Chereads / Is This Love...? {Kim Taehyung ff} / Chapter 4 - His Love for Her...✨

Chapter 4 - His Love for Her...✨

*Taehyung POV*

*I saw no one was seated beside YN .... I ran and sat there..... Idk but ... When I am around YN... my stupid heart doesn't stop beating .....*

*Back to YN*

*As we were watching horror movie ... shitttttt!!!😭the scary scene was gonna come up... I decide to get out of here as I feel thirsty too...! I whispered to Jungkook*

YN: Oppa...! I am going to drink water...

*Jungkook noded and he knows I don't like scary movies... aish that bunny face!

*I was talking to myself and decide to stay in the kitchen till that scene passes on*


* YN suddenly rushed to kitchen... I looked at Jungkook hyung confused*

Taehyung :Jungkook ? what's up with her .....???

Jungkook : She's scared LMAO 🤣..She's gone to have a glass of water

Taehyung :Ohh..

*As I was about to focus on the movie I realize ... That Jungkook hyung was Smirking at me*

Taehyung: What's wrong kook hyung!?

Jungkook: Taehyung I know what you've been doing..

Taehyung: What?

Jungkook: I see how you look at my YN... you've never seen any girl in such a way .... I know you from childhood Tae...


Taehyung : It's nothing hyung...

Jungkook: I trust you Tae.... take care of my baby sister!!! or else I'll break your face!!

*Jungkook winks at me*

Taehyung: Jungkook ... I am not sure how I feel about her... but I've never had such feelings for a girl before .. Ummm ... is this Love...???

Jungkook: If you like her... tell her...I have a positive feeling for you ! well I didn't know Mr Kim Taehyung had a soft spot... Hahahaha. I've always seen you kind of serious and unbothered Hahah

*Why the heck Jungkook never says. anything clearly!!! I decide to tease YN😉*

*BACK to YN*

* I decided to go back... I go back and sit between the guys... well I escaped only 1 horror scene what about others horror scenes !!!...these horror scene made me jump... and the boys started laughing at me yaahhh!*

YN: Yaaahhhh I am scared!!!!!!!!!

*After a min everyone was focusing ... on the movie I see Taehyung staring at me...! Suddenly Taehyung came closer to me!!!! ... Ah shitt my body is frozen right now!!! what should I do!!! his lips are near my ear....Aishhh ...!!!*

Taehyung: YN.... you were so bold that day in front of those girls... I wasn't knowing .. your scared of horror movies..😉

*Dammnnnn .... his voice gives me chills in a nice way... I've never felt like this for any guy... I've never even had a boyfriend ....Idk how it's supposed to have a boyfriend but... my feelings start to rush whenever Taehyung is around me... I can't stop this heartbeat aishhh.. it's racing so fast...*

YN: Ummm Yes umm I am scared of horror movies ... Tae I am a human!

*Taehyung POV*

*YN called me Tae omg.... YN calling me Tae is so cute.... Aish pabo Taehyung.... what are you doing ...!! stop this... Stop being crazy!!...

Taehyung : Yea... Hahaha

*I laughed awkwardly...*

*Back to YN*

*Aiishhh that was ... ummm heheh well stop thinking YN... Later the movie got over and the boys went home..*


*I was laying on bed .... and all I had in my mind was.... Kim Taehyung..... Um Mr Kim Taehyung what are.. you.... ? Do I like you..? why do I get so nervous yet weirdly comfortable around him..... Aish stupid YN what are you thinking... remember you don't believe in love... and all those fairy tails*


*I am sleepy but... I still think about YN calling me as Tae!!!! Omg so cute .. it's making me smile like crazy... How can such a small word effect me this much!... Omg Tae are you in love!!!!???.... well I've had a girlfriend before ... Jennie was my Ex ... I've never felt anything like this towards Jennie well... She being there and not being there... I didn't care... lol... The only female I ever loved ... was my mom... she's no more but.. I'll always love you Mom...✨*

Taehyung: Mom... am I in love...💤


*Back to YN*

*Jungkook and I arrive at the university well it's been a week since I got in this university... and everything seems fine.... leaving that Jennie IDK what the heck is wrong with her..... Ah I saw Boys(Taehyung,Jin,Jimin,Hobi,yoongi) ... I gave them a big smile ... they smiled back*

YN: Jungkook Oppa I am going inside ... you go n meet the boys okay?

Jungkook: Okay little human!

* As I make my way to my locker I can't see Tzuyu and others around... Um maybe Their coming late.. Today... I reached my locker but suddenly someone loudly shut my locker*

YN: Yaahh who's going crazy!!!

*Well well... it is Jennie with her group*

Jennie: Yaahh you bitch what do you think huh???? you can take away my Tae and mess with me huh?

Lisa: Jennie Jennie... I saw Taehyung smiling towards her... I guess she's close with him!

YN: Huh? What are you talking about are y'all crazy???

Jennie: Girls get her!!!

*Those girls ... from her group including Lisa pin my hands against the locker harshly which grabs the attention of the students they start screaming My and Jennie's names ...! what the heck is this? a fight ring!?*

YN: Heyy WTF are you tryna do!?...

