Chapter 47 - 47

47. Down by the Quidditch pitch

As fast as I could walk, I made my way down to the Quidditch pitch. When I passed the great hall, I held my head lowered, afraid to meet one of my Gryffindor friends or Hermione. As soon as I was outside, I started jogging and thanked my fairy genes to make me a little more sportive. My current fitness status could be compared to anyone who did some sport regularly. For a fairy, my condition's more than pathetic though. But I was to lazy to do sport – except for Quidditch of course. The last time I had been on a broom had been years though. I really should try out for the team next year. I thought, grinning to myself. Sport will help me with my magic and make my body stronger. The stronger my body, the more magic I can use at once. Really, Arya. Some jogging in the morning and Quidditch and your magic would grow rapidly. Then you need simply regular magic training and boom! I'd be invincible. I chuckled slyly and shook my head at my own thoughts.

I stopped dead in my tracks however, when I reached the stairs of the stands. There'll be only Slytherin's. Well, except for Derek of course but still. What if Hermione hears about this? Or Harry and Ron? Think, Arya. Think!

I started pacing, racking my brain about it but I couldn't find another solution than sitting in the stands to get their attention. I couldn't use magic or they would all see it. I could invade people's minds – I never did of course - but I couldn't speak with them. Either I waited until I found them alone or I sat in the stands. But I knew I didn't want to wait longer than necessary. They needed to know as soon as possible.

Derek, I thought to myself. I'll sit in the stands and say that I need to talk to him. He'll pass on the message to Draco and Blaise then. So, I climbed up the stairs and stood in the stands. I made sure to stay near the stairs though so it wouldn't seem stranger than it already was. I leaned my arms on the railing to make myself more comfortable.

"A Gryffindor watching Slytherin's training, as if that'd ever happen." I mumbled sarcastically to myself when I looked up.

Six people were flying elegantly through the air. To my surprise, I spotted one girl moving around almost as easily as the others. With the Quaffle held close to her body, she raced towards the highest goal and threw – and missed. I sneered at her stupid mistake. Honestly, girl! You'd free way and missed the goal. Pathetic, really! I averted my eyes from her and only realized then that they had split up in two teams. I grinned when I spotted a dark-skinned guy and the unmistaken blond hair of my brother. They were closely followed by two opponents, I didn't recognize, who tried to catch the Quaffle. Draco and Blaise passed it quickly between each other while flying close to the stands. But the third opponent suddenly cut their way and they dodged swiftly. Draco kept the Quaffle while Blaise changed his position and flew out of the pitch. I knew they were both excellent flyers and players, nevertheless I tapped nervously on the railing when Draco's followers slowly caught up. He was to close to the ground and the stands to make it to the goals in time. Blaise was flying close to the stands outside of the pitch.

"Come on, Draco. Pass the Quaffle!" I growled impatiently. Shortly, before Draco passed the goal bars he suddenly changed his course and flew up as fast as possible. When he reached the same height as the stands, Blaise flew over them and towards Draco. Years of training together had made them know each other's moves by heart. So, it didn't surprise me when they flew past each other very closely; Draco flying rapidly upwards while Blaise held his course towards the goals. When they passed each other though, Draco passed the Quaffle swiftly to Blaise.

The two opponents had been confused by their move and automatically continued following Draco. Only for a short moment though but it was enough for Blaise. He flew towards the goals from the back side. The third opponent flew straight towards him, so he did a great feint. Right before the opponent cut his way, he flew downwards, throwing the Quaffle high in the air in the process. I chuckled when I recognized his move. As expected, Derek was in time to catch it and threw. Goal!

I almost started cheering before I remembered where we were. I couldn't suppress the smug smirk however, when I saw Draco, Blaise and Derek giving each other high fives. Merlin, I need a broom now! So that Draco and I can kick their asses. I continued tapping on the railing but now because I felt incredibly excited and jittery. I wanted to play too! No, I want to play with my brother and our best friends! Now that I saw them playing it wakened the urge and deep wish to be able to play together again. I bit the inside of my cheek and sighed in distress. It sucks! Just because of this stupid fight between Slytherin and the other houses.

Annoyed, I growled at myself before turning my attention back on their game. As expected, the three were by far the better team. They knew each other by heart so it was easy for them to play together. My good mood came back while I watched them goal after goal. Clearly, they were winning easily. I was completely lost in the match, forgot where I was and why I had come in the first place.

Until, my brother suddenly flew in my direction and ripped me out of my excitement. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion when he stopped his broom and hovered a few meters before the stands.

"What're you doing here, Gryffindor? Lost your way?" The infamous Malfoy smirk matched his snide voice. Alright, the Slytherin card. Two can play the game, Draco.

