Chapter 48 - 48

48. Troubling Moody

Mad-Eye Moody dragged my lifeless feeling body towards the only light cutting through the darkness of the night. Where his hands touched my body, I felt darkness radiate on my skin. He felt evil and powerful, almost as filled with dark magic as my father. Then suddenly, he pushed me forwards and I fell hard on the stony ground. A sharp pain rushed through my knees as I tried to keep my balance with my hands. I don't know how long I stayed on the ground like that…

"Look who decided to join us tonight!" My father walked smoothly in my direction. My body was numb and cold... I had lost my magic… Desperate and helpless, I was kneeling on the wet grass. As I slowly raised my head, I realized that I was on a graveyard. The moonlight made the gravestone shadow's grow bigger and bigger. Between the shadows stood Death Eaters. They were all staring at me through their hideous masks…

I didn't even flinch as a cold finger forced my head up and I stared in two lifeless slit eyes. "You won't get away this time."

Disgusted, I pulled my head out of his grip and spat:" I'll never help you! I'd rather die!"

He laughed coldly and pushed me on the ground. "You will." Tom Riddle raised his wand grinning ugly. "Crucio!"

A sharp burning pain rushed through my whole body but I forced myself to keep my mouth closed. I wouldn't scream out in pain... The pain felt unbearable... I couldn't give in…

"Arya, are you okay?" Hermione's voice cut through my thoughts. Automatically, I scratched my left forearm. That had become quite an irritating habit of mine…

Slowly, I shook my head and stopped pushing my breakfast around on my plate. I locked eyes with her sighting deeply. "I had another nightmare tonight." Harry's head snapped up and Ron stopped eating.

"But this time it was different again. Moody was in the dream too. He was with me on the graveyard. It was definitely him, I'm sure of it. It felt strange though as if he wasn't a good person."

"Don't you think your mind is playing tricks on you? I mean with the stress about the second task, Mr. Crouch's death and your growing dislike and doubts towards Professor Moody it would be totally understandable." Hermione stated, going back to reading her newspaper.

"But think about it, Hermione. What if he spent so much time with fighting the dark arts that he turned at one point? Everyone breaks at one point or-"

Hermione noisily closed the paper and placed it roughly on the table. Annoyed, she looked at Harry and Ron for support. "He's an auror for Merlin's sake! So stop it, will you? Professor Moody working for the dark side is just ridiculous."

"She's right though. He brought more Death Eaters to Azkaban than any other dark wizard catcher." Ron interjected.

"Thank you, Ron." Hermione said, watching me with raised eyebrows. "We should go now. Potions starts soon."

Growling, I followed my friends, once again deeply lost in thoughts about my nightmares. Harry interrupted my thinking by nudging me in the side.

"You remember when I told you about the trial I saw in the pensieve in Dumbledore's office right?" I nodded absentminded and he continued almost whispering now. "I told you about Snape and Karkaroff who were Death Eater's once. Do they feel as evil as Moody? Because if they don't it might just have to do with the fact that Moody is closer to the dark arts now than the both of them. With Voldemort gone they have no-one to go to except keep hidden in safety."

I growled in reply and cast my best friend a dark look. "My dreams are not just rubbish, Harry and neither are yours. And I don't believe that Professor Snape or Karkaroff are ever going back to him when he returns. They aren't evil like it feels with Moody."

Harry pierced me with an intense look. He looked around for any listeners as we reached the end of the stairs. "One thing I didn't tell you before. I saw another memory in the pensieve which Dumbledore allowed me to watch. Snape was in his office and saying something like 'it's coming back and Karkaroff's too, stronger and clearer than ever'. I'm positive he was speaking about the Dark Mark. I mean it makes perfectly sense. I'm sure you'll feel when they returned to him. Can you promise to tell me when you feel a change about Snape?"

I rolled my eyes and exhaled deeply. My brain was trying to process the fact that Dumbledore would show Harry that memory. What the hell does he think he's doing? Trying to bring Severus down? We turned around the last corner with Ron and Hermione in a conversation walking in front of us.

Annoyed, I turned to look at him and snapped: "He won't, Harry. Because he's not evil and I trust him."

