As Godo was waiting for Shuya to come, he decided to play around. He started carving something from a hand size rock. He decided to use air and earth elements, he wasn't really sure about what to carve so he decided what to carve by flicking a coin. The options were either a sword or some type of an animal or monster. As the sound shuddered through the air, it landed on his hands. It was tails, he now decided to carve a slime, doesn't seem too hard.
As he started it, he first decided to a carve out the lining, after that, he started to smoothen it. Then he started adding some details, the slight flatness of the lower part, the faint sphere inside it and the even fainter light glowing from it, its eyes and colors and the reflection of light from it. He wanted to color it so he created some paint and paintbrush to color it. Doing all this took around 20 minutes.
After finishing it he placed it on the ground and added something to it, he decided to give it to Shuya. Few more minutes passed, finally Shuya came down. Before anything else he first handed out his slime carving and said,
"Here take this, if you ever need my help, poke its eyes than rub its head."
Shuya gladly accepted this and thanked him for it. Godo also decided to go to teacher mode. Just like before he teached him the basics, he decided to teach Shuya the 'Five Step Assault' but only after he mastered the basics. Just like the first time, Folaei was looking at them.
"What is he now, a magic swordsman who's part time job is a teacher? I bet he will have another job in a few days from now."
Hours went by and they ate their breakfast and went to the place of their mission. There were two merchants and 3 other adventurers. Godo and the other 3 greeted the merchants and the adventurers, they were 2 E ranks and 1 D rank. After few minutes of talking about the routes and potential accidents, they decided to head out, there were two caravans. One was where all the foods and vegetables were kept and the other was a passenger caravan with four people.
After talking with the other adventurers, they found out that the other 3 called Elil, Swaph and Fen were supposed to guard the passengers and they were supposed to guard the one with the food, but the merchants decided to team up and go together. They didn't actually mind, they were supposed to go the capital of the kingdom also called Exeem, a very strange name thought Godo. Most part of the journey they didn't encounter any difficulties, just some occasional slimes, slimeas and stray goblins. Just as Godo was starting to relax a little bit, an arrow was shot right in front of the first caravan, making the horses stop.
"All of you go into the caravan, now!" shouted Swaph.
Saying this they quickly went to the back of the passengers caravan. Then some bandits came out of the forests, 1, 2, 3, 4... There were a total of 13 bandits. Godo quickly activated his 'Inspect' on them. 256, 728, 593, 1799.... They didn't catch too much attention except for one, his CP was 14820.