Chapter 7 - 7

Chapter 6: Welcome to Storybrooke

The house was ridiculously pink. That was Harry's impression as what he guessed was his new home.

Was it weird he was already considering this place a home?

It really wasn't a home. Not that any place Harry had been had been a home. The closest you could probably say to home was Hogwarts and it wasn't what you'd really consider to be a home, at least according to the telly.

Not that Harry watched much TV. He really didn't have the chance at the Durselys, but Gold had a flat screen placed in his room. He also had a laptop, two bookshelves, and an actual bed. Not a cot.

The room looked something you'd see out of a magazine. His father—no, Gold. It was still even hard thinking of the man as his father, even though Harry now knew the truth for weeks.

He could see he was related to Gold. They looked a lot alike. Had similar mannerisms. He could see more of his facial expressions in Regina though—even though she was his sister not his mother. It was odd, how much he could relate to her, though they didn't really see eye to eye on Hogwarts.

Harry hadn't broached the subject with Gold. Not that he had a chance. Most of his time at the mansion was spent being coddled and fed full of potions. Then Belle, his father's girlfriend, would come in and hand him a book or four. He had done so much reading this summer, save for his Hogwarts assignments.

Speaking of Hogwarts, he supposed he should write to his friends at Hogwarts. However, he really didn't feel like talking to either Hermione or Ron. Everything was just weird.

How was he suppose to write, I'm from another realm and I was given up by my psychotic mother to the Potters?

That really didn't make any sense.

Harry sighed as he fingered his wavy dark brown hair, hair that looked like Gold's.

He needed to do something. At this point, he'd even do homework.

Yeah, he knew something was wrong when working on a history of magic essay seemed like a fun thing to do.

He sighed standing up. His leg was still weak, but thanks to that promise he made to Gold it was had healed to the point where Harry could use it (barley). He admitted that something about his…Gold's potions were better than the ones the mediwitch at Hogwarts used. As he was told, those were inferior to potions made by Gold.

Told not explained.

That was the thing about Gold.

Harry decided that today he was going to go out. Do something? Maybe go to that diner that Belle was always bringing home food from—Granny's. The food wasn't really that great, Harry himself knew how to make better fish and chips, but it would be good getting out. Maybe he'd go to the library and visit Belle while he was at it. Or the pawnshop.

Okay, maybe not the library and the pawnshop.

The mayor's office. Regina wouldn't tell on him, he was sure. And it would be nice to visit his sister at her office, maybe get her a cup of coffee or some cider.

Yes, cider.

Regina liked her apples.

Harry did too. Well, Regina's apple pie. He really didn't have favorites. You couldn't really do that at the Dursleys and, well, at Hogwarts he just ate what everyone else ate.

Honestly, pumpkin juice was sort of gross.

Sighing, he got out his laptop. It was still weird thinking he had his own computer. Might as well try to figure out where everything in the town was before he just wandered around aimlessly. With a bum leg, that wasn't exactly brilliant.

However, a couple of Google searches for Storybrooke and nothing came up.


Maybe he had missed something in Muggle Computer Lit classes. But Harry couldn't find zip. Not even the Storybrooke official website. And he was pretty sure Regina was tech savvy. Well, she seemed savvy in about everything else, so why not tech savvy.

Though that didn't mean, Harry totally gave up on the idea of going out. He just decided to sort of deal with whatever the elements presented themselves.

Who knows, maybe he'd find a cool place to hang out.

Anything was better than sitting in front of the telly all day and watching talk shows and resting up.

Which was what he was supposed to do, according to Gold.

Harry rolled his eyes. Yeah, rest up.

The thing about Storybrooke is when you're an almost twelve-year-old boy with a bum leg sort of walking aimlessly amongst town, you sort of get notice which was what happened to Harry when a police cruiser of all things decided to stop in front of him.

"Hey, kid!" A woman's voice called out from the car.

Harry turned around to see a blonde woman starring at him intensely as if trying to place him.

Harry smiled. "Um, hi."

Yeah, probably not the greatest way to start a conversation topper, but he didn't really know what else to say.

The police car pulled over and the woman got out. Harry noticed that she had great legs. Well, great about everything else. She was almost as pretty as his father's girlfriend. Almost. And Harry could feel himself blushing as she approached him. He was also scared.

When did walking around time garnered a cop pulling you over?

"Are you from around here?" She asked.

"Yes," Harry said. "I live down the street."