"I know but I don't. Look at it this way, if he doesn't change then you're right and I will apologize. Well, if he does we need to be on guard. Please?" There was a quiet pause that was only filled with our steps echoing in the dark corridor.

"Fine, I promise." A goofy grin appeared on Harry's face and I couldn't do anything else than chuckle.

"Thanks!" He replied happily, making me grin as well.

"Yeah, whatever. But I'm still right and I'll remind you of that apology you owe me and Professor Snape." I warned him chuckling.

As we arrived in front of the potion's classroom the whole bunch of Slytherin's was already waiting. They were looking at something but I didn't pay much attention. Again, I was thinking about my nightmares which had penetrated my sleep more and more the last weeks. As a result, I felt tired almost every day because I didn't get enough sleep. Hence, my patience wasn't the best these days. Additionally, my arm was causing me more and more trouble. The pain had come more often and stronger the last weeks. Every time it hurt, it left a stronger numbness afterwards. Yet, I had refused to talk about it to anyone. I had even started to hide it from my friends. Or at least, I was trying to – of course Harry noticed it almost every time. I think, I did understand him with his hurting scar now. It was indescribably nerve-wracking being exposed to sudden waves of sharp, burning pain without having a possibility to stop it…

"Jackson, you might want to find something to interest you in there as well."

Annoyed about being interrupted again in my thoughts, I lifted my head. I found myself looking at a giggling Pansy Parkinson and furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Hermione held a magazine in her shaking hands. Without another word, I snatched it out of her hands, ignoring her indignant protest. I found what Parkinson was referring to quickly, seeing as Hermione's photo was almost covering half of the page. The article was about Harry and his love life written by none other than Rita Skeeter. Merlin, I hated that women! I scanned over the article until I found my name under Skeeter's report about Hermione and Viktor Krum.

(…) Little did Harry Potter know that he would be suffering not only one heart-breaking blow coming back to Hogwarts for his fourth year. Miss Jackson, an insignificant but very impulsive girl, is having a hard time coping with her feelings. Having been Harry's other steady girlfriend over the years, she seems desperate to get attention from the Boy-Who-Lives. Therefore, she found herself a replacement in one of Viktor Krum's friends - Derek Hale. Mr. Hale is an undeniably handsome British student who attends the same school as the famous Bulgarian Seeker. The strikingly physical resemblance does not leave much room for interpretations, however. Some say, that Mr. Hale is the alluring 'bad boy' version of Harry seeing as he lives in a Slytherin family and is befriended with Harry's rivalling classmates. Like Miss Granger, Miss Jackson is toying with two boy's hearts. Not many know that Miss Jackson has been deprived of love since the murder of her parents by You-Know-Who and since then been growing up in an orphanage. Hence, who can condemn her tormented soul for desperately trying to find love in her lonely life? Nevertheless, it is no excuse for her heartbreaking demeanour. In the meantime, Harry Potter's well-wishers must hope that, next time, he bestows his heart upon worthier candidates.

My heart pounded very fast in my chest at this point. As I slowly looked up, Hermione snatched the magazine out of my hands again to read it herself. How the hell did Skeeter know all this, especially the part about my childhood. Annoyance and anger were rushing through my body alternately, dominating the constant uncomfortable throbbing in my arm.

"Is it true that you live in an orphanage? How is it growing up all alone and unloved?" Parkinson's shrieking voice cut through the silence. Her laugh made me want to vomit and punch her at the same time.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I imagined all my anger leaving my body while releasing my breath again. I knew from this day on, I would have to deal with comments like hers. But I was better than that. As long as nobody knew about my father I would try to stay calm. Easy to say though…

The loud noise echoing in the corridor from the classroom's door being opened aggressively draw my attention. With a smirking Parkinson following me, I made my way to my friends. As we started brewing the requested potion, Hermione took out the magazine and continued reading it under the table. In the monotone work of cutting and crushing, my thoughts drifted away once again to my nightmares.

How can Moody possibly be a Death Eater if he brought so many of them to Azkaban? He would be considered a treater in his own ranks. But why does he feel so horribly bad? Theoretically, Severus and Karkaroff have spent more time with Death Eaters than him. Is it really possible for an aura to change due to a person's surroundings?

