Chereads / Offworld / Chapter 103 - Rescue 5

Chapter 103 - Rescue 5


1 minute before the breach.

The disheveld haired man's pov.


*Tap tap*

"It seems that the potion has completely taken effect. Her pupils have dilated and she doesn't seem to be responding to my touch. The muscles are relaxed and she doesn't seem to have control over her body anymore."

"Indeed my potions are good aren't they?"

The old man said with a creepy smile.

"Good enough.

Then let's see what you know."

The disheveld man raised her head up and looked into her soulless eyes.

"What's your name?"

"Rosela Hunter..

"Are you the wife of Nicolas Hunter?"


"Are you human and if you are raise your left hand."

Rosela raised her left hand in confirmation.

' it seems that everything is fine. I should now ask the important questions. '

" Is your husband's real name Nicolas Hunter?"

"... Yes...

'Hmmm... interesting. The lag in her response time means that what she told me may not be the truth. It seems that she also isn't sure of her answer.'

"Do you know Faley Mint?"


"How do you know him?"

"I know him from my husband."

' Haha it seems we are getting somewhere."

"Is your husband business partners with Faley Mint?"


"What type of business is it?"

"..... It's... ughhh... it's...

"What, what is it...

" hurts..




The man and the beastkin turned towards the nosie and took a battle stace with both their hands forward and coated them with whirling elemental energy.

'What is happening?'

As this thought crossed his mind he felt something.


' Shit it was a diversion. '

*Bang* *Crash*

Instead of the man moving first it was the beastkin. He immediately lounged towards Rosela with his mouth that was filled with numerous sharp teeth , opened widely.

Even from a distance you could feel a prickling feeling wile looking at them , but it was not meant to be. A dome of earth surrounded Rosela from all directions and made the instead of the beastfolk biting Rosela's head off he just slammed head first into the dome.


The beastfolk was angry.


Munnji's POV

[Munnji, Rosela is in trouble, we have to go in now.]

[What, but I'm not finished...

[Munnji, NOW!]


Munnji cleched his hands into tight fists .

[Get ready then.]

*Inhale* *exhale*

' I have to succeed no matter what.'

Munnji closed his eyes and concentrated.


From him as the center , a wave of spiritual energy invisible to the normal eyes ,spread in all directions.

As the spiritual energy spread he managed to pinpoint the occupants of the house.

' One, two ,five spiritual energy signatures in total. Four are gathered close to each other and the last one is 6 meters away from them.


The lone spiritual signal is significantly weaker than the others so he has to definitely be Naga. Rosela on the other hand..'

All these thoughts passed through the mind of Munnji in less than 3 seconds and that was something to brag about. He had managed to locate both Naga and Rosela in less than 3 seconds, an impossible achievement for any second stage elementlist.


Munnji gave the signal to Nick and then proceeded to the next and most important part of the plan.

Protecting both Naga and Rosela in time .

' I hope this will be enough.'


Nick's POV

' Water Art: Vortex Punch '


The stone wall in front of him was completely destroyed and the booming sound was heard clearly in the radious of 1 km by the residents of the city.

This unexpected boom startled them , but they didn't dare to come out or even look out of their window , except for some who didn't give a fu*k.

[Munnji, please tell me everything went well.]

[.... yes.

I have found their location and built a shield around them , but it is not okay. It seems that both the elementalist you saw are in the same room as Rosela and are rapidly chipping away my earth dome.

Ughh.. you have to hurry up.]

Nick wanted to thank his friend so much , but it seems that there was still work to do and he didn't mind talking the trash out.

' You will bed for mercy when I'm done with you.'

"Water Art: Geyser Step"

"Water Art : Vortex Punch"



The wall in front of him also exploded and as Munnji had told him inside the room were three individuals.

The first one he noticed was the beastkin that looked like a wolf which was cutting the earth dome protecting Rosela with his elemental immbuned claws.

His rapid attacks did significant damage to the earthen dome .

Another human elementlists was not far away preparing a big attack towards the door and last but not least ,the old man I saw at the door.

"You're all dead."