Jennie: You made me fall that day so Take this bitch!!!

*She punched my abdomen with such force ... it made me squirm in pain*

YN: Aaarrggghhh F*uck are you crazy you ...brat ...

*The punch was very hurtful.... I wasn't able to fight back as I was pinned against the locker by the girls... She punched me several times in the abdomen and with each punch ...I feel my body getting weak.... I fall on the ground in pain*

*Taehyung POV*

*I was going through the hall way when I heard students screaming Jennie's name ... I decided not to go that way ... until I heard YN's name ... And me n boys were shook and rushed ... towards the voice and what I saw was very heartbreaking for me... I saw YN laying on the cold ground in pain and Jennie was about to kick her abdomen... my eyes were lit with hatred and anger ... I run towards YN*

*Back to YN*

*Jennie was about to kick me again... but Taehyung came and kicked her leg and slapped her*

Taehyung : Jennie are you fucking crazzyy!!!Jimin!Jin and Hobi please take this bitches out of here!

*The boys took the other girls away to the principal office but Jennie stayed ... as Taehyung carried me in his arms... I saw him tearing up!... I was loosing my consciousness*

Taehyung:YN! I'll not let anything happen to you!!!...

*Taehyung POV*

*YN lost her consciousness in my arms... I wasn't able to control my tears as .....I recall the memory of my mother ... who died in my arms ... and I wasn't able to save her .... I love you Mom... I'll not let anything happen to YN... All these feelings were rushing through my body .. I was about to rush to the medical room... Someone stopped me*

Jennie : Where are you taking her... let that bitch die ! Your mine I still love you... Kim Taehyung

*Taehyung POV*

*I saw the rage in Jungkooks and yoongi's face... ... my blood was boiling with rage too... jungkook and yoongi slapped Jennie*

Jennie: How can y'all do this...!

Jungkook: Taehyung Me and yoongi will Take YN to medical room..okay ... be quick!

*Taehyung POV*

* I nodded in reply...and jungkook rushed with yoongi ... carrying YN in his arms.... I can't see YN like this*

Taehyung: Are you out of your mind Jennie !!! How can you do this to her!!!??...

Jennie: Why do you care to her so much ...!? Why not me... why did you slap me... and chose her over me....! I still love you ... !!!!

Taehyung: Stop with your game and lying Jennie ... I know the truth you just used me for the money n cheated over me..... I never gave a fuck about you because I knew you were a gold digger but I didn't know you are so pathetic human

Jennie : Taehyung ... I am sorry but I cannot see you with anyone !!!... I've realized that I still love you . She's no one to you... you shouldn't care about her but me!!!

*Taehyung POV*

*Jennie's every word got me filled with much more hatred and disgust*

Taehyung: I Love YN!!!! I Love her....!!!! do you hear that!

*Taehyung POV*

*I was about to rush to the medical room .. but Jennie held my hands I shrugged her hands off me ... and rushed towards medical room*

Taehyung : I am coming YN!...

*Taehyung POV*

* As I reached there and I see YN still unconscious.... which is breaking me inside... I ran to Jungkook*

Taehyung: Jungkook hyung what did the doctor say...

Jungkook: She said that we brought YN at the right time... if we were a bit late it would have been very critical...but she's fine and she'll regain her consciousness in some hours

Yoongi: That bitch... ..

*Taehyung POV*

*I sit... on the other side of the bed as jungkook was on the other side and I grab YN's hands.... her hands feel so cold..... *

Taehyung: I am sorry YN... I wasn't able to be there. your in such pain... ..

*I didn't realize that tears were rolling down my cheeks... until*

Yoongi: Taehyung ... She gonna be fine ...

Taehyung: Yea....

Jungkook: ... But why the hell did she hurt my YN

*Taehyung POV*

* I told jungkook about everything Jennie being my ex and stuffs ... as other boys already know about her..... as I was finished .. Jin,Hobi,jimin were back*

Yoongi: Well that Jennie Better stay away from our baby YN... That Hoe!!!

Jin: Jennie did wrong but mind your tongue min yoongi!!!

*We all laughed at Jin😂😂😂*

Jungkook: Well Taehyung ... I know you from childhood... I knew you liked my YN from day one... but I wasn't aware... You love her😉.. I trust my YN being with you..

*Everyone was happy ... for YN and me*

Yoongi,Hobi, Jimin,Jin: Yaah.... someone's in love ... Mr Kim Taehyung is in love...

Taehyung: Jeon YN I love you...

*Jungkook winks at me*

Jungkook : Well well my YN is in safe hands... n hey .. tell me when your planning to propose her!!!.... Well well ... Guys let's go home...

Jimin: Ah yea Bali Bali... lets hurry up and go's almost evening ...

*Taehyung POV*

*All of them... leave from the medical room ... Leaving me and YN alone ... I caress YN's face ... and place a soft kiss on her forehead...

Taehyung : I love you...Jeon YN

*Taehyung POV*

*I never thought .... my tears will be shed for any other women than ... my mother.... but I was wrong ... ... I love you mum... I love you YN.....I lay beside YN's hands .....

*TIMESKIP After some hours*

*I feel YNs hands ... Moving! ... I call the doctor!!*