Irritated, I threw the ingredients into the cauldron and started stirring. This riddle was incredibly nerve wracking. And the nightmares…

"There's something funny, though." Hermione's voice interrupted my thoughts… again. "How could Rita Skeeter know about all of this? I mean when Viktor asked me to visit him during the summer we were alone..."

"What?" Ron dropped his pestle with a loud clunk. Harry smirked to himself and remained quiet. "What did you say?"

Now, Harry and I exchanged a glance and I smirked as well. Jealousy was in the air…

"Well, I was too busy seeing whether you and Harry were okay to-"

"Fascinating though your private life undoubtedly is, Miss Granger I must ask you not to discuss it in my class. Ten points from Gryffindor." A cold voice interrupted us from right behind us.

I bit my lip to keep myself from laughing loudly at Hermione's furiously blushing face. Severus rounded our table with dangerously slow steps to inspect our progress. As I heard snickering behind me, I turned around to see Draco and Blaise watching us with a snarky grin. It took all my will power not to grin back.

"Is there anything you would like to share, Ms. Jackson?" I snapped my head around and found myself looking in dark mysterious eyes, which were deeply boring into mine. An incredibly provoking sneer was on his lips and again I had difficulties not replying anything leading to further discussions. After all, I had once promised Professor McGonagall to at least try staying out of trouble in class.

Trying to contain myself, I straightened up and did my best not to smirk. "No, Sir."

To my surprise, Severus did not look away. In fact, he kept our eyes locked… I couldn't tear my eyes away. Whenever I looked into his eyes, I just had to stare at him as long as possible. I enjoyed every second I got to look into his mysterious eyes. And certainly, I could stand here in the potions room forever staring at him. I loved his eyes. I loved his sneer. I loved his provocations. I loved his voice. Merlin, he had successfully turned me into a lovesick, clingy person! That man was totally blowing up my cover with his teasing… and with the feelings I had for him…

As I came back to reality, I realised that his sneer had turned into a smirk and he had one eyebrow raised provoking. A small blush crept on my cheeks to my utter annoyance. Damn, I have just openly been staring at him! I mentally slapped myself as hard as I could, not breaking our gaze however. I wouldn't be the one to look away first. Isn't that a childish game we're playing here… The urge to laugh had vanished in the blink of an eye, making Severus' smirk only grow wider. He knew exactly that I had just realized my mistake and was trying to cover it up now.

"Good because nobody is interested in any rubbish you might have to say." With that he turned to leave, a very arrogant expression on his face I might add. Again, I heard snickering from behind my back.

My brain shut down in an instance and my mouth fell open in shock of his reply, abruptly ending my inner awkward rapture. After a few seconds, my brain went back to work and I closed my mouth. Glaring at the innocent potion in front of me, I tried to breath regularly to relax a little. Awkward and pathetic…

"Ah… reading newspapers under the table as well." Severus added, snatching up the magazine from the chair next to Hermione. Oh shit, that was going well for us today. "That makes another ten points from Gryffindor… Oh, but of course" Slowly, I looked up at him and didn't miss the sneer that was growing wide on his face. This can't be good! Everyone was looking at us now. "Potter has to keep up with his press cutting."

Slytherins were laughing now but Severus ignored them. Instead, he started reading the article aloud to my horror. And poor Harry seemed almost bubbling over with rage. I could understand him. It was more than embarrassing and unfair. I would have loved to lash out at Severus right now. He was definitely crossing a line here! Feeling overwhelmingly appalled, I tightened the grip on the knife I was holding and glared fiercely at Severus' robes.

Luckily, he only read several phrases, jumping over the article. As he had finished the part with Hermione and Krum he lowered the magazine in his hand. I exhaled deeply, a trace of relief rushing through my body. With shaking hands, I continued measuring some ingredients.

"Well well, who would have guessed?" I froze and didn't dare breathing. He wouldn't. "Jackson is falling for your bad boy version, Potter. Now, that must be really heartbreaking indeed."