I showed him my widest smug smirk – I knew he had great difficulties keeping up his Malfoy act if I was being genuine. I kept my relaxed position, leaning my arms on the railing and watching him challenging. "No, Malfoy. I'm right where I wanted to be."

He sneered down at me and crossed his arms, one leg dangling carelessly. The worst about his position was that he was being completely serious. He would be sitting on his broom the same way if we were officially on good terms. Bloody hell, Draco. You're such an arrogant twit sometimes.

"Oh yeah? Jealous that you've got no friends to play with?" Suddenly, the other players appeared next and above him. Blaise and Derek arrived side by side and grinned widely when they saw who Draco was talking to. I let my gaze wander over all of them. The girl was watching me with a disgusted expression, her team mates though sneered snidely. Provocative, I cast the three of them an amused gaze and laughed snidely.

"If you call these morons your friends than I'd almost feel sorry for you Malfoy. They truly suck! I mean have you seen their embarrassing moves?" I laughed again but this time because of the glares and very ugly expressions I received.

"So you think you can do better, Jackson." Blaise asked challenging and raised one eyebrow. I really hate the raising-one-eyebrow thing! I thought gloomy.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Every child can play better… Next year I'll make the team so at least try to stay in the team, Zabini! Oh, and you too, Malfoy! I'm going to kick your asses then." I laughed and smirked proudly at Blaise and Draco. Before he could say something else, I looked at Derek and my expression faltered a little. "I need to talk to you, Derek. It's quite… urgent."

I bit the inside of my cheek when another taunting remark came into my mind. "Please, don't make me watch this agonizingly lazy strolling you call Quidditch any longer and move your butt to me as soon as possible." I smiled sweetly and turned to the stairs before they could retort something. When I reached the bottom of the stairs, I sat down and leaned my head against the wooden stand. My amusement vanished as quickly as it had come up before.

Groaning, I stretched my legs and sighed deeply. Now, any minute, Derek would come and hopefully Draco and Blaise as well. Then I would have to tell them everything. I remembered Hermione's words and expression very clearly in my head. As if I could ever forget them! I scoffed half-heartedly to myself.

"So, how can I help you?" Derek's amused voice interrupted my grim thoughts. Intuitive, I jumped up and pulled him in a desperate embrace. Chuckling confused, Derek wrapped his arms around me when I buried my face in his Quidditch outfit. I pulled back immediately though.

"Urgh, Derek you reek!" I mumbled disgusted and he laughed lowly.

"Yeah, well we played for more than two hours. And it wasn't just some lazy strolling as you called it." He teased but I couldn't bring myself to smile. Helpless, I looked up at him and he furrowed his eyebrows questioning.

"Where're Draco and Blaise? I need them here too." I stated nervously and he nodded slowly.

"Wow, relax there sister. We can't simply meet up with a Gryffindor like this bloke here. We waited for the others to leave." Draco and Blaise had appeared around the corner and strolled to us. They looked relaxed and happy, making my heart squeeze tightly with twinges of remorse.

As soon as they saw the serious expression on Derek's face and the rather depressed on mine, their grins faltered. Draco stared at me worried while Blaise crossed his arms and exchanged a glance with his brother.

"What's wrong?" Draco asked sharply, and I exhaled loudly. Tiredly, I rubbed my face before looking at the three of them. One after the other before my scared look rested on my brother.

"Hermione. She noticed that something was going on in the great hall when Blaise came to us." I said desperately and Draco squinted his eyes. "She dragged me out and I told her the truth. She knows about you Draco… she knows about the four of us now…" I ended quietly and run a hand through my hand. Blaise straightened up in surprise while Derek inhaled deeply.

My brother furrowed his eyebrows and watched me suspiciously. "And? What did she say?"

My eyes stitched and I blinked a few times. I dropped my shoulders and crossed my arms defeated. "She's furious… She was already angry when she led me outside but got only angrier when I tried to explain everything… I think… She hates me. I mean she looked so hurt and said that I'd betray her. And Harry and Ron."

For a while nobody moved. Scared for their reaction, I looked from one to the other to see surprise, confusion, sympathy, anger and disappointment in their eyes. Draco turned away and roughly run a hand through his hair. He lowered his head and groaned deeply. Then he turned to me again with a very sorrowful expression. His sparkling grey eyes watched me with great regret and guilt. I gulped and Draco came closer to wrap me in a comforting embrace. I clung desperately on my brother and buried my face in his shoulder. Soothingly, Draco pressed me closer and rested his chin on my shoulder as well.

