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Code **** Part One In Mind's Eye Series

Born in Louisiana preacher's daughter Hazel Givens is arrested for the murder of an undercover. She has suffered from neurological disturbances for as long as she remembers, but upon being released from prison she begins to see that she is not normal and every situation she has ever encountered needed a second look. From the Mind's Eye Series

Chapter 1 - The Arrest **** Chapter One

His dick was still wet when the infrared beams appeared, tiny red dots zig-zagged on the back wall; the lava lamp light cast a half circle above.

Natural instinct was to roll to the floor, our actions confirmed we had made the best decisions since we'd thought to do so likewise. I could hear the walkie talkies and smell the smoke from the bombs they had thrown through the windows. It kinda reminded me of 4th of July on the riverfront. He'd carried the covers with him when we tumbled to the floor. The thought had not surfaced that the beams were coming from law officials, I actually thought "they" had finally come, they normally come first. He maintained his composure as they grabbed him by the arm and pulled him from under the bed. They threatened to shoot him.

And why had they come? What had he done this time...?

My drawers lied on the floor rolled into a scrunchie, the seat facing upward. The blunt was in the ashtray...on my side.

With force they stood me to my feet and began to read me my rights. Had they read him his, I wondered. As if they read my thoughts the short stocky undercover agent began to recite his piece to Redd, "U holding my arm too fucking tight," he said while the agent spoke.

Was I going to fucking jail? What the fuck had I done...I'd done so much for this nigga. Nobody could tell me shit about that one, I hadn't given a fuck if he had blown a nigga brains out and his blood was in my face when they asked, not that one...he ain't did shit officer. I'm a ride or die bitch, and I know he will lay down and die for me as well. That's my muthafuckin nigga, and they were straight handling him wrong.

I told them muthafuckas I needed my clothes, they laughed and said they had plenty where I was going. Sons of bitches, I couldn't see their eyes but I was willing to bet they imagined fuckin my fine ass right then, why would they give me clothes...?

The authority abuse can get redundant at times. The fact that they had Redd in they custody probably made their dicks rock hard. Whatever had taken place I knew he would be out before the sun came up.

His personal stash of marijuana and cocaine was placed in a plastic bag and labeled as evidence. I reached for my purse. "Handcuff her," the one calling the shots yelled across the room. "Radio headquarters, tell em she's in route."

"SHE?" Had I been a muthafuckin topic, or had he meant in general."

"I'm telling y'all Ion know what the fuck y'all talkin' bout! I ain't killed no cop!" Redd said.


"Yea, bet u didn't know he was one!"

"Can I get my fuckin shoes?" He begged. "I can't walk to the car like this!"

"U lucky we don't put ya in the trunk!"

I saw the heavy phlegm as it took flight and landed across Redd's nose. I screamed, I was afraid of what he was about to do. Two more officers grabbed him by his naked shoulders. His dick flapped as he fought, I could still see a bubble of cum at the tip.

Yea, he had killed, I had even helped kill...but we hadn't killed no cops.

As if he had just remembered I was also in the room he made eye contact with me. "Don't worry," he said.

Trey Songz still sang, he hadn't had a worry.

"I need my purse," I said. "I need my money to bond out."

They laughed tremendously, "WHAT BOND!" (EXTREME LAUGHTER)





Had he just said I didn't have a fuckin bond? They can't just take my freedom, I hadn't done shit...well at least not what they say I had done.

"This the bitch that set him up! SHE WANTS A BOND!" One yelled.


We made it to the prison, it was 3:26 A.M. I sat in a cold room, in a yellow paper gown. During intake apparently I had given the wrong answers...I had only wanted to go home. "Do feel suicidal?" U got damn skippy I do, U ever been snatched from under your man's dick? Bitch!!

I watched the monitor watch me...periodically they would get the finger. They brought in a paper plate with some marbleized grits and a boiled sausage link on it... and told me to eat it with my hands. I had not been allowed to wash them since I had been there. I heard the other inmates as they filled the cafeteria for breakfast. An inmate had collected my plate and said, "They can only keep u in here for 72 hours..."

I wanted to strangle the hoe with my paper gown...bitch I'm suicidal and homicidal at this point! I can't stay in here no 72 muthafuckin hours!

Redd. Where was he, had he been transported to the same prison, was he somewhere else?

The door hummed after she collected the untouched plate. It slid open, they addressed me by my last name..."infirmary call" they announced through the small speaker. I got up from the iron bunk as someone brought me a yellow jumpsuit 3 sizes too large and a pair of white velcro strapped shoes. Get dressed, I'll shackle u when u are done. She watched as I removed the gown from around me and slid on the handed down jumpsuit pantiless. She watched my titties, I watched hers. I knew why she had watched mine. My pussy felt violated.

"U got court this morning at 9, u will probably be in the infirmary until then, I'll make sure so u can keep on the jumpsuit," she said. "Oh and u have to remove the hair from your head before u go in general population."

"I'm bonding out," I said.

I knew my parents would come. They were angry, but they wouldn't let me sit behind bars! I just knew they were coming.

"Capital murder doesn't have a bond. En Route with Givens" she radioed. The door slid closed.

As I walked through the pod, the silence became deafening, the meth addicts and crackheads stared at me, as well as the other inmates. I recognized a couple. I held my head down and then I remembered what Redd always said. "Never let a muthafucka see u with ya head down!" I held my head up and faced the crowd. The guard escorted me to the infirmary.

There were male inmates. All who had just been brought in. Some still wore their clothes. I heard someone say..."Whaaat, that's Redd's girl!"

I searched the crowd of inmates but I didn't see him. I missed him, I needed him. I could not live without him. The pain I felt from being away from him was more intense than being falsely accused. When could I make a phone call I wondered. There were only three other female inmates, I recognized the big white prostitute Davinda, she had been inside a while, her fiendish appearance had become more humane. The bitch had looked like a hell hound. Now 50 or 60 pounds heavier, she was barely recognizable. I wanted my man, I wanted all of this to be over. This was a nightmare!

The nurse asked about my mental state, I retracted my previous answers and I still smelled like the dick I had just rode. It hadn't done the trick, I was solitary cell bound. I needed him more than ever. His thick white nut had settled in the creases above my thighs. I pulled at my nails. It had been time for a refill...

After my physical evaluation I had been transported to booking, yet again. This time for an interrogation. A black man in a brown and yellow striped tie sat at the table in front of a recorder. I was escorted inside, still in handcuffs and shackles.

"Recognize him?" He asked after I sat down. He had turned on the recorder.


I yet said no.

Terrell had been a nigga Redd sent me at. I started fucking him and things had gotten outta hand. But they said undercover...had he been an...?

"Bitch I didn't come in here to play with u, we know u set him up. Did u know he was one of ours? Ima let u in on what happens to most bitches like u convicted of Cap..."

The only thing I could think of was the night we met. Redd knew him and had hooked it up, his intentions hadn't been to kill him, only rob him. I hadn't seen him in months...I wondered why he stopped coming by. Was he really dead? Had Redd killed him? I knew he had felt some type of way about the nigga coming by so often...especially since he knew what I had to do to bait him in.

"All u gotta do is tell us his role in the murder...he already told us yours."

At that point I knew they really didn't have a case...if they had, my statement would have been irrelevant.

"I need to see my lawyer," I said.

I would never build a case against myself.