Chapter 2 - Chapter 1

It was dark. Pitch dark. Not a single bit of light touched you in your deep sleep, but this didn't bother you. Your muscles and overall body felt relaxed, in a state of peace. But something, no, someone started to speak to you. The voice was distant, and it echoed through your ears, but you didn't pay much mind to it. You were too sleepy to listen, too relaxed to pay attention to what the voice was saying. /Five more minutes of sleep/, you thought to yourself, allowing your body to simply rest (as if it hadn't been resting enough time).

"(Y/n)..," The hazy woman's voice said, however there was no response from you.

"(Y/n), wake up," the voice continued. To this you began to stir gently. Your eyelids were heavy, which made it all more hard to wake up. It took quite a while to open them, but when you did your vision was a bit blurred. There were dim blue lights shining over you, which you were able to see more clearly as your eye sight adjusted. As you slowly began to sit up, the glowing blue water that was around you began to go away until there was nothing.

"The hero, Link, has awoken. You must go to him and fill your role as his partner. That is your purpose. He is near the Shrine of Resurrection. Now go, and help him bring peace to Hyrule," the voice told you before completely disappearing. The voice was very similar to the one that spoke to you all those years ago, but you didn't dwell on the thought for long. You stepped out, your legs feeling rather strange from standing, but you pushed past the numb feeling and saw what looked like a map, draped across a large rock. You rose an eyebrow and went towards it.

The map displayed all of the Great Plateau, which you figured is where you were since there was an 'x' marked on it. You searched for the Shrine the hero would be in and saw that it wasn't that far from your own. You took the map, folding it neatly and kept it in your clutch. As you began your way through the corridor of the cave (with only the dim light of torches guiding you), you saw two chests at the sides. Curiously, you went towards them and knelt down, examining the worn out wood before opening it. Inside the first chest was a light brown long sleeve and in the next there was a pair of tights and boots. You figured they were for you so you began changing into them, although it was a bit difficult.

"They look a bit worn out," you mumbled to yourself as you felt the fabric. Nonetheless you were grateful, being that the only thing you were wearing before was a nightgown of a sort. You continued your way out the cave and after finding a way to remove the large rocks that were in the entrance you stepped out. You were immediately met with a cool breeze that flew through your hair, which caused a small chill to run down your spine. The suns rays reached you as well, bringing to you a warmth you had never felt before.

It was quite a feeling. Breathing in fresh air after such a long time. Intoxicating. The sensations made a smile spread on your lips. The vibrant green colours that came from the trees and grass were something you had never seen before. You sighed out, closing your eyes as you enjoyed the moment before being tugged back to reality. Your hands fumbled as they opened the map you had and you started your way towards the Shrine of Resurrection.

During your walk, many questions and thoughts slithered their way into your brain. You were well aware that you had been created for the sole purpose of helping the hero, but you didn't even know who he was. The man that you were created for was a stranger to you, yet you felt this responsibility to protect him, to make sure nothing happened during the unknown journey that laid ahead of you. You figured that, during your creation, the goddesses decided to put this responsibility on you to make sure you took care of the hero.

You were so lost in thought that you didn't notice how close you were to the edge of a cliff. You gasped when your foot slipped, causing your body to go forward and roll down the slanted edge. You managed to grab a hold of a patch of grass, keeping yourself from falling over the cliff and down from the Great Plateau. You held your breath as you slowly made your way up, the map now between your teeth.

"I need to be more careful," you mumbled to yourself once you were off the slanted land. You then took the map from your teeth and opened it once again after standing straight. With one hand you dusted off the dirt that was on your long sleeve before continuing your walk. Your eyes began to rise up, catching sight of many ruins that laid around you. It certainly captivated you, but you refocused your attention to getting to the Shrine. If you stopped to see everything around you then you'd never make it to the hero. To Link.

