emperor's opening statement as he stepped forward into the kitchen to see his future wife, the Lovers, the final slamming of a knife into woodcutting the remainder of a carrot. She turned toward her lover, ready to embrace him, limbs wrapping around his neck, they gave a quick kiss to the other. Each appreciating the passion of the sharing of salvia, Ben was the one to reel back and peck her forehead. Could he even ask for anyone better to marry?

After their short kiss, Ceci was the one to start the embrace, her arms locked around his neck like it'd snap off one day. The one person to love her truly, not because of what she looked like on the outside, or to use her for anything sexual. But because of what she meant to him- that is the reason he chose her. And ironically, their origins were the same. Cecilia Lane's parents died unfortunately in a car crash when she was only 15 years old in Brazil, to get away from it all, she tried to meet new people. That was when she met Charlie Kyles, her best friend, who helped her move to the United States in New York in 2011. Nine years later- and her choice hadn't been better. This was her home, with her best friend, her friends, her daughter... and of course, her fiance.

That was all she needed, to be happy. Abruptly, to end their moment of clarity and peace in the chaotic society this World held, a familiar emotionally stagnant voice. Holding a feminine tone, Artemis held no info,

"Unauthorized usage of Konpeki metal approximated. Location: Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona. Warning: This state of the United States has a strict law against unregistered superhumans using their powers for destructive reasoning. We must be careful," A long sigh exited their mouths in unison, unfortunately, the time had come. Ryder was located, and the time to battle his past, the mistake he had made when saying those words to an abused kid- it had come. Ben pressed his temple against her own, intertwining their magical auras, their silent way of a promise. Only visible to themselves, his dark azure glow, opposed to her soft salmon pink energy that radiated around her spirit.

"I love you," Whispered the Emperor, turning away, though she believed he could not hear her faint return of the words- he always had time to hear her voice. Like a bird's chirping when you wake up in the morning before his signature azure energy engulfed him, he heard her say it,

"I love you too," And like the Cheshire cat, he disappeared without a trace.

The same shroud of darkness that once encircled the Outer God's foundation spat them out on an asteroid, floating throughout the stars. The Milky Way visible, glistening in all of its glory, Ryder couldn't help but gawk at its beauty. If he had the time, he could stare at it for days, maybe even weeks- probably years. But that probability was interrupted by the booming, intimidating voice of He who sat on the Throne.

"So you are the new one?" Guarded by three individuals, some of their eye colors, he recognized. Actually..! All of their eye colors he recognized, well, except one again. There was a redhead, crouched to the left of her Master's leg, her piercing crimson pupils popped out to him. She was posing as the FBI Director! And... to the right of his throne, he could make out some sort of- Being? It didn't have a human form unlike the woman licking a human bone, some of the flesh trying to be torn via her fangs. Reminding him of Uraku's true form, dark matter floated from Its collars, turned away but Its head glaring at the so-called 'New One'. Sitting on the Throne, presumed to be the Ruler of this enclosed space, had eyes he'd never seen before. Pupils so golden they'd turn you yellow, should you stare into them too long. Pale robe, with a hood covering his peak, white beard visible, golden retinas radiating through the shadow cast by the cowl concealing his eyes.

"I'm being tested..?" To vanquish the past, Ryder would have to learn to battle the future, fight through all improper possibilities, to capture the one he so desired. Answering his line of inquiry, Nyarlathotep nodded to the young 20-year-old. This was it, his chance to be free. The Messenger of the Author needn't say anything further, instead, he analyzed how Karlo readied for the fight that would occur in mere seconds.

"Should you fail this task, not only will you perish alongside your goals, but every single semblance of your feeble existence recorded throughout history will be eradicated--" Without falter, the Outcast emitted a powerful sonic scream, with enough enhancement to shatter the eardrums of any human who was listening. It was a simple thing to dodge, the Chaos fell right into his plan, disappearing before the soundwaves could touch his figure. In a black poof of smoke, or what resembled it, Nyarlathotep manifested to the rear of the Outcast's mass. Able to easily slice his head off, the Black Pharoah's limb raised to commence that such action, before Karlo spun around. Mechanical arm twisting into the form of a plasma cannon, attempting to discharge that form of matter made into energy.

