Chereads / Offworld / Chapter 102 - Rescue 4

Chapter 102 - Rescue 4

The old man fed Rosela the whole contents of the glass tube and then stepped back.

He looked at the direction of the man and smiled knowingly before speaking.

"The potion will take effect in less than a minute so I think it would be best to wake her up now.

Shall I continue?"


After gaining his affirmation the old man then took another small glass vile from his inner pocket and brought it to the nose of Rosela.

1 sec..3 sec..


Rosela woke up while taking a deep breath and it took a few moments for her to regain her breath.


"Welcome back to the real world Ms Hunter."

The man said in a smug voice.

"I am sorry for the previous behavior of my friend over there , but I really want to know some things.

You don't have to worry about anything , just relax and enjoy the ride..


*buzz bzzzz*

Rosela managed to hear the reassuring words of her kidnapped , but she didn't believe him at all.

She was about to say something when the slight buzzing in her ears became louder and louder , until she couldn't hear anything anymore.

She had first thought that the buzzing sound was because of the hit to the face she had received , but now she didn't know. Including her hearing her vision also had begun to decline.

She could only see blurry faces and every second that passed her vision blurred more and more until she could only see what would look like the static of a television.

' What's happening to me?'

She managed to compile that last thought before the potion completely took effect.


2 minutes earlier

Booth Munnji and me managed to arrive at the house where I last saw Rosela and her kidnapper's enter.

Nothing had changed since the last time I saw it. We each took our position on opposite sides of the house and we decided to start our plan.

[Okay then Munnji we have arrived.

As planned you will first scout with your spiritual energy the approximate location of all of them and then we'll figure the best time to attack.]

[Roger that.

I will need some time to scout the place with my spiritual energy so hang in there.]

' I'll try .'

These last words I only spoke to myself and did not convey then to Munnji through the soul link.

' Rosela , Naga I hope you are okay. '


Munnji's POV

' huuuu...

You can do this. You have done this many times before so have some faith.


Munnji tried to pull his feelings together and throwing away his worry by assuring himself .

He had used this method of scouting for enemies in the Forest of Hundred Perils a lot of times and he was fairly good at it. By spreading his spiritual energy around him he was able to perceive the soul fluctuations of other living things .

This was very useful in the Forest of Hundred Perils where strength was not enough to survive. You also had to be smart and most importantly , lucky. In the Forest of Hundred Perils there didn't only exist huge and powerful creatures that could kill them in a flash but also many ,may small animals and insects who could kill them also.

The forest was the house of hundreds of poisonous creatures that with just a little amount of their venom could kill them both , so you had to understand the importance of this type of scouting technique.

In the forest this technique had no equal and Munnji could use it with little effort , but in the world of elementlists it was not that great . Elementlists unlike the stupid forest animals who had very low spiritual energy , had a keen spiritual sense . If the probing technique of Munnji would wash over them they would definitely feel something wrong and if they managed to do their own spiritual probe then they would find out that someone was spying on them.

The two of them were waiting for the right time.


30 seconds...45 seconds...1minute..

Munnji had managed to scout more than half the house and he still hasn't found their location , but this was good news.

With half the house out of the picture we had to only focus on the other half.

*Tremble tremble*

My hand started to shake.

' I'm starting to get nervous. Every second that passed seems like an eternity.'

Another five seconds passed wen a bad feeling washed over me. I feel something tug on my soul and I immediately knew...

[Rosela is in danger, we have to go in right now.]

[What are you talking about? I'm just about to...

[Munnji NOW!]

Munnji then prepared for the breach.


A literal wave of spiritual energy washed over the house and even I could clearly feel it.


Munnji gave the signal and I jumped into action.

'Water Art : Vortex Punch '

I gathered a huge amount of water to my right had and in less than a second punched the wall of the house with all my strength.


Water and pieces of rock rained in all directions as my attack hit nothing , but that was the plan.

I was going to gain the attention of the ones inside , even for as breafly as one second and we had won, as Munnji in that split second would completely surround Rosela and Naga in a protective earth dome long enough for me to get the them.