In a heartbeat, all the anger vanished, and I mentally scowled myself for mistrusting Severus. I had honestly believed he would make fun of the 'lonely life' or 'desperately looking for love' part. I chuckled as I continued my work. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw almost everybody glancing at me and Harry. While Harry was still shaking with anger and trying to concentrate on his potion, I turned my head towards our teacher, a smug grin plastered on my face.

"Oh, yeah. I've got to admit I'm totally into bad boys." I heard some laughter, others were watching Severus, waiting for his reaction. As it was to be expected, Severus had himself completely under control, however. He raised one eyebrow and smirked dangerously at me. I ignored his subtle warning and continued. I wanted to get under his skin only once in class. And that article was the perfect opportunity. To my defence, I didn't start it!

"Even if Skeeter writes rubbish all the time, she's got a point with that. I mean, which girl wouldn't fall for someone like Derek?" I laughed and scanned the room before I looked back at a rigid Severus who had crossed his arms. "I heard girls from every house talking about him – even Parkinson and girls who are in a relationship. He's smart, incredibly attractive and mysterious. I mean a Brit going to Durmstrang and speaking Bulgarian, hanging out with the most hated Slytherins in Hogwarts and their rivalling classmates? Those riddles are screaming to be solved. Which girl wouldn't be allured by someone so utterly appealing?"

Once could hear a needle falling on the floor, the silence was only interrupted by the constant bubbling of the potions. Severus had tightened his crossed arms. Slowly, he clenched and relaxed his jaw, obviously at a loss for words. The smirk had vanished and been replaced by a cold sneer. I got him!

"Pity. It obviously didn't reach your brain before. Nobody is interested in any rubbish you have to say, Jackson… Especially, not in the rubbish concerning your love life." His voice sounded as cold as his sneer looked like. I totally got him!

My smirk grew even wider. I knew I was walking on dangerous ground. With his reputation, Severus probably wouldn't have any other choice than taking points from Gryffindor. And he hated taking points because of me, seeing as he didn't want to get me in trouble with Professor McGonagall. But now, I couldn't care less… He had started it! And it was fun!

"Really?! If I wouldn't know better, I'd say you do have a problem with the fact that I'm falling for a smart, attractive and very alluring guy. Otherwise, you certainly would've interrupted me earlier." Severus strode in my direction, his glare intensifying with every step.

"If you don't want to get in detention, I suggest you keep. Your. Mouth. Shut!" Severus spat dangerously slow. I did not feel the slightest impressed or cowed.

I leaned forward a little, placing my hands on the table and watching him with a blank expression. I kept silent and just stared at him. Now it was his turn to be fixed by my gaze. I knew his brain was working rapidly about how to handle this situation in my favour. Furthermore, he was probably wondering where I was going with our quarrel. I smirked wildly and straightened up again, making him blink in surprise. In the blink of an eye however, he had guised it again behind a cold mask.

"Just one more thing. I really do love my boyfriend, so I suggest you stop making a fool of him."

Severus' mouth twitched and he had obviously difficulties keeping his emotionless mask. Nevertheless, I saw everything in his eyes. Realization, surprise, joy… and then there was the Slytherin part which obviously had problems with embarrassment and losing a battle he started. I couldn't deny that I didn't know those feelings…

Severus furrowed his eyebrows and glared darkly in my direction. His lips tightened as his black eyes bore themselves deeply into my blue ones. He had been defeated and it pained him to realize it. I knew him long enough to read it in his eyes. My lips turned into a smug grin and I looked up at him rather arrogantly. Severus' lips curled very ugly in defeat - making him look insane – but that only intensified my grin. With his cloak bellowing behind him, he whirled around and made his way back to the middle of the classroom.

"Thirty points from Gryffindor." Severus velvet voice cut through the silence of the classroom. "I suggest you all go back to work now before you lose points as well."

