Made For You | BOTW Link x Reader

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Chapter 1 - Prologue

Heads up, these // are for italic parts (because I can't do it on in Webnovel)


You knew, from the moment you opened your eyes for the first time, that you were different. You were standing on a cliff, with no recollection on how you were there, or what exactly you were doing there. You scratched the back of your neck as your eyes took in your surroundings. The sun was shining down on you, beating you down slightly with the heat it was giving off. But soon, dark clouds covered its rays, bringing darkness over the land. As your eyes traveled down, below the cliff you stood on, you saw a large castle in the center of the land. The sight would have been beautiful, if it had not been for the darkness that began to surround it.

You squinted your eyes, seeing a battle going on below which made your eyes widen. The event took you by surprise, and not long after you felt a large rumble under your feet. Your knees began to shake, along with the ground, and you fought to regain the balance that was being taken from you. In order to not fall, you cautiously took steps back, away from the edge of the cliff as fear began to write across your face. But the earths shakes soon became less important as a dark purple mist began circling the castle. A loud cry emitted as a monster appeared through the mist. It continued circling around the castle, as did the mist, which now became more like dark clouds. The monsters yellow penetrating eyes is what made you squirm in fear.

You had no idea what you were witnessing, but before you could even question it, a sudden voice entered your head. /That is calamity ganon/, the voice told you. The sudden words made you jolt a bit, your skin getting goosebumps as the voice continued to speak. There is a hero down there, one that wasn't able to defeat Ganon upon his awakening. He has suffered tremendous injuries, and due to this he will be placed in the Shrine of Resurrection. Oddly enough, as the soft voice spoke, you understood the words, the meaning they had.

"Hero..," you said quietly. It was the first time you ever spoke, and your voice sounded rather strange, having never been used before, but you didn't pay much mind because your eyes moved on towards the castle once again. /That hero is Link. He will wake after 100 years in the Shrine of Resurrection and there, your role as his partner will begin./ This made you raise an eyebrow, but you did not question it. That is your purpose. /You were created by the goddesses to aid him during his journey, (Y/n)./ You looked confused at the sound of the name. Your name. At least you assumed it was.

/(Y/n), you have been given a great task from the gods. Do not let them down./ With that the voice ceased, and you were left with your thoughts. You took a deep breath, taking in the words the voice had told you while looking at the situation going on down below you. It was a lot to take in, but you managed to contain yourself quite well. You took a few steps back from the cliff before turning, seeing a dirt path that trailed down a hill. You didn't know where this dirt path would lead, but something inside you pushed you to go down it. And so you did.

A loud rumble was heard from above, which made you cock your head up. In that moment, a few droplets of water fell upon your face. The cold water caused a chill to go down your spine, so you quickened your pace, not at all knowing where you were going, but you didn't stop the impulse that made you head down the dirt path. As you walked, it began to rain. It started off soft, but it gradually began to pour down harder, making the dirt road muddy, which of course made it difficult to walk in. You huffed out, seeing that your foot was stuck in a pile of mud. After a few seconds of wiggling your foot around you were set free, though you didn't expect it, which caused you to fall back.

The impact with the ground made your bottom hurt, but it wasn't anything too bad. You were actually grateful. You turned your body, knees now coming in contact with the cold, wet ground. The rain beat down on your back hard, causing your clothes to stick to your skin. It was an uncomfortable feeling, but you tried your best to ignore it as you pushed yourself up from the ground. As soon as you stood up, you heard a strange noise coming from behind you and when you turned to look, you were met with a nasty lizard like creature that happened to have body armor on. In a matter of seconds, this creature, or monster you could say, plunged towards you. /Those are Lizalfos (Y/n)! You have no weapons on you, so I suggest you get out of there!/ The voice came back.

You were able to dodge the monster, moving quickly and swiftly to the left, letting it fall into the ground with a loud thud. You took this moment to run away, although the slippery ground made it all more harder to do so. You could hear the Lizalfo let out a strange cry as it followed you quickly. You didn't expect it to be so quick, so you had to be quicker someway. You glanced over your shoulder, seeing that the monster was gaining speed, which made you heart beat quicken. /No, don't panic,/ you told yourself.

