Under a bright sun a large Army camp churned. A high earthen wall reinforced tall logs to form the perimeter. It was a large, but lonely camp placed on the edge of an endless sea of grass. To the east of the camp steep mountains covered the horizon, to the south and north unmarred grassland stretched into the distance and too the west the grass had been torn up. The earth churned to dust, while blood turned the dust to a thick mud. The hot sun sought to dry it, but the ground had yet to crack in the heat. Deep holes and long trenches marred the battlefield. A sea of soon to be stripped bodies littered the ground. Farther West, a wall of dust tracked the continuous retreat of the losing army.
The camp was filled with tents formed of wool. They were a dark gray and were stained from the extended campaign. Flags hung at regular intervals. They all bore the fist and hammer of the Eternal Empire. Soldiers moved amongst the tents. Many were still coated in the gore of conquest. The average soldier wore thick leather armor that was reinforced with iron. Most carried spears, but more elite troops carried swords, axes, halberds, and even hammers.
In the controlled chaos of the camp a lithe young man stood outside the central tent. He stood tall in a clean black coat with matching black trousers. Gold trim flowed down his arms and legs. It traced its way to the tall, black boots of a cavalryman. Captain's rank adorned the neck of his coat. His rich, brown hair was sharply cut to stay above his ears, and it glistened with sweat. The crisp appearance showed that it had been carefully crafted, but the exhaustion that his face bore hinted at the long battle that had occurred.
Silver watched the two guards that stood in front of the tent. He knew that it was a purely administrative job. The man they were guarding needed no protection. Even if he did the two that were guarding him certainly could not help, neither one had the eyes of a Magus. Silver also knew that neither were Oculars, because he had worked at the Ocular's school for ten years. Besides, the Empire would never waste an Ocular on such a menial job. The guard's real job was to control visitors. They were secretaries with halberds. Silver's family preferred administrators that understood the physical suffering training in arms required.
A man stepped out of the tent. His clothing was identical to Silver's, but he stood a hand shorter with a sharply curved nose that ruined an otherwise handsome face. Silver nodded to his fellow Royal and received a flat look in return. As the man walked away Silver looked back to the guards. They nodded and Silver entered the tent.
"Ah, Silver, your uniform is impeccable as always."
"Commander, Third Captain reporting." Silver spoke firmly and proudly. The third Captain was the highest position that he could have earned up to this point. The first Captain was the commander of the reserve and third in the chain of command. Silver would not be likely to achieve that position for another twenty years. The Second Captain Commanded the archers. It was a position designed to develop someone for first captain. That was the job that Silver wanted to have in ten years. The Third Captain Commanded the center Company in battle.
"As of now, you can refer to me as Beryl or Brother." Beryl spoke with a proud smile on his face.
"Brother? Am I being replaced?" Frustration filled Silver.
'I knew that I would be replaced in the next few months, but today? My company was impeccable in that last fight. I was flawless.'
"Do not be so melodramatic. You have served on the front for ten years. Many members of our family have and would kill for a full term in this assignment. You knew that you would be moved."
"I knew that my time as Third Captain was coming to an end. I did not expect it to end today."
"Ah, you were holding onto your company. Were you hoping for a few more months or did you have your eyes set on commanding the Scouts? Maybe intelligence?"
"My past assignments make me uniquely qualified."
"Yes, you are more than qualified for either of those assignments. However, they are not in your best interest. You might enjoy them, but it would be difficult for you to rise through positions with proper timing if you do not leave the front. You have served honorably. Do not risk being trapped as an administrative Baron. You need to maintain your career's momentum. The Royal blood is strong in you, and you have cunning to match your talent. You should rise well in the ranks. Sit down please." Beryl nodded to an open chair with a friendly look on his face.
'Of course, the Royal blood is strong with me. I am the strongest Royal of my generation. I have enough physical power to rival all but the triumvirate. Even you have no chance against me in a fight'
Silver ignored his furious thought. Instead, he let out a sigh and slumped into a hard, wooden chair. "So where are you sending me."
"My right to choose your next assignment was usurped."
"Usurped?" Silver asked, incredulous. "Who have I angered to such a degree?"
'This is impossible. Generals only reach down and end the career of a junior Royal if they are grossly incompetent. I have not made a single error that would put me in that category.'
"Someone at a level higher than me has elected a position for you. You will return to the Oculars."
"Which school of oculars? This is not a step forward but a step back."
"Last time you were at the school you were merely the soul holder. Now you will return as the leader of the Raven Knights. You will act as the president for the Raven school."
"This- this is not a job that a Captain can have." Silver felt as though he were the butt of a cruel joke.
'I understand if I need to be transferred. But, why would Beryl mock me? I have given everything I have to take care of his soldiers for ten years. I have been the best officer in this battalion for five years. I swear that I will break his precious table the moment he laughs at me.'
"Correct, congratulations on the promotion Major." Beryl laughed at Silver's expression. His mouth hung open in shock. After a moment Silver shook his head to clear his mind.
"Isn't this premature. I should not promote for another ten years."
"I recommended you for promotion. I did not anticipate the full support of the triumvirate. Not only did they agree to promote you, but they hand-picked an assignment for you. You have made a name for yourself on the front. With this level of scrutiny, you can consider your next assignment to be a true test. Fail there and you will likely never see the front again. However, succeed and your return is assured."
"I will not fail Beryl."
'I never fail.'
"I know that you won't. You are the pride of your family line. I only wish that mine had been able to recruit you."
Royals were divided among one of three families at birth. The families were each based on a member of the triumvirate and they youths competed with each for bragging rights. The competing families were called Metal, Wilderness, and Gem. Silver had been born into Metal and Beryl had been born into Gem.
"Weapons are made of metal." Silver quoted seriously.
"But gems are harder." Beryl replied with a wink.
Silver let a small grin show, "when do I ride out?"
"You do not. I have informed that a teleportation team will be arriving. Unfortunately, after the battle our Magus are currently too weak to form an array. You will leave tomorrow morning before first light. At first light I will have a new Third Captain."
Silver nodded, "Until next time Beryl. Thank you for being the leader that I wanted to have. Victory to the Empire."
"Victory is ours alone. Our enemies just don't know it yet."
Beryl signaled for Silver to leave. Silver left without any more words. Night was still far off and he had many things to prepare. As he left he could still Beryl's words ringing in his ears.
'A true test? That can only be a good thing. I have never failed a test.'