"I'm so sorry." I heard him mumble sadly, against my clothes. I closed my eyes and tried to get Hermione's expression out of my head but it was burned painfully into my brain. I waited for my tears, but to my surprise they never came.

"Draco, somebody's coming!" Blaise interrupted us sharply. Instantly, I let go of Draco and watched him with great fear. He nodded curtly and turned towards Blaise to leave immediately.

Before he could do so however, somebody stomped around the corner and stopped dead in their track. My eyes widened and I inhaled sharply when I realised who it was. A fuming Hermione stood frozen on the spot, glaring at us darkly. She cast Derek an intimidating scowl and he shifted slightly. Her fierce look wandered from Blaise's face down to his feet and back up to his eyes. He didn't move and returned her scowl with an unimpressed calm expression. When she looked at Draco though her anger seemed to multiply. She squinted her eyes and her dark glare turned into a murderous expression.

Before anyone of us could do or say something, Hermione practically lunched herself at my brother who widened his eyes in shock. Draco crashed violently into the wall behind him and groaned loudly. I squealed in horror and clamped my hands to my mouth. Hermione pressed her wand awfully deep in his throat, making him wince. Then she turned her head towards the other two. She noticed that Derek held Blaise's arm firmly to keep him from rushing forward. Blaise was watching her very darkly with squinted eyes and looked from her to Draco and back.

"Don't you dare moving!" Hermione spat dangerously before turning back to my brother.

"Hermione, please. Don't hurt him!" I begged with a shaking voice but either she ignored me or hadn't heard it. Her free hand was clutching Draco's collar and pinning him firmly against the wall.

"Listen closely, Malfoy because I'm only saying this once! I'll never understand what she sees in you or why she'd want to be your sister. I understand that you're there for her when she needed someone, but she's got better people in her life now. She made it clear that she loves you, she cares deeply for you. So tell me, Malfoy, do you truly care for her or is that just another of your sick and twisted games?" Hermione asked hatefully.

Draco squinted his eyes and clenched his jaw. "I'd die for her. So yes, I care for her. I'd ask you the same but you don't have any siblings I could compare her with."

Hermione pressed her wand deeper in his throat and Draco groaned painfully. Automatically, I stepped closer to help him but suddenly Blaise stood next to me and intertwined our hands. I clasped his arm tightly with my other hand, but he didn't seem to notice. Helpless, I watched my best friend threatening my brother.

"Careful or you'll get more than a punch this time!" Hermione spat but Draco scowled at her.

"You're right, you'll never understand the bond Arya and I share." He forced out through gritted teeth. "She's my sister, my twin. We're born the same day. We know each other better than anyone else… Yes, Granger, I love my sister deeply no matter how much you or your friends hate me!"

"I really hope you do, Malfoy... Because if you ever hurt her, I'll kill you! If you ever betray her to your family or Voldemort, I'll kill you! If you or your family endanger her with your Death Eater business, you're dead! No one – and I mean it Malfoy, nobody hurts my best friends and gets away with it!" Hermione spat menacingly and Draco's scowled intensified.

She released his collar and lowered her wand. She turned away and Draco rubbed his throat, glaring at her back. Hermione glared at Blaise and pointed her wand lazily at him.

"I don't really know you but the same goes for you." She completely ignored me, still clinging to Blaise's hand with our hands intertwined. "You, Derek. I started to like you but that won't change my threat. I wish I'd have let her throw that knife at you though!"

Finally, she looked at me and her glare softened, much to my relief. Nevertheless, she was still watching me darkly while she put away her wand. Numbly, I let go of Blaise's arm and pulled my now badly shaking hand out of his. My heart pounded rapidly in my chest while I looked at my friend with horrified wide eyes.

"You… If you ever… If you ever mention Malfoy or Zabini to me again, I swear I'll hex you!" Hermione scowled warningly and I nodded. Obviously satisfied, she whirled around and stomped away with long, aggressive strides…

"Well, I'd dare to say she doesn't hate you." Draco stated dryly in the deafening silence. He had a very conspicuous red mark on his throat. It looked horrible against his pale skin.

His voice snapped me out of my paralyzed state and I let out a shaking breath. I run a trembling hand through my hair and chuckled relieved. I felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders and my mind seemed clear and sharp again. I took a few deep breaths and looked around.

Draco gently massaged the mark on his throat, only making it look worse. Derek crossed his arms and returned a warm smile. As infectious as it was, my lips twitched in a very happy smile as well. I fidgeted with my hands and chuckled to myself.

"And I finally start to feel my hand again." Blaise mumbled grimly but we all heard it anyway. I grinned sheepishly at him and shrugged excusing. He cast me a half-hearted scowl and rubbed his hand.

