Chereads / The Heroes’ Reincarnation / Chapter 416 - Representative Selections

Chapter 416 - Representative Selections

"Burn it brighter!"

"On it!"

Wrock felt the beads of sweat dripping down his body. Time had passed far quicker than he had imagined. Yomi had met with him every friday to cook a dish with various ingredients. Wrock's job was to use his Spirit to provide a strong but steady enough flame for Yomi to cook with.

On the other days Wrock studied the contents of the book provided by Yomi. Originally he thought it was going to be a cooking book, but he couldn't be far from the truth. Rather the small journal contained thorough details of how various flames worked. From how they burned, their patterns, and what it consumed while burning. In his spare time he compared various notes to his own flame, further understanding it.

"Wrock, your control is slipping."


A figure known as Tyin helped guide Wrock's Spirit. She was a scholar in the Arcane Academy, granted Spirit by a giant sea serpent—Wrock was never allowed to know what creature it was specifically. Tyin's Spirit was a crystal clear water, and her control over it was enough to mesmerize Wrock. The way it flowed through her so calmly and smoothly. It wasn't like how Wrock used it at all.

Tyin told him that Spirit that grants a chaotic form was always the hardest to control. Fire being a textbook example. Most of the time those who were granted it find themselves being consumed entirely. She overlooked the friday practices whenever she could, while also giving Wrock some proper guidance in her spare time.

Yomi moved expertly, his fingers dancing above the various dishes. Wrock couldn't watch this however, for constantly outputting Spirit like this was a taxing endeavor. To maintain a steady flame was a lot harder than he originally thought.

In a short fifteen minutes Yomi nodded in satisfaction, "Done!"

Wrock sighed in relief, "This is crazy!"

"I'll be taking these dishes to study them. Tyin, when he's capable of keeping that up for longer let me know. I think I'm finally reaching a conclusion, but I need a longer flame."

Tyin looked up from a book, "Oh, I can do that. . ."

"Thank you! I owe you for this!"

"It's fun to teach a fellow Spirit user. . ."

Yomi undid his ponytail, "Wrock you still have my thanks for agreeing to this. These dishes have been giving me the best results."

"It has been a fruitful experience for me too. I never thought I could reach this level with Spirit.", Wrock replied while wiping his sweat with a towel.

"I can tell! Your flame is only growing steadier!"

"We good for next friday then?"

"Yup! Same place! For now I'm off to go test these dishes!"

"I'll be here."

Yomi sped off while waving goodbye. Tyin watched his figure grow smaller before sighing, "You've reached the level to adjust your body already. Why haven't you yet?"

"I'm not sure I can."


"I can't explain that."

Tyin closed the book she was studying, "Well your progress will only dwindle from here until you do. No amount of guidance will help you."

"I am aware, I'm still trying to figure it out."

"I can only wish you good luck. I will be heading off."

"Thank you as always."

"I'm just fulfilling a favor to Yomi."


Tyin also left the area quickly. Leaving Wrock alone to tend to his thoughts. He stretched out his muscles and sighed. If he couldn't figure this out then he won't be able to progress further down this path.

Doing some stretches to loosen his stiff muscles he furrowed his brow. Looking towards a direction he spotted an old man approaching him.

Wrock waited patiently for them to arrive while wondering why he was being approached.

The old man finally reached a good speaking distance, "Wrock is it?"

"You have the right person."

"That's good. I take it you've been approached by the Provinces already?"

"Yes, and I'm not interested in joining one."

"That's fine. Might I ask why?"

"I don't wish to be tied down."


Wrock watched as the old man became lost in thought. Bringing them back to earth he asked, "Was there something you needed from me?"

"Hmm. . . I am Horrow, the current head of the South Province. I've come with an offer."

"Like I said I don't wish to join any Provinces."

"I'm not asking you to join."

Wrock raised an eyebrow, "Oh? Alright, what are you asking?"

"Within a short time the Arena will open. This is a once-a-year event. One that all the Provinces attend and compete with their very best. I wish to ask you to become a Representative of the South Province, and fight in the Arena for us."

"A Representative huh, is there anything I should know?"

"You'll be fighting against the other Provinces top talents. I've only come to you with this offer due to the declining state of the South Province. I'm afraid we don't have any warriors on our hand to properly compete."

"Ah, so it's an opportunity."

"If you so wish to think that way."

"Well you sold me, I've been meaning to test a thing or two in combat. Fighting against a strong opponent giving their all is the best way. So I shall be your Representative. Is there any others?"

"We are currently gathering the last members."


"You will find us at the South Province. Go there at this time."

Horrow tossed a thin crystal slip. Wrock caught it effortlessly and read the contents on top it, "All right! You'll see me then!"

~ ~ ~

Kan'na placed a few books back on a shelf. With a faint smile she stretched.

The Arcane Academy provided some insight to various magics that she was curious about. Although her knowledge of runes was vast, it wasn't perfect. She had been spending an unhealthy amount of time indulging in the books provided. She even obtained a notebook or two to write down her thoughts.

