May's POV
"I don't understand!" I wailed. "Why does everything have to go bad! I don't even know what I did to deserve this!"
"Sssshhhh! Just calm down May." Misty grunted, running a hand through her ginger locks. She never does that without someone getting the unfortunate intimacy with Ole Wackoo. "We'll think of something."
"Please tell me how am I supposed to calm down?" I, going absolutely nuts, breathed heavily down on her. Why would I even not go nuts? "I'm going to die! In like.." I looked at my non-existent wrist watch. " less than an hour! Oh my god!"
"I don't even know who this Ursula is!"
Wait, wait wait.
"I knew I was right in tailing you two. Wait till the school knows about this tomorrow!"
Holy crap!
That girl with the coral twintails! Ugh!
I slowly looked at them, Dawn, Misty, Leaf. My dear friends. I looked at the Journalism Committee, Darlene, Roxanne, Debbie, Maxene, Remi, Michelle and Lucas - my new friends. My new friends, or whatever this bond we just formed a few hours ago is called, twitched on their spot uncomfortably. My best friends did the same. There was silence, except for my brash breathing and the ticking clock.
Realization knocked over me like an avalanche. It toppled me over with the unbelievable weight of the universe. The silence, the awkward stares, all of which made the floor somehow attractive.
How did I not see it?
'I really am selfish.' I whispered to myself. 'So so so damn selfish.'
"I'm so sorry May..." Dawn broke the silence, her voice sounded so fragile. I guess it has always been. I just never acknowledged it until now. She really had worked hard for all of this. "I totally forgot about her. This is all my fault." She said it with such emotion that it caved my chest with so much guilt. I never gave her enough credit.
What kind of a friend am I?
"No Dawn." I said. "It's not. You actually did a good job. Thank you.. You're amazing." I smiled genuinely.
"Actually.." Debbie, for being quiet the whole time, finally said something. This is actually the first time I noticed her. She has this blond bob styled hair clipped at one side with a red shiny hair clip. She is much shorter than I am, maybe a tiny bit shorter than Brianna, but she got that sterner aura. Her face, features and everything is small but her thick-framed glasses, which seemed to frame her entire face rather than just her eyes. She looked like a cute angry elfish librarian I see in fantasy movies. "Ursula's position in the committee is currently in question." She added.
"Oh, yeah." Michelle hammered a fist on her own palm. "Now I do remember."
Remi cleared her throat. "That is right. Ever since Brianna disappeared she has been unusual."
"She's been keen on looking for the Mistress. Keeps on yelling at us that we're not doing enough job on looking out for her and taking care of her and the committee." Maxene sighed. "And we were just preparing for the party."
"No." Lucas unleaned himself from the wall. "She just loves the committee as much as Brianna did. Maybe even more than we do. She only looks up to Brianna so much."
"But what do you mean by 'currently in question'?" Leaf asked, biting her nails. It is a habit she has when she gets extremely anxious.
I never saw her do it again until now.
By this time, even without asking anything or given information manually. I understood just how much Brianna had changed her life ever since she came here from Larousse. She did want to change her life. But I only wondered if this is all she ever wanted - the kind of change she wanted, hoped and prayed for.
But with my death penalty coming, it was too hard to think of anything right now but my own skin.
"She became bossy." Lucas continued. "Too bossy with the rest of us. She actually said 'we don't deserve to go to the party if Brianna doesn't go'."
"I think this Ursula needs to have an intimate talk with Mr. Ole Wackoo, don't ya think May?" Misty snarled beside me.
"I don't think anyone deserves to have an intimate talk with him Misty."
Misty just hmpfed. "If anyone deserve to have an intimate talk with him it's gotta be her. I just know it."
As much as I would like to agree with her, violence is just never the answer. Unless of course if the question is 'What's never the answer?'. Right?
"She was the one who planned on following you and Andrew yesterday. She thought that Brianna's disappearance might had something to do with you or something." Lucas inhaled deeply. "When she said none of us deserved to go to the party, we all opposed. I particularly did. Brianna left on her own and just because she did doesn't mean we should cut down on our own happiness and plans for the party."
I mentally agreed.
"And Ursula got mad about it?" I asked.
