Koren was staring at something intently when Kien popped up from behind him.
"Did you read the announcement?" Kien asked before plopping down next to Koren
"Yeah, what gives?"
The tournament had a strict bracket formula but for some reason they had changed it up and switched all of the matches.
"Hm, not sure it's probably because of you."
"Me?" Koren scoffed
"I mean yeah, they were expecting you to get knocked out in the first place. That's why they had you fight Jacob first, this whole competition is rigged anyway."
Koren thought about it for a moment but agreed with Kien in the end.
He was going to have to face Cyres in his next match however they swapped him with another student.
"Anyways I would be happy if I were you, that Cyres guy is seriously strong."
"Yeah, but he seemed too lenient on taking hits."
Kien shrugged
"Doesn't matter if you're going to pummel the guy in the end."
"That's the bell, lets go." Kien remarked
The two friends walked to their next class while chatting up a conversation.
"They changed the matches…" A bland boy was sitting in the restroom reading the announcement.
"God, I hate this filthy place and now I have to stay here longer."
The boy kicked open his stall and began to mutter to himself angrily, however someone suddenly grabbed his shoulder.
"Cyres, you were great in that last fight."
An upperclassman saw his fight and wanted to compliment him.
Cyres turned around slowly to face the upperclassman.
"When did I say you could touch me."
"Eh-" the upperclassman looked shocked
Cyres disappeared for a second before appearing behind the upperclassman holding a dagger to his neck.
"Don't. Ever. Touch. Me."
Cyres let go of the upperclassman before walking out of the bathroom calmly.
"Ok, your opponent is going to be an Archer. Remember to close the distance with your axe and if you trust your aim you can do a long ranged battle."
Koren nodded
"Now, go win." Laria pushed Koren away lightly
An announcer's voice rang into Koren's ears as he stepped out onto the Colosseum's field.
Cheers rang out from the crowd.
"JIIN!" A group of girls screamed
'I guess we know who's popular with the girls.' Koren thought to himself sadly
'Now's not the time to think about that.' Sebastian remarked, embarrassed of his students priorities.
Before Koren could say anything back the announcer yelled once again.
Jin pulled his bow out and started to shoot arrows rapidly towards Koren.
"Ugh." Koren groaned
Koren personally hoped his opponent wouldn't just sit in one place and shoot arrows but there was nothing he could do about it.
Koren dodged the arrows and decided he would beat him at his own game. He swiftly grabbed out his bow and jumped into a roll.
"What is he doing?" Jin muttered
Jin shot an arrow predicting Koren's roll trajectory, but Koren unexpectedly jumped up from his roll and shot an arrow right into Jin's stomach.
"ARCHER JIN HAS LOST ONE OF HIS SHIELDS!" the announcer yelled
Koren took this opportunity to close the space in between them.
"HAWK EYES!" Jin yelled nervously
"JIN!" the group of fangirls continued to cheer.
The skill hawk eyes is a skill used by archers to highlight a figure in the dark to easily shoot at them.
Koren ignored Jin's skill and continued to rush at him with his axe.
Jin jumped back and shot an arrow at Koren who was running towards him.
Koren ignored the measly arrow shot and sliced his axe at Jin's chest. Jin screamed from the pain but chose to keep running.
Koren somewhat felt guilty due to how unfair this fight was but it is still a duel so he continued.
To end it off, Koren threw a dagger towards the back of Jin's head, knocking him out.
The very vocal group of fan girls angrily stormed out of the stadium clearly unhappy with the results.
Koren shrugged and left the field walking towards his locker room. Laria was sitting waiting for him outside of the room.
"I didn't think that they would continue to give you amateurs."
Koren shrugged
"Anyways, I just found out the King is coming to watch the finals tomorrow."
Sebastian and Koren yelled at the same time.
"Yeah, not sure why though."
"Anyways, you have no more matches today so you can either go home or watch."
"Eh, I'll watch the fights."
"Ok, you can come up with me to the teacher stand and watch from there."
Koren was caught off guard from the offer but he accepted with a nod.
Laria led Koren up a hidden long line of stairs where a guard stood.
"He's with me." Laria said coolly
The guard nodded and made way for Koren and Laria. Teachers turned around to see who showed up but quickly turned around once they saw it was Laria.
"Mrs. Laria?"
"Are the other teachers scared of you?"
Laria began to give off a heavy laugh and responded with a "I think so." She led Koren over to a secluded room where she knocked heavily onto the door.
"Who is it?" A soothing voice asked
"It's me Laria."
Laria barged into the room without any consideration and signed for Koren to enter.
Eril was seated forward with Ricio watching a fight.
"Koren look at these two love birds." Laria snickered
Ricio and Eril immediately turned behind when they heard Korens name being called. However their responses were polar opposites
"Hi Koren." Ricio smiled sweetly
"Laria what are you talking about?" Eril looked as if she had seen a ghost.
"Oh will you chill it you hag." Laria took off her boots and laid her feet onto the coffee table that was in the middle of the room.
"I'm not that old…" Eril muttered
"She has gotten old." Sebastian remarked
"You did great in all of your battles, Koren."
"Thank you Uncle Ricio, they were weak anyways."
"Maybe not the first one, I sensed he was quite powerful but you easily took care of him in one shot."
"Well, revenge is always sweeter with an audience."
Eril spat out the water she was drinking and stared at Koren with awe.
"Who… who told you that."
Sebastian who was calmly looking out a window began to start screaming.
"Uhh, I found it from a book."
Eril shrugged and continued to drink her water.
"What's with her?" Laria asked, facing Ricio who shrugged in response.
"Oh, Sebastian used to say that." Eril replied nonchalantly
"Oh, did he?"
"How are the matches going?" Laria asked
Ricio and Eril glanced at each other
"Well, rough would be an understatement…" Ricio admitted