Solomon then slouched to the ground.
Gogeta "Come on now, wasn't it my fate to die here? This can't possibly be all that you have."
Gudako "Go get him Gogeta!"
Solomon "Quiet you!"
He then aimed his finger at Gudako and charged up a blast, but before he could fire.
Gogeta "Hey! Keep your eyes on the thorn in your side!"
I then threw him back on top of his throne.
Solomon "GAH!"
I then turn around and look at Gudako. I then see her point at something. I was confused at what she was pointing at and I turned around to see Demon Pillar tentacles around Solomon.
Solomon "Hey now, don't you dare make light of me."
The tentacles then charged at me and when the tentacles came in contact with me exploded from the main part.
Solomon "What?!"
Gudako "Huh? What happened? The tentacle just exploded on impact? Was he that solid?"
Mash "No Senpai! He was just so fast that the human eye can't see!"
Solomon "Well, this was unexpected..."
Gogeta "I thought you were gonna destroy humanity! Is this a joke?"
Solomon "You dare mock me?! The man that was chosen by God? The man that has infinite wisdom?!"
Gogeta "The only thing I get from you is a person that is way up on a high horse that is getting knocked down by a brute."
Solomon "Seems like I underestimated you."
Gogeta "Hm? Have you finally come to your senses? Have you decided to surrender?"
Solomon "Sorry But I've come too far to surrender now. I just have to get serious."
He then vanished again, I then sighed and put my fists on my hip puffing out my chest. He then appeared in front of me.
Gudako "Huh? Gogeta? What are you doing?"
Mash "He's leaving himself wide open..."
Solomon "How about this!"
Solomon then punched me in my chest, but I didn't much as flinch.
Solomon "Ow! What are you made of?!"
Gogeta "Raw power."
Solomon "Why you!"
Solomon then punched me again and again.
Gogeta "Hmph, that's not a bad massage."
I then pulled back my arm and clenched my fist. I then swung my arm at light speed, and when my fist connected on his skull I could feel the shape of his skull change into the mold of my fist for a few seconds.
Solomon "W-what...h-h-happened!"
He began to bleed from his nose.
Gogeta "What's wrong? Seeing stars?"
I then walked towards him and I extended out my hand towards his chest, and then I punched him in an area that, supposedly, contained his heart.
Solomon "G-BLAHG!!"
He began to cough up blood and fell to his knees. I then grabbed him by his hair and lifted him up. He was gasping for air.
Gogeta "Hm? Maybe my instinct was right you two do look the same."
Solomon "What...are you...talking about...?"
Gogeta "Something that you aren't going to live to see through."
I let him go to fall on his face but he catches himself on his knees.
Gogeta "Hm? You still got some fight left in ya? Well nothing that the other servants can't handle."
I turned around and began to walk away.
Solomon "You dare...EMBARRASS ME!! GRAHHHH!!"
He ran up to me and hit me in my neck while I was turned around. He then hit me again in my back, then again, and again, and his hits were starting to slow down. I then turned around and grabbed him by his neck and tossed him backwards.
Solomon "Kuh..!"
I then get into my dash stance and I fly towards him with high speed and I Vanished behind him.
Solomon "What the..?!"
Gogeta "I'm here..."
He then turned around with a horrified look on his face and he began to frantically punching my back. While he got a few shots in I hit him with me elbow which stunned him mid attack. I then charged up a kick which launched him into a crater in the ground.
Gogeta "Lets see you try this in for size. X100 BIG BANG—"
I began to generate ki in front of my hands and the temple began to shake.
Solomon "D-Dammit!! I!"
Gogeta "KAMEHAMEHA!!!"
The blast erupted from my hands and engulfed Solomon, and half of the temple.
Mash "I-I don't believe it..."
Gudako "Yeah Gogeta!! You crushed him!"
Da Vinci "Solomon's spiritual Origin disappeared! Good work you guys!"
Then the ground around us starts to shake.
Gudako "W-Whoa what's happening?"
Mash "The Temple is shaking!"
Da Vinci "The entire temple is collapsing! You have to get to the Ray Shift location, Gogeta!"
Gogeta "I'm on it! Grab on you two!"
I put my fingers on my head and reached my hand out to them to grab onto.
Gogeta "Alright! Hold on!"
I used instant transmission to teleport them to the the Signal of the Rayhift.
Gogeta "You two hurry up and go!"
Gudako "Huh? Your not coming? Why not?!"
Gogeta "There is some stuff I need to take care of...I'll be back at Chaldea in no time, don't worry!"
Mash "Senpai we have to leave!"
Gudako "Alright...You better be back at Chaldea!"
Gogeta "Yeah yeah, I promise!"
They rayshift out of the area and I use instant transmission to teleport me back to the temple.
Gogeta "You can't stop with the hiding!"
Solomon "T-tch, I thought you left already."
Gogeta "Hmph, you should know that I barely used any of my in that blast."
Solomon "Seems that the Servants are still here."
Gogeta "They don't need to—"
Solomon "Why did you not finish me off?"