It was true, sort of. He lived down the street since he got released from the hospital.

The woman nodded though she looked at him strangely for a moment. "Do I know you?"

"Um, no." Harry said. "Afraid you don't. Officer…"

"It's Sherriff Swan, actually." The woman said. "But you can call me Emma. And you are?"

"Harry." He said, "Just Harry."

"Just Harry," She said. "No last name?"

He didn't even know what his last name was. "Uh, do you know where Granny's is?"

"Is that where you're going?" Emma said. "That's a bit ways out there. In the center of town, with that leg of yours I don't know if that's a good idea."

Harry frowned. "Is there any decent coffee shop that's closer?"

"Good point." Emma frowned knowing about the lack of Storybrooke coffee. "Hop in the car, kid, I'll give you a lift."

Harry gladly took her up on her offer. Throughout the drive, and oh yes, it was a bit of a drive—Emma tried to prod Harry for information. Unfortunately, for Emma, Harry was used to prodding.

Instead, of telling her about the car accident when she asked about his leg—he just said he hurt it in an accident. Instead of focusing the story about him, he got her to talk about herself.

She kept starring at Harry oddly throughout the car ride mentioning that he looked familiar. But Harry just keep shrugging it off as I have one of those faces things.

Finally, she stopped in what appeared to be an old fashion dinner of types that was next to a clock tower.

"This is Granny's." Harry asked.

"Yep, Granny's." Emma confirmed. "Get the burger, don't get the fried chicken. And don't tell them I told you that."

"I'm getting cider." Harry said.

"Cider?" Emma raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, apple cider." Harry said. "I'm getting some for myself and my sister. Which reminds me where's City Hall?"

"Down the street." Emma said not giving it much thought and still being slightly grossed out by the cider. "Seriously, cider? It has apples in it."

"I like apples." Harry said.

And he did. Like apples that is. Not having really had a lot of them, since coming to Storybrooke he was not prepared for their sweet, tangy, taste. And then he had Regina's pie. And then he knew it was his fruit of choice.

Emma shook her head. "In my family, you don't. You know, I think I'll join you at Granny's. I could kill for a cup of Joe."

Well, maybe Regina would have to wait. Emma was sort of hot—if nosey.

But those legs.

Yeah, he needed to get a clue. Emma wanted something. He had seen that look on plenty of adults faces enough to know better—long legs or not. And besides, if he wanted to stare at someone's legs he could always stare at Belle's.

Though she was his father's girlfriend and that made everything sort of gross.

Harry mentally checked off plans on the various ways he could ditch Emma. None of his plans seemed to work. Luckily, for him, it seemed like everyone in town ran to Emma with their problems as soon as they entered the diner, so Harry was able to make his get away. Though, he didn't get any cider.

The waitress, who he was pretty sure was not Granny, due to the fact she was wearing a pair of teeny tiny shorts and was about forty years from becoming a granny, seemed appalled her wanted cider.

"But it has apples in it?"

"So," Harry said.

"But she likes to drink it."

"You could say the she."

And then the waitress walked off muttering something about an evil queen.

And there went the coffee idea if he couldn't get cider.

So, now Harry was at City Hall knocking on the mayor's door.

"Oh, what is it?" Regina sounded annoyed. At least until she saw him and then she looked, well, parent like.

"Harry, what are you doing here?"

"I was going to bring cider." He said.


"You know, it's like apple juice but hot and full of spices."

"Yes, I know what cider is. But, your leg, you're to be in bed?"

He groaned. "Gold has poured so many potions down my throat it's all better…you see?"

"You're limping."

He glared at her. "I got a ride. To Granny's at least and that's like a two minute walk over from here. So, it's not that bad."

Regina seemed concerned when she heard the word ride and asked him just whose car he rode in. He didn't even get to answer before she proceeded with the whole stranger danger lecture. Harry couldn't help but roll his eyes. He was eleven not five, besides he really doubted that Emma would've kidnapped him. She was a cop after all.

But when he told Regina this, it was obviously the wrong answer. Since Regina paled. "You went in a car with Emma Swan?"

Harry nodded. "Yeah, she's the sheriff. I didn't think she'd really kidnap me."

"What did you tell her?" Regina asked.

Really, what was the big deal? Harry shrugged. "Just that I wanted to get cider. Don't worry, I didn't go into the long spiel about how I'm your long lost big brother. I don't think most people would believe that."

