Chapter 4 - Their Release

Oliver always visited once per month.

He would let me out of the herbal factory and let me fly around a bit while keeping me in check with a bird leash.

I had now grown out my silver and black feathers.

Compared to all the creatures on earth, I was the biggest bird ever heard of.

I was about half the size of a six foot tall human and yet, I was as light as a pillow.

"I am here Ryia!" Oliver shouted as he came through the small doorway in the garden.

I chirped the laziest chirp I could muster.

"Don't be like that you lazy dove!" He said in a playful tone.

I'm guessing that Oliver must have been really mature growing up in front of adults because he was exactly the opposite in front of me.

I guess that all people show their true natures in front of animals.

I wasn't a cat though so I guess I should go greet him.......

I spread my long wings as I ruffled my feathers and glided smoothly over to Oliver.

Landing softly on his arm he rewarded me with an exotic beetle of sorts.

I still didn't like eating bugs and worms so only ate them as treats while I ate exotic seeds on most of my normal days.

"Good girl" Oliver said with a sullen look on his face.

I looked at him with the cheesiest expression I could make out.

His face brightened and he walked me outside swiftly.

Hey dude.

Didn't you forget my leash?

I have never been outside without it because he thought I might run away but.......

"Today is the day you realize that I am your master Ryia," Oliver explained. "For you to become my carrier pigeon you must learn to not fly away from me."


Its not like I wanted to be wild.

I liked having free food and a place to sleep.

Against expected, I didn't fly away.

Not at all.

Oliver had a shocked expression against his cold looking face.

It would be very cute if he didn't have dark bags around his eyes.

He kind of looked like my old man back from Earth.

I bird yawned.

"Get flying Ryia!" Oliver said shaking the arm I was on lightly.

I grumbled.

"You are so grumpy....." Oliver said exasperated.

To own something was a great feat in Philosophy.

But to take and to give was two halves of the same whole.

Just like good and bad, humans always even out the opportunities.

For all the bad things that happen, there will always be good things.


I'm not sure if I have karma because I am a bird but I do like to keep things on the positive side for all the negative things that happen to me.

Maybe this was me just overthinking but the world was a place of danger for a bird with a human mind.

"Here!" Oliver said thrusting a while envelope at my face.

I must've been so lost in thought that I hadn't realized Oliver's butler of sorts walking over.

He had given Oliver a letter encased in an enveloped with a red wax encasing.

He had also brought what looked like a picture of a person inside a crystal looking orb.

So there was magic in this world!

"This guy is the duke of the west Ryia" Oliver said his face filled with excitement as he pointed one finger at the orb.

"I want you to deliver this letter to him" he said thrusting the letter at my face again.

How annoying.

I could almost see Oliver's butler in the background shivering in fright.

I would be too.

This guy is a nut job.

You can't teach a bird to carry out a message in just one day you idiot!

I bird sighed.

Its okay right?

I am a bird with a human brain so it should be fine.

I took the letter with my beak and took one last glance that the Dukes face before setting out west.

If he was the duke of the west then he should be in the west right?

All thanks to my animal instincts on migration I get the bigger picture.

What could happen?