You looked around your surroundings, searching for anything that could help you and soon your eyes saw a thick tree branch laying on the ground next to a tree. You pulled enough of your stamina together to rush towards it. You quickly bent down to grab it, and when you turned, the Lizalfo was charging at you. You were lucky it didn't have a weapon on him. You calculated the speed it was coming at you at, and before it reached you, you dodged to the left in a perfect moment. The world around you slowed, and in seconds you were hitting the damn thing. Your arm swung the branch against its ribs, head, and legs as fast as you could.

You stepped back, your breathing a bit heavy as the creature hissed. It was getting weak, and the sight made you smirk. Your fingers curled around the branch as your body prepared itself for the monsters next move. Of course its next move caught you off guard, because in that moment the voice came back. /Retreat. You can't win this, there are more coming./ In that off-guard second, the Lizalfo charged towards  you, making your back slam against a trees bark. You let out a cry of pain, your back now pulsing and aching. You knew you couldn't stay like this, however.

The Lizalfo tried to leap at you in your moment of weakness, but you rolled away just in time, though the action simply put you in more pain. You wrapped your arm around a tree, using it as support to lift you from the wet ground. From afar you could spot several other monster like things coming your way. The voice was right. You began to stagger away, trying your best to push back the pulsing going on. The rain surely didn't make the situation any better.

You turned around quickly to see if you were being followed. The answer was yes. You let out a groan of frustration before moving more quickly, continuing your way down the what was now a muddy path. You looked ahead of you, seeing the path stretch on for what seemed like miles. /I can't travel all that! I need to find somewhere to rest,/ you thought to yourself. Your eyes darted from one side to another, looking for any possible cave to enter. Soon enough you came across one, although there were words above the entrance that you couldn't quite read since you were still far away.

You looked over your shoulder once more before darting into the thin forest. You immediately hid yourself behind a tree. Your chest fell and rose with your heavy breaths, but you tried to focus on breathing more quietly so the monsters wouldn't find you (although with the sound of the rain they probably wouldn't hear it anyways). After a few moments passed you peeked your head out from behind the tree, seeing no one pass by.

In a swift motion you continued on towards the cave, which would act as your shelter for the time being. The closer you got to it though, the more power you felt coming from it. You stopped at the entrance, eyes now rising to see the words written in the rock. /Shrine of —/ The words stopped there. You rose an eyebrow. Was this what was pulling you down the dirt path? You were sure of it, because the power within the cave called out to you.

You hesitated, but you started to walk in, feeling the power grow with each step you took. The cave was cold, and you could see your breath each time you breathed out. Suddenly, the entrance from which you came closed. You gasped and turned your head to see. Rocks, large ones, were set at the entrance, closing off any bit of light that was in the cave before.

The darkness that now surrounded you made your eyebrows furrow in worry. /Do not be scared (Y/n),/ the voice said in a soothing tone. You gulped, nodding a bit. You continued on walking in the cave and soon, there, in front of you, was a torch. The little bits of light it emitted was enough to calm you down, and you hurriedly went towards it. You gladly welcomed the warmth before speaking up.

"Where am I?" You cautiously asked, not knowing if the voice would tell you. You chewed on your bottom lip, eyes looking around as you waited for any type of response.

/This is the Shrine of Souls. Here the goddesses will put you into a deep slumber, much like Link. Over time you will grow strong, and once Link awakens you will too./ You nodded slowly. More torches were lit ahead of you and you followed them until reaching the end of the corridor. There was a massive open space in front of you, and dim blue lights hovered over what looked like a pool which rested in the center. /Go towards it and lay down,/ the voice told you.

You did as you were told, though you glanced around, seeing the carves in the stone, and the lights of blue. When you reached the small pool, you got in and slowly laid your back, wincing a bit due to your back still hurting. The water barely covered you, but little by little it began to rise, now engrossing every part of your body, leaving only your face and chest untouched. Above you, the dim lights began to grow a bit brightly and something.. or someone in the back of your head told you to sleep.

And you did.

Author Note: Ah I hope you guys like the prologue. I tried my best to keep it somewhat short, but most of my chapters will be rather long. Also yes I made up a shrine where you're resting for the next 100 years. Hopefully you guys continue on and enjoy the next chapter. Thank you if you read this :)