The flat palm the Crawling Chaos intended to utilize to slice off the Outcast's head instead moved to the left, cutting off the prosthetic attached to the superhuman's fleshy figure. Screaming in pain, Karlo rose his right arm, fingers extended out pushing out a sound wave from his palm. Although not spoken between the fighting duo, this match intended to see if the young Karlo could be able to touch the Outer God in 50 seconds. Nyarlathotep had other plans before the wave of sound could slide out the Outcast's soul, he grabbed onto his fingers, hearing them all audibly CRACK! Letting the Moon cry in terror from the pain, the sole of the Crawling Chaos meeting the ribcage of the Outcast, launching to the right side of the asteroid.

Body tumbling to the edge, hand broken, the Moon stared in fear, the way the Chaos moved, slowly pacing toward him to slaughter him right then and there. As if whatever he was, he held no regard for life in general. The Outcast would no falter! His lips parted once more, and although they were short bursts, they were infused with enough strength to shatter bones. 188 dB soundwaves croaking out of his throat, aimed directly at the feet of the Being. The way that Nyarlathotep weaved out of the way of his attacks, briefly manifesting his figure into a black tornado that blinked in and out of existence every few seconds. Getting closer and closer, Ryder knew he'd have to use it. At the last second, his lungs were unable to scream anymore, instead, his eyes directed to the rock below him. Extending out his right arm, although his fingers were broken, he...

-was able to complete the task given to him silently by the Author. His arm had been perched along the shoulder of the Outer God, who despicably glared at his new partner. The calling of his and Karlo's new master had interrupted their little staring contest, applying His weight to the arms of the Throne. Standing on both of His feet, limbs tucked behind his back,

"Welcome to the Children of God. Luckily, for you, my Messenger had already orchestrated a plan, knowing you would come to us. You will prove to be a vital asset in our plans, young Karlo. For now, I will return you to Earth, and your Eternal Transcendence can begin," The Author's words, although his statement holding the voice of a booming, god-like Deity, held kindness to it. Karlo felt it in his soul, the warm intentions beyond God's comforting smile, seconds later- he was gone. Taken by a golden light that enveloped his skeleton beneath his epidermis, he was shot down to Earth in the form of a tiny golden ball of energy. Turning around, the Author's back faced the Chaos, who giggled sadistically.

"I'm concerned he didn't take notice of our intervention," Their lightspeed intervention, allowing the Outcast to win in this game, for some odd reason, had gone unnoticed... Or so it seemed. At the very least, the Author and Crawling Chaos had gained a new asset in their big plan. The latter of the two vanishing in the same poof of black smoke he'd been appearing in usually after the Father and the Son nodded to one another, understanding their diabolical plan without uttering a word to the other.

The Author's usual golden pupils brightened at this acknowledgment, His soul enhancing the form He took, and His physique glistening with that same palette hue. Just as He intended.

Back on Earth, the new duo, the Moon Outcast of God, and The Crawling Chaos Messenger appeared alongside one another. A drone hovering above the head of the younger of the two, leading to Nyarlathotep questioning his new partner's intentions, tilting his head to the left,

"What is this device?" Leading up to his explanation, a bizarre occurrence transpired before their eyes. No longer were they in a forest, but instead, on one of the cliffs located in the Grand Canyon, which wasn't a good sign considering what was about to happen. The drone shrunk itself within the reattached prosthetic limb of the Moon Outcast, parting his lips before he heard that distinct unique audio. The pulsing of a portal, the crackling of lightning and fire as it burnt the remainders of grass popping out of the rock they stood upon.

"You..." Blue-violet eyes visible as they exited the gateway in space, his body surrounded by that hue of azure spirit, the Emperor's fists tightened at the sight of his opponent. From so long ago, he still fought on, but he couldn't show his emotions here. Instead, a smirk formed, bleeding to the edges of his mouth, to where Ben responded with,

"Yeah..." Leaping off of the rock, a small crater manifesting where his soles were once pushed against the material, his fist ready to pound his rival into the abyss he and the new Chaos were behind. Everyone else rushed into battle, the two Speedsters rushing together ready to help the Emperor, the Empress of the Stars flying after him, the Smoldering Chariot utilizing his wings to the fullest chasing after the sibling duo. Just a few inches away from his face, as the world around them went grey, Ben Rivera finished his sentence that he began seconds prior,


To be continued, where we'll take you beyond the stars in Chapter 5 - GO BEYOND!