She felt as if she was on the cusp of something new. Just a bit of practical tests and she should grasp an understanding. After double checking that should put everything back she left the library.

The Arcane Academy was quite large, the amount of classrooms and facilities would be enough to nurture any aspiring mage. Although Kan'na never participated in any of the classes. She tried a few before, hoping to see if they went over anything she didn't fully understand. However everything seemed to be reviewing the basics, or grasping any understanding of runes. Stuff she long since practiced. Topics she had long mastered.

As Kan'na left the library she came across an excited individual just waiting outside. They approached her with a joyful greeting, "Kan'na! Have you finished your self study?"

This was an individual nick-named Bean. Kan'na was never able to find out his real name. Bean had introduced her to the various aspects of the Arcane Academy. She then found out that Bean was a lead researcher of chant-based magic. One of the magics Kan'na abandoned for her magic circles. After Bean found out what magic Kan'na specialized in he offered for them to share and compare their knowledge. She agreed, for she was determined to know everything there was about magic. Including the chants she tossed aside.

Bean lifted a few papers, "After studying your theory on magic circles I came to a conclusion that chants work in a very similar manner. I've been waiting for you to be free so I can ask for some insight."

"Let's converse over food then."


Bean was a very studious type of person. Everything he did was to further his own knowledge. Kan'na found that aspect was something they shared in common.

As Kan'na reviewed Bean's study she couldn't help but agree. The whole reason why Kan'na developed the magic circles was due to how mana reacted when given instructions. It usually swirled into a single point, like a whirlpool. The magic circle was developed with this in mind, with the output being the point directly in its center.

Bean's study showed that chants worked like a vocal form of magic circles. When a spellcaster chants the worded instructions 'lingered' around the catalyst. Usually in an orbiting pattern. So when mana swirled to follow the guided intentions, it would hit the lingering chants for instructions.

Kan'na tapped the paper in thought, "If that's the case, why is there different kinds of chants? Are instructions fluid? Do they not follow a set of rules?"

"Of course it follows rules, the different kinds of chants works similarly to your adjective defining."

"Does this also mean there could be chants we have yet to discover?"

Bean leaned back with a shrug, "I'm not sure on that. Finding a lost language is much harder than creating one. Especially if there is no written records. . ."

"You trailed off, did something come to mind?"

"Yeah, the true language of runes. Something we can't access, well I can't.", Bean pointed towards Kan'na, "But somebody with a Mark of the Arcane might."

"The Arcane Athenaeum. . ."

"The records of the Arcane Athenaeum are few and far between. Only the Headmaster would have authority to access them. I don't know if its location is known."

"But if it holds knowledge we lack, that could further our studies."

"Perhaps we could schedule something with the headmaster, I can see what I can do."

"You have my thanks, I'll be sure to share as much as possible if we find its location."

"That's all I ask!"

Bean gathered his papers, "I have a meeting to attend to, let's continue this discussion in the future."

"I'll be here."

He swiftly cleaned up and left after giving an additional farewell. Kan'na finished her meal and wrote a few of her lingering thoughts out on a journal. Closing it she then looked up to see and old man approaching her. With a frown she patiently waited, for this person was someone she was unfamiliar with.

As he approached the table he asked, "May I sit?"

"No reason for why you can't."

He nodded and sat on the opposite side of her. After adjusting himself to be a bit more comfortable he asked, "You're Kan'na, am I right?"

"You have the right person, who are you?"

"I am Horrow, the current head of the South Province."

"Ah- if this is about joining a Province-"

"You aren't interested, yes I am aware."

Horrow reached into his robe and pulled out a thin crystal slip, "I've come with a different offer. One that doesn't require you to join a Province."

He slid the crystal slip over. Kan'na picked it up and briefly read over the contents, "A representative?"

"Due to circumstances I cannot use my own members in this year's Arena. Therefor I was looking for talented individuals who would like to act as a representative of the South Province."

"Is that not contradictory? Isn't the purpose of the Arena to show off your talents? If you have outsiders to do it for you wouldn't that be akin to admitting you can't compete normally?"

"You are correct, and I wouldn't have chose such methods if I was not desperate. I will explain the matters further if you choose to accept, but only when the others have been gathered."

"Do you have enough numbers?"

"I am working on it, but according to my estimates I will have enough just in time."

"Alright, what's in it for me?"

"The only thing I can offer, you having the opportunity to challenge the other Province's best."

Kan'na twirled the crystal slip in her hand, "Do they have a person knowledgeable in runes?"

"I'm afraid I can't leak any of the information I know. You'll be informed if you choose to accept at a later date."

"Then tell me, do you think it will be worth it?"

"Of course, I wouldn't be surprised if you gained some insight on matters troubling you."

Kan'na tossed the slip into the air and gently caught it, "Then count me in, sounds interesting."

"A pleasure to have you along."