Myungsoo passes the ball to Woohyun as he was blocked by both Daewon and Jungha. Although Woohyun was far he was able to catch it and run for the ring.
Kanto was quick to react and gets the ball from him and smirks when he sees him frowning. Now running to the right, where the opposite's base is, he sees Jaehyun is open and throws the ball as far as he can.
Myungsoo, who ran to catch up, jumps and hits the ball with his hand, claiming it. He runs to the left.
I become frustrated as my eyes move back and forth. "When is this going to stop?!"
I groan out loud.
Joochan glances at me. "Oh."
I look back at him, confused. "Oh what?"
Joochan gives a knowing look. "So that is why you're Moaning Minhee."
That sickly grin appears on his face and I swear I had the intent on ripping his plump, thin, pinkish lips off of his pale, smooth, good-looking face...
I shake my head. Now is not the time to fantasize about him.
"By the way, it sounds good."
I hit him hard on the arm and he chuckles. I ignore him and look back at the court again.
Jaehyun is trapped with the ball, Myungsoo and Sungjong surrounding him. The three didn't make a move. They are on the other half of the court, in respect to the ring Jaehyun should score in. I scan the whole court. Daewon is open clearly, but since he was too far diagonally I knew Jaehyun couldn't pass it to him since he's on the other side. Kanto, Jungha, and Sungjae were all blocked as well, and you think about how Jaehyun would get away with this and finally win this game.
"Jaehyun, go for it!" Joochan cups his hands as he shouts.
"Bong Jaehyun! Bong Jaehyun!"
The students of GC cheers for him. A while ago he looked lost, thinking that the game might still end up nowhere if he doesn't shoot the ball. But now he was determined.
"너는 재일이에요! (You are the best! P.S. Minhee said he was the best [제일] {i think it is grammatically incorrect? So -} it can also be interpreted that she called him as 'Jae-il' [재일] ehe) " I shout out loud.
Joochan looks at me weirdly but I was unfazed. I search for Jaehyun's reaction. I know he would know what that meant.
I knew he heard me when I see him genuinely smiling, well not at my direction, but of course he wouldn't just grin at his opponent.
Myungsoo and Sungjong were both wondering what nonsense I just said. In one swift motion, Jaehyun dodges both when they were confusingly looking at the crowd (a grave mistake that you absolutely shouldn't do especially in a game or you'll definitely lose), moving to the side.
I didn't expect him thoughtlessly throwing the ball into the air.
I knew he didn't plan on giving it to Daewon since it wasn't flying in his direction. Nor at any of his team mates.
It was flying towards the ring.
Everyone stands up, wanting to know if Jaehyun will bring glory or humiliation to our school.
I bite my lip. Would it successfully enter? I know he's too far from the decent range to aim the ball towards the ring, and yet here he is, probably being too confident of himself that he thinks the ball will go inside.
I didn't know Joochan was staring at me as I was busy looking how all of this would happen. I thought he was looking at the ball also.
Everyone inside the court are also anticipating whether it will score a point or not. Jaehyun, specifically, isn't. He was looking at me. Again, I didn't know.
The ball, miraculously, makes its way inside the ring, the shot not hitting the ring nor the board.
All GC students jump, cheering louder than ever, screaming Jaehyun's name.
"We won! We fucking won!" I was too elated that I didn't notice that I was hugging the closest person to me which turned out to be Joochan.
"Joochan, we won the game!" I bury my head into his chest, still in the state of extreme happiness.
Joochan was fazed for a moment at how I suddenly embraced him, but he hesitantly - and quite awkwardly - hugs me back. "Yeah, we did."
The realization finally sinks in when I hear him talk. I look up to see him smiling, a mixture of tease and confusion in it.
I push him away - maybe it was too hard? - as blood rushes into my cheeks, embarrassed and flustered at how I audaciously lunged at him for an embrace.
I remember that the victory I'm currently being static about was because of a certain guy inside the court. I try to search for him and finally we lock gazes.
Maybe I was hallucinating from the joy, but I saw a glimpse of a frown and a bit of disappointment flash on his face, but it was quickly replaced with a grin when he sees me staring back at him.