Chereads / Freya Scott (LGBT) / Chapter 5 - Deciphering Step 1

Chapter 5 - Deciphering Step 1

I appeared at the front gates of Southview that morning. I hadn't been accompanied by anyone I knew whilst walking unto the campus grounds. I had no need to drive since the walk had only been a mere five minutes.

Jackson fell into my sights. His foot slide it's sole unto the gate bars as he leaned himself on the fencing that fell before the entrance. A beanie slumped down, tucking underneath his ears and a pair of plastic ray bans covered his eyes. A sweat shirt that, for once, snug tightly unto his compacted chest and stomach with the words: No Life, No Game in bold lettering. Beneath that sweat shirt, with the long rolled up sleeves, were the familiar jeans from the previous day.

He cocked his head into a nod whilst recognizing my presence. A smirk slipped unto his lips as I approached him. The posture he often worn when discussing his schemes with me could be compared to that of a drug dealer; shady. He hung his head low while brisking too closely aside to me, keeping his eyes lingering for prying ears.

I collected myself as I buried my back into the bars of the fencing. My focus hung on those entering the school grounds.

"I bet you met Freya," he chuckled, "What did you think of her?"

"What does that matter?" I responded grimly, "Just tell me what to do next. I met her, I got her okay to come by while she practices," I paused, slipping my eyes into Jackson's cloudy shades, "But you already knew that she played violin, didn't you?"

Jackson pried off his ray bans as he shifted the bars unto his left side. He scowled as his eyebrow rose barely an inch. "You're kidding me," his voice carried lower, "What is with you?"

I shuffled over to my right side to meet his steel eyes. "Are you stalking her?"

"I need to know where she goes for you to meet her, don't I?"

"Are you in anyway planning to humiliate her?"

Jackson leaned closer to into my face, our noses with laid half an inch gape between them. "I thought you didn't like her."

"I don't."

"You can trust me Lacey," Jackson petitioned, "I wouldn't drag you into anything you wouldn't enjoy. You know that."

My breath roughly released from me into a sigh. My stern eyes softened as I released the tension I withheld into my shoulders. "Okay..." I surrendered from our battering.

"Good," Jackson smiled, delighted, "Now that 20 questions is over. Let me tell you this, however you go about the steps is up to you. I'll check up on you, but you are controlling the situation. Understand?"

I nodded my head in confirmation. Jackson pulled himself off the blacken bars, taking a few steps from me. He rose his hand in a salute, then disappeared into the students who slumped into the campus grounds. I chewed my lip hesitantly. I still don't trust you O'Conner.

That P.E.

My footsteps settled unto the door I clumsy tumbled into yesterday. This time, I had known better and had been expected. My eyes pried into the window to confirm Freya's presence, though her violin echoing through the halls would have been proof enough.

I grasped unto the harden handle, allowing myself to slip inside. Freya situated herself in the same position as before. Her blue eyes fell unto the sheet with the same intensity, though I could tell this tune that emerged from the violin had persisted into a soothing melody. I took care in approaching her, attempting to not off throw her practice. My bum fell into a blacken stool nearby that would be used for a drum set up.

Freya must have recognized she hadn't been alone; once the song came to a close, she lowered her violin and shuffled herself to come face to face with me.

"I didn't think you would come," she addressed me.

I lifted my shoulders as a smile sprouted upon my lips. "I said I liked your playing."

A few, what I assumed, were songs immersed the atmosphere along side me with it. I never precised myself as a person who would enjoy or listen to instrumentals. Yet there had been a lining in the room while observing Freya, it transported me from our surroundings to where only our presence and the melody existed. A peace fell into the concentration, devotion Freya drew from her violin as she became consumed from the notes.

It suited her.

Freya laid her violin aside. She grasped unto a stool and aligned it with mine. "Is that really why you came here?" she exmined my intentions.

I gritted my teeth to her inquisition. Either the girl had a keen sense for liars, sensed something not quite right or Jackson had revealed himself sneaking along the halls during his scope out. What do I do? What do I do? Her eyes poured further into mine for my lack of answering. I couldn't take much longer to justify myself. If I lost to her testing me, Jackson would only find himself a replacement.

A brief concept formed into my list of ideas. That suggestion flowed its way to the fine top of my list. I had been used to it, and may I add, good at performing such an assumption. I steadied myself as my lips preformed a sly smile. This will caught her off guard. I inched my face until our noses skimmed another in contact. Her concentrated, seemingly assured, eyes fell in disorientation at my proximity.

Her soothing smile went to all but a fade. Her eyes snooped down to my glossed lips then weaved unto my eyes. I drew a sharp unanticipated breath. The girl abruptly pulled from me as she scooted off the end of her stool, mumbling under her breath. I bit my lip as I gazed over her, then snapped myself from my potent hormones.

Freya's back situated itself to me as her hand caught the strands of her hair. Her free hand grazed over her violin.

"Is that why you came to watch me play?" her briskly voice pierced the silence.

I rumbled my throat clear. "No.. it was just a joke," I replied tightly.

"Good, I was joking too," she added on in an near whisper.

That wasn't a joke. "Can I come again?" I heightened my voice to a chipper tone.

"Sure..." she affirmed delicately.