Chereads / Freya Scott (LGBT) / Chapter 10 - A Little Spill

Chapter 10 - A Little Spill

Freya initiated small talk with me during our time passing through the halls. The gesture stunned me as I had her repeat her first words spoken to me. Though we established us as being friends, I hadn't foreseen her attempting an effort into our newly found friendship. After all, I thought I forced her into it more than her willingly wanting to.

Freya and I had no difficulty holding a conversation. We agreed upon more than we both knew, aside with having similar interests. Freya hadn't know much about cars as I had, yet she took an interest in trying to understand what I clarified to her.

Not long, the two of us stepped our feet into the cafeteria. I think that was the first moment I truly became aware of who I walked aside. Freya Scott, appearing into the cafeteria? Being seen at lunch? That hadn't been a sight anyone was used to seeing. I nearly forgot she had been popular amongst Southview High.

A dread filled me, reminding me why I hadn't wanted her to sit with my friends. They, hopefully, wouldn't over dramatize this. As Freya and I trailed in the direction of the table, with me leading her, eyes drifted our direction. A few jocks in baseball jerseys that situated their backs unto the wall, nearby where we entered from, gawked unto her. A whistled slipped through the pressed lips of one of them.

I peered the corner of my eye to Freya, who the whistle had gone unnoticed by. As stares carried along until we reached the table, I discovered a bit of information of Freya. She had been obvious to the attention she received. It hadn't fazed her. Did this girl even know she was popular? My friends eyes wondered from another as I cleared my throat; all three of the girls were seated at the table.

Their jaws equally hung open to see the person aside me. I forgotten to tell them I had befriended Freya. Whoops.

"Guys," I cleared my throat once more, "This is Freya. Can she sit with us?" I gritted my teeth after speaking, eyeing Kayla to not mention a word. She knew what I meant as she slumped further into her chair. Kayla would be the only one out of the four to mistakenly tell something she shouldn't have.

Olivia was the first to speak. "Of course," she smiled brightly, her tone fell borderline fake as though she had been trying too much, "I'm Olivia." Though only I'd caught unto her weird tone along with my friends since we had known her.

This might be awkward. I squatted myself into my seat; Freya occupied the one aside to me. Silence fell unto our group as no one seemed to know what to discuss anymore. I figured it was due to self awareness that Freya was new, or that the three only had gossip to discuss. "Kayla," I grinned, she shrunk, "Looks like you have your usual face today," I chuckled, forcing a shift from our silence. Kayla rose up in her seat, pouting.

"Did you really have to bring that up?" she whined.

Olivia and Sam began chuckling, trying to restrain their laughter.

"Yeah she did," Sam answered for her, rather amused, "One of the guys asked if she was constipated in class." Olivia and Samantha couldn't control their laughter any longer as it erupted. A grin slipped unto my lips as I attempted not to laugh myself for Kayla's sake.

"It's not funny!" she objected. As our childish laughter didn't wither, Kayla eventually joined in. "Okay," she grinned, "It was little."

"No you don't understand," Samantha struggled to breath, "Once I looked at her face she kind of did. She tried so hard not to be angry at him too."

"I swear she was going to smack the guy," Olivia added.

Freya shook her head as a grin snuck it's way unto her lips, probably thinking how childish we were to be laughing heavily at the statement. I couldn't deny it; the four of us did have a small bit of that sense of humor.

The awkwardness dissipated as if it never existed. Though my attempt to start a conversation felt very forced, especially in my tone, it had been successful. The five of us talk about school related subjects, finding it easy to conversant. This had gone less worse than I expected. Maybe I should have more faith in my friends.

A discomfort twitched along my backside. I attempted to ignore it until the uneasiness that lingered grew stronger. I squinted my eyes over my shoulder. My sight laid upon a smug faced Jackson. What did he want now? A foiled sigh slowly escaped my lips. Jackson held up two fingers, then motioned his hand to the lunch line. I mouthed 'what', just to wear unto his nerves. O'Conner snarled at me as he pointed a finger to me then the lunch line. He mouthed 'Freya'. I smirked unto him, chuckling softly.

Jackson caught that I had been sarcastic with him. He rose the bird my way with a irritated expression. I merely rolled my eyes.

I planted my attention on Freya, waiting for the chatter to die off before speaking to her. I nudged her shoulder with mine to grab her eyes. "Have you eaten? I'm kind of hungry," I announced to her.

Freya shrugged her shoulders.

"Well want to come with me to buy lunch? I'll get you something too," I smiled unto her.


Freya and I dismissed ourselves from the table. Kayla eyed me suspiciously as she had catch unto O'Conner's lingering stare at us. I hadn't bothered addressing her wariness as I couldn't give her an answer. I merely was 'following orders'.

As we neared the line, the corner of my eye fell unto a guy who came towards Freya's direction. He chatted to his friend that laid behind him, not being aware of his surroundings. A streak pierced the air. I settled my eyes unto Freya as I halted in my tracks. She peered down unto her food soaked clothing as her features dripped with pasta and a liquid I couldn't identify. My eyes grew wide.

The teen addressed her in a fast paced manner. "I'm so sorry!" he shouted. He scanned his tray, for what I guessed, had been napkins. He gripped unto a single one and handed it to her. Freya whipped the drizzling pasta from her chin.

Her attempted a smile. "It's really okay," she reassured him.

My brain fell blank for a moment upon watching his face. Was he? My hand gripped into a fist as anger flooded into me. You got to be kidding me. I grasped unto Freya's arm. "Hey," I caught her attention, "Let's get you to the bathrooms." She nodded in confirmation.

As I guided her to the exit of the cafeteria, my eyes linked into O'Conner's. I scowled at him.