I stared at him and suddenly I was smirking. Derek chuckled as well but tried to hide it by clearing his throat. We exchanged a glance before breaking into fits of laughter. We only laughed harder when we saw Blaise and Draco exchange a confused look before they looked at us with the exact same expression of disbelief and frustration.

"Wait, what's that?" Draco suddenly interrupted us and exchanged a smirk with Blaise who grinned smugly to himself. Derek and I cast him half-hearted confused glances, our bodies still shaking with laugher now and then. My brother approached me and smirked slyly.

"What?" I chuckled and stiffened when he came to a halt right in front of me. What was he up to? With a very smug sneer, he suddenly reached out and pushed my hair back. "What the hell, Draco?"

To my utter confusion and slight annoyance, he started laughing. Turning around to Blaise and Derek he sneered arrogantly. Then he looked back at me and crossed his arms.

"Had a hot make out session with your boyfriend?" My brother raised one eyebrow and smirked triumphantly at me. My hand flew up to my neck instantly when a very dark blush crept on my cheeks. The three started laughing loudly at my embarrassment. Nervously, I turned away to hide my blush but couldn't suppress the secretive smile to myself. Merlin, I can still feel his lips on my skin! In fact, where Severus had kissed my neck I felt a sudden prickle. His damn perfect lips and kisses…

I was interrupted in my pleasant memories when Blaise laid his arm around my shoulder and took a closer look at the bite mark. "Impressive." He then smirked snidely at me and I bit the inside of my cheek. "How's snogging your professor? I bet he's good…"

My face heated even more and I tried to get out of his hold but he pulled me firmly to his side. "Impressive, Blaise. Simply impressive." I mumbled and he chuckled amused at my lame reply.

"Well, sounds like you had a very… sensual experience with him." I scowled up at him but with my red face it surely wasn't intimidating. Blaise grinned and looked over at my brother and Derek who were hardly trying not to laugh.

"I'd advise to check it out yourself but then I'd have to kill you…" I replied grimly but he simply chuckled. Damn, my replies are more than pathetic today!

"Careful Blaise or she might just kick your ass." Draco warned him mocking and started laughing again. Embarrassed and irritated, I pushed Blaise's arm away and crossed my arms.

"Alright, all joking aside!" Derek exclaimed loudly and clapped his hands. Draco raised his eyebrow and I watched him doubtfully. "If it's anyone's part to check out guys kissing experiences… it's definitely mine. So, quit you're pitiful mocking." He crossed his arms as my mouth fell open in disbelief.

"Did he just…?" Draco wondered to baffled to even complete his phrase.

Blaise smirked proudly at his adoptive brother. "Yeah, he definitely did!"

"Derek Hale…" I stomped towards him and placed one finger on his chest. I scowled fiercely at him but he simply looked down challenging. "Did you just admit that you'd kiss my boyfriend if you could?" I asked slowly to make sure I had understood his hint.

To my surprise, Derek blushed and raised his eyebrows. "If he weren't your boyfriend I definitely wouldn't say no. I mean he's smart and his mysterious attitude is incredibly tempting. And who wouldn't feel special if a usually reserved and mean person becom-"

"If you want to make it up to the castle in one piece I suggest you shut your mouth now." I warned him dryly, keeping a straight face. Inwardly however, I was laughing at the thought of telling Severus about it.

"Alright… I was just joking. When did you lose your sense of humour?" Derek replied in a high-pitched voice and I couldn't suppress the snort any longer. I turned away chuckling and tried to stifle my laughter.

"No, you weren't!" I pressed my fist against my lips to keep myself from laughing at Derek's lousy expression. Blaise and Draco were snickering badly now. "But don't worry, I won't tell anyone about it. Your secret's safe with me." Derek scowled half-heartedly when I smirked triumphantly.

After some time, we decided to let Draco and Blaise go back to the castle first. When we finally arrived too it was almost time for dinner again. I couldn't wipe the beaming grin out of my face even if Hermione ignored me most of the time. I didn't care though. I hadn't lost my best friend!

Derek wisely chose not to sit with us for dinner or breakfast the next morning. I could handle Hermione's scowls and her cold shoulder but I didn't think it would be comfortable with Ron, Harry and Derek by our side…

"Could you please stop that?!" Hermione snapped annoyed at me. I almost grinned in excitement but tried to keep a straight face. I cleared my throat and stopped my fingers from tapping on the table.