"We all fought against her last night. All of us did agree to tell everyone about you and Andrew. But she wanted more and I thought that it was too much. And Debbie agreed with me." Lucas finished.
Debbie nodded. "I'm not the kind of person that would mindlessly hate. She was acting unreasonably."
"Are you for real?" She asked incredulously. "I mean the 'mindlessly hate' part. Just looking at you makes my blood run cold you know. I think you might cut us all just by breathing all differently."
Debbie chuckled. "You're crazy Waterflower."
"So it's her that we really need to stop, right?" Dawn massaged her temples. "How do you suppose we do it with exactly forty minutes left before the party?"
It hung like a wet cloth dripping anxious bits of dead and damp air all over us.
And it sat heavy among us. Even with the thick fog of despair clouding my thoughts, I know this is the cue, the dismissal bell for my despair to come out and dance. And I have to take responsibility of it. After all, it has been with me since time immemorial. And if I didn't, then who else would?
"Thank you guys. Really." I clenched my fist and unclenched them repeatedly, as if the sticky goo of anxiety would slide off from them, but it didn't of course. "I couldn't have reached this far without all of you." I bowed, it was easy to concentrate on the words to say when talking to the floor. The floor has no eyes and therefore there is zero chance of it finding out how afraid I am and how ugly my face looked from trying not to panic and stay sane. "You guys prepare for the party already. Okay? Sorry for taking so much of all of your time."
I heard a sigh. Maybe it was Misty? Or maybe Dawn. But it was the sigh of disappointment, I should know it. The tone was all too familiar. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. Maybe Leaf's? Or could be Dawn. And before there were any words to be said, I glanced away from the floor and held on that hand and slid it off of my shoulder. I was right. It was Leaf's.
"May, we can not simply-"
"I will hate all of you if you let me ruin this special night." I glared at her. "I will freaking hate all of you!" I let out one lengthy exhale then I smiled. "And besides, I don't need that love luck of the hotel or whatsoever." I patted Dawn's shoulder. "You need to be extra brave tonight. Okay? And if Paul ever hurt you or say anything stupid, which he'll likely do, tell me, kay?". I held Misty's hands. "And I swear to god if Ash still doesn't grow balls to ask you out I'm gonna Ole-Wackoo-d him myself. Goodluck." And finally I looked at Leaf, she was already crying. "Gary and Drew are so much the same. And I think you agree with me on that Leaf. And after all of this is over maybe I could come crash at your place and have pointers. Good?"
I turned my head to the committee and bowed. "Thank you too. For listening and giving me a chance."
I took one final glance at them before walking out the door and closing it. I didn't give them the room and space to react. I didn't want to be all too dramatic with my exit and I think I really overdid it. But if it was to give them assurance that I would be just fine, then I could have made it even more dramatic. They were my bestfriends, they have worried about me long enough. I shouldn't be dragging down whatever plans they individually prepared just because of all of this.
They don't deserve it. It's my own trouble after all. The less people involved, the better.
I took my green beanie hanging on the coat racket beside the door of Dawn's house. I put it on and breathed deeply before opening the door and stepping out into the cold wintry outside, but of course not before saying goodbye and thanks to Dawn's mother Johanna.
I needed a new game plan.
Maybe I'll just stay inside the apartment, that's a decent game plan I think. One, I don't really have to go since I already gave a present to Brianna. Two, of course Ursula is gonna be there to announce my marriage, but with only her nobody might believe her. Hopefully. Or maybe it depends on how she would deliver it, she is part of the Journalist Committee afterall. Three, or I can be there so that I could support my friends in their endeavors. I wanted to cheer them on, but with my predicament I'm afraid I might only trouble them. And fourth...
I promised you one thing May, I will protect you. So please stop worrying and put all your trust in me. Okay?
I didn't tell our parents. Because I want to show you, prove to you that you can still count on me. That I'm still the same prince back then who swore to protect you. That this problem is not any different than those bullies we've faced at the park.
Because of course. There's nobody else you could count on other than your husband right? And I'm more than willing to fulfill that job for you.
Just lay it all on me May. Don't worry about it so much.