Grinning, I turned back to my cauldron and continued my brewing. It was quiet for some time then. Everybody was desperately trying to get the potion right while Severus strutted around the room, spatting out rude remarks now and then. Same as always…

To my amusement, I got interrupted again. This time it was a spider's fault. Daring and haltingly, it made its way over my part of the table. I would have stopped my work just to observe where it wanted to go – but sadly the potion required the perfect timing of adding ingredients and stirring right now. Therefore, I carefully tried to push it off the table without crushing it. I chuckled as it took my hand as invitation for a climbing experience. A scanning gaze around the room and I knew I had some unwatched time now. Severus was busy scowling at a poor Ravenclaw boy. I lifted my hand in front of my eyes and reached out with my mind to touch the spider's mind. Well, what am I supposed to say. I scared it off. I scared off a spider by trying to make it understand to leave my table – by invading its mind.

Sorry little one, I thought as the feared little thing kind of jumped off my hand, landing violently on its back. At least it looked violent… Rocking and twisting around, it tried desperately to get back on its legs…

Heat and coldness rushed through my body as I froze right in the spot. In an instant my brain became blank. My arm was throbbing stronger and sharper by the second. The flask, I was currently holding glided out of my hands and shattered noisily into sherds, salamander blood splashing everywhere. But I didn't notice any of it. I was back in our Defence against the Dark Arts' classroom…

"Crucio!" At once, the spider's legs bent in upon its body. It rolled over and twitched horribly, rocking from side to side. Now, I couldn't stop my whole body from shaking. The pain the spider felt was unbearable! I knew if it could, it would scream.

Reflecting blood everywhere… It was spreading slowly on the floor – towards my shoes. Automatically, I took a step back and fixed it wide eyed. Horror had taken over my brain and body… I was deeply under water. A tight grip on my chest made it difficult to breath. My heartbeat mixed itself with the noise of the blood flow in my ears. It seemed difficult, if not impossible to force a movement from my petrified body.

The flashback of Moody's first lesson hat completely overwhelmed and paralyzed me. For the uncountable time since the beginning of this school year, I had been reminded of my nightmare being tortured by my father. I could still feel the unbearable pain of the Cruciatus Curse in every part of my body. I remembered it every time my arm started burning…

The mess I had created was ugly. Not thinking about anything – just out of reflex, I kneeled down to clean it all up. My gaze was fixed on the twinkling and incredibly hypnotizing flow of blood. Losing balance in my action made me fall forward. Everything was happening in slow-motion though. But at the same time my brain couldn't process anything.

Somehow, I managed to steady my body with my hands… by placing them right in the repulsive mixture of salamander blood and shreds. Pain rushed through my hands and up my arms. Sharp splints bore themselves deeply into the palm of my hands. Trembling very strongly now, I raised them slowly in front of my eyes. The red liquid flowed down my hands and drenched my robes…

I shut my eyes in agony and suppressed a scream. My body was shaking with fear, pain and horror. Losing my balance for the second time, I fell back. I pulled my knees tightly to my chest. My blood dripping hands were trembling, still at eye level near my face. Feeling overwhelming appalled and hypnotized, I couldn't avert my gaze. My fresh and warm blood was mixing itself with the salamander blood, running elegantly down my hands. Its equal flow was only interrupted by hideous pieces of glass bored deeply into my skin.

"Arya." I heard my name being called in the distance…

"Jackson!" The voice entered through my ears, making its way right into my mind. The familiar and agreeable voice echoed through my soul leaving a trace of warmth. "Jackson, look at me." It vibrated through my body, diminishing my pain a bit.

"He must be a Death Eater." I whispered to no one. "He's on his side."

"Jackson!" The way the person spoke my name soothed my troubled mind. It seemed to approach me. Suddenly, a throbbing pain spread from my upper arms through my whole body, almost exploding in the palms of my hands. Was he torturing me again?

I blinked a few times in confusion. I was sitting on the cold stone floor, knees pulled tightly to my chest. My eyes wandered to my hands… no blood… On the ground was no blood neither, nor broken pieces of a flask. My arms and sleeves were clean as well...

"Look at me, Jackson." The pleasant voice was right in front of me.

Slowly, I looked up and found myself staring at Severus. The pain on my upper arms suddenly decreased. Severus had released his tight grip. I stared at his emotionless mask, yet I saw worry in his eyes. A sudden cutting pain in my hands made me whimper softly.

"Don't move your hands."