Your eyes went back down to the map. You gently brushed your finger over a temple that was drawn on it. /The Temple of Time/, you read in your head. If you were going the right way, then you would be passing it any time now.


Searching for the Temple of Time wasn't too hard, being that it was pretty large, though the condition it was in made you frown slightly. Nonetheless, you were glad you were passing it because it meant you were nearly to the Shrine. Now filled with much more enthusiasm, you started making your way up a hill, eyes once again coming down to your map to make sure you were going the right way.

"Excuse me," a low voice said to you. You looked to your left, seeing a hooded figure sitting under a large rock that faced away from the sun, providing shade. The man, or you figured it was a man due to the his large build and long white beard that could be seen, sat next to a crackling fire. The warmth of it could be felt even from where you stood, and the warm atmosphere was very inviting.

"Yes?" You said, your voice soft but hesitant. You very well didn't want to come across as rude and be on your way, so you decided to show manners.

"I don't mean to be a bother, but you look young, and fit. Do you think you could go to that tree over there and climb up to get me those apples on the top branch? I'm far too old to do such treacherous thing," the old man stated. His voice was gentle, and a chuckle rumbled from him as he finished speaking. At this you smiled, before giving him a nod.

"Of course," you told him sweetly. You turned on your heel, making your way over to the tall tree. There were a few apples closer to the ground that didn't require a climb up, but you figured the old man really wanted the ones at the top, for whatever reason. You stretched your arm up and grabbed a branch, moving it around to test how strong it was before hoisting yourself up. Your right leg rested on one of the lower branches, while the left set down on one higher up. You started pushing up, using your strength to get to the top of the tree. It certainly took a while, since you weren't experienced in climbing, but you were content when you did so.

You collected the few apples that were at the top branch before carefully making your way back down the tree bark. Once you landed on solid ground you went over to the old man, whose hood had been pulled back just a bit to reveal his kind eyes. "Here you go sir," You said, holding the apples out to him, a soft smile on your lips as you waited for him to take them.

"Why, thank you young one," he replied. He took the apples with a hum, and began to place them all around the fire, which seemed odd to you. A confused expression dawned over your face and the old man seemed to notice this because when he turned to look at you he cracked a smile.

"Have you never had baked apples before? They're quite a delightful treat, if I do say so myself," the man stated, before turning his attention back to the apples that were starting to turn a darker shade of red due to the fire. He then grabbed one and extended his hand towards you, offering it. "Try it."

You looked at the baked apple with a curious look in your eyes. You accepted it and brought the warm apple to your mouth, slowly taking a bite into the warm, juicy fruit. The flavour coated your tongue nicely, causing you to take more bites until you finished it entirely, leaving barely nothing. You looked at the old man, who seemed to be waiting for your response as to how it tasted.

"It tasted amazing, thank you! I'll be sure to bake apples more often now."

The old man seemed pleased with your response and just as he was about to tell you something he turned quickly to face a young man that took one of his baked apples.

"I BEG YOUR PARDON! I do believe that is my baked apple! You can't just go about taking whatever you please!" The old man raised his voice, which certainly startled you and the young man in front of you. His character went from sweet and gentle to annoyed in a matter of seconds. Of course you understood why he reacted this way. The boy shouldn't have taken something that didn't belong to him, but you felt slightly bad. As you were about to intervene the old man laughed.

"Oho ho! Forgive me— I could not resist pulling your leg. Please help yourself. An apple and an open flame make for a succulent treat," the old man mentioned, his lips now curling into an inviting smile. He nodded his head towards the boy before speaking up once again.

You were too focused, however, in the young man in front of you that you didn't pay much attention to their conversation. Or well one-sided conversation. The boy didn't talk a lot. Nonetheless, you began studying the blue of his eyes, and how bright they shone, although they were slightly covered from the bangs of his golden blonde hair. He had a low pony tail which seemed to keep the rest of his hair in place, while letting two strands of hair dangle from each side of his smooth face. He was handsome. Very handsome if you were going to be honest with yourself, but you were pulled away from your thoughts when the stranger began to walk away.

