Chereads / The Heroes’ Reincarnation / Chapter 417 - The Start Of The Arena!

Chapter 417 - The Start Of The Arena!

Akiol looked up to an old building. It looked sturdy, just devoid of care and maintenance. Judging from the lack of activity, it almost seemed abandoned.

Mira tilted his head, "Is this the right place?"

"Yup, welcome to the South Province!"

"It seems kind of old."

"I wouldn't doubt that."

Givale walked towards the doors, "No matter! Let's see what we have to fight!"

Shaking his head Akiol followed her towards the door. By the looks of things the South Province managed to convince the majority of the party to join. However Jarvis turned down the offer.

It wasn't all surprising. Akiol was quite surprised that he even went so far to begin with. Jarvis was never a fighter, and he hated putting his tames in danger. Needless conflict was always against his way. Which was why it was slightly surprising when he agreed to assist in some of the pointless combat the party took part in.

Jarvis was always more of a support than a fighter. The Party found him invaluable in exploration.

Entering the South Province Akiol immediately spotted a few faces recognizable, and some not. The most shocking was one familiar face who was eagerly speaking with Wrock. If Akiol remembered correctly he believed their name was Igneel. To come across them again was. . .

"Oh you're here! That makes all of us right?", Kan'na greeted.

"Ten in total?", Akiol asked.

"Supposedly, the South Head is going to give us a rundown of what's going to happen."

"Ah wait a minute! I remember you now!", a voice interrupted their conversation.

A burly man walked forward with a scythe leaning against his shoulder, "You're that Akiol fella! The one who beat Dot!"

"It seems I have an interesting reputation."

"Haha! Good fight! So you're going to be part of the team huh?"

"That I am, I'll be in your care."

"Likewise! I am quite excited to see you fight again! Perhaps someday I'll be brave enough to challenge you!"

"I might accept if you do."


Akiol watched as the interesting individual went back to his previous position. Kan'na made a strange face, "He didn't even comment about me."

"If only you challenged Dot first."

"I should've! He tore down my favorite shop."

Before he could continue to make a comment, Akiol's attention was drawn towards an approaching figure.

It was a familiar old man, dressed in a set of luxurious robes. He gazed across the room, "Good, you all are here. I think it's about time I get to explaining some things."

He walked towards one of the walls and placed a crystal ball onto the ground. Stepping back he then snapped his fingers, making the crystal project a series of images. Turning to everyone else he cleared his throat, "The Gated Arena is a yearly event as you all know. An opportunity to show the strength you cultivated. The four Provinces choose ten candidates to participate, facing in a number of battles to prove which Province is truly the best. . ."

Another individual, a woman with short hair that stops at the middle of her neck, spoke, "I don't care for the history. How are these battles going to happen?"

Horrow nodded, "The battles work on a challenge basis. Meaning a Province must challenge another to a specific battle with their own candidates. This challenge can be declined, but no ones does so."

Mira raised a hand, "Why not?"

"Running away from a battle is akin to admitting you're not confident in your ability to nurture warriors. Meaning you're inferior to the other Province."

"Oh. . ."

"This challenge can even pick the candidates. But intentionally choosing to have an advantage is also a sign of weakness."

Tilia pinched her chin in thought, "So everything is based around seeming like the strongest?"


"So as long as you aren't caught you can use underhanded methods."

"If you so please to."

"Hm. . ."

"Here on this projection we have the current challenges that are ongoing. As the other Provinces begin the strategize, so shall we."

"Strategize? Who needs that?", spoke the burly man who approached Akiol, "I say let's challenge the biggest and strongest and take them down. That should be enough to do whatever your goal is."

"A hasty and foolish choice. Without much knowledge on our opponents we will be walking directly to our loss."

"I think you're paranoid. I get you have a lot betting on this match or whatever, but playing the cowards game isn't going to get you out of this hole."

"These candidates they chose have more combat experience than you could imagine. Warriors of much higher Stages, those who have fought more than triple your battles."