"Oh yeah, sorry." I mumbled sheepishly. We were sitting at the breakfast table. Hermione sat across from me. I had chosen not sitting next to my incredible best friend for security reasons. Draco and Blaise sat on the other side of the Slytherin table facing me. I gave my best not glancing over at them but felt their curious looks now and then. Even if they had acted all annoyed and childish about Hermione's attack yesterday they were obviously concerned for my well-being now.

I honestly tried concentrating on anything but Hermione or these two Slytherins – I couldn't. So I kept staring at my best friend while she was reading her newspaper. Desperately trying not to grin or beam goofily.

"Is it true you're down by the Quidditch pitch yesterday?" Harry asked from across the table. He managed a disapproving and curious look at once.

"Oh… uhm…" I glanced quickly at Hermione who wrinkled her nose and I knew she was listening too. "Yeah. Yes, I suppose I was…" My retort sounded embarrassing, but Harry simply nodded and looked thoughtful. Inwardly, I cursed how much our fight had affected my self-confidence. I mean I felt incredibly rueful for breaking it to her like I did, and I understood it wasn't easy for her to understand and accept. But how much influence had I had in living with the Malfoy's? None at all. So why did I feel suddenly ashamed about it?

"What if we asked McGonagall for a permission?" Harry asked excitedly, and Ron grinned widely. He turned to me with a beaming expression. "You'd be in right?" I chuckled excited and started tapping on the table again.

"Of course! I've waited so long to play again. It's been ages since I last played Quidditch." I exclaimed happily and Harry nodded.

"Oh, really…" Hermione mumbled to herself and my smile faltered. She lifted her head with a disapproving look in her eyes and turned to Harry. "You honestly don't believe she'd let you play right?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and exchanged a short glance with Harry who opened his mouth to protest.

Hermione shook her head in disbelief and turned back to her newspaper. "You're a Triwizard champion, Harry. She'll never allow something that might get you in the hospital wing…" She stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. But it made sense though… "Stop the tapping, please!" She emphasized the last word and rustled irritated with her newspaper. I stopped again.

Harry made a sound which sounded like a scoff and a snort at the same time. Gloomy he scowled at his toast and took a sip from his pumpkin juice. Absentminded, I let my gaze wander through the hall. Severus wasn't sitting at the teacher's table. Probably, taking a break from the students and enjoying breakfast in his chambers. Would be nice to see him though. After all, he hasn't been at dinner. After my break-down yesterday he should know about how things are going now…

When I looked over at the Slytherin table, I saw Blaise and Draco exchange expectant smirks before looking straight at me. I raised my eyebrows and tried to suppress the amused grin. The urge vanished immediately when Blaise subtly repeatedly tapped on his neck with one finger. Blushing, I looked down and bit my bottom lip. Absentminded, I started tapping with my fingers again while I scratched the bite mark with my other hand.

A hard thing hitting my shoulder made my head snap up in the blink of an eye. Hermione was glaring irritated in my direction and I turned my head to see that an apple was rolling on the floor.

"What was that for?" I exclaimed in disbelief. A small smile crept on her lips and she looked down at her newspaper again.

"Your tapping." She mumbled. Harry and Ron watched her curiously before turning their heads to me. I simply shrugged my shoulders in return. Then it hit me. I remembered throwing things at Derek yesterday for mocking me and now she was doing the same. My lips twitched into a beaming smile when I realised that she was perhaps already forgiving me.

"Ms. Jackson." I flinched startled only to chuckle nervously then. My friends looked up and I felt Draco's and Blaise's amused looks on us.

"Merlin, you scared me there." I replied without thinking when I turned around. Severus wasn't looking at me but scowling warningly at Hermione. She blinked a few times and a small blush coloured her cheeks. I snickered quietly to myself. I bet he saw you throwing the apple Hermione…

"Come with me." His piercing, cold eyes turned to me and I furrowed my eyebrows in surprise.

"What?" My mouth said before my brain had time to think clearly. "Why? … Now, Sir?"

Severus' lips twitched and he raised one eyebrow. "Now, daft girl." My slight blush deepened at my very embarrassing act but obviously my brain had shut off the moment he had startled me.

"Yes. Of course. Now… Why?" I rambled ingeniously. Where the bloody hell are all my witty remarks? I scowled myself and averted my gaze. Severus mouth turned into a snarky smirk and I glared gloomy. We both knew very well who was on the winning side here…

"I wonder how you're capable to formulate complete sentences with your monosyllabic choice of words." Severus replied snidely. I growled under my breath… and snapped my head up rapidly. Pathetically, I couldn't hold back my surprised sound of realization.

"Oh." Severus' smirk widened when I hissed frustrated at myself. He was trying to get back at me for beating him yesterday. And obviously succeeding… I thought sarcastically.

