Chereads / BORN TO RULE: GOD OF CREATION / Chapter 27 - White Eyed King

Chapter 27 - White Eyed King

Set soared above the clouds and it was as if he were in a different world. The mountain top looked as if it were a proud island towering above the clouds. Set flew toward the island but waves on waves of Evil crows flew out before he could land. Many of them had bloodshot eyes and disturbing expressions. Set counted and there were exactly one hundred of those Evil crows.

"Why so mean, guys? I am just a humble wanderer. I never planned on hurting you guys...", said Set flying down the mountain. But when he turned around there were only a few dozen on his tail. Although he was disappointed, he was also glad. He was pleased because more than half of the Evil crows that had been breathing in his neck were gone now, but disappointed because the leader of the Evil Crows had a small semblance of intelligence.

Set was planning on ditching the Evil Crows that followed him with the maximum speed of the metal crane, and then killing their unprotected boss while the rest were still on the ground. But that thinking son of a bitch foiled his plan! But Set didn't mind, if the boss sent a few to kill him, he would kill a few. If the boss sent many, he would kill many.

Set activated his GOD'S WILL ability and ordered the crane to increase its speed. The crane was flying with a stunningly fast World-class speed. Set took out his Titan sword and slashed toward one of the Evil Crows, and immediately cut it in half. Set went on a rampage and cut the crows in two as if it was Tuesday. Some were sliced across their bellies, leaving their entrails to fall through the sky. Some had their wings cut off, making them fall through the sky to meet their inevitable end!

It took about an hour to kill all of them, and in the end, Set collected thirty-six beast cores. Leaving the bodies of the Evil crows to the metal crane, he waited until the afternoon for the metal crane to finish, after which they flew back to the top. Set could tell that there was something different about the metal crane, but he couldn't put a finger on it. But at least the metal crane was eating the Crows at a much faster rate, otherwise, it would have taken it days to finish eating!

Set reached the top, except this time the island was filled with Evil Crows, even the sky above the island was filled with those wretched bastards. At the sight of Set, the Evil crows flew towards him. Set counted 700 at first glance, and that was just the ones flying in the sky. Set never thought twice before flying back to the ground.

Set dropped down from the cloud and flew straight down to the foot of the mountain. Then all of a sudden, the sky darkened as if a giant stood blocking the sun. Set looked up and saw the Evil Crows following. After a moment the Evil Crows filled the sky. Set swallowed the saliva that had been building up in his mouth, and a crazed look appeared on his face.

Set smiled, then continued his descent. The metal crane was flying at a speed comparable to a low-level Saint beast. The Evil Crows could not catch up with the man and his crane, making them more frantic. He occasionally sent blue fireballs at the Evil Crows, but they didn't do any damage. Set circled the mountain as he flew down from the field of vision of the Evil crows. While away from the sight of the crows, he quickly made use of his innate ability Shell. He made a clone and gave him the Titan Blade. He ordered the clone to stall the Evil Crows as long as possible. The clone, receiving his master's orders, leaped from the crane and flew away from the mountain on the Titan Blade. At the same time, Set ordered the metal crane to fly above the clouds, instantly disappearing!

The Evil crows who saw Set's clone fly away from the mountain followed. Set did not give his clone the metal crane because the speed of the sword did not come close to that of the crane's. If he had given the crane to the clone, even if the clone had bought it more time, with the flying speed of the sword, Set would have been discovered by the Evil crows. But if he gave the sword to the clone, even if the time it bought him was small, the speed of the crane would more than make up for it.

In a matter of seconds, the crane flew to the top. He flew to the top and landed on the mountain top. Set didn't dare to step off the metal crane. If he did and was attacked, he wasn't confident of his survival. Set and the metal crane slowly moved across the mountain top. Many trees were there making it seem like a paradise, but Set couldn't shake the sensation of death creeping around every corner! But as he waited nothing happened. Observing the strangeness of the situation Set decided to just keep going. After walking for a while, the duo found a bird's nest made of dried black twigs.

The nest was the size of a minivan while it carried carrying a basketball-sized egg. The egg was black and had a number of red dots around the shell. As Set and the metal crane approached the nest, an Evil crow flew from some dark corner and stood in front of the egg. But this Evil Crow was different! The Evil Crow had a third eye in the middle of the forehead.

The presence of the third eye meant that the Evil crow in front of them was the boss. The King Raven looked at Set with murderous eyes, and then let out a scream so loud that Set couldn't help but put his hands over his ears. The shriek was reverberating through the sky. The Evil Crows who were chasing Set's clone after hearing that call stopped and as if possessed by a demon they franticly hurried back to the peak, but because the clone had drawn them away from the mountain, the Evil Crows would at the very least take five minutes. The clone accomplishing its mission dissipated into a puff of smoke, leaving the sword to halted in midair.

"BASTARD!" Set was mad. The so-called King Raven was calling back all the Evil crows. Set reached out his hand and the sun mark on his wrist shown with blinding light. The sword, which had halted mid-air shown with the same blinding light and started flying to the peak of the mountain. Surprisingly, the sword flashed past the Evil Crows that were flying with speed comparable to that of the metal crane.

The King Raven unfurled his wings and flew to Set. It was so quick that it reached them in a second. The metal crane, at the command of Set flew backward, avoiding close combat with the King Raven. Set was the third wheel in all this because the speed of the two was shocking and out of his league, to say the least. If not for the eyes of King Raven being black, Set would have believed that King Raven was a high-level celestial beast of Saint-Class.

The crane and the King Raven were flashing constantly, and at that time, Set was formulating a plan. If he stayed there for a long time, the Evil Crows would come back, making escape tricky. But he couldn't overpower his opponent as well. After a while of thinking, Set gritted his teeth and released a raging blood-red fire. The King Raven dodged and continued his attack on the crane, but he couldn't do any damage. As the King Raven was about to attack again, it saw a bright light flash by its body.

Set creepily smiled and all of a sudden the metal crane disappeared under the cover of the bright light. When the light faded, the King Raven got its sights back. Set stood strong while gripping the Titan Blade. The blade of the sword was dripping with blood. The King Raven was wide-eyed, with red lines all around his body.

Set turned around. The King Raven was bleeding profoundly, it managed to turn around to look at Set with pure hatred in its eyes. Then suddenly the eye in the middle of its forehead shown with a hellish red light. The red light doused its entire body with its light healing its wounds at the same time. A cocoon of red light was made around the King Raven and when it came out, its body was blood red with terrifying white eyes.