"It was nice meeting you, sir, but I must get going," you said to the old man, who was now enjoying his baked apples. He nodded, not at all questioning your sudden want to leave as he turned his attention back to his food.

You didn't know why, but you felt the need to follow the stranger, who was now making his way down the path you had come up from. He looked rather confused and his hand reached down to the side of his hip, where an object was attached. The thing he was now holding in his grasp caught your attention quickly, due to its foreign designs and style. You slowly approached the young man, not wanting to come off as a strange person for following, but you pretty much had that risk either way.

"Pardon me," You said with a shy tone. You weren't sure if he would hear you, but he did. In fact, he slowly turned to face you, which put you in a minimal state of nervousness. You momentarily forgot what you were going to say, but when you saw the object that was in his hands you remembered. "What is that?"

The boy looked down at the object, his left eyebrow raising as he examined it for a few moments. /Does he not know what it is?/ You patiently waited for him to say something, but several seconds passed and there was no response from him. You rubbed your arm a bit, eyes now rising up to meet his enchanting blue ones. The fact that he wasn't speaking and simply looking at you with a deviant stare made your heart beat a bit quickly. You didn't have much social skill, that was certain. In fact, you didn't even know what skills you possessed. /Surely the goddesses must've created me with at least some knowledge in things./

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bother. I've just never seen that before," you said. Of course, you hadn't seen many things. You were still new to this world, and that's why there was so much curiosity growing in you. You shook your head, remembering how you needed to go to the Shrine of Resurrection.

"I'll be on my way now," you added with a slow nod of your head. As you turned to leave, the boy cleared his throat, making you stop and turn to look at him.

"Sheikah... slate," he said rather quietly, almost a mumble really. "That's... that's what this is."

He didn't sound to sure about it when he spoke up, but you didn't pry on it. "Sheikah slate? My, sounds interesting. What does it do?" You asked with a tilt of your head, a bizarre look making its way into your eyes. You knew you shouldn't be wasting your time talking about this object that was in the boy's grasp, but your curious mind found it hard to simply walk off.

"I... I don't know," he said sheepishly, his eyes flickering up and down between the Skeikah Slate and you. "But it is directing me towards this glowing point." He moved slightly closer to you, and showed the screen of the slate. Indeed, there was a glowing point on the screen that didn't lay that far from where you both stood. You looked up, trying to decipher where this glowing point could be based on the location.

"Well... based on where we are it shouldn't be too far. Why do you have to go there?" You asked with a tilt of your head.

He opened his mouth to speak, but paused. There was visible hesitation in him. He began mumbling a few things to himself, his fingers now drawing circles on the screen of the slate. One of things he mumbled caught your attention rapidly. "A voice told me to," he had mumbled. This made you blink a few times. /Did I hear him correctly?/ You waved your hand, in a way of dismissing his words and your recent question.

"Wait," you told him, causing the boy to stop his mumbling and stare at you. "You said you heard a voice?"

The boy let out a chuckle. A nervous one. He began fumbling with his fingers, eye brows furrowing together. He couldn't even make eye contact with you. You expected him to respond, but he stayed very silent. If he had heard a voice then... /do people usually hear voices?/

"Did I say that?" He asked, however it didn't really seem directed to you. You simply gave him a tiny nod as a response. He sighed out, putting his Sheikah Slate away before giving his attention to you. "Well... yes. I heard a woman's voice when I woke up, and since then she's been giving me directions..." He seemed to get quieter with each word he said. Like he was scared you were going to judge him, think he was crazy or something along those lines.

"What's your name?" You asked. If he had been hearing a woman's voice, like you were, then surely he had to be the hero. The one you were tasked to help. However, he didn't seem to reply to the question. He was hesitating, and his mouth was parted a bit as a silent 'uh' came out every once in a while.