"Exactly what I thought. Now, move!" He said coldly before turning and walking towards the door.

"Bloody git!" I exclaimed loud enough for my friends to hear. They cast me sympathetic smiles and I hurried to follow him. I felt my brother's and Blaise's burning stares on me when I had to jog to catch up with him. Hell, you're so embarrassing me in front of everyone here, Severus! Let me jog after you, knowing that I have no other choice. I growled thoughtfully.

I followed him down the stairs to the dungeons and to his office. He banged the door open and I rushed inside, wondering why he wanted to see me so badly. Did I do something wrong? I never spoke to Dobby so it can't be the Gillyweed thing… When he came to halt he smirked down triumphantly at me. I scowled gloomy at him and crossed my arms.

"Bloody git!" I repeated mumbling under my breath but by his widening smirk I knew he had heard me.

"Quit your whining, sore loser. I couldn't possibly let that great opportunity slip." Severus replied amused and I chuckled defeated.

"I wouldn't have in your place either, but did you have to make me run after you?" I asked frustrated and bit my bottom lip. Severus raised one eyebrow and looked thoughtfully at me.

"I like the thought of you running after me though…" He retorted arrogantly.

Laughing, I shook my head when Severus suddenly snuck his arms around my waist to place his hands on my lower back. Lazily, I put my arms around his torso as well and stared up questioning. His expression had become serious and his dark eyes observed me closely now.

"What happened between you and Granger? She's acting quite friendly towards you." His steady voice sounded cold but I knew he was confused. I grinned and bit the inside of my cheek.

"Well, I went down to the Quidditch pitch yesterday to speak with Draco, Blaise and Derek. I told them about what happened. But then suddenly Hermione showed up and… well. Let's say she made it quite clear that they should better not hurt me. Before she left she warned me to never mention Draco or Blaise to her ever again and then she left. During dinner she ignored me most of the time but kept casting short glances." I beamed at Severus and intertwined my hands in his neck. "Apparently, she's not as angry as I thought she was… not at me though."

Severus nodded curtly and watched me sceptically. "I told you so…"

"Hmpf…" I rolled my eyes and he smirked to himself. "Whatever… Why did you make me come here by the way?" I asked curiously and got a very sceptical look in return.

"Obviously not to discuss your monosyllabic phrases." Severus growled and I looked at him confused. When it suddenly dawned me, I blushed slightly. I bit my bottom lip and lowered my head while my heart beat rapidly in my chest. My stomach started prickling and goose bumps appeared all over my body. There was a short silence during which Severus stared at me with furrowed eyebrows and a questioning expression.

Suddenly, his lips turned in an infuriatingly complacent and arrogant smirk. Confused, I looked up at him through my eyelashes and blushed further. Severus snorted lowly to himself and let go of me. My heart squeezed painfully when he turned away and shook his head. He pinched the bridge of his nose and growled deeply.

"What?" I snapped annoyed and watched him with disbelief. Is that idiot laughing at me?

When he turned back to me, I saw that infuriating and triumphant smirk again and scowled grimly. That made him laugh and he stepped closer. Gently, he run his hand from my forehead down to my heated cheek and over my jaw. Then he locked eyes with me, the black sparkling mischievously in the dim light.

"You think, I brought you to my office for a…" His lips twitched amused. "…a snogging session, didn't you?"

It felt like a slap to my face. My mouth fell open in shock and my cheeks started burning pathetically. Of course, he didn't! He simply wanted to talk about Hermione… Where did that bloody idea came from? Now he probably takes you for being like any other lovesick girl who has her first boyfriend… More than embarrassed with myself, I stumbled back and turned away. I crossed my arms firmly and bit the inside of my cheek.

"Unbelievable. You did." Severus said dryly to himself, making me feel even more stupid. Well done, Arya. You managed to embarrass yourself twice in less than ten minutes. Great work! I groaned to myself and tightened the grip on my arms. Soft fingers on my chin tried to raise my head but I pulled away by turning it. I heard a long sigh.

"Arya, please look at me." Severus said quietly but I only closed my eyes and shook my head slightly. I felt his cold hand cupping my burning cheek and slowly forcing my head to him. I winced when he placed his other hand on the other side of my face. I knew he wouldn't continue if I didn't look at him but I simply couldn't look at him right now. Never in my life had I felt that embarrassed before. I had handled all kind of meticulous situations, but this was different. This was Severus, my boyfriend…

"Don't hide yourself from me." Severus spoke softly and caressed my cheeks with his thumbs. The cold of his hand made my cheeks only seem warmer to my utter annoyance.