Regina nodded before she added. "Don't talk to Emma."

The look on his sister's face was like Emma Swan was evil. However, Harry had a hard time believing the blonde sheriff was bad. Maybe a little too nosey for her own good, but not bad. She was nice enough to him. She had driven him to the diner, after all.

"What did she do?" Harry asked.

Regina laughed. "It doesn't concern you."

"I'm your big brother." Harry said. "Well, technically."

"Just keep it at brother." Regina said it makes things less complicated. "Now, why don't I pack you and get you home. You still aren't healed."

"I'm doing better." Harry said.

He was, but Regina was right when he really shouldn't be out. His leg had started to throb and he did have a bit of a headache.

"Uh huh," Regina said seeing through his lie. "You and I both know your….Gold isn't going to buy that."

Harry groaned. "Yeah, well, what he doesn't know won't hurt him."

Regina started laughing.

"What?" Harry said.

"Oh, Harry, this is a small town. Trust me, Gold is going to hear about how there was a mysterious boy in the diner. And he's not a stupid man. He will put two and two together."

"I'm sure it's not that small of a town."

"Actually, it is, dearie." A very familiar voice said as Regina office door flung open.

Regina rolled her eyes. "Really, we had to go with the dramatics."

Gold shrugged. "Dramatics? This is nothing."

"I prefer if people knock."

Gold rolled his eyes. "I heard that there was a boy with a limp at the diner today. A boy who should be in bed."

Harry groaned. "I'm fine."

"No, you're not." Gold said. "I would know. I've been delivering your potions."

Regina smirked at him.

Harry in turned rolled his eyes.

Must be a family trait.

"I was bored." Harry answered.

"Like this town has a lot of stuff to offer." Gold responded.

"Hey!" Regina exclaimed.

"Well, it is boring. Admit it, Regina. You do lack in imagination."

She grumbled something about trying to be creative when your only knowledge of a realm consisted of episodes of classic TV shows where America was depicted as being bland, bland, bland.

Harry really couldn't make sense out of it.

"Nothing bad happened." Harry responded.

"Emma Swan." Regina added like that made the difference.

Rumple narrowed his eyebrows and turned his attention to Harry, "Did your relatives ever tell you not to get in cars with strangers?"

"She's sheriff."

That equaled more eye rolling from both Regina and Gold.

"What?" Harry asked.

"We're going home." Was the only reply he got and from Gold at that.

"But I…"

He never got to finish because seconds later he had been transported back to his bedroom in the ridiculously colored house.

Harry glared at Gold. "Seriously?"

Gold looked at him. "I don't joke. And you need to be in bed."

"But I'm…"

"Bored and want to explore the nauseating boring town that is Storybrooke."

"It's better than watching Jerry Springer all day."

Gold sighed. Harry knew the Jerry Springer thing rang true. Finally, the sorcerer turned to him and said. "Okay, then."

"Okay, what?" Harry asked.

"You're bored. I don't want you running around town in your condition. So, we're going to make a deal."

What was his father's thing with deals? He thought he was joking with the apple pie, but instead it had lead to about a week's worth of some of the nastiest potions being poured down his throat. Though, Harry felt a lot better than he had in ages. He had a feeling that whatever Gold was proposing it wasn't going to be totally beneficial.

Sighing Harry asked, "What are the terms?"

Gold smiled. "I hear you're being educated in magic. Regina's told me some about your school, and I'd like to see just how good Hogwarts is."

"But the statute…"

Rumple laughed. "The statute won't apply here. You're just going to be doing theory for now anyway. Your condition is nowhere near where it should be to be practicing magic. So, now it will be primarily learning theory."

"But my magic books are at the Dursleys…"

"Yes, we do need to get your belongings." Gold said more to himself than to Harry. "But that doesn't matter. You can borrow some my books. Belle will tell you that I have one of the best magical libraries out there."

Harry sighed. He did want to learn more about magic. And as boring as theory could be, it was still something. But still, he wanted to see Storybrooke: eventually. "Can we modify the terms?"

"Depends on the proposal."

"When I better I want to be able to go around town."

Gold obviously didn't like these terms.

"What about being able to go to certain places in town?"

Still no response.

"What about Granny's."

No response.

"What about the library or pawn shop?"

"That might work."

Harry rolled his eyes, it wasn't much, but it was something. But now, he was more than sure that something was up with Storybrooke.