"Ah, here you are my little Kizu," Sasha whispered as she caressed Koren's new pet.
The scene that was unfolding infront of Koren was not one that he expected. After the wolf strolled inside and started peeing everywhere, Sasha unexpectedly warmed up to it and even named it herself.
"Kizu?" Koren said confused
"My child, did I not teach you Japanese?" Sasha said while shaking her head disapprovingly
Sasha is actually Japanese, and while raising her children she always thought it was important for them to know their culture.
"I forgot most of it.."
Sasha sighed
Kizu began to whimper because Sasha stopped scratching him.
"Well, scar in Japanese is Kizuato, so his name is Kizu"
"Well anyways, please go take a shower and change your clothes. Your going to make me throw up just like your older brother."
Koren's clothes did not get any cleaner on the way back from the forest. Instead, he got more blood on him when he encountered a few orcs.
"Also, we need to get your leg treated so come down after you take a shower."
Koren nodded and immediately headed over to the shower. Once he took off all of his clothes he saw blood coming from all sorts of places.
"Ah, some of it wasn't just the wolf's blood." Koren muttered to himself as he stepped into the shower grimacing as the hot water came onto his wounds.
After finishing his shower he bandaged some of his wounds. He limped downstairs to meet his mother and Kizu who were waiting for him.
"Ok, let's go."
Sasha and Koren headed out towards the town's infirmary where they were met with a nurse.
"Can we see the healer?" Sasha asked pointing her hand towards Koren's leg.
"Ah, yes."
The nurse led them to a room where a middle aged woman was waiting. Upon seeing Koren she swiftly looked all over his body looking exactly at his wounds even though he had clothes on.
"Ah, what have you been up to young man." The healer said shaking her head
"Training huh, lay down here."
Koren laid down onto the bed where the Nurse started to carefully take his pants off and examine his wound.
"It's worst than I thought…"
Sasha and Koren's heart sunk upon hearing those words.
"You will be fine though."
Sasha sighed a sigh of relief and finally sat down.
The healer began to finally start healing his wounds starting with his legs. She carefully placed her hands over his wounds while muttering spells under her breath.
"Ah-" Koren groaned in pain, having your bones reconstructed was not the most fun thing to have done.
After an hour the healer was finally finished.
"Ok, I'm done." The healer was soaked in sweat.
"Thank you Healer-nim." Koren bowed in a 90-degree angle towards the healer.
"Ah, it's fine try not to get so hurt again."
"Also, I sensed quite a lot of clean mana from you."
Koren nervously laughed and talked about how he was in the forest the weekend.
"Ah, I see…"
Once the healer was finished talking with Sasha, Koren rushed her out of the infirmary.
"That boy, he has something." The healer muttered to herself staring out at the door Koren left from just moments ago.
"Thellarion Academy will be having school wide competitions next month," Laria yelled looking down at a paper
Many students began to discuss with each other.
Laria rose her hand over her desk, reminding the students about what happened on their first day.
The students flinched in fear stoping all conversations.
"There will be one 1 vs 1 competition and one group competition."
Laria continued
"The 1 vs 1 competition will be divided amongst each year and the prize for winning will be a trip to Corendale."
"AAH!" Koren screamed
Koren was basically sleeping with his eyes open, he barely got any sleep the night before and after hearing his name yelled he shot up from his seat screaming.
"Are you ok Mr. Knight?" Laria asked raising an eyebrow
"Yeah, yeah.." Koren muttered embarrassed
Students started to giggle, but upon seeing Laria's eyes they immediately stopped.
"Anyways-" Laria continued
'Master WHAT THE FUCK!' Koren attempted to yell in his mind, unsure if it was working
'Sorry, I didn't know you were that out of it.' Sebastian responded with a sympathetic voice
'Whatever, anyways what did you want to tell me?'
'Well, I wanted you to go to Corendale sometime in the future but this is a perfect opportunity.'
'What do you want to do in Corendale?'
Sebastian began to laugh
'Remember when you asked me to teach you some secret overpowered skill?'
'Well I have a bunch of those stashed in Corendale, with my best weapons and fortune'
Koren was speechless, the treasures a hero of Thellaria would have would be nothing less than amazing.
'Anyways, sign up to do this competition and I'll teach you some skills.'
'Sound's like a deal'
"Well, whoever wants to sign up for the competition has to have a teacher representative."
Koren swiftly rose his hand into the air.
"Teacher, can you be my representative?"
Before Laria could respond an upperclassman decided to answer for her.
"Why would she represent an idiot like you?"
"I challenge you to a duel."
The upperclassman was shocked, he thought he could make fun of the newbie and get some laughs out of it, he could have never thought that he would be challenged to a duel.
"I accept!"
The upperclassman knew he would never lose to a first year, he also knew that beating "The son of Ian and Sasha" would get him some recognition.
Right when the upperclassman agreed to the duel, Koren threw his axe immediately. The axe flew in the air at lightning fast speed landing a hairs width away from the upperclassman's skull. The axe upon reaching the wall created a crater engulfing the whole side, making every student in the room shiver in fear.
The upperclassman started to shake, his mouth unable to produce words.
"I-I surrender!"
Laria who was watching this all unfold started to laugh. She laughed and laughed until tears started to form in her eyes. After a few minutes of endless laughter, she finally said something
"Koren, yeah I can be your representative."
Koren began to laugh too.
The students in the room began to tremble in fear watching two crazy people laugh.