I took a shaking breath before finally turning my head to him. I didn't know why but I felt incredibly scared to open my eyes again. What would I find in Severus' eyes? I forced myself to open my eyes. I continued staring at his buttons that were on my height for a moment before slowly lifting my gaze. I sighed in relief. Severus looked at me with a serious expression. I don't know how I would have reacted if he had still been laughing at me.

Curiously, I felt the urge to laugh but I decided for a pathetic chuckle. I felt nervous and insecure under his gaze. Sheepishly, I smiled at Severus whose lips merely twitched. Instead, he run his fingers from my temple over my cheek and to my chin. I looked nervously at his moving arm, making him smirk slightly.

"I won't do anything, Arya." His honest gaze bore deeply into my eyes and I nodded. "Not unless you want me to." I nodded again and felt more than stupid and pathetic now. How did the idea even come up in the first place? Severus bringing you here for snogging. Seriously Arya, as if that would ever happen with us needing to stay hidden…

"Out of mere curiosity," Severus raised one eyebrow. "Were you scared by your idea?"

I squinted my eyes and my mouth fell open in surprise. Then my cheeks burned stronger and I groaned. Severus watched me expectantly and I managed to roll my eyes.

"What did I do that you feel the urge to embarrass me so much today?" I mumbled under my breath.

Severus opened his eyes wider, a quizzical expression on his face. "I'm merely asking a few questions. There's no need to feel ashamed or embarrassed."

Suddenly feeling extremely irritated, I glared at him. "Well, maybe not for you. You're experienced in relationships, I'm not. You're bloody confident about everything while I feel like some lovesick and pathetic girl who's a crush on her boyfriend…"

Severus stared at me for a while making me even more uncomfortable. Angrily, I hissed to myself and tried to turn away from him. A firm grip on my arm stopped me from doing so however. Severus looked more sympathetic and relaxed now. Then he cupped my cheeks and watched me intensely.

"You're neither lovesick nor pathetic and you're most certainly not some girl. I love you and you only! You're frustrated because you don't know yourself being so nervous and uncertain. I understand your struggle but I promise it'll get better in time…"

Severus retreated one hand and placed it on my lower back. Gently, he pulled me closer to his chest and I laid my hands around his torso. Exhaling deeply, his expression changed to one of slight amusement – and embarrassment? Confused, I watched when he seemed to struggle with himself.

"You took me by surprise with your idea." Severus finally explained quietly and blinked at me. I felt even more confused now.

"Why? I'm well aware of the fact that you had a life without me. I'm sure you did all of it before…" I asked with furrowed eyebrows. My brain couldn't process one word of what he was trying to tell me. Severus growled lowly under his breath and rolled his eyes. He placed his other hand on my lower back as well and tightened the embrace a little. When our eyes locked again, he scowled darkly. Only then I finally understood that he really felt embarrassed right now. My lips twitched and by the furrowing of his eyebrows I saw my assumption confirmed.

"Yes, of course I did." He snapped irritated and I winced. "But never with women I cared for. I may have experiences but whenever you're concerned they become useless. You may have noticed by now, I'm private with my emotions and actions, however you make it quite difficult for me. You never cease to confuse or surprise me."

Severus admitted, the velvet voice making his words only more beautiful. My lips turned into a smile when I finally understood what he meant – and why he felt embarrassed. I knew he felt uncomfortable talking about his feelings but now I had practically forced him to do so. I didn't regret it though…

I watched his grim expression and chuckled lightly. "You're amazing. You know that?" I said softly and looked deeply in these mysterious, dark eyes I loved so much. Severus growled and his expression relaxed slightly.

"Because I made a fool of myself?" He asked dryly and I chuckled again.

"No, you daft man. Because I love you." I replied, gazing loving up at him. Severus suddenly became rigid and merely stared at me. His annoyance had vanished in the blink of an eye. Instead, he watched me with a soft expression. I returned his gaze, completely satisfied and happy with being in his arms and having him looking at me like that.

Then he shifted and blinked a few times. He raised one eyebrow, his lips twitching in a small genuine smile. "Daft man?" I nodded and grinned widely. Severus' eyes sparkled in amusement and he rested his forehead against mine. "This once, Jackson. This once." He whispered under his breath and I chuckled with closed eyes.

I felt his breath on my face, making me suddenly aware of our closeness. Severus wrapped his arms around my small body, pulling me closer to him. My stomach tingled again and I smiled to myself. Then I leaned forward and brushed my lips against his. Immediately, I felt Severus' arms tighten around me and his face lowering. I started moving my lips gently and shivered at the explosion of sensations in my body. My heart beat rapidly in my chest and butterflies whirled wildly in my stomach.