Fourth. Drew. He promised to protect me. He promised I wouldn't get hurt. But how on earth would he do it? I trusted him so much that I didn't bother asking him last night. He'd been protecting me so I didn't doubt of course. But now that I think about it, I think I was just being too gullible.
Damn him and his way with words to swoon me over.
I do miss the warmth of his arms though, it's all I ever wanted today. To just sleep all of it inside his warm and comforting arms, rocked and drowned at all the words he'd say to soothe me to sleep.
Damn I would even let him make rude comments about my handwriting being too ugly for a girl, if it meant I could go seconds for his embrace.
I picked up my phone. I had been walking absentmindedly for a couple of minutes already that I didn't notice the thickening crowd around me. I must be nearing the mall. I scrolled through my phone book and looked up his name. I dialed him and decided to tell him about my game plan, which of course didn't have that much 'game' to it as weird and ironic as that may sound.
'Sorry but you don't have the sufficient balance for this transaction pleas-'.
I snapped shut my phone. Of course that had to happen. Ugh.
'Where could he be right now?' I paused and asked myself. The weather had settle down a bit, gentle snow fell and caked all over the town. With dark grey clouds lazily hovering over me, it was hard to tell that it was already almost six. I was filled in the crowd of people and children chattering, both happy and cheerful about the coming holiday. Cars honked and stores sang of holiday music. All of which helped me calm my anxiety down for now at least.
I was about to turn around when my body shuddered when I bumped to someone I hardly recognized, and hardly had any decent conversation with ever since I knew about him. He didn't say anything as usual, he rarely ever has anything to say. He just looked at me like I was someone else's lost child.
"Paul.." His name sounded like a new vocabulary term I just learned. "Aren't you supposed to be somewhere?"
"What does it matter to you?" He shot at me.
God what is this guy's problem?
Instead of saying a retort of my own, I thought that it is more mature to ask about more pressing issues. "Do you happen to know where Drew is?".
He paused and studied me for a while, maybe thinking if I was worth the damn. And somehow, I was. And just when I was about to have full commitment on my game plan, he said something that would make me resort to a plan B.
But of course I didn't have a plan B.
"You saw him going to the party already?" I asked him.
"Do you have a hearing problem?" He rolled his eyes. "I came from there. Ash, Gary and Drew's already there. If you're looking for him, just go there. And now excuse me, I have time I should not be wasting." He pushed past me and disappeared by the thick crowd.
Just when my plan was to avoid the storm at all cost, I must now dive right into the eye of it, like what kind of stupid lameass movie plot crap is that? Is this for real?
And if he's not going to the party how will Dawn give her gift to him? I should be at the party afterall and tell Dawn about this.
I jogged past the pedestrians and hurriedly unlocked the doors of the apartment room. If I really have to go there and die, might as well die beautifully right? I took a hot shower and rummaged through my closet. I went for a red backless dress and tied my hair into one tight ponytail at the back. I put extra effort in putting my make up hoping I'd become a beautiful ghost after they hang me upside down or cut my head off. Even with the room's heater, I felt the winter chill snaking through my bare arms and legs. But I guess that gave me a good covering right? They would think I'm shivering from the cold and not from fear the of being gunned down by thousands of hormone-driven students. Perfect. Paired with my red laced wedged sandals, I reached the party just fifteen minutes late.
The hotel lounge was filled with dolled up students chattering about things I couldn't care less, probably about the confession thingy.
Speaking of, now that I had a careful look at the place, it was magical. The ceramic tiles reflected the well-lit ceilings decorated with Christmas trappings and tinsels of gold, red and green. A huge glass chandelier hung at the center with two sets of red carpeted stairs at the sides, they both snaked up and met at the center to a huge silver door ornamented with plastic poinsettias and garlands. Everything was mesmerizing. Then I remembered the myth about this place. If someone would ever propose to me in this magical place, I would probably never forget every detail about it. The feeling, the memory, the hotel gave me that fairy-tale-like feeling of cementing everything inside both my heart and mind. It was purely magical and beautiful.
Too bad that cemented experience would be my execution.
I inhaled one deep breath and climbed the set of stairs on the left since it was closest to me.
Being the unathletic girl that I truly am, climbing the stairs with wedged sandals was almost impossible without thinking about tripping and falling into my utterly, embarrassing and untimely death. I pushed open the doors where the blast of musical instrument greeted me blended with laughter and joy of my executioner.