"Link... My names Link," he said, with no certainty whatsoever. "Least that's what the voice told me."

Your breathing hitched momentarily. You had been right. You cleared your throat and felt the need to say something, but you didn't know what. In fact, what were you supposed to say? /Okay Link, I was created to help you har har. So you have to take me with you everywhere now./ You grimaced at that way of saying it. So lost in thought you were that Link had taken notice of the little faces you were making, which crept him out a bit.

"Um... miss? Are you alright? You're making a lot of... well strange faces," he asked by tapping your shoulder. That surely brought you back to the real world. You looked at him, blinking once before cracking a nervous grin.

"Me? Oh, yeah just peachy," you said, giving him a thumbs up. /What kind of response is that? Peachy? You're not peachy!/ You bit your bottom lip, trying to think of something to say and quick. "You should probably go off and do what the voice says then."

You couldn't believe the words that came out your mouth. That wasn't what you wanted to say, yet for some reason your tongue had a life of its own and decided to spew that out. To your words Link nodded a bit and pulled his Sheikah Slate out once more.

"Yeah," he said with a sigh, his eyes concentrating on the screen before looking at you. "You're from around here, right?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Well I can't really figure out where this point is... do you think you could help me find it? If it's not too much trouble that is," he said with a bit of hopefulness in his voice. "I'll appreciate it a lot."

"Oh," you said. You didn't expect him to ask for help. Especially not when you were trying to find a way to offer that help. "Of course I'll help!"

To this Link smiled. It wasn't a big smile, but he seemed overall glad that he was going to he helped in this small task. "Well, let's get going then," he said, now walking down the path before stopping abruptly. He turned to look at you with a nervous chuckle. "Actually... could you lead? I have no idea where I'm going."

You held in a snort and nodded, hurriedly going to his side. "Could I see the Sheikah Slate please?" Link nodded to your request and handed it to you. When you held the slate you were quite surprised. It felt so light, and there was this power that radiated from it which made you curious. /I wonder what else this thing does./ Without wasting another second you began examining the screen, seeing the point and far off was a little arrow, which was directed away from the point. This earned an eyebrow raise from you. As you began to move around, you noticed that the arrow pointed wherever you were facing. Slowly, you began to steer yourself and the arrow towards the glowing point which made you grin.

"Oh," you said to yourself, understanding what the arrow was for. You looked up at Link. "This arrow is supposed to be you, or well the Sheikah Slate if we're going to be more specific. So in order to get to this point just make sure the arrow is directed towards it. Does it make sense?"

Link nodded sightly and seemed to be surprised by this, quickly taking the slate from your hands. He started manoeuvring it around, a series of "wow's" and "ooh's" coming from him. After what seemed like minutes he stood next to you, eyes then coming down to look at you. "I honestly had no idea what that arrow was for," he said with all honesty. "But thanks to you now I do!"

"You're welcome. So, should we get going now?" You asked him as you nodded your head towards the path.

"Yes," he replied. With that the both of you began making your way down the dirt path, silence coming with your walk. It was growing a little awkward, but you didn't really know what you could say at this point. You very well didn't want to say something strange, so in hopes of that not happening you simply stayed quiet and started looking around, allowing him to lead you both.

"Say I just realised," Link said, breaking the awkward silence between the two of you. He looked up from his slate, turning his head a bit to look at you. "I don't know your name."

"Oh, that's right," you said with a small smile. "I'm (Y/n)." You found it strange saying the name. Your name of course. You weren't used to it yet, but you tried to sound firm when you said it.

"(Y/n)?" He questioned. He nodded a bit, smiling to himself before turning back to the screen of the Sheikah Slate. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Likewise," you answered. It stayed pretty much silent from there on, but this time it wasn't too bad. The silence actually gave you time to look at the ruins around you, and to take in the nature you had never seen before. The curious part in you felt satisfied while studying everything your eye landed on and you were content with that feeling.