My gaze fell on my hands again and only now I fully realized that pieces of glass had cut through my skin into my flesh. I furrowed my eyebrows as another cold wave of repulsion rushed through my body. Helpless, I looked back up at Severus who was snapping something at someone else.

Finally, I noticed students watching me curiously. Well, except for my friends… Blaise and Draco. Blaise had a firm grip on Draco's arm, keeping him from rushing to my side. Anger and worry traced my brother's pale face. Hermione, Harry and Ron were watching me worried and slightly scared. Suddenly, there was movement and one student after the other left the classroom.

"Should we take her to the hospital wing, Sir?" Hermione had obviously refused to leave my side as well. Along with Harry and Ron.

Severus furrowed his eyebrows and his eyes flashed dangerously, fixing Hermione. His lips curled in disgust as he snarled: "And how is the nurse supposed to help her?"

"I'm sure she can help her with small cuts like these…" Hermione bravely stood her ground. I exhaled a shaking breath and averted my eyes. "Anyway, she's probably better off in the hospital wing."

Severus clenched his jaw and I knew he was about to say something cruel. I closed my eyes, not able to look at him or Hermione anymore. There was a pause in which – I was sure – they were glaring at each other. I dared to cast a glance after a while and found my presumption confirmed.

"Stop it, please. Both of you!" I pleaded quietly, making both turn back to me.

Severus' face was contorted in rage, his dark gaze would be frightening if it was meant for me. He blinked and looked down at my hands. Fresh blood was slowly dripping on the floor.

"Take your friends and leave, Ms. Granger." His voice was dangerously calm. I looked up at my friends and nodded shortly. I didn't want them to argue anymore.

As nobody moved, Severus sighted deeply and glared at my best friends with a furious expression. "Leave. My. Classroom. NOW!" He hissed through clenched teeth.

After another glaring session, they finally decided to give in and moved slowly. They didn't get far, however.

"What are you doing here, Malfoy?" Harry's angry voice cut sharply through the calm.

Severus and my head snapped up and, indeed, Draco was still standing in the same spot with Blaise next to him. Draco's blank face contorted with anger and he took a step forward.

"What's it to you, Potter?" He spat provocative.

"Arya's our friend. You though, have no business here." I saw Harry's hand clenching into fists. Of course, Draco realized it as well.

An ugly sneer contorted Draco's handsome face. "What do you want to do? Punch me?... Well, go ahead. I dare you!"

"You're nothing but a coward, Malfoy. You wouldn't dare fighting without your idiotic friends by your side." Hermione threw in with a deep frown on her face, stepping next to Harry.

I closed my eyes and shook my head. "Please, stop it. Please." I whimpered, almost whispering. My eyes were tearing up. It was all too much…

Naturally, they couldn't hear it. Severus on the other hand did. In one swift move, he was on his feet and looming over my friends. His face was contorted in rage and his nasty glare was enough to stop their fight. "All. Of. You. GET OUT! Or you will suffer severe consequences wishing you had never set foot in Hogwarts."

Drop… drop… drop… Blood was constantly dripping from my hands and smudged the cold floor.

"Blood from the enemy" A voice shrieked, then a scream cut through the darkness…

Next thing I knew was me sitting on a chair. Severus let go of my arms again and took a seat facing me. "Arya."

Slowly, I averted my eyes from my bloody hands. Severus was watching me with great concern. "I'm cleaning and healing your hands now. It might sting. Do you understand me?"

I nodded. Gently, he laid my hand in his and raised his wand over it. I yelped and tried pulling my hand away, but Severus only tightened his already firm grip around my wrist. Finally, tears streamed down my face as Severus magically pulled out shard after shard. Each one sending a sharp, burning wave of pain through my arm.

When he was finally done, both my arms were feeling extremely heavy and throbbing. For once not because of my forearm…

Severus held my hands in his strong but gentle ones, intensely looking at me with eyes full of concern and confusion. "What happened, Arya?"

I raised my tear strained face to cast him a desperate look. "He's a Death Eater!" Severus furrowed his eyebrows and blinked. "Moody. He's a Death Eater."