Schoolmates rather.
"Well..." I tucked a stray hair behind my ear. "This is it I guess." I whispered. "The eye of the freaking storm." I walked towards a table where they have fruit punch. I took a glass and poured it down my throat parched from the strenuous exercise I just did . I turned my head everywhere looking for any sign of anyone I know.
And unsurprisingly, my luck was still at large.
"Are they still not here?" I mentally asked myself and steered my head around like a search light when I saw a familiar coral-haired lady slowly walked to the stage with a microphone in hand. She had her salmon hair beautifully braided to the side that dangles way down to her waist. She was wearing a long sleeve strapless white gown with red flowers embroidered at the upper part that gradually bundles up at the bottom seem. She has a silver ornament necklace around her neck that perfectly matched her fair collar.
Solidad has always looked so stunning.
As embarrassing as it sounds, both Drew and I had a little crush on her when we were young. We used to contest each other who gets to play with Solidad.
I walked to the side trying to find a place for myself within the busy ballroom. I took another glass of plunge from a waiter nearby.
"Good evening!!" Solidad boomed through to the microphone followed by the million cheers of everybody else. "I welcome you all in tonight's very special Christmas party!" She grinned. "So we could begin our program I hereby call to the stage Miss Rosendale to formally open tonight's celebration."
The music volume lowered to a gentle tempo. The spotlight slowly gathering at the center stage.
A girl in semi transparent midnight blue gown slowly appeared on the platform. She had pink swirling locks at the both side of her head tied with velvet ribbons. The dim lightning of the venue made her twinkle like one of those glow in the dark stars you put in the bedroom. She is mystifying to say the least.
With her fair and slender hands wrapped in transparent gloves, she gently took the microphone off the the stand. She tapped the microphone thrice as Solidad walked away and left the stage to this unfamiliar girl.
"Hi everyone! Good evening!" She hollered through the device followed by the second joyous scream of everyone else in the room. "Just as what Ms. Solidad have said, this Christmas party is very special indeed. This is the very first time in six years that our school is able to hold such a magical event outside of our campus. This is fantastic!"
"Now, we are able to hold our school's very first Christmas Party outside the campus thanks to the honest hard work of our student council!" She continued. "And of course this wouldn't be made possible without everybody's help."
I gulped a gallon of saliva. Thankfully she didn't seem to be part of the Journalism Committee. Base on experience on how much this world loves to freaking trip me over and kick me in the lady balls, for a second I thought she'd be Ursula.
"But in behalf of the Student Council, I, Ursula Rosendale from the Journalism Committee, all thank you for the unwavering support!" She bowed.
My mouth suddenly burst with the cursed word and the students near me gasped my way.
"I knew it! I freaking knew it!!" I quickly got to my feet and swam through the difficult crowd trying to get my way to her. She's there. She's freaking there. A few more seconds and I'm doomed! And I'm still here trying so freaking hard to get past all these people!
I looked up and I saw her smirking at me struggling past the crowd. She gave me one nasty smile before continuing her speech.
"But guys, before I formally open tonight's very special party. We wouldn't have any outsider sharing this momentous moment with us, would we?" She sighed. "And trust me, I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but I got no choice." She feigned disappointment and gently place a hand on her temples. A lot of heads perked up, faces turned confused. "An outsider is an outsider!" She hissed.
"Please, please, please, don't, don't, don't, don't." I prayed silently as I continued to struggle past the crowd. "Just how many students are here!? This is ridiculous!" Shit gotta continue praying! "Please, please, please, please, don't, don't, don't, don't."
"There's actually someone who shouldn't be here among us tonight! An intruder! An outsider! As I have said." She stated as a-matter-of-fact as if I was the same murderer reported on the TV news last night. She glanced at me one more time with a sickened smile. At this time, people near me were starting to stare at me suspiciously. They were starting to be wary of me and who this 'outsider' Ursula claims to be. "Someone here broke our school policy! And guess what? She is still here with us! Sharing this celebration with us! The nerve! The scummiest offender in the history of our school!"
