Chereads / The Strongest Servant (DBZ x Fate) / Chapter 11 - Mama Raikou

Chapter 11 - Mama Raikou

Gogeta "You can't be serious!"

Kintoki "B-Boss calm down!"

Raikou then pulls out her swords and electricity surrounds her.

Raikou "If this is the only way then so be it!"

Gogeta "WAIT!! Master is in here! If you launch that attack she will most likely get injured!"

Raikou "..."

Raikou then sheathes her sword and walked over to us and grabbed our ears.

Gogeta "Huh! What the—OW!!"

Kintoki "OWOWOWOW!!!"

She then proceeds to drag us to the training simulation room and tossed us in.

Raikou "You are going to stay here until you think about what you have done!"

Gogeta "Wait what? Am I...grounded?"

Kintoki "Come on Boss, this is unnecessary!"

Raikou "or you can best me in battle!"

Gogeta "You really aren't giving me much of a choice!"

Kintoki "Yeah I'm with Gogeta on this one Boss!"

Raikou "Aw, you two working together makes me so happy! But going against me also makes me sad."

Gogeta "Raikou! Ready yourself!"

Raikou "Ready whenever you two are!"

Gogeta "Go!"

I dash towards Raikou while firing Ki blasts to provide support for Kintoki as he began to rush her with attacks.

Kintoki "YEEAAHH!"

Raikou "Whoops, That was close."

Kintoki "?!"

Raikou ducks under Kintoki's attack and then elbows him in his gut which sends him flying.

Kintoki "GWAAAH!!!"

Gogeta "Yeesh it must suck being a Berserker."

Kintoki "Y-you have no idea..."

Raikou "Hm, seems like Kintoki is out for the count, So you want to continue?"

Gogeta "Of course, our fate is in my hand!"

Raikou "Then prepare yourself!"

Raikou then charges at me with electricity on her blade. She then starts swinging her blade with expertise swordsmanship.

Gogeta "Hmmm, I could probably shatter her sword, but I want to draw this out a bit longer, besides I don't want her to cry again, we'll not like she isn't gonna cry when I win."

Raikou "What are you mumbling to yourself? Focus on the battle!"

Her frantic swingings are becoming faster by the second, if it gets and faster it will be able to cut through the air itself.

Gogeta "Alright time to get serious! HAAAAA!"

I turned Super Saiyan and the shockwave blew Raikou away, and as she landed I frantically start throwing Ki blasts at her.

Gogeta "DA DA DA DA DA!"

Raikou "?!"

When they connected with Raikou smoke then started to cloud the air.

Gogeta "I can't let my guard—?!"

Then out of the smoke an arrow comes flying at me and I instinctively caught it with my hands, but the arrows were covered with electricity.

Gogeta "OW HOT HOT HOT!"

As the smoke clears I see her with a bow, she then starts rapid firing at me with the electrified arrows.

Gogeta "Tch, this Again..."

I dodge the arrows swiftly and I began to gain ground as I was drawing closer to her. It was only a moment before I was within a range to hit her square on and as I clenched my fist being prepared to swing I felt another presence behind me, so I instantly turned around to block the attack which was from an axe like object.

Gogeta "What the—?! There's two?!"

I then jump back to see what was happening and I see Raikou holding an Axe that looked much like Kintoki's.

Gogeta "Hmph, I guess you where the original owner of the weapon, so it would make since of you to wield it."

Raikou "Yes, that's right. To thing I would be pushed this much to fight my own children...*Sniff*"

I then see the two Raikou's together side by side, then out of nowhere a lightning bolt strikes the both of them, splitting them up into three mor Raikou's holding different weapons.

Gogeta "Hm? Two swords, an axe, a bow, and a lance, seems that you are quite the weapon master!"

Raikou "Now it's time for you to kneel before your mother!"

All the Raikou's then charge at me, and I decided to pick them off one by one.

First was the Axe wielder, she wanted to slam the axe against my skull, but I caught it with my hand, but as I was looking at her, I saw a blade that was being swung at my back through the reflection in her eyes. I then vanish, and as I vanished her sword and axe clashed.

Gogeta "Seems That crying is going to be your downfall."

Raikou "uuuuu....*Sniff* *Sniff*"

Oh man I've done it now.

Gogeta "Raikou! In a battle no mercy will be shown! You have got to toughen up!"

Raikou "Toughen...Up?"

Gogeta "Yes! And you can't always keep your child in the nest! You have to let them spread their wings!"

Raikou "Okay...I understand..."

Gogeta "Oh? You do?"

Raikou "Yes...That I have to keep my child in the nest by force!"

Gogeta "Not what I was expecting, But I like the enthusiasm!"

Then the lance was thrown at me and I caught it with my left hand, then the both of the sword wielders charged at me, the purple sword In the left hand and the other one used both of her hands for the long sword. As they where attacking me I begin to use the lance to cancel out her attacks.

Gogeta "Hm? Not bad! I think I know why Karna uses lances!"

Then the arrows start to rain down upon to me, I then start to deflect the arrows with the lance.


Raikou "Tch!"

Then the lance vanishes and appears next to Raikou.

Gogeta "So it's gonna be like that huh? Fine then, SOLAR FLARE!"

All Raikous "Kyaaa!! I can't see!"

They all start to swing their weapons around at random.

Gogeta "Time to End this! TIMES ONE HUNDRED!!"

I pose my hands in front of me body and formed an energy ball in front of me.

Gogeta "BIG BANG—!"

Kintoki "GOLDEN SPARK!!!"

Then lightning strikes Raikou which sent her to the ground and made all the others vanish.

Gogeta "Huh? You're still kicking?"

Kintoki "Come on! You really think a blow like that can keep me out of commission?!"

I then landed next to Kintoki and gave him a fist bump.

Gogeta "So what do we do with Raikou?"

Kintoki "I'll take her to her room, you go and enjoy yourself with some food or something, also thanks for the fun today!"

Gogeta "Yeah, no problem..."

If that's what you call fun, then I don't think we are that different after all.