The same instant, I had closed my mouth again, Severus' expression changed. He let go of my hands and pinched the bridge of his nose with closed eyes. His look was almost blank as he opened them again – only a slight trace of disbelief on his face. Annoyed, he crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. "Why?"

He was observing my face closely now, obviously trying to understand me. Helpless, I opened and closed my mouth. I did not know how to explain all this. My gaze wandered down to my hands, then back up. With my sleeves, I rubbed over my wet face. Severus' lips twitched slightly in disgust…

"I just know…" Severus' expression turned completely cold so I continued quickly. "I mean, he feels bad, Severus – like my father. I'm dreaming about him standing next to my father, Moody takes away my magic. How can he not be if he performed the Cruciatus Curse in front of his classes and even used it on students. They are unforgivable after all. Which auror would do that to anyone? Only a Death Eater would use them so unaffected and careless."

Severus' lips tightened in a thin line, deepening his grim expression. Cold black orbs were piercing me untouched. "He's an auror, Arya. Undoubtedly, one of the best there's ever been."

Helpless, I returned his look with wide eyes, a strong wave of desperation filling my whole body. My shoulders slumped and every muscle seemed to fail keeping my body straight.

"But he's a bad person, Severus. I can feel it with my magic and it never betrayed me before…" I pleaded with the last glimpse of hope I could muster. "Please, you have to believe me!"

Swiftly, Severus was on his feet and turned towards his desk. I jumped up quickly as well and placed a meaningless small hand on his tensed arm, holding him back. He stopped in his track but nevertheless refused to turn around. Instead he was standing rigid and staring into space, his jaw visibly clenched tightly. I stepped in front of him and searched for his gaze. Once again, he refused to look me in the eyes.

A twinge throbbed in my heart. My desperation was incredibly strong, so strong that I could easily kneel in front of him and plead for him to believe me. Instead, I just gulped to keep my radiating emotions under control. Slowly, I restrained my shaking hand from his rejecting cool form. I prepared myself to ask the one question I was dreading the most right now. It was painfully nagging inside my heart and brain.

"Don't you trust me?" I whispered softly.

Sighting deeply, Severus let his gaze wander down until our eyes were locked. His face was excruciatingly blank, catching me by surprise. Appalled, I stumbled back, fully concentrating on breathing now. In the blink of an eye, Severus' expression turned livid and he stepped closer until our bodies were almost touching. His voice sounded sharp and furious.

"Did I ever give you any reason to doubt my trust in you, Arya?"

I winced inwardly, bit my lip and shook my head slowly. Severus pressed his lips together as he raised his hand, placing it on my chin. Astonishing gently, he freed my bottom lip with his thumb. Suddenly, his gaze softened and he cupped my cheek. Relief clouded my mind and released the tension I was holding inside.

"I trust you with my life. But what proof do you have except for a bad feeling and your nightmares? I cannot believe you while the evidences for his innocence are by far prevailing."

I dropped my shoulders and released a shaky breath. I felt myself backing away inwardly. Severus must have notice it as he watched me sternly now. He raised his other hand as well and placed it on my lower back, his thumb caressing me soothingly.

"Listen, I know your dreams are penetrating you more and more. I can see your lack of sleep getting worse every week. I'll give you a sleeping draught and expect you to take it every evening. But I implore you to see reason, Arya! What you're saying is extremely unlikely and simply impossible. How could a Death Eater be able to hide under the watch of Albus, the Ministry and every single teacher here?"

Pain and anger exploded in my heart at once. I narrowed my eyes and clenched my jaw in anger. "That's rich coming from you, Severus. You don't want to believe me? Fine. I know I'm right and I'm going to prove it!"

I pushed his arm away and ignored his look, sparkling dangerously with anger and hurt. With long aggressive strides, I made my way towards the door. As I grabbed my bag, I turned around again. Severus stood frozen, still at the same spot except that he was facing me. His expression was whipped of every emotion and I knew it was his way of protecting himself – or trying at least. I knew inwardly his emotions were raging.

"Oh, and don't bother with a sleeping draught. I don't need it!" I finally whirled around again and left Severus' classroom. I'll give you the prove you need to believe me!I'll make them all see the truth!