I could hear the students silently asking themselves by the crowd. I was finally able to get through them. In front of me was the north wall with the door leading to the back of the stage platform. I quickly turned the knob and got in. The door behind muffled her speech which I couldn't care any less. I breathed in deeply and pushed through the curtains as the blinding spotlight punched me right in the face.
"And there she is everyone! No need for me to call her after all. She just willingly came up here all by herself. How adorable." Her sly voice rang. "Such a cooperative girl."
As if the spotlight were the gaze of Medusa, I stood frozen on my spot. The uproar of the audience sounded gibberish to me. All I could hear was the loud beating of my heart pumping in pure one hundred percent anxiety down my bloodstream. The stage seem to become like a highway in length. It felt like I needed a bus ride to get to Ursula. She seemed like a few hundred miles away.
"Maybelle Maple. Am I Correct?" She whispered through the microphone. "Or is it Maybelle Hayden?"
There were so many gasp I heard below me, the one meter drop suddenly felt like a chasm, the stage suddenly became a precipice.
"Isn't that Andrew's family name?"
"She faked her name?"
"They're siblings?"
"THEY'RE MARRIED FOR PETE'S SAKE!" Ursula roared and corrected.
Everyone gasped.
I looked at my trembling hands. Sweat from my forehead formed blots. The air-conditioned room turned hell. I zombied my way to her and grabbed the microphone stand for support. The air thinned around me. I struggled for air. I struggled standing up, my knees buckling over the weight of the world and how it has always been against me.
I don't even know what I did to it that I get to deserve all of these. Why? How?
I looked at Ursula with her smug smile. Even she could see how hard I tried not to show how my hands trembled even with the light weight of the microphone. The microphone felt like a barbell.
"What else do you want me to say?" I weakly asked her. "Are you happy? I hope you are." I spat bitterly.
"That's what you get for messing with the committee."
I turned to the rowdy crowd below. They all have their heads on me.
"She should not be here! She's freaking married!"
"Married at seventeen? That's ridiculous."
"Is that true? It's hard to believe."
If people weren't shouting at me, they were trying to get their hands on something. I saw one particular girl, she slowly took a cupcake from the table and aimed at me.
Dead, dead, dead, dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. Dead.
Their voices drowned all my efforts of trying to make sense of what I should do. For one thing I know I should get down, or maybe run away from here. But hell, both heaven and hell knows how hard I'm trying to move my body. I was frozen with fear, crippled with anxiety and maimed by horror.
But deep inside, I know I should not run away. But why? Why don't I really feel the need to run or protect myself from this predicament? Have I deep inside accepted all of these? Have I grown tired of running away from all of it? Have I grown cold? Is that it?
Am I just simply tired of it all? Am I simply waiting for everything to end?
I looked up at the spotlight again, how it reminded me of that time I was bullied at the local playground. The light looked like the midday sun as I was trying to get myself off the ground. And just then his shadow blocked the sunlight. It was that nostalgic tiny back of his, turned to me to protect me from my bullies.
HItting a girl for a swing?
Two against one? You're 12 and she's only 8.
Aren't you ashamed of yourselves?
Don't you dare show your faces here again.
His protective voice rang inside my ears and made clinging noises inside my heart.
I promised you one thing May, I will protect you. So please stop worrying and put all your trust in me. Okay?
Because of course. There's nobody else you could count on other than your husband right? And I'm more than willing to fulfill that job for you.
Just lay it all on me May. Don't worry about it so much.
I know it. I just know it. He'll come and protect me. I'm sure he will.
I closed my eyes and stretched my arms wide.
Hit me. Hit me hard. I don't care. I know he will come.
As I was about to taste a flying cake for the first time in my never-hit-by-flying-cake-before life. I felt a rapid force behind me sweeping me off of my feet. I gasped and embraced myself in a defensive position in his arms.
"Getting a bit cocky aren't we Chocolate Freak?" He gasped air as he tried to wipe the sweat that have started blotting his forehead. "Just because I saved you a couple of times before doesn't mean you should just rely on me all the time." He sighed. "Seriously..." He showed me those mischievous smiles of his. And I knew it.
Drew would never leave me.