Gogeta "Hm? Well because killing isn't my for—"
Solomon "Cut the shit."
Gogeta "..."
Solomon "You used your energy to cover my spiritual origin."
I then gave a grin
Gogeta "The real reason huh? Because you are hiding something aren't you?"
Solomon "Hmph."
Gogeta "I knew it after I elbowed you in your skull."
Solomon "Huh?"
Gogeta "Basically, I read your mind on the impact."
Solomon "What?!"
Gogeta "It's a skill a acquired a while ago. Now answer me this..."
Solomon "Huh?"
Gogeta "Why didn't you undergo the Beast Transformation when you were battling me?"
Solomon "?!"
Gogeta "Or Goetia as you may call it."
Solomon "..."
Solomon "Because it would've been useless, the power that you have transcends all of history and time. There was no point in fighting you...that's why..."
Gogeta "You tried to recruit me with your bluffs."
Solomon "Right..."
Gogeta "Now before I erase you, why does the man that was chosen by God surrender so easily?"
Solomon "Because, I am not the man chosen by God."
Gogeta "Because you aren't even Solomon, Right?"
Solomon? "Hmph, that's correct."
Gogeta "And that transformation is just your true form, am I right? Goetia."
Goetia "Correct. Now are all your questions answered?"
Gogeta "Yeah they are, now I'll send you to the afterlife, if there's anything left that is."
I raised my arm in the air, and a sparkling ball shows up in my hand.
Gogeta "Any last words?"
Gogeta "Tough talk coming from a pessimist at my beck and call."
Goetia "Haven't you noticed yet?!"
Gogeta "Noticed w—?!"
Goetia "Seems that you realize that you missed your chance to escape! HAHAHAHA!"
Gogeta "You!!"
I then threw the Soul Punisher at his body while he was engulfed erasing his body.
Goetia "GRAAAAHHHH!!!"
Gogeta "DAMMIT!! Dammit, Dammit, Dammit!"
No one was left in the Temple of Solomon but me, there was no way for me to escape.
Gogeta "There has to be a way for me to escape!"
I then grit my teeth and my power began to boil.
Gogeta "GAAAAAHHHHH!!!!"
I then felt my fur go away and felt my Godly Ki again.
Gogeta "Blue huh? I can probably use it's power to escape!"
I then put my God Ki in my arm and did a slicing motion. Then a ripple appeared.
Gogeta "There! Nows my ch—!"
Then something began to pull me backwards.
Gogeta "What the?!"
I turn around to see a black hole, that is sucking the entire temple and the whole rift that I was in. The black hole began to shatter the the sky, making it seem like glass.
Gogeta "Dammit! I can't move!"
The black hole kept pulling me closer and closer until I was swallowed by it.
Gogeta "D-Dammit...Am I really gonna...die here?!"
Everything went white, the black hole began to tear my body apart.
Gogeta "I can't die...Not yet...I have a promise."
I began to move slightly.
Gogeta "A promise..."
I began to move more.
Gogeta "A promise."
I moved my arm upwards
Gogeta "A Promise!"
Then something snapped inside me, it felt like something that happened before.
Gogeta "A PROMISE!"
Then my body began to move by itself and tore a hole in the black hole. And I dashed through.
//Gudako's Pov//
Gogeta "He still isn't back yet?"
Mash "Senpai he will be here! He promised after all."
Gudako "I know but..."
Mash "Gogeta is really strong! You have to continue to have faith!"
Da Vinci "I have to agree with Mash here, he may seem like a brute, but he is a tactician, more like a strategist at fighting."
Karna "Yes, Master you must continue to have faith."
Ozy "My friend won't abandon his promises!"
Altria "He'll be back."
Nobu "Sure he will! It's inevitable!"
Okita "I still haven't apologized from before...So he needs to come back!"
Then the entire Chaldea building began to shake. The alarms began to blare, and Romani told everyone to report outside. I ran towards the office to speak with the Doctor.
Gudako "Doctor?! What's going on?!"
Da Vinci "We got notice of magical energy that has no limit! Like LITERALLY, no limits!"
Romani "This is a real threat! And without Gogeta here, this will be extremely tough to handle!"
Gudako "Tell the hard hitters to meet outside and bring the defenders in here! We have little time!"
We all ran outside to see a pillar of light show out of nowhere.
Gudako "Everyone! Ready your Noble Phantasms!!"
Scathach "Yes."
Karna "Roger!"
Ozy "Alright!"
Cu (Alter) "Hmph."
Waver "Gotcha!"
Then the light got brighter and eventually blinded me, including the servants and then when the light died down, a figure appeared from the light.
Gudako "G-Gogeta?!"
He had this pressure around him that made my knees weak. I turned to look at everyone else and they still had there guards up. I began it walk closer to him.
Gudako "Goge—?"
I stopped in my tracks.
Gudako "Huh?! W-what's wrong?"
Ozy "There's something wrong with him, he isn't in full control of his body!"
Gudako "Huh?!"
Scathach "Mastery of Self Movement."
I then turned to look at Gogeta again.
Gudako "Master of self movement?"