"That's where you're wrong, we semi-immortals do nothing but battle. The days they have to recover, the time they spent slowly perfecting their skillset, that time we spent fighting harder opponents to get stronger."

"In return it made you not fear losing."

Akiol coughed, "It won't matter either way. Their objective is the destruction of the South Province, right? That rumor was being thrown about so much it would be hard not to know."

"What of it?"

"Then their best bet is to show the South is weak as soon as possible."

Gesturing to the projection he continued, "By challenging us almost immediately. Since the team is made of almost fresh warriors there's no way we can beat their seasoned veterans right?"

As he finished the projection changed slightly. Showing that a new challenge appeared. Horrow watched it with a complicated expression, "It seems you have quite some insight. There's no time for strategy. So I give you these few words. Fight your hardest, our only option of victory is to show your potential, and grasp it."

Yielya cracked her neck, "They picking on me? Let's show them that we aren't the weakest!"

"Aye!", cheered Igneel.

The challenge was from the West Province! It was a simple 2v2! The ones they were challenging were none other than Yielya and Igneel!

Horrow flicked his wrist, "Let's throw them off! Without hesitation let's charge directly forward! Make them hesitate!"

The one wielding the scythe grinned, "See! That's more like it! Let's go!"

The Gated Arena, its true form looked quite similarly to the Colosseum used by the Romans. The excitement it brought about could rival the Romans as well.

Four major rooms were settled among the top in each cardinal direction. The seats of the Provinces, equipped not only with comfortable seats, but a easily accessible method of chatting with the other Provinces.

The seats around the main Arena were packed full. Residents of The Gated Arena gathered to watch this once a year event. Either for entertainment, or hopes to gain insight by watching top experts. A buzz of conversation spread like wildfire. Speculation and guesses were the most rampant of topic.

"To think the South would accept so quickly. I would have assumed they would have tried to buy time."

"No matter, their only option is their poorly cultivated members, or some greenlings.", spoke the West Province Head.

"I wonder about that."

"Do you think that the South stands even an inkling of a chance?"

"The most fearsome opponent are those who are backed into a corner."

"We shall see."

"Take a look for yourself, for here they come."

A group walked into The Arena with an air of confidence. Taking their place at the South spectator box. Horrow took a seat at the largest chair and gently tapped its arm. A projection of the other Province Heads appeared above it. Sitting casually he asked, "Blatantly targeting me so early? You could at least pretend you don't have an ulterior motive."

The West Head shook his head, "The sooner the people fully realize how hopeless the South Province is the better. We cannot let any materials be wasted."

"Is that so."

"Since you've finally arrived shall we begin?"

"Not yet, I wish to make an announcement to The Arena."

Surprise was evident on their faces. The North Head asked, "What for?"

"You shall see. It is alright for me to broadcast this. . . ?"

Wary, but also curious, the other Heads agreed. In a few seconds Horrow's voice spread across The Arena. A calm position was taken as he began, "Greetings to the residents of The Gated Arena! As you know this year's Arena has quite the rumor being spread about. That the inevitable destruction of the South Province will occur. Although it is with a heavy heart that I say this, but the rumors are not entirely false."

Shocked murmurs spread among the crowd. The South Province was a large part of The Gated Arena's history. To be disbanded was akin to throwing away their past!

Flicking his wrist Horrow spoke with a resounding voice, "However! I will not allow this to occur while sitting idly by! This year's Arena, this will be the greatest fight the South will ever put up! I will not let the South which I worked hard to keep running be destroyed! So witness it! Witness our last stand!"

"Cut him off!", shouted the West Head.

Horrow's voice was cut off, but the desired effect rippled through the crowd. They cheered with a grand energy in response to the South's claim. The West Head broadcasted his voice in response as well, "Since the South wishes to be so bold, I shall respond in kind! Let's start things off with the first match! Will the South accept our challenge?"

Horrow narrowed his eyes but responded, "Of course."