"Drew..." I whimpered his name. He crouched down with his back against the crowd. He got me in his embrace, his chest beating wildly from the run he just made to save me in time. "Drew.." I whimpered his name again. For some reason, everytime I tried to say something, his name was all my mouth could utter. And with my trembling hands, I traced his face with my cold trembling fingers just to make sure that I wasn't dreaming, that it was really him. "Drew..."
"Thank god I made it just in time." He smiled. "That's one cold cupcake on my back. Remind me why I don't like sweets again?" He chuckled.
"Dre...Drew..." I couldn't hold it in anymore that I cried and clung to him. "Dr..Dre..Dreww..Drew..." I cried and cried and cried.
I cried like I was five years old again.
"I'm sorry I'm late May. It took me time to buy something to give you tonight." I pulled away for a second. "A second late and maybe you'd have cake all over you by now." He added. "Not that it ruins you of course, you'd just be the same, beautiful."He smiled. "And literally sweet. I may not prefer sweets but you're automatically an exception of course." He grinned.
"For me?" I asked, trusting the dim lighting of the ballroom to hide my reddening face. And instead of getting an answer, he put me down, stood up and faced the crowd. He looked down on me squatting on the floor and offered his hand. He pulled me up and squeezed my hands. We both faced the crowd. Standing with him now have given me renewed strength.
He picked up the microphone and talked to the crowd, all the while keeping me slightly behind him for protection.
"Andrew.." Ursula bared her teeth beside us. "How dare you hurt our Mistress."
Drew looked at me, then slowly at her. "I am sorry." He whispered. Then he looked at the crowd in front of us. "I'm sorry." He bowed down. "Please don't be angry at Maybelle. She didn't do anything wrong. Her only fault was loving her grandfather too much. She only fulfilled his dying wish. She is innocent." He breathed out. "Truth be told. She's just like any of you, like any other girl, who likes sporty boys. She's just like any of you who studies hard, worries about the future, goes to cafés and spends time with friends. She's not any different and it's unfair how you put her into such situation because of something that was out of her control."
"If there's someone here whom you should be angry at, it should be me. If only I didn't come here from LaRousse then this whole marriage fiasco would not have happened. If only I had not come to this school then maybe she would have been safe and dancing with the people she likes. If only I weren't here she wouldn't be on this stage right now..." I felt Drew's hand holding mine tighter. "If only I didn't love her, maybe.."
He exhaled.
"Maybe things could have turned out different. Things could have been happier and easier."
His face remained fierce and unwavering in front of the crowd. It was strength that I am unaware of until now.
"I'm quitting this school." Drew declared. "Just please don't hate May. She doesn't deserve it. I'm quitting, if it means all of you will leave her alone."
The uproar and madness of the crowd died and turned to silence.
And I, well, was way beyond silent. I stopped functioning, forgot how to human.
"Well, well, well." Someone from the crowd broke the silence. And as if I wasn't flabbergasted enough, Brianna in a silver dress slowly made her self visible among the thick crowd in front of us.
Oreo barked and panted enthusiastically right within Brianna's embrace.
"Mistress!!!" Ursula cried out, trying to call her attention, tears forming in her eyes at the sight of seeing Brianna again. Brianna looked at her and gave her a soft gentle smile, which then turned sharper once she looked at Drew again.
"Are you really sure you love her Andrew?" She raised an eyebrow, her voice challenging. Her silver tiara glinting by the dim light. "Maybe Maybelle married you because of her grandpa, but how about you? Did you marry her with the same reason? That's kinda lousy, don't you think so?"
"Yes!" He immediately gave her an upfront reply. "At first. But the more time I spend with her. The more I wanted to be right beside her. I want to protect her. I care about her."
"So?" Brianna raised her eyebrows. "What are you gonna do about it now?"
I don't know how long I was standing up behind Drew until the moment he looked back at me. I don't know if he knew that I wasn't a functioning human at this time, but he seemed to disregard that fact.
"Maybelle.." He whispered my name. "I know I may have said it already. In fact it's the very same reason why you're here in trouble in the first place. Why we are here in trouble in the first place. But I'm gonna say it again. And I'm not afraid to say it again and again. Yes, I was jealous of Brendan and I got into trouble because of it. Yes I married you out of grandpa's request. Yes I'm not perfect and maybe I will never be." "Except for my hair of course" He inserted. "But just know I will always be here for you."