Slowly, I brought my hands up and intertwined them in his neck. I traced his lips with my tongue and Severus parted his lips instantly. He growled lowly in his chest when our tongues fought for dominance until I finally gave in – enjoying Severus' lead too much. One of his hands wandered up into my hair and held my head. I moaned when the kiss heated up. Severus kissed me roughly now while the hand on my back wandered upwards. I buried my hands in his hair and pulled lightly. He growled in my mouth and I desperately tried to pull him even closer to me-

A knock on the door made us jump apart in less than a second. Startled, I smoothened my hair, Severus adjusted his robes and hair quickly. I blushed lightly when he turned to the door and pointed his wand at it.

"Good morning, Severus." Professor McGonagall entered his office with the usual stern expression.

"Minerva." Severus greeted curtly and nodded. I watched when Professor McGonagall turned towards him and curled her lips.

"Forgive me for disturbing you but it's urgent. I need to talk to you about one of your students. I cannot-"

"Excuse me, Minerva but I believe we should better be left alone for this conversation." Severus interrupted her calmly and stepped aside. She watched him confused until she saw me standing in the darker part of the room.

"Ms. Jackson?" She stated bemused and I smiled timidly at her. I still felt the blush on my cheeks and Severus' lips on mine. Severus, standing next to her, smirked smugly at me. You're so not helping, Severus! I could barely hold back the chuckle and scowl. Instead, I managed a somewhat genuine smile.

"Professor." I greeted back and quickly looked at Severus who had raised a provocative eyebrow. Now I couldn't suppress the chuckle any longer, making his smirk widen satisfied. I tried to growl which ended in a quiet laughing.

"Excuse her, Minerva. She's impressively eloquent today." Severus interrupted the uncomfortable silence and crossed his arms. My head of house raised a questioning eyebrow at him.

"Eloquent? I'm most certainly not eloquent you daft man." I replied untouched and cast him a challenging glare. Professor McGonagall's lips twitched but I couldn't say if it was amusement or disapproval.

Severus chuckled to himself before pointing his wand at the door. "If you respect your teachers you leave now."

I laughed and waved it off in amusement. "Yeah, sure." I chuckled inwardly and turned towards the door.

"Excuse me." Severus drawled and I turned around, a wide smirk on my lips. His expression was calm and whipped out of every emotion – except for annoyance and curiosity. I know how to get you, Severus. I know you!

I smirked smugly and cast him a questioning look. "Yes?"

Professor McGonagall shifted and shook her head in disbelief. "Jackson, I suggest you leave now before you disappoint me even more." Her stern voice made me nod automatically. Severus satisfied sneer next to her held me frozen on the spot though.

I forced my body to whirl around towards the door but stopped again and turned around provocative slowly. I cast Severus a very arrogant smirk and crossed my arms as well. "Honestly Severus, you should reformulate your phrase."

"Obviously." He drawled slowly.

"If you respect your head of house you leave now. Sounds much better." I retorted thoughtfully and his lips twitched in amusement.

"Get out, now." He emphasized and sneered widely. Professor McGonagall threatened to smile and I would have loved to see it but Severus' voice sounded quite warning. So, I nodded and walked to the door. Just before I reached for the handle however, another idea came into my mind and I grinned to myself.

"Oh, I almost forgot to tell you." I turned to Severus again who scowled half-heartedly at me. I smiled my most genuine smile and saw the confusion flicker over his face. "The answer to your previous question is no by the way. I would've totally enjoyed myself!"

I laughed inwardly when Severus shifted slightly uncomfortable. The scowl darkened and he growled in his chest. Then suddenly he smirked slyly and it was my turn to feel nervous now.

"Of course, you would. I suppose we can discuss the matter next time." My mouth fell open in surprise and his smirk widened triumphantly. "Now. Leave!"

"Who's being monosyllabic now…" I mumbled quietly and turned to the door again. Before leaving I just needed to say one more thing. It was the perfect reply to make him flustered. I turned again, meeting the annoyed piercing gazes of two Professors now but I concentrated on Severus.

"Severus, do you mind if we resume our conversation after the 'daft man' part next time?" I asked innocently. Severus tensed in the blink of an eye. His mask threatened to falter, his emotions coming through. And then he had himself completely under control again. He glared darkly at me and pressed his lips in a thin line.

"I'd love to, you know. It was quite interesting, to say the least." I added thoughtfully and smirked inwardly at his outrage. Teasing him was fun!

"Out!" He growled warningly and I nodded smirking triumphantly.

The door shut right behind me with a loud bang and I laughed quietly. With bouncing steps, I made my way back to the great hall. My lips still tingling strongly with our kiss…