"I love you May." He stared at me and I stared at him back, my mouth left hanging at the words I anticipated that I may not properly speak.
"And yes. We may be married already. But it doesn't mean I can no longer do this."
He knelt down and took something out from his pocket. With his trembling hands, he gently opened a tiny box revealing a silver ring with a diamond lodged at the middle.
"Merry Christmas. Do you mind marrying me? You know, again?" He gently smiled. It was the very first time I ever saw his vulnerable look.
Grandpa said that if we get older we'll be married right?
Wouldn't it be wonderful to live in a castle like this as a house? You know, as our house?
Yeah, a prince. I'll stay by your side as your prince.
Whether you're my wife or not doesn't matter, because I would normally take care of you.
Sorry but she won't be needing it. Don't you know she hates orange juice? You should probably be more thoughtful about trying to give someone something. It could ruin your impression.
Don't you know that your baby blue eyes are really sexy May?
How many times do I have to tell you? That I don't want someone like him meddling with your life.
I can finally taste this kissable lips.
Of course I do mind. Because you wouldn't be the Maybelle I know if you aren't. And I don't like that.
What did you do? What did you do to May? Why did you make her cry?
I really did miss you afterall. Don't leave me again please.
Because right now, I'm thinking that because you're my wife and that I should be doing what I can do to have all your attention at me.
This is the real reason why I asked you here. To tell you this. Of course thanking you for what you did to Brianna is also part of the reason. But this is it. It's not because we're married why I'm telling you this. It's despite that being married, I still love you. I love you May, I really do.
And I promised you one thing May. I will protect you. So please stop worrying about it and put all your trust in me. Okay?
Because of course. There's nobody else you could count on other than your husband right? And I'm more than willing to fulfill that job for you.
"Yes...yes.." After a long long while, my body started functioning again.
"Yes..yes.." And it started with my eyes raining down tears I couldn't stop.
"Yes. Of course." My tears were too much that I had to use both hands to wipe all of them away, but they just kept on jumping out like crazy. "Yes. I'd marry you Drew. I'll do it again and again, anytime. Everytime."
"I love you too you Perverted Grasshead." I smiled with my messy face and dropped to the floor.
And just like a movie, the background music started playing a soft melody after being a dead for quite some time.
"What are you crying for dummy?" He jested, sniffing.
"Me? Crying? You, are crying." I managed to laugh as we hugged each other squatting down on the floor. I glued my face to his, almost encircling his entire head within my embrace. We snuggled with each other in both of our arms.
We both broke our embrace and turned around. There was Leaf in a white long-sleeved blouse and long maroon pleated skirt. "Kiss!" She shouted again, holding Gary's hand. "Kiss!" Gary smirked. "Kiss her you Celery!"
"Kiss!" Ash in a white polo topped with a black blazer shouted with his impish grin as well, embracing Misty beside him. "Kiss! Don't just hug him! Kiss!" Misty,in an autumn red sleeveless gown seconded.
"Kiss!" Brianna shouted, with her tiny stature, it was unexpected to be coming from her.
"Kiss!" My friends repeated.
"Kiss!" Solidad, who was standing way over behind us behind the closed curtain, demanded. "Kiss goddamit! Kiss already!"
And like a virus, everybody started shouting as well that it felt like my ears popped from the sheer volume.
I looked back at Drew.
"Well?" I said and drooped my shoulder.
"Well?" He smiled at me with the same dumbfounded yet relaxed expression. "It's not like we haven't done it before right?".
Everyone rallied.
I chuckled. "What do you mean 'it's not like we haven't done it before.' We only did it onc-."
And in a split second my face was glued to his in a simple kiss.
I closed my eyes, encircled his head and kissed him back.
Everybody swooned over us.
"Wait, wait." He suddenly pulled away. "Just wait."
"In case you're wondering?" He whispered, catching his breath.
"Uh huh?" I whispered back, catching my breath as well. "Wondering what?"
"I so did not propose believing any of those stupid childish hotel charm shenaniga-"
I pushed him to the ground and continued kissing him on the stage floor.
I guess we'll just have to see how real that charm shenanigan of the hotel really is.